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View Flow for Android ViewFlow is an Android UI widget providing a horizontally scrollable ViewGroup with items populated from an Adapter. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a screen shot. The component is a Library Project. This means that there's no need to copy-paste resources into your own project, simply add the viewflow component as a reference to any project. When to use This library might be suitable if you have an indeterminate number of views in your viewflow, if instead you have a static numbers of views you ought to look at Fragments and the ViewPager in the Compatibility Library instead. Usage In your layout <org.taptwo.android.widget.ViewFlow android:id="@+id/viewflow" app:sidebuffer="5" /> The use of app:sidebuffer is optional. It defines the number of Views to buffer on each side of the currently shown View. The default sidebuffer is 3, making up a grand total of 7 (3 * 2 + 1) Views loaded at a time (at max). To be able to use the more convenient app:sidebuffer attribute, the application namespace must be included in the same manner as the android namespace is. Please refer to the layout main.xml in the example project for a full example. Again, note that it's the application namespace and not the viewflow namespace that must be referred like xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/your.application.package.here". In your activity ViewFlow viewFlow = (ViewFlow) findViewById(R.id.viewflow); viewFlow.setAdapter(myAdapter); Setting a different initial position (0 being default) is as easy as: viewFlow.setAdapter(myAdapter, 8); Although possible, you should not call setSelection(...) immediately after calling setAdapter(myAdapter) as that might load unnecessary views giving you a decrease in performance. Listen on screen change events If you need to listen to screen change events you would want to implement your own ViewFlow.ViewSwitchListener and pass it to the setOnViewSwitchListener() method. viewFlow.setOnViewSwitchListener(new ViewSwitchListener() { public void onSwitched(View v, int position) { // Your code here } }); Listen on initialize view events If you need a lazy View initialization you would want to implement your own ViewFlow.ViewLazyInitializeListener and pass it to the setOnViewLazyInitializeListener() method. viewFlow.setOnViewLazyInitializeListener(new ViewLazyInitializeListener() { public void onViewLazyInitialize(View view, int position) { // Your code here e.g. ((MyAdapter)((AbsListView)view).getAdapter()).initializeData(); } }); Flow Indicator It is also possible to add a flow view indicator to your layout. The purpose of a FlowIndicator is to present a visual representation of where in the item list focus is at. You may either implement a FlowIndicator yourself or use an implementation provided by the View Flow library. The View Flow library currently supports the following indicators: Circle Flow Indicator This indicator shows a circle for each View in the adapter with a special circle representing the currently selected view (see screenshot below). <org.taptwo.android.widget.CircleFlowIndicator android:padding="10dip" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/viewflowindic" android:background="#00000000"/> And then you'll need to connect your ViewFlow with the FlowIndicator: CircleFlowIndicator indic = (CircleFlowIndicator) findViewById(R.id.viewflowindic); viewFlow.setFlowIndicator(indic); By default, the 'active' indicator moves smoothly from one 'inactive' indicator to the next, as the user scrolls. If you set the snap attribute to true, it will instead jump to the next position when the flow settles at the next page. The following attributes are supported: activeColor, inactiveColor, activeType (either fill or stroke), inactiveType (either fill or stroke), fadeOut (time in ms until indicator fades out, 0 = never), radius, sync (see above). Title Flow Indicator This indicator presents the title of the previous, current and next View in the adapter (see screenshot below). <org.taptwo.android.widget.TitleFlowIndicator android:id="@+id/viewflowindic" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent" app:footerLineHeight="2dp" app:footerTriangleHeight="10dp" app:textColor="#FFFFFFFF" app:selectedColor="#FFFFC445" app:footerColor="#FFFFC445" app:titlePadding="10dp" app:textSize="11dp" app:selectedSize="12dp" android:layout_marginTop="10dip" app:clipPadding="5dp" /> And then you'll need to connect your ViewFlow with the FlowIndicator: TitleFlowIndicator indicator = (TitleFlowIndicator) findViewById(R.id.viewflowindic); indicator.setTitleProvider(myTitleProvider); viewFlow.setFlowIndicator(indicator); Building a jar file If you rather want a jar file instead of a including the project as an android library, run ant jar in the android-viewflow/viewflow folder, to build a jar file. Caveats The manifest states a min sdk version of 4, which is true. But in any case you want to support an api level < 8 you will have to forward an onConfigurationChanged event to the ViewFlow from your Activity. I know this isn't a very nice solution, feel free to propose better ones! @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); viewFlow.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } Contributions The following persons deserves a mention for their contributions: Eric Taix Marc Reichelt, http://marcreichelt.blogspot.com/ Want to contribute? GitHub has some great articles on how to get started with Git and GitHub and how to fork a project. Contributers are recommended to fork the app on GitHub (but don't have too). Create a feature branch, push the branch to git hub, press Pull Request and write a simple explanation. One fix per commit. If let's say a commit closes the open issue 12. Just add closes #12 in your commit message to close that issue automagically. If you still feel uncomfortable contributing the project github-wise, don't hesistate to send a regular patch. All code that is contributed must be compliant with Apache License 2.0. License Copyright (c) 2011 Patrik Åkerfeldt Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0



Android-ObservableScrollView Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central API Android Arsenal Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views. It's easy to interact with the Toolbar introduced in Android 5.0 Lollipop and may be helpful to implement look and feel of Material Design apps. Examples Download from Google Play Get it on Google Play Please note that the app on the Play store is not always the latest version. Download from wercker If you are a wercker user, you can download the latest build artifact. See here for details. wercker status Install manually Just clone and execute installDevDebug task with Gradle. See here for details. Usage Add com.github.ksoichiro:android-observablescrollview to your dependencies in build.gradle. Add ObservableListView or other views you'd like to use. Write some animation codes to the callbacks such as onScrollChanged, onUpOrCancelMotionEvent, etc. See the quick start guide for details, and the documentation for further more. Reference Supported widgets Environment Release notes FAQ Apps that use this library Badge Jair Player by Akshay Chordiya My Gradle by Erick Chavez Alcarraz ThemeDIY by Darkion Avey {Soft} Skills by Fanatic Devs If you're using this library in your app and you'd like to list it here, please let me know via email or pull requests or issues. Contributions Any contributions are welcome! Please check the FAQ and contributing guideline before submitting a new issue. Developed By Soichiro Kashima - soichiro.kashima@gmail.com Thanks Inspired by ObservableScrollView in romannurik-code. License Copyright 2014 Soichiro Kashima Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



PickerView (2.x系列) 精仿iOS的PickerView控件,有时间选择和选项选择并支持一二三级联动效果 ——TimePickerView 时间选择器,支持年月日时分,年月日,年月,时分等格式 ——OptionsPickerView 选项选择器,支持一,二,三级选项选择,并且可以设置是否联动 2.x是全新的3D效果,比1.x版本更加贴近iOS的效果,从外观细节上也得到了改善。api兼容1.x版本,只需要把依赖的版本号升级即可,几乎不用修改代码即可完成升级。 使用gradle 依赖: compile 'com.bigkoo:pickerview:2.0.8' Demo 图片 demo代码请看戳这里 更新说明 v2.0.0 不需修改任何代码就可以兼容1.x 外观大整改 支持反射获取getPickerViewText()来获取要展示数据,以前只能传String的对象,现在可以传任意对象只要有getPickerViewText()函数即可显示对应的字符串,如果没有getPickerViewText()函数则使用对象toString作为显示 加入setTitle v2.0.1 去掉popupWindow,改用View,类名也对应修改为TimePickerView和 OptionsPickerView 加入遮罩效果 v2.0.2 修复不循环模式下点击空白item处出现数组越界问题 修复循环模式下只有一条数据的时候只显示三条而不是填充满高度问题 v2.0.3 修复时间选择的时候部分数字选不到直接跳到下一个数字的问题 v2.0.4 修复不循环模式下顶部超出范围问题 wheel view文字颜色通过xml配置 v2.0.5 修复不循环模式下底部超出范围问题 v2.0.6 修复不循环模式下点击超出范围问题,修复后点击空白的地方,只能滚到最顶或最底,不会滚出数据范围。 v2.0.7 修复设置初始化position ,第三级数据不对的BUG。 v2.0.8 修复#41 未选中项有错乱数据问题。 加入pickerview_customTextSize 和 pickerview_textsize 到 xml 中 来控制自定义文字大小 ---------------------华丽丽的分割线-------------------------- PickerView1.x (我已经把1.0.3版本分到v1.x的分支去了,停止维护1.x的分支) 使用gradle 依赖: compile 'com.bigkoo:pickerview:1.0.3' Demo 图片(招行信用卡的“掌上生活”里面条件选择器他们用的就是我这个库,大家可以当实际项目参考) Thanks WheelView androidWheelView



PhotoView PhotoView aims to help produce an easily usable implementation of a zooming Android ImageView. Branch Develop: Build Status Branch Master: Build Status PhotoView Features Out of the box zooming, using multi-touch and double-tap. Scrolling, with smooth scrolling fling. Works perfectly when used in a scrolling parent (such as ViewPager). Allows the application to be notified when the displayed Matrix has changed. Useful for when you need to update your UI based on the current zoom/scroll position. Allows the application to be notified when the user taps on the Photo. Sample Application The sample application (the source is in the repository) has been published onto Google Play for easy access: Get it on Google Play Gradle Dependency Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file): allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } } } Then, add the library to your project build.gradle dependencies { compile 'com.github.chrisbanes:PhotoView:1.2.6' } Sample Usage There is a sample provided which shows how to use the library in a more advanced way, but for completeness here is all that is required to get PhotoView working: ImageView mImageView; PhotoViewAttacher mAttacher; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Any implementation of ImageView can be used! mImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.iv_photo); // Set the Drawable displayed Drawable bitmap = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.wallpaper); mImageView.setImageDrawable(bitmap); // Attach a PhotoViewAttacher, which takes care of all of the zooming functionality. // (not needed unless you are going to change the drawable later) mAttacher = new PhotoViewAttacher(mImageView); } // If you later call mImageView.setImageDrawable/setImageBitmap/setImageResource/etc then you just need to call mAttacher.update(); Issues With ViewGroups There are some ViewGroups (ones that utilize onInterceptTouchEvent) that throw exceptions when a PhotoView is placed within them, most notably ViewPager and DrawerLayout. This is a framework issue that has not been resolved. In order to prevent this exception (which typically occurs when you zoom out), take a look at HackyDrawerLayout and you can see the solution is to simply catch the exception. Any ViewGroup which uses onInterceptTouchEvent will also need to be extended and exceptions caught. Use the HackyDrawerLayout as a template of how to do so. The basic implementation is: public class HackyProblematicViewGroup extends ProblematicViewGroup { public HackyProblematicViewGroup(Context context) { super(context); } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { try { return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { //uncomment if you really want to see these errors //e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } } Usage with Fresco Due to the complex nature of Fresco, this library does not currently support Fresco. See this project as an alternative solution. Subsampling Support This library aims to keep the zooming implementation simple. If you are looking for an implementation that supports subsampling, check out this project Pull Requests / Contribution Development happens in develop branch of this repository, and Pull Requests should be filled against that branch. Any Pull Request against master will be rejected License Copyright 2011, 2012 Chris Banes Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Android View Animations

For making animations more real, I created another project named Android Easing Functions which is an implementations of easing functions on Android. So, we need to dependent that project. Step 1 Gradle dependencies { compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0' compile 'com.daimajia.easing:library:1.0.1@aar' compile 'com.daimajia.androidanimations:library:1.1.3@aar' } Maven <dependency> <groupId>com.nineoldandroids</groupId> <artifactId>library</artifactId> <version>2.4.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.daimajia.androidanimation</groupId> <artifactId>library</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> <type>apklib</type> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.daimajia.easing</groupId> <artifactId>library</artifactId> <version>1.0.1</version> <type>apklib</type> </dependency> Eclipse Download the following jars, and copy them into your libs directory. NineOldAndroid-2.4.0 AndroidEasingFunctions-1.0.0 AndroidViewAnimations-1.1.3 Step 2 Just like play Yo-yo. YoYo.with(Techniques.Tada) .duration(700) .playOn(findViewById(R.id.edit_area)); Effects Attension Flash, Pulse, RubberBand, Shake, Swing, Wobble, Bounce, Tada, StandUp, Wave Special Hinge, RollIn, RollOut,Landing,TakingOff,DropOut Bounce BounceIn, BounceInDown, BounceInLeft, BounceInRight, BounceInUp Fade FadeIn, FadeInUp, FadeInDown, FadeInLeft, FadeInRight FadeOut, FadeOutDown, FadeOutLeft, FadeOutRight, FadeOutUp Flip FlipInX, FlipOutX, FlipOutY Rotate RotateIn, RotateInDownLeft, RotateInDownRight, RotateInUpLeft, RotateInUpRight RotateOut, RotateOutDownLeft, RotateOutDownRight, RotateOutUpLeft, RotateOutUpRight Slide SlideInLeft, SlideInRight, SlideInUp, SlideInDown SlideOutLeft, SlideOutRight, SlideOutUp, SlideOutDown Zoom ZoomIn, ZoomInDown, ZoomInLeft, ZoomInRight, ZoomInUp ZoomOut, ZoomOutDown, ZoomOutLeft, ZoomOutRight, ZoomOutUp Welcome contribute your amazing animation effect. :-D



dependencies { compile "com.android.support:support-v4:20.+" compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0' compile 'com.daimajia.easing:library:1.0.0@aar' compile 'com.daimajia.androidanimations:library:1.1.2@aar' compile 'com.daimajia.androidviewhover:library:1.0.4@aar' } Create an original view, and make sure it was wrapped by BlurLayout for example: <com.daimajia.androidviewhover.BlurLayout android:id="@+id/sample" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <ImageView android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:scaleType="fitXY" android:src="@drawable/kid" android:layout_width="match_parent"/> </com.daimajia.androidviewhover.BlurLayout> Note: BlurLayout is entended from RelativeLayout. You can use the RelativeLayout rules to layout your view. Create a hover view, there is no rules to obey. Just please remember that this view will be stretched as large as the original view you have created. Bind a hover view to BlurLayout BlurLayout sampleLayout = (BlurLayout)findViewById(R.id.sample); View hover = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.hover, null); sampleLayout.setHoverView(hover); and don't forget that you can add various animations just in one line code. For example: //View (R.id.heart) appear animation. sampleLayout.addChildAppearAnimator(hover, R.id.heart, Techniques.FlipInX); //View (R.id.heart) disappear animation. sampleLayout.addChildDisappearAnimator(hover, R.id.heart, Techniques.FlipOutX); You can view the samples in my preset examples.


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