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NGUI Next-Gen UI 3.7.4.unitypackage

3.7.4 - FIX: UIInput no longer uses OnGUI unless you actually select the input field first (eliminates GC alloc). - FIX: UIEventTrigger's OnDragStart/OnDragEnd shouldn't have had parameters. - FIX: UIDragObject should now work properly with a constrained type UIRoot. - FIX: Key/controller interaction wasn't quite correct with sliders/scroll bars. - FIX: UIDragObject will now snap to pixels after the movement completes. 可以google



2D Toolkit provides an efficient & flexible 2D sprite, collider set-up, text, tilemap and UI system integrating seamlessly into the Unity environment. o NEW!Unity 4.3 support o NEW!Supports both 2D and 3D phyiscs o Improved tilemap editor o Beginners whack-a-mole game tutorial o Brand new UI system o Platform specific sprite collections o Non-rectangular and sliced sprites o Pixel perfect rendering o And loads more features and improvements


NGUI v3.5.1

3.5.0 - NEW: Localization system now supports CSV type input. - NEW: UILocalize script now has key lookup and localized preview options. - NEW: UICamera now has a new event type that supports 2D colliders. - NEW: Added justified alignment support for labels. - NEW: Scroll views now have a Content Origin point. - NEW: You can now freely adjust width and height of anchored widgets. - NEW: UIDragResize script now has a maximum size limiting option as well. - FIX: Improved scroll view resizing and logic regarding how it repositions the content. - FIX: Fixed an issue with how changing panel's alpha would not propagate to children in certain cases. - FIX: NGUI will no longer intercept RMB events that occur outside the selected widget's area. - FIX: UICenterOnClick should now work as expected when there is no UICenterOnChild present. - FIX: UICenterOnClick shouldn't cache the panel anymore, making it work properly with drag & drop. - FIX: Widget inspector's Dimensions field should no longer be grayed out if the widget is partially anchored. - FIX: UIRoot's FixedSizeOnMobiles setting should now recognize BB and WP8 as mobile devices - FIX: UICamera will now clear all active touch events when the application is paused. - FIX: Work-around for dynamic font delegate subscriptions causing epic GC. - FIX: Setting label text will now auto-adjust the collider size. - FIX: Inlined italic text should now look better. 3.5.1 - NEW: CSV reader will now convert the "\n" character sequence into a new line char. - FIX: Scenes using NGUI should no longer get marked edited so much. - FIX: Reduced the size of meshes used by NGUI draw calls. - FIX: Changing the panel's alpha will now properly inform child panels. - FIX: Fix for how URL tags get parsed in labels.


NGUI Next-Gen UI 3.0.7 f1.unitypackage

- NEW: Created a new layout system. All widgets and panels can now anchor to each other, the screen, and even 3D game objects. - NEW: You can now create resizable scroll views and anchor them to UI elements. - NEW: Re-created the Anchor Example to use the new anchoring system. - NEW: Updated all controls to use the new anchoring system. - NEW: You can now specify an explicit Render Queue on each panel. - NEW: Improved the Text List's functionality, adding support for touch interaction and having a scroll bar. - NEW: Recreated the Chat Window example -- it now features a resizable chat window. - NEW: Recreated the Drag & Drop example, adding two scroll views resized with screen height, and the ability to move items from one to the other. - NEW: Holding CTRL will now show the dimensions of the selected widget in the scene view. - NEW: Resizing the widget now automatically displays width and height guides in the scene view. - NEW: Selected anchored widgets and panels now show the calculated distance in the scene view. - NEW: Widget alpha is now fully cumulative (parents affect children). - NEW: UIDragObject script now ensures that the dragged object remains pixel-perfect. - NEW: UIDragObject script now can restrict the widget from being dragged off-screen. - NEW: Added a script that makes it possible to resize a widget by dragging on its corner or side. - NEW: UICamera.currentScheme tells you the current control scheme -- mouse, touch, or controller. - NEW: Button scripts have been modified to use the new OnDragOver/Out events - NEW: Added an option to the widget anchor to hide itself if it's off-screen. - NEW: Drag Object script now lets you specify an explicit bounds rectangle and has an improved inspector. - NEW: Added a button to UIButtonColor that can automatically replace it with a UIButton. - NEW: Added the ability to copy/paste all values of the sprites and labels via right-click on the component. - NEW: Added a "next page threshold" value to UICenterOnChild for when you want to swipe to move to the next page. - NEW: If the mouse events are off and touch events are on, NGUI will now fake touches using the mouse in the editor. - FIX: Changing panel depth in inspector will now reflect the change correctly. - FIX: Atlas/font selection dialog will now make searching of the entire project optional. - FIX: UICamera events will once again work independently of time scale. - FIX: Fixed the glitch that was causing widgets to jump into the middle of nowhere sometimes when resizing them. - FIX: UIDragScrollView will no longer try to find the scroll view if you set it manually. - FIX: Enabling and disabling textures and Unity 2D sprites will now again set the correct texture. - FIX: Adjusting depths via shortcut keys should now work consistently. - FIX: Draw call viewer will now display the correct triangle count. - FIX: NGUITools.SetActive will now automatically call CreatePanel on widgets, ensuring that there is no frame delay (read: blinking). - FIX: UICamera selected object change should now work multiple times per frame. - FIX: Added a new clause to panel depth comparison that uses panel instance IDs if the panel depth matches (to avoid depth collisions). - FIX: Max line count on labels should now work again. - FIX: Fixed the Drag Objects script on mobile devices. It was not applying momentum properly. - DEL: OnHover is no longer sent via selection changes. Listen to OnSelect and check (UICamera.currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller). - DEL: "PMA Shader" option is now going to be permanently hidden once the atlas has been created. - DEL: Eliminated the half-pixel offset setting from anchors. - DEL: Removed anchor and stretch scripts from the menus. - NEW: Further improved the layout system's presentation, making it less daunting. - NEW: Enabling anchoring will automatically anchor to the first parent by default. - NEW: It's now possible to automatically anchor to the mid-points (sides, center). - NEW: Made it possible to move and scale anchored widgets. - FIX: Rotating a widget should no longer hide its side handles. - FIX: Mobile keyboard will now have the multi-line option. - FIX: Re-added support for packed fonts.


2D Toolkit v2.3.0.unitypackage

2D Toolkit v2.3.0.unitypackage 呃,Unity插件,做2D用的,兼容4.3了 Requires Unity 3.5.7 or higher. 2D Toolkit provides an efficient & flexible 2D sprite, collider set-up, text, tilemap and UI system integrating seamlessly into the Unity environment. 2D Toolkit 2.x is not API compatible with 1.x Please check migration guide before updating. o NEW!Unity 4.3 support


NGUI Next-Gen UI 3.0.4.unitypackage

NGUI又更新了 懒得打开看了 太频繁了 有兴趣可以试试 官网介绍是这样的 自己google翻译 3 0 4 merged 3 0 3 letter updates NEW: UIPanel will now show the render queue number used to draw the geometry NEW: You can now specify a bitmap font in the widget wizard NEW: Added the ability to auto resize the widget"s box collider FIX: Draggable panel"s scroll bars will now hide correctly when they should be hidden FIX: Scroll bar will no longer force the sprite to be pixel perfect FIX: UIInput was not hiding the password characters on deselect FIX: Additional checks to ensure the UILabel cleans up texture rebuild callbacks FIX: Adjusting the depth of a panel via NGUITools AdjustDepth will now affect child panels FIX: UILabel ProcessAndRequest was not calling ProcessText for labels using bitmap fonts FIX: Labels with encoded colors will now wrap properly FIX: It"s no longer possible to set the sprite width and height to zero before assigning a sprite FIX: Raycasts that hit no widgets will now be ignored FIX: Fixed out of bounds exception when labels ended with [ ] FIX: UIWidget ResizeCollider no longer does anything if the widget is disabled FIX: UIInput will no longer clear the text of multiple labels on mobile platforms FIX: UIInput Submit now sets the UIInput current correctly FIX: Backwards compatibility additions FIX: Event delegate setting fix FIX: Unity 3 5 fixes FIX: WP8 fixes ">NGUI又更新了 懒得打开看了 太频繁了 有兴趣可以试试 官网介绍是这样的 自己google翻译 3 0 4 merged 3 0 3 letter updates NEW: UIPanel will now show the render queue number used to draw the geometry NEW: You can now specify a bitmap font in the widget wizard [更多]


NGUI_Next_Gen_UI v3.0.2.unitypackage

3.0.2 上传保存着。 给Panel也加了深度“depth”,这个不错。 - NEW: Added a "depth" property to the panels to make it possible to easily change their draw order. - NEW: UICamera now has "world" and "UI" event types that affect how raycasts are processed. - NEW: Collider's Z position no longer needs to be adjusted for widgets if the UICamera is set to the "UI" event type. - NEW: UICamera's raycasts now go by widget and panel depth rather than by distance to the colliders. - NEW: UIPanels now can show all draw calls instead of just their own. - NEW: UIStretch can now stretch clipped panels. - FIX: UITable was bugged with the "Up" direction. - FIX: Labels will process their text before returning the corners. - FIX: UIAnchor was not calculating widget-related anchoring properly.



2DToolkit Version: 2.2.3 (Oct 17, 2013)Size: 5.7 MB 上传保存着。


NGUI自适应 RetinaPro for NGUI.unitypackage

自适应用的一个插件,配合NGUI来使用 自适应是个大问题啊


NGUI Next-Gen UI2.6.5b.unitypackage

最新NGUI疯了一般的更新,现在是2.6.5b 感兴趣的可以下载看看



NGUI文档2.6.3,截止2013.9.11官方文档也才出到2.6.3 算是最新版 本文件为exe单个文件,查阅和储存都很方便


2D Toolkit 2.00 + hotfix 2.unitypackage

2D Toolkit 2.00 + hotfix 2.unitypackage


Unisky 1.2.6.unitypackage C#、JS

里面有两个包,一个C#版,一个JS版 作用:模拟天气,制作天空.... 有兴趣的可以玩玩


NGUI_Next-Gen UI v2.6.4.unitypackage

NGUI_Next-Gen UI v2.6.4.unitypackage NGUI is a very powerful UI system and event notification framework. Features - Full Inspector integration - No need to hit Play to see the results - Supports all platforms - Flexible event system - Make UIs that take 1 draw call - Clean, short and simple C# code - No DLLs or external resources - Extensively optimized 用的落后的Unity3D 4.0,测试了一下导入没问题。 具体变化感觉不大 喜欢玩新的就下载吧。


Unity变形插件最新版 Mega-Fiers_2.44.unitypackage

Mega-Fiers_2.44.unitypackage Scrubbing time value on Point Cache modifier will now update mesh if animate is turned off. Added option to morph inspector to show mapping data so in case of failures it can help show what the issue is. Tolerance value added to inspector, for some very large meshes with morphs you may need to increase this value. Fixed error in the Blender exporter if your morph had no animations. Fixed Max 2013 and 2014 morph exporters, were crashing on progressive morph targets. Fixed missing names on progressive morph targets on Max 2013 and 14 exporters. Fixed missing first target percent value in progressive morphs when using Max 2013 and 14 exporters. Maya exporter updated so only selected blendshape is exported instead of all blendshapes.


Unity3D插件NGUI Next-Gen UI v2.6.3.unitypackage

NGUI Next-Gen UI v2.6.3.unitypackage Features Full Inspector integration No need to hit Play to see the results What you see in the Scene view is what you get in the Game view (fully WYSIWYG) Component-based, modular nature: attach the behaviours you want to make your widgets do what you want without having to code. Full support for iOS/Android, Flash Flexible event system Make complex UIs that take only 1 draw call Create your atlases right in the editor, update/modify them at will, or import an atlas from the Texture Packer. Support for lighting, normal mapping, refraction, and more — unleash your creativity! Support for clipped panels with hard or soft edges. Support for a flexible size table, letting your widgets automatically push others out of the way. Support for eastern languages with IME input. (Web Build Demo) Built-in Localization system Built-in keyboard and controller support An assortment of useful scripts to help you — from changing a button color to dragging an object Simple built-in tweening system. Clean, short, simple and extensively optimized C# code No DLLs or external resources


NGUI: Next-Gen UI v2.6.2

NGUI+Next-Gen+UI v2.6.2.unitypackage 新版本 供大家玩玩



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