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原创 explanation of the summary of linear model
0: residuals distribution1: coefficients2. stdandard variance of coefficients3: using t-test to test the significant of coefficients. p-value of Hypothesis: coef=0. The p-value is the accept re
2013-07-16 16:06:12 718
原创 多路归并排序
2013-07-16 14:49:58 710
原创 索引优先队列
2013-07-16 14:46:08 1891
原创 时间缓存容器TimeCacheMap的实现
Storm中实现了一个容器,它里面的元素存一定时间,超过该时间的元素便可能被删除,以保证容器可以加入更多新容器。实现思想:初始化N个容器,N个容器组成链表,元素的最短存储时间为T,每次将新元素插入到链表头部的容器内,每隔T/(N-1)时间,将链表尾部的容器删除,同时在链表头部插入新容器,每次删除在N个容器中分别执行删除操作。可以每个元素的存储时间为:[T, T + T/(N-1)]在具体实
2013-07-16 14:45:08 2445
原创 design a regress function whose coeficients satisfy certain conditions
Problem: Given n points (x_1, x_2, ...x_n) as independent variables, where x_i can be a value or a vector, and the dependent variables (y_1, y_2, ... y_i), design a regression that satifies: 1.
2013-04-16 11:14:48 663
原创 find the two same numbers in 1 million random numbers
Problem: There are two same numbers and other unique numbers in a set which contains 1 million random numbers totally. Find out the two same numbers.Ideas: If the range of numbers is small, we
2013-03-27 17:33:40 668
原创 separate odd and even numbers in an array in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity
Problem: as titleSolution: same as partition algorithm in quick sort./**after processing, odd number is in the left part, even number in the right part*/void separate(int a[], int size) { if (s
2013-03-26 16:53:30 649
原创 bitwise trie tree 的参考实现-nedtries简单解析
trie tree 是一种公共前缀树,(和关联规则的一种算法frequent-pattern growth算法的数据结构相同),具体定义见wiki。上面为一棵trie tree,直观上看,如这种数据结构做索引,应该不错,事实也是如此:)。节点值为0/1的trie tree,称为bitwise trie。bitwise trie是一个二叉查找trie tree。下面看nedtri
2013-03-08 16:53:29 2213
原创 Using Interval Estimation to set prior value in Online Learning method
The below method is a common way to compute ctr: ctr = (baseClickNumber + clickNumber)/(baseShowNumber + showNumber)If you know history(yesterday or last month) ctr, ho
2013-03-08 11:13:41 409
原创 Weak variable scope control in Python
Variable scope in Python is very similar to that in C.Functions can access any variable in its upper scope. It's a good feature for closure. However, It's not satisfying in some situation.Let's u
2013-02-18 20:02:40 257
原创 Intuition of P-value
Let's use an example to demonstrate it. We suppose a coin flip is fair(null hypothesis: H: p=0.5). We begin to experiment, and toss coins 20 times. But we found the coin tuning up heads 14 times. C
2013-02-18 19:30:23 457
原创 svn: check out a new branch , realse or tag and merge to branches.
<br />create a new branch <br /> In SVN, branches, realses and tags are just common directories. Creating a new branch means making a new directory to contain files copied from other direcotries.<br /><br />commands as below:<br /> svn mkdir -m "creatin
2011-04-27 17:19:00 620
原创 find the kth largest element in a list and find the first k largest elements in a list
<br />Problem 1: Given an unordered list, find the kth largest element in this list.<br /><br />Solution 1<br /> sort this list and you can immediately get the kth largest element.<br /> The time-complexity is O(NlogN).<br /> <br />Solution 2<br /> py
2011-04-14 16:17:00 1323
原创 Qiuck Sort
<br />Quick Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm.<br /> <br />erlang code:<br />%implements the partition method. Just for demonstration. Actually you can use BIF lists:partition(Cmp, List).part([], _, Smaller, Larger) -> {Smaller, Larger};part([H|L]
2011-04-13 15:01:00 483
原创 erlang list
syntax is same to list in python.favourite functions in lists module.nth(N, List).sublist(List1, Len)/sublist(List, start, len).sort(List).usort(fun, List).seq(From, To , [Incr]) is same to range() in python.append(list of lists).append(List1 , List2), sam
2011-04-08 20:04:00 858
原创 show , append enviroment variables
Show all enviroment variablesCommand:env Show local environment variablesCommand:set Append environment variablesThe most common usage is to append directories that contain executable fi
2011-03-24 15:53:00 529
转载 特殊符号的英文读音
<br />原文链接:http://blog.taihainet.com/user1/65486/archives/2010/105267.html<br /><br /><br />特殊符号的英文读音<br />` backquote 反引号 <br />~ tilde <br />! exclam <br />@ at <br /># numbersign,英语国家是hash,美语是pound,音乐里作sharp,如:C# <br />$ dollar <br />% percent <br />^ c
2011-03-21 17:46:00 1126
原创 Use awk to do simple statistics job
<br />Basic use<br /><br />Example:<br />print requred fields<br />awk -F "/t" '$2>30{print $3"/t"$4}' a.txt > b.txt<br /><br />This sentence means the seperator in a.txt is "/t" and print the third and forth fields when the second filed is greater than 30
2011-03-18 19:33:00 366
原创 String object and String literal are different
String s = new String("hello");String t = "hello";In above code, s is a String object and t is a String literal, that means 's == t ' is not true. String literals are in 'constant pool' and are compiled into .class file. While String Object is dynamically
2011-03-15 15:59:00 320
原创 don't forget to append one ';' after every class definition
<br />gcc compiler complains that 'error: expected unqualified-id before string constant'<br />The most possible reason is that you forget one ';' after a class definition. Java programmers never forget the ';' after every class definition. <br />And rem
2011-03-07 15:42:00 466
转载 Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes
<br /><br />Original Link:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa273534(v=vs.60).aspx<br /><br />C++ Specific —><br />An abstract class contains at least one pure virtual function. Specify a virtual function as pure by placing = 0 at the end of its decl
2011-03-07 13:21:00 319
原创 basis of javascript
Javascript and Java are alike each other, including control statements and String object.All control statements such as if, for, while, swith in java also emerge in javascript . Code Example: var lines = new Array("hello", "world");for(var i = 0; i ");
2011-02-27 18:03:00 361
原创 inline-block
<br />place many blocks in one line.<br /> <br />code:<br />#left{ margin-left:20px; position: relative; top:20px; display: inline-block;}#right{ display:inline-block; vertical-align: top; /*set block alignment */ position:relati
2011-02-24 17:51:00 347
原创 Notes:java comile flag
<br /><br /><br />article original address:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-5things11/index.html<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />DisableExplicitGC flag<br />Explicit garbage collection is a really bad idea -- sometimes on the order of locking
2011-02-18 16:15:00 426
原创 notes on ibm:dw"5 things you didn't know about ... Command-line flags for the JVM"
article original address:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-5things11/index.htmlDisableExplicitGC flagExplicit garbage collection is a really bad idea -- sometimes on the order of locking youreself in a phone booth with a rabid pit bull.Syste
2011-01-17 11:18:00 444
原创 C++ styles
<br />1. An entity (function, class, etc) only has one compact responsibility.<br /> design small class, and seperate incompact functions.<br /> <br />2. Use 'const' as more as possible.<br /> for example:<br /> class Paras{ static co
2010-12-13 18:31:00 345
原创 css: basics and text
three types of selector1. directly apply to html element. p{ text-align: center; color: red; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 25pt; font-style: bold; } 2. unique selector that occurs at most o
2010-12-13 16:26:00 408
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