Functional Specification - Data Capture Application - v1 2







Data Capture Application

Functional Specification
















Apr. 29, 2008






Janus Zhu

Checked by

Edward Lau


1      Amendment history. 5

2      Introduction. 6

3      Background. 7

Why Acxiom Data Capture Platform?. 7

Key Objectives. 7

Glossary. 7

4      Summary Requirements. 9

4.1.1     Requirements and Business Rules. 9

4.1.2     Function map. 10

4.1.3     Typical process flows. 11       Data capture and Quality control 11       Data capture template delivery. 11

4.1.4     Architecture solution considerations. 12

4.1.5     Installation Method. 12

5      Operator User. 13

5.1        Launch. 14

5.2        Capture of data. 15

5.2.1     Create a new data file. 15

5.2.2     Data capture page. 16

5.2.3     Question types. 17    Single answer questions. 17    Multiple answers questions. 18    Free text questions. 19    Numeric questions. 19    Date questions. 20

5.2.4     Data entry method. 21

5.2.5     Review previous questions. 21

5.2.6     Save. 22

5.3        Open an existing data file. 23

5.3.1     File info. 23

5.3.2     Search. 23

5.3.3     Add. 24

5.3.4     Update. 24

5.3.5     Delete. 24

5.3.6     Spreadsheet 24

5.4        Re-check a unqualified data file. 25

5.4.1     Review of Data. 25

5.4.2     Search. 25

5.4.3     Update. 25

5.5        Exit 26

6      Supervisor User. 27

6.1        Validate data captured (Quality Control) 28

6.1.1     Open a data file (flat file) 28       Business rules. 28

6.1.2     View the data file in spreadsheet 28       File info. 29       Search. 29

6.1.3     Add / update / delete data. 29       Add. 29       Update. 30       Delete. 30

6.1.4     Validate / invalidate data. 30    Check in spreadsheet 30    Check in data capture page. 30

6.1.5     Save the validation. 31

6.1.6     Exit 31

6.2        Template(s) Management 32

6.2.1     Create new template(s) 32

6.2.2     Define questions. 32       Single answer question. 33    Question #. 34    Mandatory. 34    Configuration. 34    Label 34    Options. 34    Last option is an open text 35    Notification. 35       Multiple answers question. 35    Question #. 36    Mandatory. 36    Configuration. 36    Label 36    Options. 36    Last option is an open text 37    Max number 37    Notification. 37       Free text 37    Question #. 38    Mandatory. 38    Configuration. 38    Label 38    Length of text 38    Semi-auto. 38    Notification. 39       Numeric. 39    Question #. 40    Mandatory. 40    Unique. 40    Configuration. 40    Label 41    Min and max value limitation. 41    Decimal / integer, # of decimals. 41    Notification. 41       Date. 41    Question #. 42    Mandatory. 42    Configuration. 42    Label 42    Format 43    Min and max value limitation. 43    Notification. 43

6.2.3     Define procedure (Configuration) 43       Single answer question. 44    Choose a formula. 45    Value list 46    Criteria list 46       Multiple answers question. 46    Choose a formula. 47    Value list 48    Criteria list 48       Free text question. 48    Choose a formula. 49    Criteria list 49       Numeric question. 49    Choose a formula. 50    Criteria list 51       Date question. 51    Choose a formula. 52    Criteria list 53

6.2.4     View the question list of template. 53       Add questions. 54       Update questions. 55       Delete questions. 55       Change the sequence of questions. 55

6.2.5     Save the template file. 55

6.2.6     Export the template. 56       Business rule: 56

6.2.7     Update the existing template(s) 56

7      Report 57









Apr 18, 2008

Janus Zhu

Document creation


Apr 29, 2008

Janus Zhu

Updated following review with Ed. Multiple changes to document.


May 14, 2008

Janus Zhu

Updated following review with JD & Ed.





This document details the primary functionalities of Data Capture application with screen mock-up where applicable.


It is created to give the system architect a clear picture on the functional design of the Data Capture application. Likewise, it will play an important role in the functional testing of the Data Capture application by aiding in the creation of necessary test cases.




Why Acxiom Data Capture Platform?

The Data Capture Platform is designed to streamline the process of data capture and quality control.


The user of data capture is the Operations Centre in Rugao.

Key Objectives


Operators will be to capture data more efficiently and accurately as the task of data capture will be possible with just the keyboard. Use of mouse would be an option. Some types of questions will have pre-defined answers which will help improve the efficiency of data capture.



Supervisors will now be able to configure the information including questions and answers for each data capture project.


Quality Control

Supervisor is empowered to control the quality of data captured (by being able to specify pre-defined answers for certain questions)


To ensure quality of work, supervisors can also access the reports on the quality of each batch submitted by the operators. For each of these batches, it’s easy to generate report by time period and by operator.



For security purpose, all the data files generated will be encrypted by the platform. Additionally, there will be two levels of access – Operator and Supervisor.





Label in platform


A set of data papers (forms) to be captured. Usually 100.

Data file (Flat file)

Data paper

A piece of paper with customer info


Batch ID

The ID of each data paper. It’s a unique ID in one project, but not unique in all projects.

Batch ID


A specific marketing project of a specific client.


Data paper template

The template that will be defined by the supervisor for use by the operator for the data capture operation.




4.1.1  Requirements and Business Rules

The high-level requirements and key business rules for the application are defined in this section.


·         Type of Users

-       Operator

-       Supervisor

·         Language

-       Chinese

·         Access to application

-       To access application, users simply launch the application.

-       No login or password is needed.

·         Saving data files

-       By record

·         Saving template files

-       User defined

·         Encryption

-       The saved data flat file will be encrypted, which can be opened and viewed within the application only

·         A template (project) must exist before data capture can begin.

·         Format of data file

-       Pipe-delimited

-       Type = txt file

·         Layout of data file

-       None is needed as layout will be as defined by the type and number of questions defined in the template.












4.1.2  Function map

The following diagram provides a high-level overview of the general function areas within the application for the two user types.
















4.1.3  Typical process flows   Data capture and Quality control





1)     Operator creates a new data file (flat file) based on an existing Data Paper template.

2)     Operator captures data and application the batch of data as an encrypted flat file, which can be opened by the admin application.

3)     Operator sends the flat file to supervisor through LAN.

4)     Supervisor opens the flat file and commences quality control process.

5)     Upon successful qualification, qualified batch (flat file) will be ready for clients’ application.

6)     All unqualified batches (flat file) will be sent back to operator to be rechecked.   Data capture template delivery




1)     Supervisor creates a new template and compiles it.

2)     Supervisor passes the template file (compiled file) to operators

3)     Operators open the template file  (compiled file) and capture data basing on the template.


4.1.4  Architecture solution considerations




4.1.5  Installation Method


The Data Capture application is to be a client-service application. The application will be installed locally on users (supervisor and operator) computer.



The Operator Software is installed on operator’s PC.



The application being used by the Operator user shall have the following functions:

-       Capture of data

-       View spreadsheet of data captured

-       Add / update / delete

-       Save automatically to a flat file





Operator can create a new data file (flat file) based on an existing Data Paper template and start to capture data.


5.2.1  Create a new data file

Before we can begin to capture the data, a new data file must be created.

To do this, users will choose “New” in file menu.




Then operator is asked to select the template file from the list, which is already stored under a specific folder in their local PC.




Note: The template files should be stored under a specific folder.

For more details about template, please refer to section “Template”.


And then operator is asked to name the data file. Operator can determine both the name and the location to be saved.




5.2.2  Data capture page

The operator shall capture data question by question.

The data capture page is illustrated as below.












1)    Displays the current question and space to input answer(s)

2)    Displays all the questions and the filled answers.

3)    Displays the notification and choices of the current question.

4)    Displays the number of the current record.

5)    Displays the QC (Quality Control) status of the current record.

a)     Unchecked

b)     Validated

c)     Invalidated

6)    Users will be able to move accross the questions. This can be done by using the “Up” / “Down” buttons.

7)    Users will be able to jump to the next record. And in the mean time, the current record will be saved automatically (all the mandatory questions should be filled; otherwise  The next mandatory question will be displayed until filled)

8)    Users will be able to view all the records of this batch in a spreadsheet view.


5.2.3  Question types

This part outlines the types of questions that will be described in the section of Define Questions.  Single answer questions

Input the choice number.

When finished, use “Enter” key to move to the next question. Or use “Next” button to jump to the next record (all the mandatory question should be filled, otherwise, the application will jump to the next mandatory question for the same record instead.) If the answer is not valid (i.e. inputting a number that is not listed in the possible answers), the focus will remain in the text box, and the invalid value will be selected to be corrected by the user.



The answer of a question will be displayed once it is submitted,
  Multiple answers questions

Input the numbers of choices (the number of textboxes to be displayed in the answer panel should be equal to the number of choices for the question. The program should check that the same answer has not been keyed more than 1 time). Use “Tab” key to move the focus to next answer box.

When finished, use “Enter” key to move to the next question. Or use “Next” button to jump to the next record (all the mandatory question should be filled, otherwise, the application will jump to the next mandatory question for the same record instead.). If an answer is not valid (for example inputting a number that is not listed in the possible answers or same number keyed twice), the focus will remain in the text box containing the error, and the invalid value will be selected to be corrected by the user.
  Free text questions

Input the text contents.

When finished, use “Enter” key to move to the next question. Or use “Next” button to jump to the next record (all the mandatory question should be filled otherwise, the application will jump to the next mandatory question for the same record instead.)
  Numeric questions

Input the number.

When finished, use “Enter” key to move to the next question. Or use “Next” button to jump to the next record (all the mandatory question should be filled, otherwise the application will jump to the next mandatory question for the same record instead). If the answer is not valid (for example alphanumeric string, or value out of the defined range of valid answers), the focus will remain in the text box containing the error and the invalid value will be selected to be corrected by the user.
  Date questions

Input the date according to the format required.

When finished, use “Enter” key to move to the next question. Or use “Next” button to jump to the next record (all the mandatory question should be filled, otherwise the application will jump to the next mandatory question for the same record instead)




5.2.4  Data entry method

The process of capturing data is defined as below. In order to improve the capture efficiency, question transition occurs with one of the following options:


Ÿ   “Tab” key to go to next control on the page

Ÿ   “Enter” key to go to next question

Ÿ   Hit “Next” button at any time to jump to the next record (provided that all mandatory questions have been answered for the current record. If not, hitting the next button will jump to the next unanswered mandatory question of the current record).

Ÿ   Go to next record when last question filled (defined during setup of data template)


5.2.5  Review previous questions

Operator can go back to previous questions to correct the answers by using the “Up” / “Down” buttons.


The question displayed on the top should be the question chosen by the operator. Also, the “Notification” section and “Option” section at right side will display any information related to the question being completed.


All answers (responses) input to each question will be saved automatically by the application before moving to the next record.




5.2.6  Save

The data file will be saved automatically when each record is captured and jumping to the second record.


In the “save” process, the application shall generate a header record in actual data file, stating the expected information, including

-       Project / client name

-       Template name

-       Template version

-       Operator (computer name)


Operator can open an existing data file, to add, update or delete record(s).


Note: The template of the data file should be located in the template folder of the application; otherwise the data file will not be opened. A warning message should appear: “The template file is missing, the file cannot be opened. Please add the template file into the template folder and try again.”


When opening an existing data file, the screen below will be displayed.




Below is an outline of the information and functions available to the user.

5.3.1  File info

The file info displayed on the top, include the project / client, template name, template version and operator (computer name). The file info is generated by system when the file was saved.

5.3.2  Search

This allows the user to apply a filter when doing a search of records in the spreadsheet view.


By default, all the records of the file are displayed in the spreadsheet list.


By inputting the criterion (choosing from the list), and click “search”, only the record(s) matching the entered value of the criterion will be displayed.

-       Attribute: each question can be the attribute

-       Value: the required value of attribute


The feature should only support exact match..

5.3.3  Add

This allows the user to add a new record. The application will bring the user to an empty Data Capture page and allow user to input the answers. As soon as a new record is added, the operator name (computer name) stored in the data file header will be replaced by the computer name of the operator adding the record)

5.3.4  Update

This allows the user to update or amend an existing record. The Data Capture page of the specific record will be presented and will enable the user to update the answers. As soon as a record is updated, the operator name (computer name) stored in the data file header will be replaced by the computer name of the operator amending the record)

5.3.5  Delete

This allows the user to delete an existing record. An information box will pop-up asking the user to confirm the deletion. If the deletion is confirmed, the specific record will be deleted.

5.3.6  Spreadsheet

The application should have a “spreadsheet” view that allows the user to do the following:

-       Updates directly into the “spreadsheet”

-       The records can be sort by clicking the attribute on the top line of the spreadsheet.


Note: When moving to another record, the update made to the previous record will be saved automatically.




5.4.1  Review of Data

Operators can open an unqualified data file, view all the records in the spreadsheet format.


Operator can re-check / update records in spreadsheet page.


5.4.2  Search

Operator can use filer function to search for the records with criteria. E.g.:

-       Validate Flag = Null. Then all the records that haven’t been checked by supervisor will be displayed.

-       Validate Flag = 0. Then all the records unqualified by supervisor will be displayed.


5.4.3  Update

Operator can update the record(s) in both spreadsheet or in data capture page.


Note: When moving to another record, the update made to the previous record will be saved automatically. (The same for updating in the spreadsheet and data capture page). This operation will also reset the value of the record status (validated/invalidated/not checked): TO BE CONFIRMED BY JANUS




When exit the application, the system will check whether the current record is filled with any questions.

-       If any question is filled, the application cannot be closed unless the current recorder is submitted (saved) by opening a new record. A box will pop to alert “Please submit the current record before exiting.”

-       If no question is filled, the application will be closed.


The Supervisor Software is installed on supervisor’s PC.


The application being used by the Operator user shall have the following functions:

    Validate data captured (Quality Control)

  Open data files (flat file)

  Validate / invalidate data

  Add / update / delete data

  Save the updated data files automatically

    Data Paper template management

  Create new template(s)

  Define questions

  Preview the template

  Save the template file

  Export the template

  Update existing template(s)




6.1.1  Open a data file (flat file)   Business rules

The specific template of the date file should be located into the template folder of the application; otherwise the data file cannot be opened.

6.1.2  View the data file in spreadsheet

Upon opening the data file, the user will have the spreadsheet view. Here the user can do the following:

    The record(s) can be updated directly in the spreadsheet.

    The records can be sort by clicking the attribute on the top line of the spreadsheet.


When opening a data file the screen will be as below.
   File info

The file info displayed on the top, include the project / client, template name, template version and operator (computer name). The file info is generated by system when the file was saved.   Search

By default, all the records of the file are displayed in the spreadsheet list.


By inputting a criterion (chosen in the list), and clicking the “search” button, only the record(s) matching the  criterion entered value will be displayed.

    Attribute: each question can be the attribute

    Value: the required value of attribute


This feature should only check exact match.

6.1.3  Add / update / delete data   Add

Supervisor can add a new record.   Update

Supervisor can update an existing record directly in the spreadsheet.


Note: When moving to another record, the update made to the previous record will be saved automatically.


By choosing the specific record in spreadsheet and clicking “update”, the Data Capture page of the specific record will be displayed. Supervisor can update / correct the record.   Delete

Supervisor can delete an existing record. A box will pop to confirm the delete, and then the specific record will be deleted.

6.1.4  Validate / invalidate data  Check in spreadsheet

The Supervisor can check the record in spreadsheet, and mark “” for validated, “x” for invalidated, and blank for uncheck.


The supervisor can also correct the record in spreadsheet if any mistake.  Check in data capture page

The supervisor can check the record in the data capture page, and mark “” for validated, “x” for invalidated, and blank for uncheck FOR JANUS: THE SCREEN CAPTURE DOES NOT SHOW HOW THE SUPERVISOR CAN CLEAR THE RECORD STATUS!


Supervisor can also correct the record in data capture page if any mistake.




6.1.5  Save the validation

The validation status will be appended to the current data file.


Note: When moving to another record, the validation and updates made to the previous record will be saved automatically.

6.1.6  Exit

When exit the application, the system will save the validation/updates made to the current record.


6.2.1  Create new template(s)

To create a new template file, choose “New template” in file menu.




System will ask for information about Project / client and Template name.




6.2.2  Define questions

Each template is made up of many questions and in this application, the user can choose from 5 types of questions.
   Single answer question

This question type allows only one answer to be selected.


A single option question is the equivalent of a radio buttons / combo box field.


The answers should be entered in the options text area, separated by semi columns. The application will afterwards auto-number the answers for the data capture operators to key the answer number..
  Question #

FOR JANUS: Not convenient, the question sequence # should be generated by the application. A table view (kind of spreadsheet view) should allow the user to re-order the questions.  Mandatory

If the Mandatory check box is checked, the question should be answered for the record to be submitted / saved.  Configuration

To set the condition(s) which decides whether the question will be displayed or not. More details please refer to Configuration Section.  Label

Free text. How the question will be displayed in the questionnaire.  Options

Free text, list of options separated by semicolumns. The system will assign a sequence number to each option (1, 2, 3…), to be used for the quick capture mode.  Last option is an open text

If the “Last option is an open text” check box is checked, a free text control will be displayed in capture mode if the last option is selected..


The single answer question with open text is illustrated as below.

Free text: Input description or guidelines for the capture operator about the question.   Multiple answers question

Multiple options question is equivalent to check boxes fields.

  Question #

FOR JANUS: Not convenient, the question sequence # should be generated by the application. A table view (kind of spreadsheet view) should allow the user to re-order the questions.  Mandatory

If the Mandatory check box is checked, the question should be answered for the record to be submitted / saved.  Configuration

To set the condition(s) which decides whether the question will be displayed or not. More details please refer to Configuration Section.  Label

Free text. How the question will be displayed in the questionnaire.  Options

Free text, list of options separated by semicolumns. The system will assign a sequence number to each option (1, 2, 3…), to be used for the quick capture mode.  Last option is an open text

If the “Last option is an open text” is selected, the last option input in the Options Column will be followed with a free text blank.


The multiple answers question with open text is illustrated as below.  Max number

Maximum number of answers.  The number of text boxes displayed in the answer panel will be equal to the number of possible answers, or to the max # of answers if filled  Notification

Free text: Input description or guidelines for the capture operator about the question.   Free text

Free text can be used for questions on: address, city, store, name, etc. The system should support semi automated capture.

FOR JANUS: when importing a list, a text area should display all the items of the imported list (once imported, the file imported can be deleted from the computer, the items will be saved anyway in the template. File)
  Question #

FOR JANUS: Not convenient, the question sequence # should be generated by the application. A table view (kind of spreadsheet view) should allow the user to re-order the questions.  Mandatory

If the Mandatory check box is checked, the question should be answered for the record to be submitted / saved.  Configuration

To set the condition(s) which decides whether the question will be displayed or not. More details please refer to Configuration Section.  Label

Free text. How the question will be displayed in the questionnaire.  Length of text

Numeric. Define the maximum length of the answer, which can control the length of input. If not filled, there is no limitation to the length of the answers.  Semi-auto

Semi automated capture. A drop down list of semi-auto references can be selected I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS SENTENCE. By default, there is no references provided by system.


Reference(s) can be imported by clicking “Import a List”. The imported reference list will be then  saved as a part of the template file.

Reference file are flat file (.txt), with one value per line, or separate with semicolon (see below)





Free text: Input description or guidelines for the capture operator about the question.   Numeric

Numeric can be used for questions about batch ID, membership card number (Remark: if the card # are not starting with a 0, that would be dropped by the application…), phone number, zip code, month of birth and etc.

  Question #

FOR JANUS: Not convenient, the question sequence # should be generated by the application. A table view (kind of spreadsheet view) should allow the user to re-order the questions.  Mandatory

If the Mandatory check box is checked, the question should be answered for the record to be submitted / saved.  Unique

If the Unique is selected, the answer to the question should be unique accross the same batch (in the same data capture flat file). Otherwise, the record cannot be submitted / saved.  Configuration

To set the condition(s) which decides whether the question will be displayed or not. More details please refer to Configuration Section.  Label

Free text. How the question will be displayed in the questionnaire.  Min and max value limitation

Limit the range of answer. If the answer is out of the the defined range, the capture application will not jump to the next question..


E.g. Design the question about the month of birth, setting Min=1, Max=12, then 13 will be refused by the application. 


It can also be used to limit the # of digits in the answer.


E.g. Design the question on ZIP CODE, setting min=100000 and max=999999. Then only the answer with 6 digits will be accepted, or the empty answer will be accepted without Mandatory criteria selected.  Decimal / integer, # of decimals

Define the acceptable answer is integer or decimal. If decimal, define the # of decimals.

The answer will be cut to meet the rule I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS SENTENCE. (截尾取整法)  Notification

Free text: Input description or guidelines for the capture operator about the question.   Date




If filled, should be a valid date (checked upon clicking on the next button. If filled and invalid, the application will not jump to the next question but the  focus will be  placed on the year field)  Question #

FOR JANUS: Not convenient, the question sequence # should be generated by the application. A table view (kind of spreadsheet view) should allow the user to re-order the questions.  Mandatory

If the Mandatory check box is checked, the question should be answered for the record to be submitted / saved.  Configuration

To set the condition(s) which decides whether the question will be displayed or not. More details please refer to Configuration Section.  Label

Free text. How the question will be displayed in the questionnaire.  Format

A drop down list of data formats can be selected.  Users can select from the following options:

-       yyyy/mm/dd

-       yy/mm/dd

-       mm/dd

-       mm/dd/yy

-       mm/dd/yyyy

-       dd/mm

-       dd/mm/yy

-       dd/mm/yyyy

Whichever the format is selected, operator will be required to capture data following the specific format. A format guide is suggested to appear in the Notification box.  Min and max value limitation

Limit the time range of answer. If the answer exceeds the limited time range, the application will not jump to the next question..  Notification

Free text: Input description or guidelines for the capture operator about the question.

6.2.3   Define procedure (Configuration)

User can define the procedure of questions’ display. In the configuration page, supervisor can set the condition to display this question or not.




Choose question








Choose a question, and system will display the setting columns according to the type of question.


Note: Only the following questions will be listed in the combo box:.

-       The questions which are already created in this template file;

-       The questions whose sequence number is smaller than that of the current question.   Single answer question

If the selected question is a single answer question, the page is illustrated as:  Choose a formula Equal to (=)

The answer to the question should equal to the selected value. FOR JANUS: Can select multiple answers. The question will be displayed if the previous answer is in the selected value

E.g. Different from (≠)

The answer to the question should not equal to the selected value.

The user may select several values: the question will not be displayed if the answer to the question is in the selected values.


E.g.  Value list

All the options to the current question will be displayed in the value list.

User is allowed to use “Ctrl” and “Shift” to select more than multi values.  Criteria list

The defined condition will be displayed in the Criteria list.   Multiple answers question

If the selected question is a multiple answers question, the page is illustrated as:  Choose a formula Equal to (=)

The answer to the question should equal to the selected value.

When there is more than one value chosen, the answer should cover all the selected values.





The question will be displayed only when the answer to the question “What do you want to buy?” is involving both Beds and Desks. Unequal to (≠)

The answer to the question should not equal to the selected value.

When there is more than one value chosen, the answer should not cover any of the selected values.





The question will be displayed only when the answer to the question “What do you want to buy?” is involving neither Beds nor Desks. Among (Among)

The answer to the question should have at least one equal to the selected values.

In this case, it is required that more than one value should be chosen.





The question will be displayed only when the answer to the question “What do you want to buy?” is involving Beds, Desks or both of them.  Value list

All the options to the current question will be displayed in the value list.

User is allowed to use “Ctrl” and “Shift” to select more than multi values.  Criteria list

The defined condition will be displayed in the Criteria list. FOR JANUS: Should be displayed in a single line   Free text question

If the selected question is a free text question, the page is illustrated as:  Choose a formula Equal to (=)

The answer to the question should equal to the value input.


E.g. Unequal to (≠)

The answer to the question should not equal to the value input.  Criteria list

The defined condition will be displayed in the Criteria list.   Numeric question

If the selected question is a numeric question, the page is illustrated as:  Choose a formula Equal to (=)

The answer to the question should equal to the value input. Unequal to (≠)

The answer to the question should not equal to the value input. Between

The answer to the question should between the specific range.

-       The first blank for min limitation.

-       The second black for max limitation.


E.g.  Criteria list

The defined condition will be displayed in the Criteria list.   Date question


If the selected question is a date question, the page is illustrated as:

  Choose a formula Equal to (=)

The answer to the question should equal to the value input.


Note: If some part of the date is missing (e.g. year, month or day), there will be no limitation on that part to be set as a criteria.




Then all the records with registered on May 12 will be shown this question. Unequal to (≠)

The answer to the question should not equal to the value input.


Note: If some part of the date is missing (e.g. year, month or day), there will be no limitation on that part to be set as a criteria. Between

The answer to the question should between the specific range.

-       The first blank for min limitation.

-       The second black for max limitation.


  Criteria list

The defined condition will be displayed in the Criteria list.


6.2.4  View the question list of template


All the questions created will be listed in the view page illustrated as below.



User can

-       Add more questions

-       Update existing questions

-       Delete existing question

-       Change the sequence of questions   Add questions

When add a question, the new question will be inserted before the highlighted current question.

The page will be as below.
   Update questions

User can choose a specific question with highlight, and click the Update button to modify the question.   Delete questions

User can choose a specific question with highlight, and click the Delete button to remove a question.

When delete a question, an alert box will pop asking for confirmation.   Change the sequence of questions

User can choose a specific question with highlight, and click the Up (é) and Down (ê) button to move the question among all the questions.


Attention: The movement may impact the question display configuration setting. After the movement, user should carefully check all the questions with configuration to find whether the condition question is moved afterwards this question.

6.2.5  Save the template file


The template designed can be saved.


Note: The template cannot be saved as… with another file name. When saving an updated template, the previous template will be over written.

6.2.6  Export the template

The template file can be compiled to a questionnaire file which can be opened by Data Capture Operation application. When compiling, the version of compiled file is assigned / updated automatically by system.   Business rule:

Version management rule: (TBC)


6.2.7  Update the existing template(s)

The existing template files can be opened and modified by Data Capture Admin application.


Note: The template cannot be saved as… with another file name. When saving an updated template, the previous template will be over written.


7     Report

The report shows the summary of the data capture flat file.






Data captured

The number of customer records captured in the flat file.

Data sampled

The number of customer records checked by supervisor.

Sample rate %

Equal Data Sampled divided by Data Captured.

Data validated

The number of customer records which have been validated by supervisor.

Data invalidated

The number of customer records which is invalidated.

Correct rate %

Equal Data Validated divided by Data Sampled.


Users will be able to download the report by clicking on the download button


Report can be downloaded in excel file format for further analysis. The excel report should include the information of the flat file.














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