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原创 高通平台功耗 - How_to_determine_wakeup_trigger_from_suspend_caused_by_PMIC_IRQ
This debug message in the kernel log indicates that a PMIC SPMI IRQ was the wakeup trigger from suspend.adb rootadb wait-for-devicesadb shell mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debugadb shell “echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk”adb shell “echo ‘func qpnpi
2024-09-02 19:39:59 374
原创 高通Android驱动 LCD - QM215显示屏调试指南
Display panel bringup – KernelDisable continuous splash5 Display panel-specific customizations
2024-08-29 21:53:34 169
原创 高通SDX/SA平台 抓取IPA log说明
Qualcomm support team needs QXDM/IPACM log/TCP dumps/device configuration information for data stall and throughput issue debugging.Note: if it is peak throughput test, data traffic from NR/LTEAndriod/Linux tethered clients, ADPL should be used to aviod
2024-08-28 21:50:44 185
原创 高通平台BSP之PCIe:SDX62/5 QPS615 PCIe NoC timeout死机
SDX65 QPS615 PCIE死机NoC timeout问题。
2024-08-27 21:35:47 955
原创 linux编译环境搭建
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev sharutils uuid-dev nasm libyaml-dev rsync chrpath -ysudo apt-get install build-essential bison flex zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev subversion quilt intltool ruby fastjar zip unzip gawk git-core -ysudo apt-get install -
2024-08-26 10:35:20 485
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