











//定义表示图的类型的字符常量.DG = 1为有向图,DN = 2为友向网,UDG = 3为无向图,UDN = 4为无向网. 

enum {DG = 1, DN, UDG, UDN};



class graph



       graph(int Gkind = 0)


           Kind = Gkind;

           switch (Gkind)


               case DG: createDG(); break;

               case DN: createDN(); break;

               case UDG: createUDG(); break;

               case UDN: createUDN(); break;



                   ArcNum = VerNum =  0;

                   AdjMatrix = NULL;





    graph(graph &g)


        Kind = g.Kind;

        VerNum = g.VerNum;

        ArcNum = g.ArcNum;


        AdjMatrix = new int* [VerNum];

        for (int i = 0; i <= VerNum - 1; ++i)


            AdjMatrix[i] = new int [VerNum];


        for (int a = 0; a <= VerNum - 1; ++a)


            for (int b = 0; b <= VerNum - 1; ++b)


                AdjMatrix[a][b] = g.AdjMatrix[a][b];







        for (int a = 0; a <= VerNum - 1; ++a)


            delete [] AdjMatrix[a];

            AdjMatrix[a] = NULL;


        delete [] AdjMatrix;

        AdjMatrix = NULL;



    int applyMemo (int ver)


        AdjMatrix = new int* [ver];

        for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


            AdjMatrix[a] = new int [ver];


        return 1;



    void createDG (void)


        cout << "====== Create a directed graph ======" << endl;


        cout << "Please input the number of vertices(greater than 0):" << endl;

        int ver;

        cin >> ver;

        VerNum = ver;




        cout << "Please input the number of the arcs(not less than 0):" << endl;

        int arc;

        cin >> arc;

        ArcNum = arc;


        for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


            for (int b = 0; b <= ver - 1; ++b)


                AdjMatrix[a][b] = 0;




        int v1;

        int v2;

        int out;

        for (int i = 1; i <= arc; ++i)


            cout << "Please input the number of the two vertices and out degree/n"

                 << "(If v1 to v2, input as v1[Space]v2[Space]outdegree[Enter]):" << endl;

            cin >> v1 >> v2 >> out;

            AdjMatrix[v1][v2] = out;



        cout << "Creating a directed graph completed." << endl;



    void createDN (void)


        cout << "====== Create a directed net ======" << endl;


        cout << "Please input the number of vertices(greater than 0):" << endl;

        int ver;

        cin >> ver;

        VerNum = ver;




        cout << "Please input the number of the arcs(not less than 0):" << endl;

        int arc;

        cin >> arc;

        ArcNum = arc;


        for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


            for (int b = 0; b <= ver - 1; ++b)


                AdjMatrix[a][b] = INFINITY;




        int v1;

        int v2;

        int weight;

        for (int i = 1; i <= arc; ++i)


            cout << "Please input the number of the two vertices and weight/n"

                 << "(If v1 to v2, input as v1[Space]v2[Space]Weight[Enter]):" << endl;

            cin >> v1 >> v2 >> weight;

            AdjMatrix[v1][v2] = weight;



        cout << "Creating a directed net completed." << endl;



    void createUDG (void)


        cout << "====== Create an undirected graph ======" << endl;


        cout << "Please input the number of vertices(greater than 0):" << endl;

        int ver;

        cin >> ver;

        VerNum = ver;




        cout << "Please input the number of the arcs(not less than 0):" << endl;

        int arc;

        cin >> arc;

        ArcNum = arc;


        for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


            for (int b = 0; b <= ver - 1; ++b)


                AdjMatrix[a][b] = 0;




        int v1;

        int v2;

        int out;

        for (int i = 1; i <= arc; ++i)


            cout << "Please input the number of the two vertices and out degree/n"

                 << "(If v1 to v2, input as v1[Space]v2[Space]outdegree[Enter]):" << endl;

            cin >> v1 >> v2 >> out;

            AdjMatrix[v1][v2] = AdjMatrix[v2][v1] = out;



        cout << "Creating an undirected graph completed." << endl;



    void createUDN (void)


        cout << "====== Create an undirected net ======" << endl;


        cout << "Please input the number of vertices(greater than 0):" << endl;

        int ver;

        cin >> ver;

        VerNum = ver;




        cout << "Please input the number of the arcs(not less than 0):" << endl;

        int arc;

        cin >> arc;

        ArcNum = arc;


        for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


            for (int b = 0; b <= ver - 1; ++b)


                AdjMatrix[a][b] = INFINITY;




        int v1;

        int v2;

        int weight;

        for (int i = 1; i <= arc; ++i)


            cout << "Please input the number of the two vertices and weight/n"

                 << "(If v1 to v2, input as v1[Space]v2[Space]Weight[Enter]):" << endl;

            cin >> v1 >> v2 >> weight;

            AdjMatrix[v1][v2] = AdjMatrix[v2][v1] = weight;



        cout << "Creating an undirected net completed." << endl;



    void modify (int v1, int v2, int info)


        if (0 <= v1&&v1 <= VerNum - 1&&0 <= v2&&v2 <= VerNum - 1)


            if (Kind == DG||Kind == DN)


                AdjMatrix[v1][v2] = info;




                AdjMatrix[v1][v2] = AdjMatrix[v2][v1] = info;





            cerr << "ERROR" << endl;




    void find (int v1, int v2)


        if (0 <= v1&&v1 <= VerNum - 1&&0 <= v2&&v2 <= VerNum - 1)


            cout << "Vertex 1: " << v1 << " Vertex 2: " << v2 << " Arc: " << AdjMatrix[v1][v2] << endl;;




            cerr << "ERROR" << endl;




    int getInfo (int v1, int v2)


        if (0 <= v1&&v1 <= VerNum - 1&&0 <= v2&&v2 <= VerNum - 1)


            return AdjMatrix[v1][v2];




            cerr << "ERROR" << endl;

            return -1;




    int FirstAdjVex (int v)


        int first = 0;

        if (0 <= v&&v <= VerNum - 1)



            if (Kind == DG||Kind == UDG)


                for (; first <= VerNum - 1&&AdjMatrix[v][first] == 0; ++first)



            else if (Kind == DN||Kind == UDN)


                for (; first <= VerNum - 1&&AdjMatrix[v][first] == INFINITY; ++first)



            if (first < VerNum)


                return first;




                return -1;





            cerr << "ERROR" << endl;

            return -1;




    int NextAdjVex (int i, int j)


        int next = j + 1;

        if (0 <= i&&i <= VerNum - 1&&0 <= j&&j <= VerNum - 1)



            if (Kind == DG||Kind == UDG)


                for (; next <= VerNum - 1&&AdjMatrix[i][next] == 0; ++next)



            else if (Kind == DN||Kind == UDN)


                for (; next <= VerNum - 1&&AdjMatrix[i][next] == INFINITY; ++next)



            if (next < VerNum)


                return next;




                return -1;





            cerr << "ERROR" << endl;

            return -1;




    void out (void)


        cout << "The adjacency matrix of the "; 

        switch (Kind)


            case DG: cout << "directed graph"; break;

            case UDG: cout << "undirected graph"; break;

            case DN: cout << "directed net"; break;

            case UDN: cout << "undirected net"; break;

            default: break;


        cout << " is:" << endl;

        for (int a = 0; a <= VerNum - 1; ++a)


            for (int b = 0; b <= VerNum - 1; ++b)


                if (AdjMatrix[a][b] == INFINITY)


                    cout << "~ ";




                    cout << AdjMatrix[a][b] << ' ';



            cout << endl;




    int getVerNum (void)


        return VerNum;



    int getArcNum (void)


        return ArcNum;



    int **getAdjMatrix (void)


        return AdjMatrix;




       int Kind;

       int ArcNum;

       int VerNum;

       int **AdjMatrix;







#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

#include "graph.h"


void MST_PRIM (graph g)


     int ver = g.getVerNum();

     int *X = new int [ver];

     for (int i = 0; i <= ver - 1; ++i)


         X[i] = 0;


     X[0] = 1;

     int **mst = new int* [ver];

     for (int i = 0; i <= ver - 1; ++i)


         mst[i] = new int [ver];


     for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


         for (int b = 0; b <= ver - 1; ++b)


             mst[a][b] = 0;




     int minLen;

     int min_v1;

     int min_v2;

     for (int counter = 1; counter <= ver - 1; ++counter)


         minLen = INFINITY;

         for (int v1 = 0; v1 <= ver - 1; ++v1)


             if (X[v1] == 1)


                 for (int v2 = 0; v2 <= ver - 1; ++v2)


                     if (X[v2] == 0&&g.getInfo(v1, v2) < minLen)


                         minLen = g.getInfo(v1, v2);

                         min_v1 = v1;

                         min_v2 = v2;





         X[min_v2] = 1;

         mst[min_v1][min_v2] = mst[min_v2][min_v1] = 1;



     cout << "The minimum spanning tree is(Using Prim's algorithm):" << endl;

     for (int c = 0; c <= ver - 1; ++c)


         for (int d = 0; d <= ver - 1; ++d)


             cout << mst[c][d] << ' ';


         cout << endl;



     delete [] X;

     X = NULL;

     for (int e = 0; e <= ver - 1; ++e)


         delete [] mst[e];

         mst[e] = NULL;


     delete [] mst;

     mst = NULL;



class edge



       int v1;

       int v2;

       int weight;      



void MST_KRUSKAL (graph g)


int findLoop (int **mst, int num);

     void sort (edge *&Edge, int num);

     int arc = g.getArcNum();

     edge *Edge = new edge [arc];

     for (int a = 0; a <= arc - 1; ++a)


         Edge[a].v1 = Edge[a].v2 = Edge[a].weight = 0;


     int ver = g.getVerNum();

     int counter = 0;

     int info;


     for (int b = 0; counter <= arc - 1&&b <= ver - 1; ++b)


         for (int c = 0; counter <= arc - 1&&c <= ver - 1; ++c)


             info = g.getInfo(b, c);

             if (0 < info&&INFINITY > info&&c > b)


                 Edge[counter].v1 = b;

                 Edge[counter].v2 = c; 

                 Edge[counter].weight = info;





     sort(Edge, arc);


     int added = 0;

     int **mst = new int* [ver];

     for (int d = 0; d <= ver - 1; ++d)


         mst[d] = new int [ver];


     for (int e = 0; e <= ver - 1; ++e)


         for (int f = 0; f <= ver - 1; ++f)


             mst[e][f] = 0;




     for (int h = 0; added <= ver - 1&&h <= arc - 1; ++h)


         int v = Edge[h].v1;

int v1 = Edge[h].v1;

         int v2 = Edge[h].v2;

         mst[v1][v2] = mst[v2][v1] = 1;

if (findLoop(mst, ver) == 0)






mst[v1][v2] = mst[v2][v1] = 0;




     cout << "The minimum spanning tree is(Using Kruskal's algorithm):" << endl;

     for (int i = 0; i <= ver - 1; ++i)


         for (int j = 0; j <= ver - 1; ++j)


             cout << mst[i][j] << ' ';


         cout << endl;



     delete [] Edge;

     Edge = NULL;

     for (int k = 0; k <= ver - 1; ++k)


         delete [] mst[k];

         mst[k] = NULL;


     delete [] mst;

     mst = NULL;



void sort (edge *&Edge, int num)


    edge tmp;

    for (int pass = 1; pass <= num - 1; ++pass)


        for (int i = 0; i <= num - pass - 1; ++i)


            if (Edge[i].weight > Edge[i + 1].weight)


                tmp = Edge[i + 1];

                Edge[i + 1] = Edge[i];

                Edge[i] = tmp;






int findLoop (int **mst, int num)


void f (int **mst, int num, int cur_ver, int *visited, int &flag);


int flag = 0;

int *visited = new int [num];

for (int i = 0; i <= num - 1; ++i)


visited[i] = 0;


f(mst, num, 0, visited, flag);


delete [] visited;

visited = NULL;

return flag;



void f (int **mst, int num,  int cur_ver, int *visited, int &flag)


visited[cur_ver] = 1;

int counter = 0;

for (int i = 0; i <= num - 1; ++i)


if (mst[cur_ver][i] == 1&&visited[i])





if (counter >= 2)


flag = 1;


if (flag == 0)


for (int j = 0; j <= num - 1; ++j)


if (mst[cur_ver][j] == 1&&!visited[j])


f(mst, num, j, visited, flag);




visited[cur_ver] = 0;



void MST_DL (graph g)


int findMax (graph g, edge &max);

graph g_copy(g);

edge blank = {0, 0, 0};

edge max;

int ver = g_copy.getVerNum();

int **mst = new int* [ver];

    for (int a = 0; a <= ver - 1; ++a)


        mst[a] = new int [ver];



for (int b = 0; b <= ver - 1; ++b)


for (int c = 0; c <= ver - 1; ++c)


mst[b][c] = 0;




int info;

for (int d = 0; d <= ver - 1; ++d)


for (int e = 0; e <= ver - 1; ++e)


info = g_copy.getInfo(d, e);

if (info > 0&&info < INFINITY)


mst[d][e] = 1;





max = blank;

while (findMax(g_copy, max))


g_copy.modify(max.v1, max.v2, INFINITY);

g_copy.modify(max.v2, max.v1, INFINITY);

mst[max.v1][max.v2] = mst[max.v2][max.v1] = 0;

max = blank;



cout << "The minimum spanning tree is(Using destroy loop algorithm):" << endl;

     for (int i = 0; i <= ver - 1; ++i)


         for (int j = 0; j <= ver - 1; ++j)


             cout << mst[i][j] << ' ';


         cout << endl;



     for (int k = 0; k <= ver - 1; ++k)


         delete [] mst[k];

         mst[k] = NULL;


     delete [] mst;

     mst = NULL;



int findMax (graph g, edge &max)


void findLoopMaxEdge (graph g, int cur_ver, int num, int visited[], edge loop[], int &flag, int pos, edge &max);

int num = g.getVerNum();

int flag = 0;

int *visited = new int [num];

edge *loop = new edge [num];

    for (int a = 0; a <= num - 1; ++a)


        loop[a].v1 = loop[a].v2 = loop[a].weight = 0;


for (int i = 0; i <= num - 1; ++i)


visited[i] = 0;


findLoopMaxEdge(g, 0, num, visited, loop, flag, 0, max);

delete [] visited;

visited = NULL;

delete [] loop;

loop = NULL;


return flag;



void findLoopMaxEdge (graph g, int cur_ver, int num, int visited[], edge loop[], int &flag, int pos, edge &max)


    if (visited[cur_ver] == 1)


        flag = 1;

        int start = 0;

        for (; loop[start].v1 != cur_ver&&start <= pos - 1; ++start)


        for (int i = start; i <= pos - 1; ++i)


            if (max.weight < loop[i].weight)


                max = loop[i];




    if (flag == 0)


        visited[cur_ver] = 1;

        for (int a = 0; flag == 0&&a <= num - 1; ++a)


int info = g.getInfo(cur_ver, a);

            if (info > 0&&info < INFINITY)


                loop[pos].v1 = cur_ver;

                loop[pos].v2 = a;

loop[pos].weight = info;

g.modify(a, cur_ver, INFINITY);

                findLoopMaxEdge(g, a, num, visited, loop, flag, pos + 1, max);

                g.modify(a, cur_ver, info);



        visited[cur_ver] = 0;



void MST_DE (graph g)


int connect (int **mst, int num);

     void sort (edge *&Edge, int num);

     int arc = g.getArcNum();

     edge *Edge = new edge [arc];

     for (int a = 0; a <= arc - 1; ++a)


         Edge[a].v1 = Edge[a].v2 = Edge[a].weight = 0;


     int ver = g.getVerNum();

     int counter = 0;

     int info;

     for (int b = 0; counter <= arc - 1&&b <= ver - 1; ++b)


         for (int c = 0; counter <= arc - 1&&c <= ver - 1; ++c)


             info = g.getInfo(b, c);

             if (0 < info&&INFINITY > info&&c > b)


                 Edge[counter].v1 = b;

                 Edge[counter].v2 = c; 

                 Edge[counter].weight = info;





     sort(Edge, arc);


     int **mst = new int* [ver];

     for (int d = 0; d <= ver - 1; ++d)


         mst[d] = new int [ver];


     for (int e = 0; e <= ver - 1; ++e)


         for (int f = 0; f <= ver - 1; ++f)


   info = g.getInfo(e, f);

            if (info > 0&&info < INFINITY)


    mst[e][f] = 1;




    mst[e][f] = 0;





     int remain = arc;

     for (int h = arc - 1; remain >= ver; --h)


int v1 = Edge[h].v1;

         int v2 = Edge[h].v2;

         mst[v1][v2] = mst[v2][v1] = 0;

if (connect(mst, ver) == 1)






mst[v1][v2] = mst[v2][v1] = 1;




     cout << "The minimum spanning tree is(Using delete edge algorithm):" << endl;

     for (int i = 0; i <= ver - 1; ++i)


         for (int j = 0; j <= ver - 1; ++j)


             cout << mst[i][j] << ' ';


         cout << endl;



     delete [] Edge;

     Edge = NULL;

     for (int k = 0; k <= ver - 1; ++k)


         delete [] mst[k];

         mst[k] = NULL;


     delete [] mst;

     mst = NULL;



int connect (int **mst, int num)


    void c (int **mst, int num, int *visited, int cur_ver);

int *visited = new int [num];

for (int a = 0; a <= num - 1; ++a)


   visited[a] = 0;


c(mst, num, visited, 0);

for (int b = 0; b <= num - 1; ++b)


   if (visited[b] == 0)


   return 0;



return 1;



void c (int **mst, int num, int *visited, int cur_ver)


    visited[cur_ver] = 1;

for (int a = 0; a <= num - 1; ++a)


   if (mst[cur_ver][a] == 1&&visited[a] == 0)


   c (mst, num, visited, a);





int main ()

    graph g(UDN);







    return 0;








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