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原创 [BZOJ2330]SCOI2011糖果|差分约束


2015-04-26 19:10:55 110

原创 Mysql取得最新插入的auto_increment列的值

Mysql取得最新插入的auto_increment列的值关键词: Mysql    auto_increment                                           select last_insert_id() as ID from tablename limit 1 

2006-07-03 00:14:00 818

原创 ORA-01401: 插入的值对于列过大

为什么在Oracle9i里,我定义的字段类型为varchar2(50),为什么只能存16个汉字呢?並且系統會提示:ORA-01401: 插入的值对于列过大 解決辦法:(1)注册表里:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE--SOFTWARE--ORACLE-HOME0--NSL_LANG的值为:SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK (2)查了数据库:select * f

2006-07-02 17:31:00 4726

原创 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 之解决方案

在tomcat中redeploy时出现outofmemory的错误.可以有以下几个方面的原因:1,使用了proxool,因为proxool内部包含了一个老版本的cglib.2, log4j,最好不用,只用common-logging3, 老版本的cglib,快点更新到最新版。4,更新到最新的hibernate3.2

2006-04-07 13:25:00 1502 1

原创 valuelist 最新版下载,刚从cvs上拖下来的。包括支持resin的patch,与oracle的Adapter,支持hibernate3

valuelist 最新版下载,刚从cvs上拖下来的。包括支持resin的patch,与oracle的Adapter,支持hibernate3 http://www.sztutors.com/valuelist.rar

2006-04-03 09:04:00 875

原创 css+js画圆角的一个类库niftycube,推荐

http://pro.html.it/niftycube/http://pro.html.it/niftycube/nifty12.html  效果图 If youre new to Nifty Corners, I suggest to look in particular at the article on the first version to understand the

2006-03-24 17:43:00 1104

原创 spring,hibernate使用xml文件为mysql数据库配连接池proxool

        -->                                  com/sztutors/model/News.hbm.xml            com/sztutors/model/SiteInfo.hbm.xml                com/sztutors/model/BookingInfo.hbm.xml                com/s

2006-03-22 23:40:00 1708

原创 Valuelist中 hsql使用select 子句的情况 (hibernate3.12)

想要支持hibernate3.12的valuelist的可以发邮件到 bzshow 在 gmail select new com.sina.model.TopPubInfo(info.studentAccount.username,info.teacherSex) from PublishInfo info order by info.publishTime desc 其中定义如下

2006-03-21 13:48:00 1083

原创 Valuelist中列内容的修改,例如要显示"hahahaha",但数据库里为"sdfdsf"

在jsp代码中这样写   相应的pojo中要加上getFirstNameAsString这个函数 public class Player { public Player() { } public Player(String name, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, S

2006-03-21 13:47:00 752

原创 spring+hibernate的c3p0 连接池配置

                                     org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver                              jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/gpcswebdb                 sa                                 c3p0.min_size">5  

2006-03-17 13:28:00 2135

原创 Hibernate: Communication link failure: java.io.IOException

I recently launched a new site based on Struts, Hibernate and MySQL and immediately ran into a weird issue where Hibernate lost the ability to make database connections after a long period of inactivi

2006-03-16 17:54:00 1180

原创 hibernate in 查询

StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();   if (!forObject) {    buf.append("select count(*) ");   }   buf.append("from Agent agent where 1=1 ");            String gradeId = (String)conditions.get("grade

2006-02-18 20:34:00 965

原创 Hibernate用Mysql数据库时链接关闭异常的解决 (转)

http://bjzhanghao.cnblogs.com/archive/2004/12/10/75145.html在一个项目中,客户要求除操作系统外全部使用免费软件,因此我使用了Mysql 4.0作为数据库服务器,其JDBC驱动为3.0.9版本,在给客户安装后调试一切正常。可是到了第二天,只要一登录就提示“No operations allowed after connection clo

2006-01-21 15:05:00 853

原创 Dbunit import oracle出错解决方法

Why I get a "AmbiguousTableNameException" and NoSuchTableException? This error occurs when no schema is specified and that DbUnit detect that it is getting columns information from multiple tables hav

2006-01-18 15:32:00 829

原创 valuelist在程序中修改sql语句

在action中:        String hsql = "FROM com.ruancu.model.MailTemplate AS vo " +                      "/~name: WHERE vo.identifier LIKE {name} ~/" +                      "/~sortColumn: ORDER BY vo.[so

2006-01-17 16:02:00 1265 1

原创 Valuelist使用指南续-对象作为where子句的条件

Valuelist使用指南续-对象作为where子句的条件 corporation/ComAccountAction.java public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req

2006-01-16 17:31:00 977

原创 Valuelist使用指南

Valuelist使用指南 [编辑]applicationContext-valuelist.xml 3 identifier asc FROM com.ru

2006-01-16 17:29:00 1820 1

原创 各系Rails大点兵 (转)

不知道明年今日,会不会出现一队只会用Ruby On Rails的毕业生,像当年的asp、jsp、php迅速剿了C++/perl的CGI那样,把我们给剿了。同好们劝我,根据大公司经济学,这基本不会发生。    在茫茫的框架之海认出一个Rails框架,基本上靠四个特征    1.一门动态语言    2.一个extreme simple to use的ORM框架    3.一个extreme simpl

2006-01-09 09:29:00 605

原创 ajax demo

2006-01-06 11:09:00 558

原创 Cygwin/Rails

A few notes taken while trying to get Rails working on Cygwin:Stock Ruby works perfectly (so far) Getting gem to work is also standard fare (get tar file, unpack, ruby setup.rb) Installing Rails using

2005-12-24 13:20:00 777

原创 Windows 上安装Lighttpd (转)

Lighttpd For Windows http://www.kevinworthington.com:8181/?p=85If you a need for a small, fast lightweight web server and you’re running Windows, I have just the solution for you: Lighttpd For Windows

2005-12-24 13:19:00 2244

原创 Appfuse之appgen模板修改

 如果pojo类中有多对一,一对多关系时,自动生成的sample-data.sql会有问题 因此要修改sample-data.xdt加黑的部分为增加,划线的为删除  -START-->  >                version                            1                                                    

2005-12-16 13:50:00 754

原创 集成Axis and Appfuse part1

集成Axis and Appfuse  part1 http://spaces.msn.com/members/chenztw/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c=Introduction  这个练习的目的是为了说明如何集成Apache Axis into Appfuse第一部分,我们增加一些lib与jsp第二部分,我们将从appfuse的服务层提供webservice,然后做一个简单的测

2005-12-03 21:15:00 855

转载 配置Subversion

2005-07-24 00:30:00 536

原创 CString Management (关于CString的所有操作,例如char*到CString的转换等等,强力推荐)

                        CString Management  CStrings are a useful data type. They greatly simplify a lot of operations in MFC, making it much more convenient to do string manipulation. However, th

2001-11-09 10:18:00 1100



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