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原创 托福综合写作套路

第一段一般这么写:文章中给出了XX种可能性,但是lecture/professor contradicts all his assertions by providing three points of support/The reading passage provides three possible functions of the carved stone balls. However, in the lecture, the professor respectively contradicts.

2022-01-03 12:20:07 464

原创 TPO35

In contemporary society, we have witneesed that the recreational life of people have been enriched to a great extent mainly due to the development of media and the advancement of communicative technology. Much of the entertainments come from the famous su

2021-12-30 10:29:24 295

原创 TPO39

Some people hold the viewpoint that it was easier to distinguish a secure and successful job in the past instead of in the present. However, as far as I am concerned, finding a job which simultaneously obtains both security and a bright future is always a

2021-12-26 10:46:47 303

原创 TPO42

范文:There are different standpoints regarding the happiness from the work. Some argue that workers would gain more satisfaction from doing different types of tasks while others hold the opposite idea that to do the same task leads them to be happier. In fa

2021-12-21 12:44:43 238

原创 TPO53范文

Since we step into the new century, increasingly sophisticated technology, accelerating advent of modernization as well as explosive information from the Internet all work together to complicate our modern life. And we have witnessed dramatic and spectacul

2021-12-07 14:19:48 255

原创 TPO54范文

Since we step into the new century, increasingly sophisticated technology, accelerating advent of modernization as well as explosive information all work together to complicate our modern life. And we have witnessed dramatic and spectacularly changes in ea

2021-12-06 13:11:30 444

原创 TPO41独立写作

Since we step into the new century, increasingly sophisticated technology, accelerating advent of modernization as well as explosive information all work together to complicate our modern life, and we have witnessed radical changes in each and every aspect

2021-12-04 15:47:22 620

原创 TPO7范文

范文:When studying at school, students are always forced to understand tedious theories. Many people hold the idea that it is more important for students to learn facts rather than understand these complex ideas and concepts. However, from my perspective, i

2021-11-12 09:46:09 118

原创 TPO4重置

未来会有更多的车辆态度:否定亮点:petroleum, as… notes第一段: In contemporary society, with the increasingly sophisticated technology and superb/marvelous/admirable widespread explosive information, we have witnessed the radical change of this world in each aspects. Under

2021-11-10 10:49:58 111

原创 TPO2范文

永远说真话是好的开头:反对,总是说实话并不是最重要的品质。论证段1:首先,待人能否完全说实话取决于我们是否能完全接受诚实的意见。我们不总是完全接受诚实的意见,这迫使很多人去说“善意的谎言”来照顾我们的感情。论证段2:其次,不是所有人际关系中都要求说实话。比如工作上下级之间,上级询问意见往往只是想要我们表示一下同意,并不是真的询问意见。结尾:反对,总是说实话并不是最重要的品质。范文:With some changes of social values nowadays, the importanc

2021-11-09 09:53:58 122

原创 TPO1范文重置

亮点:virtually every region contributes to the surge of population. Under advent of modernlization and increasingly sophicated technology, as well as explosive information, the contemporary society have witnessed and experienced radical changes.University

2021-11-08 10:05:57 128

原创 TPO52

当前社会对年轻人的要求过高了范文:No, the sesse of liberty has been planted in everyone 's mind in contemporary society. The whole atmosphere is to make them develope by themselves rather than put too much burden on them.It is not from the begining but the outcome of se

2021-11-06 08:10:12 143

原创 TPO51

范文:亮点:a great deal of entertainment have flowed into our life. 一大堆的娱乐设施涌入了我们的生活it plays a significant role for children to develop a correct outlook on life.在树立正确的人生观上起到重要而作用。In contemporary society, attributing to the advanced technology and the adve

2021-11-05 10:40:50 121

原创 tpo 50

范文节选如下“Draw lessons from histroy, one know dynasties changed”, goes one old maxim in China from a celebrated emperor who roled the Tang Dynasty. Taking myself as an example, we can derive the knowledge and the choie-making experience from the history.Als

2021-11-04 10:48:02 147

原创 TPO49

维系老朋友重要还是找新朋友重要?范文:peculiarities 特性However, this merit are usually missing in short-term friendship.这些特性在短期的友谊中被弱化了亮点:Friendship and kinship contribute a lot to one’s happiness. Then, the question goes, “does the ability to main long-term friendships

2021-11-03 10:22:58 149

原创 TPO48范文

年轻人应该学会计划和组织自己的生活亮点:confront with = be faced with = be exposed to老家常便饭了employment = occupation < vocationself-actualization 自我实现overwhelmed 不知所措interpersonal relationship 人际关系论证点:Young people today may confront with multiple choices and complicat

2021-11-02 09:17:21 225

原创 TPO47范文2

范文:亮点:The world today has become increasingly vigorous and news stories develop almost every second.regard the habit of watching news from distant areas as a total waste of time.cross-culture understandingBesides, international news plays a role of cat

2021-11-01 09:41:44 160

原创 tpo20

范文:亮点: revenue收入it is the choices making rather than taking a risk that make us success.We are all interested to find out how successful people gain success. A majority of people claim that successful people tend to take risks and avoid only doing what

2021-10-31 12:31:57 97

原创 TPO 18

范文思路:由于行文大体一致,从今天起只更新每一个TPO 范文上的亮点以及行文思路。学生受老师影响比朋友更多吗?No Students learn from their teachers not only all kinds of knowledge, but also their perspectives of events and logic of behavior.First, students pay more time with their friends are more effectiv

2021-10-28 09:35:28 132

原创 tpo16

范文:亮点:bistro 小酒馆In contemporary society, the social advancemnet contributses to the development of living standards. In this regard, people try to release their pressure by traveling aboard in different countries. When comes to the journey in a foreign l

2021-10-26 09:23:40 97

原创 TPO15

范文:亮点:lure,tempts 诱惑allowance 零花钱just as the celebrate saying正如一位名家所言In contemporary society, it never fails to attract the attention of parents that how to better cultivate their children to be a independent and resoponsible adult. When it comes to if

2021-10-25 09:01:05 102

原创 TPO15

范文:亮点: expand one’s outlook, amplify one’s experience and make many new friends开阔视野,增长见识,增加友谊superb 优秀的epidemic situation 疫情In the identical social and environmental circumstances, people generally have relatively familiar and similar views and experie

2021-10-24 09:06:11 501

原创 TPO11

范文:亮点:porngraphy黄色Internet must be one of the greatest inventions during the 20th century. It shortens the distance between people all over the world by providing various kinds and large amounts of information. In my point of view, I agree that Internet

2021-10-22 17:57:57 149

原创 tpo范文

范文:亮点:convince their customers of the products 让顾客信服tell the reality from the fantasy. There is a specific example. When targeted to the young children, enterprises tend to use fantasy themes and characters from fantasy movies to help show off their prod

2021-10-21 09:42:00 116

原创 tpo 3 范文

范文:亮点:life was a box of chocalate, you never know wha you are gonna get.In contemporary society, there appears an increasingly widespread pehnomenon that the birth rate is declying around the whole world. In this regard, there is an indisputable fact th

2021-10-20 10:54:18 108

原创 TPO46

亮点:persistence 坚持humility 千寻Opinions of young celebrities are more attentively heard, even believed, by the younger people than by the older people, who often have their own role models apart. On occasions, it is amusing for the general public to listen

2021-10-12 10:03:31 105

原创 tpo45

亮点“predecessor前辈With the development of society, our living habits have been changed greatly.One of the most significant changes is the issue of whom we young people depend onwhen making a decision. In the past, young people usually depended on their o

2021-10-11 10:07:43 229

原创 TPO44

范文:亮点:亲子关系:parenthood建立和加强:established 安定 strenthenedIn modern society, it never fails to be an increasingly discuseed issue that how to develop a harmony and healthy parenthood in family. The anxious arisen in last century of the grade of children has

2021-10-10 08:04:17 96

原创 tpo43

亮点:上下级: superior, subordinate与人相处: get along with sb.turn out 产生。。。的结果范文:In modern society, there is an increasingly discussion about the art of dealing with people. Such ability is of great significance for not only the business people but the stu

2021-10-09 09:11:04 75

原创 数据结构-哈希表应用

数据结构-哈希表哈希表是在基于数组的基础上加入链表或者二叉树组成的新数据结构、为了显著提升查找效率/leetcode每日一题中出现了需要滑动数据块解决的问题:将一个字符串中长度为10重复出现的子串导出:如ABCCCABCCCABCCCABCCC导出ABCCCABCCC和CCCABCCCAB代码如下:哈希表作为一个便捷的计数工具class Solution: def findRepeatedDnaSequences(self, s: str) -> List[str]:

2021-10-08 16:33:51 159

原创 TPO40

范文:亮点: material reward 物质奖励temptation, entic,seduce; lure;诱惑recogonization 认可。In contemporary society, it never falis to be an increasingly widespread topic discussed by parents that should students get pocket money. Some parents may argue that childre

2021-10-08 08:43:19 90

原创 TPO38

亮点:charisma魅力glamourmastered 引申做学习charge nothing 不收费。in most cases can’t be acquired through special training在绝大多数情况下不能subordinates/superiors 下属范文:Nowadays, leadership as an important factor in achieving success gradually becomes one of the most pop

2021-09-29 10:36:59 120

原创 tpo36

;亮点: With the pace of live speeding up.in the meantimethe determinant factor of achievement is one’s effort rather the number of things he is doing.the people who ownsspoilingfeasible范文:加粗样式修改后:In contemporary society, it is an indisputable truth

2021-09-28 09:42:55 106

原创 tpo36

范文:propoerer更适合的along with 随着attach more and more importance重要college students 学生arguments 原因Fundamental education 基础教育More specifically更加精确的说Therefore, objectively college education has a big demand in budget.更需要资金Along with the rapid developmen

2021-09-27 12:47:47 265

原创 tpo35

首先学习一下几个单词:Amphibian 爬行动物、whatsoever 无论如何exercise 施行frost-protective agents glycerin or glucose 防冻甘油和葡萄糖acclimatization 驯化by far 到目前为止Nocturnal 夜间的范文:decreasing the exposure of famous people’s daily schedule will help protect the security of thems

2021-09-26 11:43:41 123

原创 TPO34

亮点为:all-round 全方位的take the advantage of:利用high-tech products高科技产品draw a conclusion 得出结论proper path 、approach正确的方式范文:With the development of technology, there is an increasingly wiespread phenomenon that children spend more time on the electronic dev

2021-09-25 10:36:35 100

原创 tpo33

范文:亮点:when it comes to…all-rounded 全方位cope with/address 对付the advantage lies in 优势在于harvest 收获Working on projects is not strange to students, which indeed enhance their ability to practice. When it comes to the way how students cope with this kind o

2021-09-24 17:02:52 105

原创 tpo32

亮点:living in a relatively complete mechanism生活在完整的体系中come up with more feasible and reasonable ideas when confronting difficulties解决问题youth represent the future of the society, 代表着我们的未来、因With the development of society, people nowadays are living in a

2021-09-23 11:46:03 92

原创 TPO31

亮点: small proportion of people who cannot keep up with this trend or resist the world for the fittest, may hold a viewpoint that a mutable society leads people to less satisfaction and mitigation of sense of happiness since such a world might cause the ali

2021-09-22 10:36:33 134

原创 数学建模系列(三)-评价模型(六)---神经网络评价

神经网络我们在里面讲过多次,目前讲一下他的评价上的应用:入层反传,周而复始,直至误差达到期望最小,认为网络训练成功。之后就可以利用训练好的网络处理新的教学质量指标,得到准确的教学质量评价结果。BP神经网络逻辑结构图如下:2、接下来给一个应用实例:教学评价指标(每个指标打分范围0-10)(1) 输入层神经元个数的确定根据我们调查中的的教学评价指标, 一共有10个指标, 可将这10个指标作为模型的输入神经元, 所以输入层神经元个数n= 10.(2) 输出层神经元个数的确定我们将评价结果作为

2021-09-21 12:28:26 4767



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