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原创 高低帽变换

<br />高帽:从原图中减去开运算后的图象<br />即Top-Hat( f ) = f − ( f〇b), b为结构元素。<br />高帽变换能将亮目标从背景中有效地分离出来。<br /> <br />低帽:闭运算后的图象与原图像相减<br />即Bot-Hat( f ) = f − ( f •b),b为结构元素。<br />低帽变换能将暗目标从亮背景中凸现出来。

2010-11-12 20:26:00 7244

Programming Windows 6th edition

Programming Windows 第六版 consumer preview Charles Petzold


Python 3.2

numerous improvements to the unittest module PEP 3147, support for .pyc repository directories PEP 3149, support for version tagged dynamic libraries PEP 3148, a new futures library for concurrent programming PEP 384, a stable ABI for extension modules PEP 391, dictionary-based logging configuration an overhauled GIL implementation that reduces contention an extended email package that handles bytes messages a much improved ssl module with support for SSL contexts and certificate hostname matching a sysconfig module to access configuration information additions to the shutil module, among them archive file support many enhancements to configparser, among them mapping protocol support improvements to pdb, the Python debugger countless fixes regarding bytes/string issues; among them full support for a bytes environment (filenames, environment variables) many consistency and behavior fixes for numeric operations


Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services

Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services Jason Baker, Chris Bond, James C. Corbett, JJ Furman, Andrey Khorlin, James Larson, Jean-Michel L ´eon, Yawei Li, Alexander Lloyd, Vadim Yushprakh Google, Inc. fjasonbaker,chrisbond,jcorbett,jfurman,akhorlin,jimlarson,jm,yaweili,alloyd,vadimyg@google.com



python-3.2rc3 release candidate 3 更新内容: numerous improvements to the unittest module PEP 3147, support for .pyc repository directories PEP 3149, support for version tagged dynamic libraries PEP 3148, a new futures library for concurrent programming PEP 384, a stable ABI for extension modules PEP 391, dictionary-based logging configuration an overhauled GIL implementation that reduces contention an extended email package that handles bytes messages a much improved ssl module with support for SSL contexts and certificate hostname matching a sysconfig module to access configuration information additions to the shutil module, among them archive file support many enhancements to configparser, among them mapping protocol support improvements to pdb, the Python debugger countless fixes regarding bytes/string issues; among them full support for a bytes environment (filenames, environment variables) many consistency and behavior fixes for numeric operations


Moveable Interactive Projected Displays Using Projector Based Tracking

Video projectors have typically been used to display images on surfaces whose geometric relationship to the projector remains constant, such as walls or pre-calibrated surfaces. In this paper, we present a technique for projecting content onto moveable surfaces that adapts to the motion and location of the surface to simulate an active display. This is accomplished using a projector based location tracking techinque. We use light sensors embedded into the moveable surface and project low-perceptibility Graycoded patterns to first discover the sensor locations, and then incrementally track them at interactive rates. We describe how to reduce the perceptibility of tracking patterns, achieve interactive tracking rates, use motion modeling to improve tracking performance, and respond to sensor occlusions. A group of tracked sensors can define quadrangles for simulating moveable displays while single sensors can be used as control inputs. By unifying the tracking and display technology into a single mechanism, we can substantially reduce the cost and complexity of implementing applications that combine motion tracking and projected imagery.


ada for software enginners

ada for software enginners


operating system design and implementation

操作系统设计与应用 2006


professional assembly languagepro

professional assembly language


GameDesign2nd Edition

GameDesign 2nd Edition



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