


● _____很重要,_____的重要性:

In recent years, with the rapid growth of society/science and technology, it is beyond all dispute that _____ has become increasingly important in our daily life. As far as I am concerned, _____ is/are the key to _____.

There are numerous reasons explaining this case, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. On the one hand, __________原因1__________. On the other hand, __________原因2_____________.

To sum up, taking into account all of these factors, we may naturally reach the conclusion that _____ is/are especially crucial to ___________. Therefore, it is high time that we ___________采取措施___________. Only in this way can we ___________________.

● _____很严重,_____的严重性:

In recent years, with the rapid growth of society/science and technology, it is beyond all dispute that people in growing numbers are beginning to realize the seriousness of _____. As far as I am concerned, _____ is harmful to _____.

There are numerous reasons explaining this case, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. On the one hand, _________原因1___________. On the other hand, __________原因2_____________.

To sum up, taking into account all of these factors, we may naturally reach the conclusion that _____ is/are particularly acute in ___________. Therefore, it is high time that we __________采取措施____________. Only in this way can we _____________.

● 议论,两种以上观点或选择:

       In recent years, the issue of _____ has been brought into focus to public attention. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this controversial issue varies from person to person. As far as I am concerned, I give my vote to the former/latter opinion.

There are numerous reasons explaining this case, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. On the one hand, _________原因1___________. On the other hand, ___________原因2____________.

       However, there are some concerns about _____, such as ___________. But if we take proper measures and make full preparations, we will get over it eventually. Therefore, after carefully weighting the advantages against the disadvantages of _____, I still consider it a preferential choice.

● 题目中有名言警句或谚语:

Have you ever heard the popular saying “_________题目中已给出,直接抄__________”? The message it conveys is that _________解释意思_________. This remark has been confirmed time and again by more and more individuals. As far as I am concerned, _____ is (the key)/(harmful) to _____.

There are numerous reasons explaining this case, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. On the one hand, _________原因1___________. On the other hand, ___________原因2____________.

To sum up, taking into account all of these factors, we may naturally reach the conclusion that _____ is/are (especially crucial to)/(particularly acute in) ___________. Therefore, it is high time that we ___________采取措施___________. Only in this way can we ___________________.


六级在大学bai各类考试中占有相当du重要的地位。在大四在校签订单位的时候,绝大多zhi数公司都有英语要求:通dao过四级。真正进入社会以后,随着现在英语的普及,很多地方,很多事情,都会用到英语,具有一定的英语水平,能够让你在工作中出色不少。 大学英语六级对毕业后求职的重要性: 关系到能不能拿到毕业证 我不敢说全国,最起码在广东,重本的211和985的名牌大学,大部分四六级证书是和毕业证挂钩的。可能还没到就业,万一你的全国英语四级考试达不到425分,你就拿不到你的毕业证书。所以四六级你说重不重要? 是一半企业的敲门砖 (1)随着大学生毕业人数的增长,社会面临的就业压力越来越大,企业为了挑选人才,国企和外企一般都会把四六级证书作为一个最低的门槛。 (2)虽然说全国英语六级证书只是一张纸,并不能证明一个人的英语水平,但是四级的合格线设在425分对于国内大学生英语要求还是比较低的。所以如果你没有通过英语四级的证书,很多企业在筛选简历时就会把你直接out了。 (3)可以说如果你没有通过大学英语六级的考试,你的前途就暗淡了一半,很多企业都不会为你敞开大门。当然,如果你有关系的话什么证书都是扯淡。 海外合作是大势所趋 (1)现在这个社会,海外人员越来越多,海外合作的公司也越来越多,走在街上,说不定一天能遇到好几个问路的外国人。所以如果你没有能证明你英语能力的一纸证书,你很难向公司证明你的外语水平和能力。 (2)在北上广深,就连现在的计程车司机也有一定的英语基础,否则生意就很难做下去。所以说在日常生活中,我们也有很多机会和外国人打交道,在这个海外合作是大势所趋的年代,英语能力更为重要。
评论 5




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