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原创 农村男朋友没钱又没房 我妈妈强烈反对


2015-01-09 17:33:41 882

转载 以下几个BLOG值得经常看看

对于从事Windows驱动开发的朋友,或者是对Windows内核感兴趣的朋友,以下几个BLOG值得经常看看!1,Kernel Mustard by Steve Dispensa link: http://kernelmustard.com/category/ddk/他以前的BLOG地址为:http://msmvps.com/blogs/kernelmustard/default.aspx

2008-05-30 14:46:00 506

转载 简单说说SSDT

论技术,我还差得远,而且网上关于SSDT的文章也多不胜数。但是还是想自己写一下,因为我想试试我能不能用最简单的语言来描述SSDT——这个对一般来人来说比较神秘的属于内核的地带。引用EVA说的一句话,“以为写个驱动就是内核,还远着了”——大概是这么个意思,记得不是很清楚。 关于SSDT,描述得最清楚的应该算《SSDT Hook的妙用-对抗ring0 inline hook》一文了,作者是堕落天才。这

2008-01-17 16:36:00 693

转载 4_2 内核钩子 - 《Rootkits——Windows内核的安全防护》第三部分 (转自CSDN读书频道)

  查看文章     4_2 内核钩子 - 《Rootkits——Windows内核的安全防护》第三部分 (转自CSDN读书频道)2007年05月07日 星

2008-01-17 16:12:00 984

转载 4_2 内核钩子 - 《Rootkits——Windows内核的安全防护》第二部分 (转自CSDN读书频道)

  查看文章     4_2 内核钩子 - 《Rootkits——Windows内核的安全防护》第二部分 (转自CSDN读书频道)2007年05月07日 星

2008-01-17 16:11:00 934

转载 4_2 内核钩子 - 《Rootkits——Windows内核的安全防护》第一部分 (转自CSDN读书频道)

原文地址 http://book.csdn.net/bookfiles/345/ 4.2      内核钩子前一节中说明了用户空间钩子是有用的,但它们相对易于检测和预防(第10章“rootkit检测”将详细讨论用户空间钩子的检测问题)。更好的解决方法是安装内

2008-01-17 16:09:00 1080

转载 Windows 文件过滤驱动经验总结

 本文转载自驱动开发网看了 ChuKuangRen 的第二版《文件过滤驱动开发教程》后,颇有感触。我想,交流都是建立在平等的基础上,在抱怨氛围和环境不好的同时应该先想一想自己究竟付出了多少?只知索取不愿付出的人也就不用抱怨了,要怪也只能怪自己。发自己心得的人无非是两种目的,一是引发一些讨论,好纠正自己错误的认识,以便从中获取更多的知识使自己进步的更快。二是做一份备忘,当自己遗忘的时候能够马上找

2007-12-12 20:53:00 575

转载 安装DriverStudio3.2 过程中出现DSDDKEnv8.dll failed to register错误的解决方法

作者tag:软件应用 driverstudio3.2 dsddkenv8.dll failed to register CSDN 推荐tag:visual studio 2005 vs2005 visual 文件 dll microsoft visualstudio 微软 function StorePage(){d=document;t=d.selection?(d.selection.

2006-11-16 14:49:00 1357

原创 在delphi中调用excel有四种方式

 在delphi中调用excel有四种方式,我们选取其中的一种用OleObject来装载excel工作表的方式来谈delphi控制excel的重要属性和方法。   首先给出通过OLE创建的一些主要代码步进行简单说明:创建OLE对象:Var olecon: TOleContainer;Olecon:= TOleContainer.Create(self);Olecon.oleobject:= Ole

2006-10-18 09:35:00 1444

转载 Delphi中TXMLDocument控件的用法

Delphi中TXMLDocument控件的用法   Delphi中对XML文件的解析做的很好,比直接使用MS的MSXML2_TLB中的接口要方便很多,现称述于下面。   在讲之前先给出一个XML实例,在讲某些部分是要结合实例比较容易理解。1 文档版本信息, 注释格式同HTML-->2   3 江苏网商软件”/>4 5    太阳" sex=”男” age="24" d

2006-10-13 10:32:00 1270

转载 TXMLDocument类:Delphi7的XML利器

Delphi7 支持对XML文档的操作,可以通过TXMLDocument类来实现对XML文档的读写。可以利用TXMLDocument把XML文档读到内存中,从而可以进行编辑、保存操作。TXMLDocument类是通过DOM(文档对象模型)接口来访问XML文档中的各个元素的。对于DOM接口的实现有多种方式,Delphi支持的方式有:   1)微软的MSXML SDK,这种方式是通过COM对象来实现;

2006-10-13 10:00:00 1020

转载 【我爱DELPHI,我学XML】DAY 1:简单节点增删改查

  DAY-1XML文档简单读写方法 CST 2005-07-08  基本介绍 本文档描述采用TXMLDocument类读写XML文档。在控件选项卡的InternetàXMLDOC节点的类为IXMLNode基本编程过程 过程

2006-10-13 09:24:00 899

转载 DELPHI中的键盘操作

用程序模拟键盘和鼠标键盘 在Windows大行其道的今天,windows界面程序受到广大用户的欢迎。对这些程序的操作不外乎两种,键盘输入控制和鼠标输入控制。有时,对于繁杂的,或重复性的操作,我们能否通过编制程序来代替手工输入,而用程序来模拟键盘及鼠标的输入呢?答案是肯定的。这主要是通过两个API函数来实现的。     下面以Delphi为例来介绍一下如何实现这两个功能。模拟键盘我们用Keybd

2006-09-13 11:45:00 1880

转载 Windows LOGON描述

NT和9X都有登录到网络,获取网络资源的能力.但是他们的实现却是完全不同的.今天就讲点登录吧.  首先,很多朋友并不知道在9X如何通过编程方法使用户登录到网络上.的确,9X的LOGON文档十分难找.在95DDK里,而且深深隐藏.难以发现.  WIN9X 的网络功能其实比NT强.这一点在9X的网络架构上能够很清晰地看到.WIN9X的网络分层很明确.应用程序调用 WNetLogon/WNetAddCo

2006-05-23 14:44:00 1381

转载 WINDOWS 2000下如何获得用户登录名和密码

--  WINDOWS 2000下如何获得用户登录名和密码

2006-05-23 14:01:00 4062

转载 实战DeviceIoControl 之六:访问物理端口

 Q 在NT/2000/XP中,如何读取CMOS数据? Q 在NT/2000/XP中,如何控制speaker发声? Q 在NT/2000/XP中,如何直接访问物理端口? A 看似小小问题,难倒多少好汉! NT/2000/XP从安全性、可靠性、稳定性上考虑,应用程序和操作系统是分开的,操作系统代码运行在核心态,有权访问系统数据和硬件,能执行特权指令;应用程序运行在用户态,

2006-01-19 13:40:00 988 1

转载 实战DeviceIoControl 之五:列举已安装的存储设备

Q 前几次我们讨论的都是设备名比较清楚的情况,有了设备名(路径),就可以直接调用CreateFile打开设备,进行它所支持的I/O操作了。如果事先并不能确切知道设备名,如何去访问设备呢? A 访问设备必须用设备句柄,而得到设备句柄必须知道设备路径,这个套路以你我之力是改变不了的。每个设备都有它所属类型的GUID,我们顺着这个GUID就能获得设备路径。 GUID是同类或同种设备的全球唯一识别

2006-01-19 13:38:00 795

转载 实战DeviceIoControl 之四:获取硬盘的详细信息

Q 用IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY或IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES_EX只能得到很少的磁盘参数,我想获得包括硬盘序列号在内的更加详细的信息,有什么办法呀? A 确实,用你所说的I/O控制码,只能得到最基本的磁盘参数。获取磁盘出厂信息的I/O控制码,微软在VC/MFC环境中没有开放,在DDK中可以发现一些线索。早先,Lynn McGu

2006-01-19 13:36:00 961

转载 实战DeviceIoControl 之三:制作磁盘镜像文件

Q DOS命令DISKCOPY给我很深的印象,现在也有许多“克隆”软件,可以对磁盘进行全盘复制。我想,要制作磁盘镜像文件,DeviceIoControl应该很有用武之地吧? A 是的。这里举一个制作软盘镜像文件,功能类似于“DISKCOPY”的例子。 本例实现其功能的核心代码如下: // 打开磁盘HANDLE OpenDisk(LPCTSTR filename){ H

2006-01-19 13:35:00 677

转载 实战DeviceIoControl 之一:通过API访问设备驱动程序

Q 在MSDN的那个demo中,将设备名换成“A:”取A盘参数,先用资源管理器读一下盘,再运行这个程序可以成功,但换一张盘后就失败;换成“CDROM0”取CDROM参数,无论如何都不行。这个问题如何解决呢? A 取软盘参数是从软盘上读取格式化后的信息,也就是必须执行读操作,这一点与硬盘不同。将CreateFile中的访问方式改为GENERIC_READ就行了。 IOCTL_DISK_GET

2006-01-19 13:33:00 746


Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and FreePascal. We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).


unidac 5.2.5

iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required Now obj and o files are supplied for C++Builder Compatibility of migrating floating point fields from other components is improved Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed Bug with RefreshRecord in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed Bug with Master Detail when a connection and a query are placed in different units is fixed Bug with data display in Detail Dataset when master field is Null is fixed Bug with incorrect parameter sizes when re opening a query is fixed Bug with mapping to BCD fields when using TClientDataSet is fixed Bug with mapping single types to float types is fixed Bug with mapping to BCD and FmtBCD types is fixed Bug with filtering boolean fields is fixed Bug with freeing complex fields after refreshing before editing is fixed Bug with Locate by fields where Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed Bug with RefreshQuick when IndexFieldNames is set is fixed Bug with the TUniLoader AutoCommit property is fixed Oracle data provider An ability to establish OCI and Direct connections in the same application is supported New Oracle 12c connection modes are added SYSBACKUP SYSDG SYSKM Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed Bug with Password which length is exactly 16 characters for Oracle 10 in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with DB object names containing the "$" and "#" characters is fixed Memory Leak in the NonBlocking mode is fixed SQLServer data provider Bug with incorrect committing of data by the Loader component on errors is fixed MySQL data provider Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed Bug with returning an incorrect value in the RowsAffected property is fixed InterBase data provider Now RowsAffected returns a correct value without the need to prepare a statement explicitly Bug with string truncation when using the Loader component is fixed Bug when working with parameters of the ftTimeStamp type is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed Bug with handling international characters when using protocol version 2 is fixed Bug with backup of ENUM types using the Dump component is fixed Bug with Memory leak is fixed SQLite data provider Direct mode for x64 platform is supported Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3 8 2 Bug with executing multi SQL statements is fixed"> iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required Now obj and o files are supplied for C++Builder Compatibility of migrating floating point fields from other components is improved Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed Bug with R [更多]


unidac 5.0

Rad Studio XE4 is supported NEXTGEN compiler is supported Application development for iOS is supported FPC 2.6.2 and Lazarus 1.0.8 are supported Connection string support is added Possibility to encrypt entire tables and datasets is added Possibility to determine if data in a field is encrypted is added Support of TimeStamp, Single and Extended fields in VirtualTable is added Migration from PgDAC and LiteDAC is added to the Migration Wizard Migration from AnyDAC and FireDAC is added to the Migration Wizard


unidac unidac3.6

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and FreePascal. We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).



Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and FreePascal. We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider). UniDAC offers unified approach to the database-related applications development process. That means you can switch easily between different databases in your projects without going deep into their specifics. Using UniDAC with its server-independent interface is the best way to create cross-database applications. UniDAC gives outstanding flexibility and independence to your projects.



FastReport®4 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the CodeGear (exBorland) Delphi 4-XE, CodeGear C++Builder 6-XE and CodeGear RAD Studio environments


unidac 3.0.010 source 24-Jun-10 * Added ability to lock records in the CachedUpdate mode * Added overloaded declaration of the ApplyUpdates method to choose update kind * Fixed bug with quote that first character inside quoted string for the Filter property * Fixed bug in TCRBatchMove with processing RecordCount * Fixed UniLoader bug with loading data * Fixed bug with processing added parameters in the BeforeUpdateExecute event handler * Fixed bug with SSL connection to PostgreSQL * Fixed bug with setting SpecificOptions for Lazarus


FastReport 4.9.72 source

FastReport 4.9.72 source


unidac 3.0.09 source

Universal Data Access Components is a powerful tool for developing cross-database client/server applications on Borland Delphi and C++Builder. UniDAC provides a unified inferface to access popular database servers such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, InterBase, Firebird, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases.


Fast Report v4.8.10

FastReport®4 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the CodeGear (exBorland) Delphi 4-2009, CodeGear C++Builder 6-2009 and CodeGear RAD Studio environments.



Universal Data Access Components is a powerful tool for developing cross-database client/server applications on Borland Delphi and C++Builder. UniDAC provides a unified inferface to access popular database servers such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, InterBase, Firebird, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases.





unidac2.7 Universal Data Access Components(UniDAC)

Universal Data Access Components(UniDAC) 是一个功能强大的支持多数据库的引擎,可以安装在Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder。UniDAC 的目的是帮助程序员更快的开发跨数据库应用软件。 UniDAC 是一个完整的标准数据库连接解决方案,可以支持 Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, 和 Firebird。 Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to most popular database servers from Delphi, Delphi for .NET and, C++Builder. UniDAC can work with such servers as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Interbase, Firebird. The UniDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner cross-database applications. UniDAC is a complete replacement for such standard universal technology as dbExpress. UniDAC is a handy in use and efficient data access solution bringing into play many features specific to each server.



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