Thinking In Java 之多线程 模拟

Bank teller simulation

// Read-only objects don't require synchronized
class Customer {

    private final int serviceTime;

    public Customer(int tm) {
        serviceTime = tm;

    public int getServiceTime() {
        return serviceTime;

    public String toString() {
        return "[" + serviceTime + "]";


// Teach the customer line to display itself:
class CustomerLine extends ArrayBlockingQueue<Customer> {

    public CustomerLine(int capacity) {

    public String toString() {
        if (this.size() == 0) {
            return "[Empty]";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Customer customer : this) {
        return sb.toString();


// Randomly add customer to a queue:
class CustomerGenerator implements Runnable {

    private CustomerLine customers;
    private static Random rand = new Random(47);

    public CustomerGenerator(CustomerLine cq) {
        customers = cq;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                customers.put(new Customer(rand.nextInt(1000)));
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("CustomerGenerator interrupted");
        System.out.println("CustomerGenerator terminating");


class Teller implements Runnable, Comparable<Teller> {

    private static int counter = 0;
    private final int id = counter++;
    // Customers served during this shift:
    private int customersServed = 0;
    private CustomerLine customers;
    private boolean servingCustomerLine = true;

    public Teller(CustomerLine cq) {
        customers = cq;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                // take()方法会阻塞
                Customer customer = customers.take();
                synchronized (this) {
                    while (!servingCustomerLine) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(this + "interrupted");
        System.out.println(this + "terminating");

    public synchronized void doSomethingElse() {
        customersServed = 0;
        servingCustomerLine = false;

    public synchronized void serveCustomerLine() {
        assert !servingCustomerLine : "already serving: " + this;
        servingCustomerLine = true;

    public String toString() {
        return "Teller " + id + " ";

    public String shortString() {
        return "T" + id;

    // Used by priority queue:
    public synchronized int compareTo(Teller other) {
        return customersServed < other.customersServed ? -1 : (customersServed == other.customersServed ? 0 : 1);


class TellerManager implements Runnable {

    private ExecutorService exec;
    private CustomerLine customers;
    private PriorityQueue<Teller> workingTellers = new PriorityQueue<Teller>();
    private Queue<Teller> tellersDoingOtherThings = new LinkedList<Teller>();
    private int adjustmentPeriod;
    private static Random rand = new Random(47);

    public TellerManager(ExecutorService e, CustomerLine customers, int adjustmentPeriod) {
        exec = e;
        this.customers = customers;
        this.adjustmentPeriod = adjustmentPeriod;
        // Start with a single teller:
        Teller teller = new Teller(customers);

    public void adjustTellerNumber() {
        // This is actually a control system. By adjusting the numbers,
        // you can reveal stability issues in the control mechanism.
        // If line is too long, add another teller:
        if (customers.size() / workingTellers.size() > 2) {
            // If tellers are on break or doing another job, bring
            // one back:
            if (tellersDoingOtherThings.size() > 0) {
                Teller teller = tellersDoingOtherThings.remove();
            // Else create (hire) a new teller:
            Teller teller = new Teller(customers);

        // If line is short enough, remove a teller:
        if(workingTellers.size() > 1 && customers.size() / workingTellers.size() < 2) {

        // If there is no line, we only need one teller:
        if(customers.size() == 0) {
            while(workingTellers.size() > 1) {

    // Give a teller a different job or a break:
    private void reassignOneTeller() {
        Teller teller = workingTellers.poll();

    public void run() {
        try {
            while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
                System.out.print(customers + " { ");
                for(Teller teller : workingTellers) {
                    System.out.print(teller.shortString() + " ");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(this + "interrupted");
        System.out.println(this + "terminating");

    public String toString() {
        return "TellerManager " ;

public class BankTellerSimulation {
    static final int MAX_LINE_SIZE = 50;
    static final int ADJUSTMENT_PERIOD = 1000;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
        // If line is too long, customers will leave:
        CustomerLine customers = new CustomerLine(MAX_LINE_SIZE);
        exec.execute(new CustomerGenerator(customers));
        // Manager will add and remove tellers as necessary:
        exec.execute(new TellerManager(exec, customers, ADJUSTMENT_PERIOD));

        System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to quit");;


The restaurant simulation

class Order {
    private static int counter = 0;
    private final int id = counter++;
    private final Customer customer;
    private final WaitPerson waitPerson;
    private Food food;

    public Order(Customer cust, WaitPerson wp, Food f) {
        customer = cust;
        waitPerson = wp;
        food = f;

    public Food item() {
        return food;

    public Customer getCustomer() {
        return customer;

    public WaitPerson getWaitPerson() {
        return waitPerson;

    public String toString() {
        return "Order: " + id + "item: " + food + " for: " + customer + " served by " + waitPerson;


// This is what comes back from the chef:
class Plate {

    private final Order order;
    private final Food food;

    public Plate(Order order, Food f) {
        this.order = order;
        food = f;

    public Order getOrder() {
        return order;

    public Food getFood() {
        return food;

    public String toString() {
        return food.toString();


class Customer implements Runnable {

    private static int counter = 0;
    private final int id = counter++;
    private final WaitPerson waitPerson;
    // Only one course at a time can be received:
    private SynchronousQueue<Plate> placeSetting = new SynchronousQueue<Plate>();

    public Customer(WaitPerson w) {
        this.waitPerson = w;

    public void deliver(Plate p) throws InterruptedException {
        // Only blocks if customer is still eating the previous course:

    public void run() {
        for (Course course : Course.values()) {
            Food food = course.randomSelection();
            try {
                waitPerson.placeOrder(this, food);
                // Blocks until course has been delivered:
                System.out.println(this + "eating " + placeSetting.take());
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println(this + "waiting for " + course + " interrupted");
        System.out.println(this + "finished meal, leaving");

    public String toString() {
        return "Cusotmer " + id + " ";


class WaitPerson implements Runnable {

    private static int counter = 0;
    private final int id = counter++;
    private final Restaurant restaurant;
    BlockingQueue<Plate> filledOrders = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Plate>();

    public WaitPerson(Restaurant rest) {
        restaurant = rest;

    public void placeOrder(Customer customer, Food food) {
        try {
            // Shouldn't actually block because this is a
            // LinkedBlockingQueue with no size limit:
            restaurant.orders.put(new Order(customer, this, food));
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(this + " placeOrder interrupted");

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                // Blocks until a course is ready
                Plate plate = filledOrders.take();
                System.out.println(this + "received " + plate + " delivering to " + plate.getOrder().getCustomer());
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(this + " interrupted");
        System.out.println(this + " off duty");

    public String toString() {
        return "WaitPerson " + id + " ";


class Chef implements Runnable {

    private static int counter = 0;
    private final int id = counter++;
    private final Restaurant restaurant;
    private static Random rand = new Random(47);

    public Chef(Restaurant rest) {
        restaurant = rest;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                // Blocks until an order appears:
                Order order = restaurant.orders.take();
                Food requestedItem = order.item();
                // Time to prepare order:
                Plate plate = new Plate(order, requestedItem);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(this + " interrupted");
        System.out.println(this + " off duty");

    public String toString() {
        return "Chef " + id + " ";


class Restaurant implements Runnable{

    private List<WaitPerson> waitPersons = new ArrayList<WaitPerson>();
    private List<Chef> chefs = new ArrayList<Chef>();
    private ExecutorService exec;
    private static Random rand = new Random(47);
    BlockingQueue<Order> orders = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Order>();

    public Restaurant(ExecutorService e, int nWaitPerson, int nChefs) {
        exec = e;
        for (int i = 0; i < nWaitPerson; i++) {
            WaitPerson waitPerson = new WaitPerson(this);

        for(int i=0;i<nChefs;i++) {
            Chef chef = new Chef(this);


    public void run() {
        try {
            while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
                // A new customer arrives; assign a WaitPerson:
                WaitPerson wp = waitPersons.get(rand.nextInt(waitPersons.size()));
                Customer c = new Customer(wp);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Restaurant interrupted");
        System.out.println("Restaurant closing");


public class RestaurantWithQueues {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
        Restaurant restaurant = new Restaurant(exec, 5 ,2);
        System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to quit" );;

This single technique greatly simplified the process of concurrent programming by inverting greatly simplifies the process of concurrent programming by inverting the control: The tasks do not directly interfere with each other. Instead, the tasks send objects to each other via queues.
If you follow this technique whenever you can, you stand a much better chance of building robust concurrent system.

Distributing work

class Car3 {
    private final int id;
    private boolean engine = false, drivenTrain = false, wheels = false;

    public Car3(int idn) {
        id = idn;

    // Empty Car object:
    public Car3() {
        id = -1;

    public synchronized int getId() {
        return id;

    public synchronized void addEngine() {
        engine = true;

    public synchronized void addDrivenTrain() {
        drivenTrain = true;

    public synchronized void addWheels() {
        wheels = true;

    public synchronized String toString() {
        return "Car3 " + id + " [ engine: " + engine + " drivenTrain: " + drivenTrain + " wheels: " + wheels + " ]";


class CarQueue extends LinkedBlockingQueue<Car3> {

class ChassisBuilder implements Runnable {

    private CarQueue carQueue;
    private int counter = 0;

    public ChassisBuilder(CarQueue cq) {
        carQueue = cq;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                // Make chassis:底盘
                Car3 c = new Car3(counter++);
                System.out.println("ChassisBuilder created" + c);
                // insert into queue
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Interrupted: ChassisBuilder");
        System.out.println("ChassisBuilder off");


class Assembler implements Runnable {
    private CarQueue chassisQueue, finishingQueue;
    private Car3 car;
    private CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(4);
    private RobotPool robotPool;

    public Assembler(CarQueue cq, CarQueue fq, RobotPool rp) {
        chassisQueue = cq;
        finishingQueue = fq;
        robotPool = rp;

    public Car3 car() {
        return car;

    public CyclicBarrier barrier() {
        return barrier;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                // Blocks until chassis is available:
                car = chassisQueue.take();
                // Hire robots to perform work:
                robotPool.hire(EngineRobot.class, this);
                robotPool.hire(DriveTrainRobot.class, this);
                robotPool.hire(WheelRobot.class, this);
                barrier.await();// Until the robots finish
                // Put cat into fnishingQueue for further work
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Exiting Assembler via interrupt");
        } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) {
            // This one we want to know about
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        System.out.println("Assembler off");

class Reporter implements Runnable {

    private CarQueue carQueue;

    public Reporter(CarQueue cq) {
        carQueue = cq;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Exiting Reporter via interrupt");
        System.out.println("Reporter off");

abstract class Robot implements Runnable {

    private RobotPool pool;

    public Robot(RobotPool p) {
        pool = p;

    protected Assembler assembler;

    public Robot assignAssembler(Assembler assembler) {
        this.assembler = assembler;
        return this;

    private boolean engage = false;// 聘用;从事;衔接

    public synchronized void engage() {
        engage = true;

    // The part of run() that's different for each robot:
    abstract protected void performService();

    public void run() {
        try {
            powerDown(); // Wait until needed
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                assembler.barrier().await();// Synchronize
                // We're done with that job...
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Exiting " + this + " via interrupt");
        } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) {
            // This one we want to know about
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        System.out.println(this + " off");

    private synchronized void powerDown() throws InterruptedException {
        engage = false;
        assembler = null; // Disconnect from the Assembler
        // Put ourselves back in the available pool:
        while (engage == false) {

    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getName();


class EngineRobot extends Robot {

    public EngineRobot(RobotPool p) {

    protected void performService() {
        System.out.println(this + " installing engine");;


class DriveTrainRobot extends Robot {

    public DriveTrainRobot(RobotPool p) {

    protected void performService() {
        System.out.println(this + " installing DriveTrain");;


class WheelRobot extends Robot {

    public WheelRobot(RobotPool p) {

    protected void performService() {
        System.out.println(this + " installing Wheels");;


class RobotPool {

    // Quietly prevents identical entries:
    private Set<Robot> pool = new HashSet<Robot>();

    public synchronized void add(Robot r) {

    public synchronized void hire(Class<? extends Robot> robotType, Assembler assembler) throws InterruptedException {
        for (Robot r : pool) {
            if (r.getClass().equals(robotType)) {
        wait(); // None available
        hire(robotType, assembler);// Try again, recursively

    public void release(Robot robot) {


public class CarBuilder {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        CarQueue chassisQueue = new CarQueue(),
                finishingQueue = new CarQueue();
        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
        RobotPool pool = new RobotPool();
        exec.execute(new EngineRobot(pool));
        exec.execute(new DriveTrainRobot(pool));
        exec.execute(new WheelRobot(pool));
        exec.execute(new Assembler(chassisQueue, finishingQueue, pool));
        exec.execute(new Reporter(finishingQueue));
        // Start everything running by producing chassis:
        exec.execute(new ChassisBuilder(chassisQueue));


写在前面的话 引言 1. 前提 2. Java的学习 3. 目标 4. 联机文档 5. 章节 6. 练习 7. 多媒体 8. 源代码 9. 编码样式 10. Java版本 11. 课程和培训 12. 错误 13. 封面设计 14. 致谢 第1章 对象入门 1.1 抽象的进步 1.2 对象的接口 1.3 实现方案的隐藏 1.4 方案的重复使用 1.5 继承:重新使用接口 1.5.1 改善基础类 1.5.2 等价和类似关系 1.6 多形对象的互换使用 1.6.1 动态绑定 1.6.2 抽象的基础类和接口 1.7 对象的创建和存在时间 1.7.1 集合与继承器 1.7.2 单根结构 1.7.3 集合库与方便使用集合 1.7.4 清除时的困境:由谁负责清除? 1.8 违例控制:解决错误 1.9 多线程 1.10 永久性 1.11 Java和因特网 1.11.1 什么是Web? 1.11.2 客户端编程 1.11.3 服务器端编程 1.11.4 一个独立的领域:应用程序 1.12 分析和设计 1.12.1 不要迷失 1.12.2 阶段0:拟出一个计划 1.12.3 阶段1:要制作什么? 1.12.4 阶段2:开始构建? 1.12.5 阶段3:正式创建 1.12.6 阶段4:校订 1.12.7 计划的回报 1.13 Java还是C++? 第2章 一切都是对象 2.1 用句柄操纵对象 2.2 必须创建所有对象 2.2.1 保存在什么地方 2.2.2 特殊情况:主类型 2.2.3 Java中的数组 2.3 绝对不要清除对象 2.3.1 作用域 2.3.2 对象的作用域 2.4 新建数据类型:类 2.4.1 字段和方法 2.5 方法、自变量和返回值 2.5.1 自变量列表 2.6 构建Java程序 2.6.1 名字的可见性 2.6.2 使用其他组件 2.6.3 static关键字 2.7 我们的第一个Java程序 2.8 注释和嵌入文档 2.8.1 注释文档 2.8.2 具体语法 2.8.3 嵌入 2.8.4 @see:引用其他类 2.8.5 类文档标记 2.8.6 变量文档标记 2.8.7 方法文档标记 2.8.8 文档示例 2.9 编码样式 2.10 总结 2.11 练习 第3章 控制程序流程 3.1 使用Java运算符 3.1.1 优先级 3.1.2 赋值 3.1.3 算术运算符 3.1.4 自动递增和递减 3.1.5 关系运算符 3.1.6 逻辑运算符 3.1.7 按位运算符 3.1.8 移位运算符 3.1.9 三元if-else运算符 3.1.10 逗号运算符 3.1.11 字串运算符 3.1.12 运算符常规操作规则 3.1.13 造型运算符 3.1.14 Java没有“sizeof” 3.1.15 复习计算顺序 3.1.16 运算符总结 3.2 执行控制 3.2.1 真和假 3.2.3 反复 3.2.6 中断和继续 3.2.7 切换 3.3 总结 3.4 练习 第4章 初始化和清除 4.1 由构建器保证初始化 4.2 方法过载 4.2.1 区分过载方法 4.2.2 主类型的过载 4.2.3 返回值过载 4.2.4 默认构建器 4.2.5 this关键字 4.3 清除:收尾和垃圾收集 4.3.1 finalize()用途何在 4.3.2 必须执行清除 4.4 成员初始化 4.4.1 规定初始化 4.4.2 构建器初始化 4.5 数组初始化 4.5.1 多维数组 4.6 总结 4.7 练习 第5章 隐藏实施过程 5.1 包:库单元 5.1.1 创建独一无二的包名 5.1.2 自定义工具库 5.1.3 利用导入改变行为 5.1.4 包的停用 5.2 Java访问指示符 5.2.1 “友好的” 5.2.2 public:接口访问 5.2.3 private:不能接触 5.2.4 protected:“友好的一种” 5.3 接口与实现 5.4 类访问 5.5 总结 5.6 练习 第6章 类再生 6.1 合成的语法 6.2 继承的语法 6.2.1 初始化基础类 6.3 合成与继承的结合 6.3.1 确保正确的清除 6.3.2 名字的隐藏 6.4 到底选择合成还是继承 6.6 递增开发 6.7 上溯造型 6.7.1 何谓“上溯造型”? 6.8 final关键字 6.8.1 final数据 6.8.2 final方法 6.8.3 final类 6.8.4 final的注意事项 6.9 初始化和类装载 6.9.1 继承初始化 6.10 总结 6.11 练习 第7章 多形性 7.1 上溯造型 7.1.1 为什么要上溯造型 7.2 深入理解 7.2.1 方法调用的绑定 7.2.2 产生正确的行为 7.2.3 扩展性 7.3 覆盖与过载 7.4 抽象类和




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


