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原创 JavaBean学习三

 32.4 Java Event Model ReviewA bean may communicate with other beans. The Java event delegation model provides thefoundation for beans to send, receive, and handle events. Let us review the Ja...

2012-09-26 22:57:50 144

原创 JavaBean 学习二

32.3 Bean Properties    Properties are discrete, named attributes of a Java bean that can affect its appearance or behavior. They are often data fields of a bean. For example, the JButton componen...

2012-09-21 00:07:54 122

JavaBean 学习一

32.1 Introduction    Every Java user interface class is a JavaBeans component. Understanding JavaBeans will helpyou to learn GUI components. In Chapter 16, “Event-Driven Programming,” you learne...

2012-09-19 00:09:23 137


最近学习《Java.How.to.Program》(ed2k://|file|Java.How.to.Program,.Paul.Deitel,.Harvey.Deitel,.9ed,.Prentice.Hall,.2012.pdf|25259544|4CE03C570B775C56BC135A2E487222D8|/)中的Web Service一章,用的开发工具是NetBeans。在ht...

2012-09-09 13:45:48 257

《Pro Oracle SQL》10.3 Recursive Subqueries

Recursive Subqueries   递归子查询    New to Oracle 11.2 is recursive subquery factoring(RSF for the remainder of this chapter). As you can probably guess, the ANSI name for this feature is recu...

2012-07-06 00:30:37 144

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 10.2.5 Applying Subquery Factoring to PL/SQL

Applying Subquery Factoring to PL/SQL  在PL/SQL中运用子查询分解    Even PL/SQL can present golden opportunities for optimization using subquery factoring. Something that most of us have done at one tim...

2012-07-04 23:19:45 148

原创 《Pro Oracle SQL》 10.2.4 Seizing Other Optimization Opportunities

10.2.4 Seizing Other Optimization Opportunities  掌握其他的优化机会    There are other opportunities where subquery factoring may be used to your advantage. If you are working on applications that were...

2012-07-03 23:31:57 223

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter10.2.3 Testing the Effects of Query Changes

Testing the Effects of Query Changes    测试查询改变的效果  (page 315)    Even as data does not remain static, SQL is not always static. Sometimes requirements change, so code must be modified. What if...

2012-06-13 22:59:58 91

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 10.2.2 Testing Over Multiple Executions

Testing Over Multiple Executions  测试多个执行  (page 312)    What would happen if each query were run multiple times simultaneously from several differentdatabase sessions?  Using a modified versio...

2012-05-24 00:41:39 105

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter10 -- 10.2 Optimizing SQL -10.2.1Testing Execution Plans

10.2 Optimizing SQL  优化SQL    (page 308)     When a SQL query is designed or modified to take advantage of subquery factoring, there are some not-so-subtle changes that may take place when the...

2012-05-14 22:19:57 118

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 10 Subquery Factoring --10.1 Standard Usage

 Subquery Factoring 子查询分解 (page 305)Jared Still     You may not be familiar with the term subquery factoring .  Prior to the release of Oracle 11gR2, the official Oracle documentation barely...

2012-05-02 22:46:07 160

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 9 -- 9.11 Subquery Factoring

Subquery Factoring    子查询分解    (page 303)    In a business setting, requirements are complex and multiple levels of aggregation are often needed. When writing complex queries, you can often co...

2012-04-29 23:13:01 108

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 -- 9.10Performance Tuning with the Model Clause

Performance Tuning with the Model Clause  Model子句的性能调优   (page 293)    As with all SQL, sometimes you need to tune statements using the Model clause. To that end, it helps to know how to read ex...

2012-04-29 16:11:33 104

原创 《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.9 NULLs

NULLs   (page 291)    In SQL statements using Model SQL, values can be null for two reasons: null values in the existing cells and references to non-existent cells. I will discuss the later sc...

2012-04-22 19:57:27 112

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.8 Lookup Tables

Lookup Tables     查找表(page 290)    You can define a lookup table and refer to that lookup table in the rules section. Such a lookup table is sometimes termed a  reference table . Reference tab...

2012-04-21 14:18:51 112

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.7 Iteration

Iteration   迭代  (page 287)    Iteration provides another facility to implementing complex business requirements using a concise Model SQL statement.  A block of rules can be executed in a loop...

2012-04-21 13:53:27 108

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.6 Aggregation

Aggregation   聚合    (page 285)    Data aggregation is commonly used in the data warehouse queries. The Model clause provides the ability to aggregate the data using aggregate functions over th...

2012-04-19 01:47:30 126

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.5 Evaluation Order

Evaluation Order   求值顺序    (page 282)      Multiple rules can be specified in the rules section, and the rules can be specified with dependencies betweene them. The rule evaluation sequence can ...

2012-04-17 00:52:04 211

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.4Returning Updated Rows

Returning Updated Rows   返回更新的行      (page 280)    In Listing 9-7, just four rows were returned even though there are rows for other weeks. The clause RETURN UPDATED ROWS  controls this behavi...

2012-04-14 22:36:58 230

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.3 Positional and Symbolic Refere

Positional and Symbolic References     位置和符号引用   (page 277)    As discussed previously, the CV function provides the ability to refer to a single cell. It is also possible to refer to an ind...

2012-04-13 22:01:07 96

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 -- 9.2 Inter-Row Referencing via the Model clause

Inter-Row Referencing via the Model clause 用Model子句行间引用  (page 274)    In a conventional SQL statement, emulating the spreadsheet described in Listing 9-1 is achieved by a multitude of self-...

2012-04-10 22:35:47 120

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.1 Spreadsheets

The Model Clause    Model子句   (page 273)Riyaj Shamsudeen     The Model clause introduced in the Oracle Database version 10g provides an elegant method to replace the spreadsheet. With the Mo...

2012-04-08 15:51:21 103

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3 -- 3.3.5 Outer Joins

Outer Joins    外连接     (page 120)     An outer join returns all rows from one table and only those rows from the joined table where the join condition is met.  Oracle uses the  + character...

2012-04-02 11:41:30 158

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.4 Cartesian Joins

Cartesian Joins     笛卡尔连接     (page 118)    Cartesian joins occur when all the rows from one table are joined to all the rows of another table.  Therefore, the total number of rows resulting fro...

2012-04-01 02:14:01 81

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.3 Hash Joins

Hash Joins    哈希连接      (page 116)     Hash joins, like sort-merge joins, first reads the two tables to be joined independently and applies the criteria in the WHERE clause.  Based on table an...

2012-03-30 02:15:16 85

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.2 Sort-Merge Joins

Sort-Merge Joins    排序-合并连接      (page 114)   Sort-merge joins read the two tables to be joined independently, sorts the rows from each table (but only those rows that meet the conditions for th...

2012-03-27 22:07:27 131

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3.1 Nested Loops Joins

Nested Loops Joins  嵌套循环连接       (page 111)    Nested loops joins use each row of the query result reached through one access operation to drive into another table.  These joins are typically ...

2012-03-25 18:12:09 107

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3 -- 3.3 Join Methods

Join Methods  连接方法  (page 110)    If there are multiple tables in your query, after the optimizer determines the access methods most appropriate for each of the tables, the next step is to det...

2012-03-24 15:51:00 90

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.7 Index Fast Full Scan

Index Fast Full Scan  索引快速全扫描   (page 109)    An index fast full scan is more like a full table scan than like other index scan types.  When an index fast full scan operation is chosen, all th...

2012-03-24 01:09:09 85

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.6 Index Skip Scan

Index Skip Scan    索引跳跃扫描    (page 107)    An index skip scan is chosen when the predicate contains a condition on a non-leading column in an index and the leading columns are fairly disti...

2012-03-23 00:57:57 102

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 3--3.2.5 Index Full Scan

Index Full Scan  索引全扫描  (page 103)    An index full scan is chosen under several conditions including: when there is no predicate but the column list can be satisfied through an index on a col...

2012-03-22 05:08:44 102

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.4 Index range scan

Index range scan    索引范围扫描   (page 101)    An index range scan is chosen when a predicate contains a condition that will return a range of data.  The index can be unique or non-unique as it ...

2012-03-20 00:10:36 92

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.3 Index Unique Scan

Index Unique Scan    索引唯一扫描    (page 78)    An index unique scan is chosen when a predicate contains a condition using a column defined with a UNIQUE or  PRIMARY KEY  index.  These types of in...

2012-03-19 05:26:29 95

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2.2 Index Scan Types

Index Scan Types  索引扫描类型     (page 97)    There are several different types of index scans but each share some common ground in how they must traverse the index structure to access the leaf bloc...

2012-03-17 23:34:22 106

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.2 Index Scan Access Methods--3.2.1 Index Structure

Index Scan Access Methods      索引扫描访问方法  (page 95)    If you have a book about U.S. Presidents and want to find information on Jimmy Carter, you could start on the first page and visually ...

2012-03-15 20:04:39 93

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.1.4 Full Scans and the Highwater Mark

Full Scans and the Highwater Mark    全扫描和高水标识    A final point of note regarding full table scans is that as the multiblock read calls for the scan are made, Oracle will read blocks up to the ...

2012-03-14 20:49:22 125

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.1 Full Scan Access Methods 之二

Full Scans and Throwaway  全扫描和“抛弃”    Always remember that whether or not a full scan will be an effective choice depends on the number of blocks that will need to be read as much as on how ma...

2012-03-11 23:14:04 84

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter3--3.1Full Scan Access Methods之一

Chapter3  Access and Join Methods 访问和连接方法Karen Morton     (page 83)    The optimizer must determine how to access the data your SQL statements require. You formulate your statement and the opt...

2012-03-10 18:01:14 117

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter8--8.9 Advanced topics

Advanced topics     高级主题     (page 268)    A few advanced topics about the analytic functions are worthy of discussion. I will discuss topics such as dynamic analytic statements, nesting of anal...

2012-03-05 21:41:25 106

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter8--8.8 Performance Tuning

Performance Tuning     性能调优     (page 266)    Analytic functions are very useful in tuning complex SQL statements. Inter-row referencing, aggregation at multiple levels, and nth-row access are a...

2012-03-02 23:11:09 87



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