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原创 歌词显示原理
确切地说,歌词显示并不是一件很困难的事情,并且实现的方式也多种多样,所以本文只讨论其中一种可能的实现。 本文所要探究的歌词显示类似于MTV的形式,同屏显示双行歌词。当任意一行歌词的显示超过限定的时间,则自动切换。 总体上来说,关键点有两个: 1.获取当前曲目的时间; 2.歌词的存储和获取。 首先我们来看第一点。如果要显示歌词,首
2008-08-06 12:23:00 1173
转载 编译au1200的autoboot
3.1 Building AutoBootFirst, obtain the AutoBoot source code package from the AMD Embedded Developer Support site (Alchemy Product page).Extract the contents of this archive into your working directory
2008-08-06 11:46:00 664
转载 S-Record 文件解析器
以下为CSrecParse类代码: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SrecParse.h: interface for the CSrecParse class.//////////////////////////////////////////////////
2008-08-06 11:06:00 722
Thefollowing fairly complete description of Motorola S-records was found anumber of years ago on the man pages of a UNIX system. -------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-08-06 10:54:00 1977
转载 用AU1200设计便携式媒体播放器
Originally developed by AMD, and now available from RMI (a company founded by AMDs former COO), the Alchemy Au1200 processor is a highly integrated system-on-a-chip (SoC)product built expressly fo
2008-08-06 10:52:00 867
转载 有名的博客网站
2008-08-06 10:33:00 1398
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