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原创 恩!攒钱!


2009-10-07 10:31:00 465

原创 额。。因为最近很骄傲。。。


2009-10-06 17:08:00 356


2009-10-051.十个矩阵乘法的例子,先看懂,那道题过掉~ K.O.2.2道难点的3道简单的~                                         ---------------1道简单的3.想想以前做过的题10道。。从后向前想~        ----------------看了5个? +对重载有了新的认识---搞清楚自己要做的是什么,根据要

2009-10-06 07:45:00 335

原创 相互理解


2009-10-11 21:55:00 413

原创 月末没钱的日子真的很差劲。。。

唉 说什么好呢。。。都是自己花的。。。小朋友 好好计划一下,别大手大脚的。。。。能省就省点。。。

2009-10-08 21:56:00 418

原创 也算是做了一些dp了

dp是强了很多,但是遇到那种时限要求很高的题目,仍然无从下手,大概几点:1.对优化没有系统的学习和认识;2.过了的题目很少看别人的方法,看看代码,烦了就不看了,同样没有本质性的认识和提高;3.学习的算法并不是很多,所以想法还是很局限的;哦 补充一下,感觉数学能力还是很重要的

2009-10-08 17:07:00 374

原创 韧性

我曾很讨厌的z老师今天说了句很好的话,要做事,应该有韧性...很赞同。其实大家都不一样,何必咄咄逼人求全责备呢。我可以不赞同您的做法,但是我尊重您这个人。ok? 慎言慎行不一定是做作,可以是深沉

2009-10-08 09:46:00 360

原创 快乐的生活 健康的过!

 1、早晨不能在固定的时间自然醒来,起床后四肢乏力。5分   2、梳头时持续掉头发。5分   3、患有风湿症。10分   4、腰腹部出现赘肉。10分

2009-10-07 14:41:00 1262

原创 p2663_Tri Tilling(矩阵乘法应用)

Tri TilingTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 4294Accepted: 2222DescriptionIn how many ways can you tile a 3xn rectangle with 2x1 domin

2009-10-06 11:14:00 828

原创 c++_1

3.ratio类 #include class Ratio{ private: int num,den; public: Ratio(){num=1;den=1;}; Ratio(int a){num = a; den = a;}; Ratio(int a,int b){if(b==0)printf("are you fool!/n");num =

2009-10-05 20:29:00 521

原创 p1093_Formatting Text_(worth thinking)

Formatting TextTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 717 Accepted: 147DescriptionWritingse-mails is fun, but, unfortunately, they do n

2009-10-05 17:44:00 481

原创 2009_10-5_Practice1 C

<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> IntervalChallengeTimeLimit: 6000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    MemoryLimit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)

2009-10-05 07:51:00 308

原创 2009_10-5_Practice1 E

<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->SpecialContainerTimeLimit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K(Java/Others) Des

2009-10-05 07:49:00 349

原创 Some command

mysql -u root -p show database;show tables;desc + name ;select  name from table_name (where item adjust to some limit );(* stands for all )update table_name set item = ? , item1 = ?  where

2009-10-04 21:02:00 304

原创 p2356_鸽笼原理!cool!

Find a multipleTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 1895 Accepted: 813 Special JudgeDescriptionTheinput contains N natural (i.e.

2009-10-04 10:55:00 381

原创 p1984_因为没有仔细看样例导致题目理解错误

Navigation NightmareTime Limit: 2000MSMemory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 1345Accepted: 551Case Time Limit: 1000MSDescriptionFarmerJohns pasto

2009-10-01 21:53:00 482

原创 p1985_CowMarathon

Cow MarathonTime Limit: 2000MSMemory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 1290Accepted: 570Case Time Limit: 1000MSDescriptionAfterhearing about the epi

2009-10-01 08:11:00 375

原创 这个习惯不太好


2009-09-29 16:32:00 357

原创 可重复组合


2009-09-26 21:14:00 369

原创 p1208_TheBlocksProblem模拟

The Blocks ProblemTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 1672Accepted: 552DescriptionManyareas of Computer Science use simple, abstract

2009-09-26 14:59:00 471

原创 想家.....


2009-09-26 09:43:00 336

原创 p1874_Trade on Verweggistan

Trade on VerweggistanTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 1124Accepted: 313DescriptionSincethe days of Peter Stuyvesant and Abel Tasma

2009-09-25 10:18:00 613

原创 进程(一)


2009-09-25 08:57:00 209

原创 p1959_Darts

DartsTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 781Accepted: 418DescriptionBackgroundMany nations (including Germany) have a strange tradi

2009-09-25 07:47:00 310

原创 p2392_Space Elevator

Space ElevatorTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 2690Accepted: 1101DescriptionThecows are going to space! They plan to achieve orbit

2009-09-24 21:41:00 502

原创 p2397_SpiderMan

 SpidermanTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 1032 Accepted: 364 Special JudgeDescriptionStayingfit is important for every sup

2009-09-24 16:40:00 306

原创 p1671_Rhyme Schemes

Rhyme SchemesTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 674Accepted: 376Special JudgeDescriptionTherhyme scheme for a poem (or stanza of

2009-09-24 15:31:00 325

原创 p1946_cow cycling

 Cow CyclingTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 1013Accepted: 541DescriptionThecow bicycling team consists of N (1 <= N <= 20) cycl

2009-09-22 10:54:00 529

原创 慎言慎行


2009-09-19 20:21:00 414

原创 第二天


2009-09-17 08:06:00 216

原创 Increasing Sequence

Increasing SequencesTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 1532 Accepted: 643DescriptionGivena string of digits, insert commas to creat

2009-09-16 20:33:00 503

原创 离开他第一天


2009-09-16 12:27:00 317

原创 Nested_Dolls(偏序集)

Nested DollsTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 3570Accepted: 949DescriptionDilworthis the worlds most prominent collector of Ru

2009-09-15 20:43:00 409

原创 有点伤心 呵呵……


2009-09-15 20:34:00 276

原创 TREE_worth thinking ~!

TreeTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 1117 Accepted: 348DescriptionConsidera tree with N vertices, numbered from 1 to N. Add, if i

2009-09-15 10:37:00 331



2009-09-14 22:02:00 206

原创 今天状态很好


2009-09-14 21:21:00 251

原创 pku3666_Making the Grade

Making the GradeTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 1433 Accepted: 627DescriptionA straight dirt road connects two fields on F

2009-09-14 15:26:00 414

原创 一些优化p1018

Communication SystemTime Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 10300Accepted: 3544DescriptionWehave received an order from Pizoor Communicat

2009-09-13 21:36:00 280

原创 something about my mistake.----p1475_push the boxes

 Pushing BoxesTime Limit: 2000MSMemory Limit: 131072KTotal Submissions: 1963Accepted: 754Special JudgeDescriptionImagineyou are standing inside a tw

2009-09-09 19:19:00 413


Introduction: go ahead and multiply the number 8,388,628 x 2 in your head. Can you do it in a few seconds? There is a young man who can double that number 24 times in the space of a few seconds. He gets it right every time. There is a boy who can tell you the precise time of day at any moment, even in his sleep. There is a girl who can correctly determine the exact dimensions of an object 20 feet away. There is a child who at age 6 drew such lifelike and powerful pictures, she got her own show at a gallery on Madison Avenue. Yet none of these children could be taught to tie their shoes. Indeed, none of them have an IQ greater than 50. The brain is an amazing thing. Your brain may not be nearly so odd, but it is no less extraordinary. Easily the most sophisticated information-transfer system on Earth, your brain is fully capable of taking the little black squiggles on this piece of bleached wood and deriving meaning from them. To accomplish this miracle, your brain sends jolts of electricity crackling through hundreds of miles of wires composed of brain cells introduction so small that thousands of them could fit into the period at the end of this sentence. You accomplish all of this in less time than it takes you to blink. Indeed, you have just done it. What’s equally incredible, given our intimate association with it, is this: Most of us have no idea how our brain works. This has strange consequences. We try to talk on our cell phones and drive at the same time, even though it is literally impossible for our brains to multitask when it comes to paying attention. We have created high-stress office environments, even though a stressed brain is significantly less productive. Our schools are designed so that most real learning has to occur at home. This would be funny if it weren’t so harmful. Blame it on the fact that brain scientists rarely have a conversation with teachers and business professionals, education majors and accountants, superintendents and CEOs. Unless you have the Journal of Neuroscience sitting on your coffee table, you’re out of the loop. This book is meant to get you into the loop.



大整数加减乘除法的运算 但是没有考虑首位为0的情况



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