Running Build Commands Nicely

Running Build Commands Nicely


Mar 30, 2019  2019年3月30日

All Unix systems come with a nice command that runs a program with a modified “niceness” value. This niceness value is used as a scheduling priority by the kernel process scheduler, and the default value for new tasks is 0. When the system is overloaded the kernel will prioritize processes with a negative niceness value, and likewise it will deprioritize processes with a positive niceness value.



You’ll see the niceness value for processes on your system in the NI column when you run top or htop. If you run it on a typical system you’ll see that nearly all programs have the default niceness of 0, and you may also see a few high priority system processes or kernel threads that are configured with a negative nice value.



The Linux kernel has a fairly advanced process scheduler: since Linux 2.6.23 (released in 2007) the default process scheduler is CFS (the Completely Fair Scheduler), which uses various heuristics to try to automatically detect “interactive” tasks and give them scheduling priority when the system is under high load. The idea is that if you’re under high load (say, you’re compiling a large C++ project), CFS uses some heuristics that attempt to tell that the Emacs process you’re using is “interactive” because it’s waiting for keyboard I/O, and therefore CFS will automatically try to make sure the Emacs process gets a higher scheduling priority than the non-interactive compiler processes, even if they’re both running with the default niceness of 0.


This is a nifty trick, but it doesn’t always work perfectly. For example, I’ve found that if I’m compiling code big projects Firefox will slow down, especially if I’m doing things like watching videos. I could run my compilation tasks using the nice command (or even renice an existing command) but it’s not my job to remember to do that, my computer should do it for me.


Therefore I have use the following code in my bash configs that automatically run non-interactive tasks that I expect to use a lot of CPU to run nicely:





# Check if a command exists.检查命令是否存在
exists() { command -v "$1" &>/dev/null; }

# Alias a command to run nicely.
nicealias() {
  if exists "$1"; then
    # shellcheck disable=2139,2140
    alias "$1"="nice $1"

# Automatically run these commands nicely.
nicealias bazel
nicealias bzip2
nicealias fedpkg
nicealias gzip
nicealias make
nicealias mock
nicealias rpmbuild
nicealias xz



You can check that this actually works as expected using the type Bash builtin:

你可以使用bash 内置命令去检查它实际上是否按预期工作


# Check that "make" is actually aliased to run nicely.
$ type make
make is aliased to `nice make'

Dealing With Subcommands

The above works well for simple commands, but tools that use “subcommands” are a bit trickier. For example, I begrudgingly use npm from time to time. I want npm subcommands like npm run to run unmodified, with the default niceness. However subcommands like npm install and npm run build download and compile (or transpile) a lot of Javascript and possibly even C++, and that can use up a lot of CPU time.

It’s possible to handle this case using a Bash function, but it’s a bit tricky. Here’s how I do it.

处理子命令上面的方法对简单命令有效,但是使用子命令工具要复杂一些。比如,我不喜欢时不时的使用npm命令,我希望npm子命令,像npm run,以默认的未修改niceness的情况下运行。然而像,npm安装和npm运行构建下载编译或者转义大量的js甚至可能是C++都会花费大量的cpu的时间。

It’s possible to handle this case using a Bash function, but it’s a bit tricky. Here’s how I do it.



# Force "npm install" and "npm run build" to run nicely
npm() {
  local nicecmd=()
  if [[ "$1" == "install" || ( "$1" == "run" && "$2" == "build*" ) ]]; then
  # shellcheck disable=2230
  "${nicecmd[@]}" "$(which npm)" "$@"


Note carefully I use the which command to locate the actually npm command on the filesystem (e.g. /usr/bin/npm) when constructing the cmd array. Previously I used the more portable command -v builtin in the implementation of my nicealias function, but that won’t work here. This is because command -v will search the shell environment, which can cause the npm function here to call itself recursively without terminating!

请注意,当构造cmd 数组时候,我使用which命令去定位实际上npm命令在文件系统上的位置。(例如/usr/bin/npm)。以前我在我的nicealias方法实现中使用更多的可移植的内置命令-v。但是在这里就行不通了。这是因为命令-v将会在shell的环境中去搜索。可能导致npm函数在这里递归的调用自己不终止。

To check that this is actually set up correctly, source the file where you defined the function and check what npm means to the shell using the Bash type builtin:



# Type tells us that npm is actually a Bash function
$ type npm
npm is a function
npm ()
    local nicecmd=();
    if [[ "$1" == "install" || ( "$1" == "run" && "$2" == "build*" ) ]]; then
    "${nicecmd[@]}" "$(which npm)" "$@"

Note that this is not what which will tell you, as which merely searches $PATH without regard to the shell environment it’s run in:



# Which just searches for npm in $PATH, and won't notice the function
$ which npm






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