heartbeat: ha.cf配置文件(转载,感谢原创)



There are lots of options in this file. All you have to have is a set

of nodes listed {“node …} one of {serial, bcast, mcast, or ucast},

and a value for “auto_failback”.

这文件下面有很多的选 项,你必须设置的有节点列表集{node …},{serial,bcast,mcast,或ucast}中的一个,auto_failback的值


ATTENTION: As the configuration file is read line by line,




In particular, make sure that the udpport, serial baud rate

etc. are set before the heartbeat media are defined!

debug and log file directives go into effect when they

are encountered.

特别注意,确保 udpport,serial baud rate等配置在心跳检测媒体(heartbeat media)前!他们将影响debug和log file指令。



All will be fine if you keep them ordered as in this example.

如果你保持他们在此例子中的顺序的话一切都不会有问 题。


Note on logging:

If all of debugfile, logfile and logfacility are not defined,

logging is the same as use_logd yes. In other case, they are

respectively effective. if detering the logging to syslog,

logfacility must be “none”.


如果debugfile,logfile和logfacility都没 有定义,日志记录就相当于use_logd yes。否则,他们将分别生效。如果要阻止记录日志到syslog,那么logfacility必须设置为“none”


File to write debug messages to


debugfile /var/log/ha-debug


File to write other messages to

写 入其他消息的文件

logfile /var/log/ha-log


Facility to use for syslog()/logger


logfacility local0

A note on specifying “how long” times below…


The default time unit is seconds


10 means ten seconds

10 就代表10秒


You can also specify them in milliseconds

1500ms means 1.5 seconds


1500ms表示 1.5秒


keepalive: how long between heartbeats?

keepalive: 在heartbeat之间连接保持多久

keepalive 2


deadtime: how long-to-declare-host-dead?


If you set this too low you will get the problematic

split-brain (or cluster partition) problem.

See the FAQ for how to use warntime to tune deadtime.

如果这个时间值设置得太低可能会导致出现很难判断的问题,如何使用warntime来调节 deadtime请查看FAQ。


deadtime 30


warntime: how long before issuing “late heartbeat” warning?

See the FAQ for how to use warntime to tune deadtime.

warntime 10


Very first dead time (initdead)


On some machines/OSes, etc. the network takes a while to come up

and start working right after you’ve been rebooted. As a result

we have a separate dead time for when things first come up.

It should be at least twice the normal dead time.

在某些机器/操作系统等中,网络在机器重启后需要花一定的时间启动并正常工作。因此我们必须分开他们初次起来的dead time,这个值应该最少设置为两倍的正常dead time。


initdead 120


What UDP port to use for bcast/ucast communication?

用于bacst/ucast通讯的UDP 端口


udpport 694


Baud rate for serial ports…

串口的 波特率

baud 19200

serial serialportname …

serial 串口名称

serial /dev/ttyS0 # Linux

serial /dev/cuaa0 # FreeBSD

serial /dev/cuad0 # FreeBSD 6.x

serial /dev/cua/a # Solaris


What interfaces to broadcast heartbeats over?



bcast eth0 # Linux

bcast eth1 eth2 # Linux

bcast le0 # Solaris

bcast le1 le2 # Solaris


Set up a multicast heartbeat medium

设置一个多 播心跳介质

mcast [dev] [mcast group] [port] [ttl] [loop]

[dev] device to send/rcv heartbeats on 发送/接收heartbeats的设备

[mcast group] multicast group to join (class D multicast address - 加入到的多播组(D类多播地址224.0.0.0 -

[port] udp port to sendto/rcvfrom udp(set this value to the same value as “udpport” above) 端口用于发送/接收udp(设置这个值跟上面的udpport为相同值)

[ttl] the ttl value for outbound heartbeats. this effects how far the multicast packet will propagate. (0-255) Must be greater than zero.

外流的 heartbeats的ttl值。这个影响多播包能传播多远。(0-255)必须要大于0 。

[loop] toggles loopback for outbound multicast heartbeats.if enabled, an outbound packet will be looped back and received by the interface it was sent # on. (0 or 1) Set this value to zero.

为多播heartbeat开关loopback。如 果enabled,一个外流的包将被回环到原处并由发送它的接口接收。(0或者1)设置这个值为0。


mcast eth0 694 1 0


Set up a unicast / udp heartbeat medium

配 置一个unicast / udp heartbeat 介质

ucast [dev] [peer-ip-addr]


[dev] device to send/rcv heartbeats on 用于发送/接收heartbeat的设备

[peer-ip-addr] IP address of peer to send packets to 包被发送到的对等的IP地址


ucast eth0


About boolean values…


Any of the following case-insensitive values will work for true:

下面的非大 小写敏感的值将认为是true:

true, on, yes, y, 1

Any of the following case-insensitive values will work for false:


false, off, no, n, 0


auto_failback: determines whether a resource will

automatically fail back to its “primary” node, or remain

on whatever node is serving it until that node fails, or

an administrator intervenes.

auto_failback: 决定一个resource是否自动恢复到它的primary节点,或者不管什么节点,都继续运行在上面直到节点出现故障或管# 理员进行干预。


The possible values for auto_failback are:

auto_failback 的可能值有:

on - enable automatic failbacks

on - 允许自动failbacks

off - disable automatic failbacks

off - 禁止自动failbacks

legacy - enable automatic failbacks in systems where all nodes do not yet support the auto_failback option.

legacy - 在所有节点都还不支持auto_failback的选项中允许自动failbacks

auto_failback “on” and “off” are backwards compatible with the old “nice_failback on” setting.

auto_failback “on”和”off”向后兼容旧的”nice_failback on”设置。


See the FAQ for information on how to convert from “legacy” to “on” without a flash cut.

(i.e., using a “rolling upgrade” process)

查看FAQ获取如何从”legacy”转为到”on”并不会闪断的 信息。


The default value for auto_failback is “legacy”, which

will issue a warning at startup. So, make sure you put

an auto_failback directive in your ha.cf file.

(note: auto_failback can be any boolean or “legacy”)

缺省的auto_failback值是“legacy”,它在启动的时候会 发送一个警告。因此,确保你在ha.cf文件中配置了auto_failback指令。

auto_failback on

Basic STONITH support

Using this directive assumes that there is one stonith

device in the cluster. Parameters to this device are

read from a configuration file. The format of this line is:


使用这个指令假设有一个stonith设备在集群中。这个设备的参数 从一个配置文件中读取,这行的格式是:




NOTE: it is up to you to maintain this file on each node in the


注意:在集群中的每个节点上的这个文 件都靠你去维护。


stonith baytech /etc/ha.d/conf/stonith.baytech


STONITH support

You can configure multiple stonith devices using this directive.


The format of the line is:




is the machine the stonith device is attached to or * to mean it is accessible from any host.


is the type of stonith device (a list of supported drives is in /usr/lib/stonith.)


are driver specific parameters. To see the format for a particular device, run:


stonith -l -t


Note that if you put your stonith device access information in

here, and you make this file publically readable, you’re asking

for a denial of service attack ;-)

需要注意如果你将你的stonith设备的访问信息放在这里,并且你让这个文件开放读权限,那么你是在召唤一个DoS攻 击。


To get a list of supported stonith devices, run

要得到支持的 stonith设备的列表,运行

stonith -L


For detailed information on which stonith devices are supported

and their detailed configuration options, run this command:

要哪个stonith设备是支持的详细信息和它们详细的 配置选项,运行这个命令:

stonith -h


stonith_host * baytech mylogin mysecretpassword

stonith_host ken3 rps10 /dev/ttyS1 kathy 0

stonith_host kathy rps10 /dev/ttyS1 ken3 0


Watchdog is the watchdog timer. If our own heart doesn’t beat for

a minute, then our machine will reboot.

Watchdog是一个watchdog计时器,如果我们的心 超过一分钟不跳,我们的机器将会reboot。


NOTE: If you are using the software watchdog, you very likely

wish to load the module with the parameter “nowayout=0” or

compile it without CONFIG_WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT set. Otherwise even

an orderly shutdown of heartbeat will trigger a reboot, which is

very likely NOT what you want.


CONFIG_WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT 设置。否则,即使一个有序的关闭heartbeat也会触发重启,这很可能不是你想要的。


watchdog /dev/watchdog

Tell what machines are in the cluster

说 明说明机器在这个集群里面

node nodename … – must match uname -n

node nodename … –必须要匹配uname -n

node ken3

node kathy


Less common options…


Treats as a psuedo-cluster-member

Used together with ipfail below…

note: don’t use a cluster node as ping node

将10.10.10.254看成一个伪集群成员,与下面的 ipfail一起使用。




Treats and as a psuedo-cluster-member

called group1. If either or are up

then group1 is up

Used together with ipfail below…

将和10.10.10.254看成一个叫group1的伪集群成员。如果10.10.10.254或10.10.10.253是 up的,那么group1为up



ping_group group1


HBA ping derective for Fiber Channel

Treats fc-card-name as psudo-cluster-member

used with ipfail below …

用 于Fiber Channel的HBA ping指令,将fc-card-name看成是伪集群成员,与下面的ipfail一起使用。


You can obtain HBAAPI from http://hbaapi.sourceforge.net. You need

to get the library specific to your HBA directly from the vender

To install HBAAPI stuff, all You need to do is to compile the common

part you obtained from the sourceforge. This will produce libHBAAPI.so

which you need to copy to /usr/lib. You need also copy hbaapi.h to


你可以从http://hbaapi.sourceforge.net获 取HBAAPI,你需要从vender获得用于你的HBA指令的特定的库来安装HBAAPI。

你所需要做的是编译你从sourceforge 获得的通用部分,它会生成libHBAAPI.so,然后你要将它拷贝到/usr/lib目录。同时

你也要吧hbaapi.h拷贝到/usr /include 。

The fc-card-name is the name obtained from the hbaapitest program

that is part of the hbaapi package. Running hbaapitest will produce

a verbose output. One of the first line is similar to:

Apapter number 0 is named: qlogic-qla2200-0

Here fc-card-name is qlogic-qla2200-0.

fc-card-name是从hbaapitest程序获取的名字,它 是hbaapi包的一部分。运行hbaapitest将生成一个冗长的输出,其中第一行类似:

Apapter number 0 is named: qlogic-qla2200-0



hbaping fc-card-name


Processes started and stopped with heartbeat. Restarted unless

they exit with rc=100

与heartbeat 一起启动和停止的进程。重启,除非它们的以rc=100退出。


respawn userid /path/name/to/run

respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail


Access control for client api

default is no access



apiauth client-name gid=gidlist uid=uidlist

apiauth ipfail gid=haclient uid=hacluster



Unusual options.




hopfudge maximum hop count minus number of nodes in config

hopfudge 1


deadping - dead time for ping nodes 上面设置的用来ping的节点的死亡时间

deadping 30


hbgenmethod - Heartbeat generation number creation method,Normally these are stored on disk and incremented as needed.

hbgenmethod - Heartbeat产生数字的生产方法。通常执行存储在磁盘上并在需要时进行增量。


hbgenmethod time


realtime - enable/disable realtime execution (high priority, etc.) defaults to on

realtime - 允许/禁止实时执行(高优先级)缺省为on

realtime off


debug - set debug level .defaults to zero

debug - 设置debug等级,缺省为0

debug 1


API Authentication - replaces the fifo-permissions-based system of the past

APT认证 - 代替以前的fifo-permission-base系统


You can put a uid list and/or a gid list.If you put both, then a process is authorized if it qualifies under either the uid list, or under the gid list.



The groupname “default” has special meaning. If it is specified, then

this will be used for authorizing groupless clients, and any client groups

not otherwise specified.

组名“default”有特定的意思。如果它被指定,那么它将用于验证无组的客户端和任何没有另 外指定的客户组


There is a subtle exception to this. “default” will never be used in the

following cases (actual default auth directives noted in brackets)

这是一个复杂的表达式,“default”将从不用于下面的情况(现实中缺省的 验证指令记录在括号中)

ipfail (uid=HA_CCMUSER)

ccm (uid=HA_CCMUSER)

ping (gid=HA_APIGROUP)

cl_status (gid=HA_APIGROUP)


This is done to avoid creating a gaping security hole and matches the most likely desired configuration.

它 避免生成一个安全漏洞缺口并匹配到了可能很多人最渴望的配置。


apiauth ipfail uid=hacluster

apiauth ccm uid=hacluster

apiauth cms uid=hacluster

apiauth ping gid=haclient uid=alanr,root

apiauth default gid=haclient

message format in the wire, it can be classic or netstring,

default: classic



msgfmt classic/netstring


Do we use logging daemon?

If logging daemon is used, logfile/debugfile/logfacility in this file

are not meaningful any longer. You should check the config file for logging

daemon (the default is /etc/logd.cf)

more infomartion can be fould in http://www.linux-ha.org/ha_2ecf_2fUseLogdDirective


如果使用了记录监控,此文件里面的 logfile/debugfile/logfacility将不再有意义。你应该检查在配置文件中是否有记录监控(缺省为/etc/logd.cf)

更 多的信息可以在http://www.linux-ha.org/ha_2ecf_2fUseLogdDirective中 找到。推荐配置use_logd为yes。

use_logd yes/no


the interval we reconnect to logging daemon if the previous connection failed

default: 60 seconds


conn_logd_time 60


Configure compression module

It could be zlib or bz2, depending on whether u have the corresponding

library in the system.


它可 以为zlib或bz2,基于我们的系统中是否有相应的库。


compression bz2


Confiugre compression threshold

This value determines the threshold to compress a message,

e.g. if the threshold is 1, then any message with size greater than 1 KB

will be compressed, the default is 2 (KB)


这个值决定压缩一个信息的限度,例如:如果限度为1,那么任何大于1KB的消息都会被压缩,缺省为 2(KB)

compression_threshold 2

快捷键-加粗 按按按按按Ctrl + B -斜体 CTRL +我 -引用 CTRL + Q -插入链接 Ctrl + L键键键键键 -插入代码 按下按下按下按下按下Ctrl + K -插入图片 按按按CTRL + G -提升标题 Ctrl + H键键键键键 -有序列表 Ctrl + O键键键键键 -无序列表 按按按CTRL + U -横线 按按按按按Ctrl + R -撤销 按按按Ctrl + Z键键 -重做 按按按按Ctrl + Y 更多LaTex的语法请参考[ 这儿] [ 3 ] ### UML图:可以生染序列图: 序列张三- >李四:嘿,小四儿,写博客了没注意李四的权利:李四愣了一下,说:李四- >张三:?忙得吐血,哪有时间写“或者流程图: ` flow st => start:开始e =>端:结束OP =>操作:我的操作COND =>条件:确认?ST-> OP-> CONDCOND(是) - >电子COND(无) - >运算“` - 关于序列图* *语法,参考[ 这儿] [ 4 ], - 关于流程图语法,参考[ 这儿] [5]。

降价编辑器使用浏览器离线存储将内容保存在本地。用户写博客的过程中,内容实时保存在浏览器缓存中,在用户关闭浏览器或者其它异常情况下,内容不会丢失。用户再次打开浏览用时可以选择<我类=“icon-disk”> 把正在写的博客保存到服务器草稿箱,即使换浏览器或者清除缓存,内容也不会丢失。> 注意:虽然浏览器存储大部分时候都比较可靠,但为了你的数据安全,在联网后,请务必及时发表或者保存到服务器草稿箱

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