project euler 3:Any integer greater than 1 is either a prime number, or can be written as a unique product of prime numbers (ignoring the order).
const long numm = 600851475143;
long newnumm = numm;
long largestFact = 0;
int counter = 2;
while (counter * counter < newnumm) {
if (newnumm % counter == 0) {
newnumm = newnumm / counter;
largestFact = counter;
} else {
if (newnumm > largestFact) { // the remainder is a prime number
largestFact = newnumm;
project euler 4 (回文即反转之后数仍不变)
project euler 5(计算能整除1到20的最小的数,可以用gcd求出最小公约书,然后从2到20开始计算,出去公约数)。
project euler 10(计算<N的质数的和)
#include [lt]iostream[gt]
#include [lt]bitset[gt]
using namespace std;
int main()
bitset[lt]1000000[gt] Sieve;
__int64 sum = 0;
Sieve.flip(); // Set all bits to 1
Sieve[0].flip(); // Set 0 and 1 to not prime
// Check all nos from 2 to 1 million
for(long i = 2; i < 1000000; ++i)
if( ! Sieve[i] ) // If marked not prime
continue; // return to head of loop
// Set all multiples as not prime
for(long j = 2*i; j < 1000000; j += i)
Sieve[j] = 0;
for(long i = 2; i < 1000000; ++i)
if( Sieve[i] ) // Add all nos with bit set
sum += i;
cout << "\nThe sum is : " << sum << endl;
return 0;
project euler 12(求第一个拥有500个因子的triangle number)
private int NumberOfDivisors(int number) {
int nod = 0;
int sqrt = (int) Math.Sqrt(number);
for(int i = 1; i<= sqrt; i++){
if(number % i == 0){
nod += 2;
//Correction if the number is a perfect square
if (sqrt * sqrt == number) {
return nod;
Any number N is uniquely described by its prime factorisation
Where pn is the a distinct prime number, an is the exponent of the prime and K is the set of all prime numbers less than or equal to the square root of N. Taking any unique combination of the prime factors and multiplying them, will yield a unique divisor of N. That means we can use combinatorics to determine the number of divisors based on the prime factorisation. The prime pncan be chosen 0,1,…,an times. That means in all we can choose pn in an+1 different ways.
The total number of divisors of N , D(N) can be expressed as
private int PrimeFactorisationNoD(int number, int[] primelist) {
int nod = 1;
int exponent;
int remain = number;
for (int i = 0; i < primelist.Length; i++) {
// In case there is a remainder this is a prime factor as well
// The exponent of that factor is 1
if (primelist[i] * primelist[i] > number) {
return nod * 2;
exponent = 1;
while (remain % primelist[i] == 0) {
remain = remain / primelist[i];
nod *= exponent;
//If there is no remainder, return the count
if (remain == 1) {
return nod;
return nod;
project euler 14 (Which starting number, under one million, produces the longest chain?
n n/2 (n is even) n 3n + 1 (n is odd)))
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++) {
sequence = i;
int k = 0;
while (sequence != 1 && sequence >= i) {//等于1或小于自己时停止(因为小于自己的数的步数都已经算出来)
if ((sequence % 2) == 0) {
sequence = sequence / 2;
} else {
sequence = sequence * 3 + 1;
//Store result in cache利用cache算出步数(cache[1] = 1)
cache[i] = k + cache[sequence];
//Check if sequence is the best solution
if (cache[i] > sequenceLength) {
sequenceLength = cache[i];
startingNumber = i;
project euler 15(动态规划题)
How many such routes are there through a 2020 grid?
project euler 17(计算letters 1到1000用英文表示)
Numbers 1-9
There is no particular pattern in the first numbers, so all we can do is spell them out and count them.
3 + 3 + 5 +4 + 4 +3 +5 +5 +4 = 36
Numbers 10-19
There is also too little pattern in the next 10 numbers that I want to make a deal out of it, so if we count those as well we get
3 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 70
Numbers 20-99
Now a pattern starts emerging. For each period of ten numbers, we have a prefix 10 times and then the sequence 1-9, which we have already counted. So we need to figure out how many letters the tens contain and add 8*36.
10*(6 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 6) + 8*36 = 748
So if we sum that up the number 1-99 will contain 36 + 70 + 74 8= 854 letters