administrator = 管理员
alt = # = "S","M","T","W","T","F","S" = 7
calendar.format = yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss = yyyy/MM/dd
calendar.getdate = Select
calendar.month.names = "一月份","二月份","三月份","四月份","五月份","六月份","七月份","八月份","九月份","十月份","十一月份","十二月份"
calendar.month.names.short = "一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月" = 今天
database = Database
db.addemail = 写邮件?
db.admin = 管理员
# -- submenus --
db.admin.sub = 系统管理
db.backup = 备份
db.changepassword = 修改密码
db.creategroup = 添加组
db.createmessage = 添加信息
db.createuser = 添加用户
db.editme = Edit my data
db.emailaccounts = E-Mail accounts
db.emails = E-Mails = Groups
db.home = Home
db.inbox = Inbox
db.keywords = 关键字
db.keywords.sub = Library index
db.logging = Logging
db.messages = 消息
db.option = 配置
db.option.sub = Application preferences
db.outbox = Sent E-Mails
db.personal = 个人信息
db.personal.sub = Private console
db.projects = 文档
db.projects.sub = Browse the archive
db.readmessages = 读通知
db.recommendations = Recommendations
db.searchengine = 搜索引擎
db.searchsettings = Settings for search
db.showemails = Show emails
db.showgroup = 编辑组
db.showuser = 编辑用户
db.user = 用户
db.userprofile = Manage user profile
debug.application.scope = Application Scope Attributes
debug.cookies = Cookies
debug.cookies.comment = Comment
debug.cookies.domain = Domain
debug.cookies.maxage = Max Age = Name
debug.cookies.path = Path = Secure
debug.cookies.value = Value
debug.cookies.version = Version
debug.header = Header Values
debug.init = Initialization Parameters = Page Scope Attributes
debug.request = Request Parameters
debug.request.scope = Request Scope Attributes
debug.session.scope = Session Scope Attributes
# debug
debug.title = Debug Information
directory = Directories
errors.action.changedoc = An error has occurred while changing the dates of the document!
errors.action.changepassword = An error has occurred while changing the password!
errors.action.changeversion = An error has occurred while changing the dates of the version!
errors.action.dbfailed = 连接数据库失败!
errors.action.deleteaccount = An error has occurred while deleting the e-mail account!
errors.action.deleteemail = An error has occurred while deleting the e-mail!
errors.action.deleteitem = An error has occurred while deleting the item!
errors.action.deletesysmess = An error has occurred while deleting the message!
errors.action.deleteuser = An error has occurred while deleting the user!
errors.action.groupdeleted = An error has occurred while deleting the group!
errors.action.groupdeleted.admin = Administration group can not be deleted.
errors.action.groupexists = A group with the specified groupname already exists.
errors.action.menuchanged = An error has occurred while changing the dates of the menu.
errors.action.movedocument = An error has occurred while moving the document!
errors.action.movedocument.originaldir = You cannot paste this document in the original directory.
errors.action.password.mismatch = The entered password is invalid!
errors.action.savearticle = An error has occurred while storing the article!
errors.action.savedoc = An error has occurred while storing the document!
errors.action.saveemail = An error has occurred while storing the e-mail!
errors.action.savegroup.notstored = An error has occurred while storing the group!
errors.action.savemenu.notstored = An error has occurred while storing the menu!
errors.action.saverules = An error has occurred while storing the rights!
errors.action.savesearchsettings = An error has occured while storing the search settings!
errors.action.savesettings = An error has occurred while storing the settings!
errors.action.savesysmess = An error has occurred while sending the message!
errors.action.saveuser.notstored = An error has occurred while storing the user!
errors.action.userexists = An user with the specified username already exists.
errors.action.usernotexists = The recipient doesn't exist!
errors.byte = {0} must be an byte.
# -- other --
errors.cancel = Operation cancelled. = {0} is not a valid credit card number. = {0} is not a date.
errors.detail = {0}
errors.double = {0} must be an double. = The E-Mail address is invalid!
errors.error = An error has occurred!
errors.float = {0} must be an float.
errors.footer = </ul>
errors.general = The process did not complete. Details should follow.
# -- standard errors --
errors.header = <h3 style="color:red">Validation Error</h3><ul>
errors.header.alert = <b>ERROR</b>: The following serious errors need to be corrected:
errors.header.alert.key = Serious error:
errors.header.warning = <b>MESSAGE</b>: The following messages have been returned from the system:
errors.header.warning.key = message
errors.integer = {0} 必须是整数。
# -- validator --
errors.invalid = 您还没有登陆,请先登录!
errors.long = {0} 必须是长整型。
errors.maxlength = {0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
errors.minlength = {0} can not be less than {1} characters.
errors.noaccess = 您没有使用此功能的权限!
errors.nosearch = You have not searched for something. = Cause stack trace = Caused by = Cause details = Exception stack trace = General error = Hide details = JSP Error = Problem details = Problem type = Servlet Exception = Show details = Struts Exception = System Problem = / A system error has occurred. If the problem persists, please contact the User Help desk.
# = Error Page = Unidentified Server Error
errors.prefix = <li>
errors.range = {0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.
errors.required = {0}: All fields with * must be filled out!
errors.short = {0} must be an short.
errors.suffix = </li>
errors.token = Request could not be completed. Operation is not in sequence.
errors.val.charonly = {0}:Should only consist of chars.
errors.val.groupname = The groupname should only consist of chars. = The name should only consist of chars.
errors.val.password = The passwords do not match!: {0} and {1}
errors.val.password0 = 原密码
errors.val.password1 = 密码
errors.val.password2 = 确认密码
errors.val.username = The Username should only consist of chars.
finish = 完成
login.username.maskmsg = {0}: Only letters and numbers are allowed.
logo.gif.text = Contineo System
msg.action.changedoc = The data of the document have been changed.
msg.action.changeuser = The data of the user have been changed.
msg.action.changeversion = The data of the version have been changed.
msg.action.deleteaccount = The e-mail account has been deleted.
msg.action.deleteemail = The e-mail has been deleted.
msg.action.deleteitem = The item has been deleted.
msg.action.deletesysmess = The message has been deleted.
msg.action.deleteuser = The user has been deleted.
msg.action.deleteuser.admingroup = User can not be deleted, because it is the last user of the admin group.
msg.action.groupchanged = The data of the group have been changed.
msg.action.groupdeleted = The group has been deleted.
msg.action.importfolder = The folder has been imported.
msg.action.menuchanged = The data of the menu have been changed.
msg.action.movedocument = The document has been moved.
msg.action.passwordchanged = The password has been changed.
msg.action.savearticle = The article has been stored.
msg.action.savedoc = The document has been stored.
msg.action.saveemail = The e-mail has been stored.
msg.action.savefolder = The folder has been created.
msg.action.savegroup = The data of the group have been stored.
msg.action.savemenu = The data of the menu have been stored.
msg.action.saverules = The rights have been stored.
msg.action.savesearchsettings = The search settings have been stored.
msg.action.savesettings = The settings have been stored.
msg.action.savesysmess = The message has been sent.
msg.action.saveuser = The user has been created.
msg.jsp.accept = Accept
msg.jsp.account = 帐号
msg.jsp.accountdata = Account data
msg.jsp.action = Action
msg.jsp.addaccount = 添加邮件帐号
msg.jsp.addarticle = 新建文章 = 城市 = 国家
msg.jsp.adduser.create = 添加 = E-Mail
msg.jsp.adduser.firstname = First name
msg.jsp.adduser.groupaffiliation = Group affiliation
msg.jsp.adduser.groups = Groups
msg.jsp.adduser.language = 语言
msg.jsp.adduser.logindata = 登录数据 = Name
msg.jsp.adduser.personaldata = 个人数据 = 电话
msg.jsp.adduser.postalcode = 邮编
msg.jsp.adduser.repass = Retype password
msg.jsp.adduser.street = 街道
msg.jsp.after = After
msg.jsp.allformats = All formats
msg.jsp.allwords = With all of the words
msg.jsp.any = With at least one of the words
msg.jsp.articledata = Article data = At
msg.jsp.attachment = Attachments = 作者
msg.jsp.back = 返回
msg.jsp.backupdir = Backup directory
msg.jsp.backuppath = Backup path
msg.jsp.before = Before
msg.jsp.change = Change
msg.jsp.checkin = 迁入
msg.jsp.checkout = 迁出
msg.jsp.choosekeyword = Please choose the letter, the keyword is starting with.
msg.jsp.confirmation = Confirmation
msg.jsp.connection = 连接参数
msg.jsp.contineo = contineo 2.5.5
msg.jsp.continue = 继续
msg.jsp.coverage = Coverage
msg.jsp.create = 添加
msg.jsp.createadmin = 添加管理员
msg.jsp.createdoc = 添加文档
msg.jsp.createfolder = 添加文件夹
msg.jsp.creategroup = 添加组
msg.jsp.createmenu = 添加菜单
msg.jsp.createuser = 添加用户
msg.jsp.cut = 剪切
msg.jsp.database = 数据库别名 = Date
msg.jsp.dateformat = YYYY/MM/DD
msg.jsp.dbms = 数据库管理系统
msg.jsp.dbmspath = 数据库路径
msg.jsp.delete = 删除
msg.jsp.developer = 开发人员
msg.jsp.discard = 讨论
msg.jsp.discuss = 文章评论
msg.jsp.docchanged = 文档的元数据已经被修改
msg.jsp.doccheckedin = 文档已经被迁入。
msg.jsp.doccheckedout = 文档已经被迁出。
msg.jsp.doccount = 文档个数
msg.jsp.docdata = Document data
msg.jsp.docinfo = 文档信息
msg.jsp.docname = 文档名称
msg.jsp.docstored = 文档上传成功.
msg.jsp.document = 文档
msg.jsp.documentcount = 文档数量
msg.jsp.documenthits = 搜索结果 {0} 文档 。 = 下载
msg.jsp.driverclass = Driver class
msg.jsp.edit = 编辑
msg.jsp.editaccount = 编辑邮件帐号
msg.jsp.editdoc = Edit document data
msg.jsp.editgroup = 编辑组
msg.jsp.editmenu = 编辑菜单
msg.jsp.edituser = 编辑用户
msg.jsp.editversion = 编辑版本 = 等等 = E-Mail
msg.jsp.emailheader = E-Mail header
msg.jsp.enable = 生效
msg.jsp.enabled = 无效
msg.jsp.english = 英语
msg.jsp.entries = Entries
msg.jsp.equals = Equals
msg.jsp.event = Event
msg.jsp.extendedsearch = 高级查询
msg.jsp.externaldbms = External database management system
msg.jsp.file = 文件
msg.jsp.folder = 文件夹
msg.jsp.foldercontent.confirmdelete = Do you really want to delete the selected item? = 时间戳
msg.jsp.foldercontent.delete = 删除
msg.jsp.foldercontent.edit = 编辑 = Edit + Password
msg.jsp.foldercontent.filename = 文件名 = 信息
msg.jsp.foldercontent.rights = 权限
msg.jsp.foldercontent.size = 大小
msg.jsp.folderdata = Folder data
msg.jsp.foldername = 文件夹名称
msg.jsp.format = Format
msg.jsp.french = 法语
msg.jsp.from = 从
msg.jsp.fulltext = 全文
msg.jsp.functions = Functions
msg.jsp.fuzzysearch = Fuzzy search
msg.jsp.german = 德国
msg.jsp.go = 查询
msg.jsp.graph = graphical
msg.jsp.greater = Greater than
msg.jsp.groupdata = Group data
msg.jsp.groupdesc = 组描述
msg.jsp.groupinfo = 组信息
msg.jsp.groupname = 组名称 = 帮助
msg.jsp.headlinks.home = 首页
msg.jsp.headlinks.logout = 退出 = here
msg.jsp.high = High
msg.jsp.history = 历史 = Host
msg.jsp.icon = 图标
msg.jsp.incoming = Incoming E-Mails
msg.jsp.indexall = Create index again
msg.jsp.indexdir = 索引目录 = 信息
msg.jsp.inheritgroup = Parent group
msg.jsp.internaldbms = Internal database management system (HSQLDB)
msg.jsp.internationalmenu = International menu
msg.jsp.internetpage = Internet page
msg.jsp.italian = 意大利
msg.jsp.keywords = 关键字
msg.jsp.languages = 语言
msg.jsp.lastdocs = Last documents
msg.jsp.lastmodified = 上次修改
msg.jsp.lastsearch = 上次查询
msg.jsp.less = Less than
msg.jsp.level = 等级
msg.jsp.license = 授权协议
msg.jsp.location = 当前位置
msg.jsp.lock = 锁定
msg.jsp.loggingfile = 日志文件
msg.jsp.login = 登录
msg.jsp.login.language = 语言种类
msg.jsp.login.language.default = 默认
msg.jsp.login.language.english = 英语
msg.jsp.login.language.french = 法语
msg.jsp.login.language.german = 德语
msg.jsp.login.language.italian = 意大利语
msg.jsp.login.language.spanish = 西班牙语
msg.jsp.login.login = 登录
msg.jsp.login.password = 密码
msg.jsp.login.username = 用户名称
msg.jsp.logmessages = 日志信息
msg.jsp.low = Low = IMAP Server = POP3 Server
msg.jsp.mailaddress = E-Mail Address
msg.jsp.main.welcome = 欢迎 {0} 使用本系统.
msg.jsp.maxfragments = Number of fragments = 菜单
msg.jsp.menudata = Menu data
msg.jsp.menugroup = Group element
msg.jsp.menuinfo = Menu information
msg.jsp.menuname = 菜单名
msg.jsp.message = 信息
msg.jsp.messageheader = Message header
msg.jsp.messages = 通知信息
msg.jsp.mindmap = Export as Mindmap
msg.jsp.moveup = 向上
msg.jsp.newrelease = 新版本
msg.jsp.newsubversion = New subversion = 下一个
msg.jsp.noresults = 没有查询到任何文档!
msg.jsp.normal = Normal
msg.jsp.not = Without the words
msg.jsp.oldpassword = 原密码
msg.jsp.oldversion = 老版本
msg.jsp.openinfolder = 文件夹中打开
msg.jsp.osinfo = Contineo is a web application to manage documents. The system is developed under the GNU Public License, so you can get it for free.
msg.jsp.outgoing = Outgoing E-Mails = Page
msg.jsp.parentfolder = Parentfolder
msg.jsp.parentname = Parentmenu
msg.jsp.passwordheader = 修改密码
msg.jsp.paste = 粘贴
msg.jsp.phrase = With the exact phrase
msg.jsp.pleasewait = 请等待
msg.jsp.port = 缺省端口
msg.jsp.prev = 上一个
msg.jsp.preview = 御览
msg.jsp.prio = 优先
msg.jsp.protocol = 协议
msg.jsp.publishedby = 发布人
msg.jsp.publishedon = 发布于
msg.jsp.readmessage = 读信息
msg.jsp.readright = 读权限
msg.jsp.recipient = 接收
msg.jsp.recursive = Apply new settings to sub-elements
msg.jsp.relation = 相关
msg.jsp.reload = 重新加载
msg.jsp.reply = 回复
msg.jsp.representation = Representation
msg.jsp.restore = 恢复
msg.jsp.rights = 权限
msg.jsp.score = Score
msg.jsp.screenSize = Screen size
msg.jsp.screensize = Screen size = 搜索 = 所有文档 = 英文文档
msg.jsp.searchdata = Search data
msg.jsp.searchfields = 查询字段
msg.jsp.searchresult = 查询结果
msg.jsp.searchsettings = 查询设置
msg.jsp.searchterms = Search term(s)
msg.jsp.send = 发送
msg.jsp.sendasemail = 以邮件发送
msg.jsp.sender = Sender
msg.jsp.sendticket = Send download ticket
msg.jsp.sent = Sent
msg.jsp.sequencemanager = Sequence manager
msg.jsp.setup = 设置
msg.jsp.setup.contineo = Contineo - Setup
msg.jsp.setupfinish = Contineo was successfully installed. = 显示
msg.jsp.showaccount = 显示帐号
msg.jsp.showarticle = 显示文章
msg.jsp.showarticles = 显示所有文章
msg.jsp.showgroup = 显示组
msg.jsp.showuser = 显示用户
msg.jsp.similar = 相似
msg.jsp.similardocs = 相似文档
msg.jsp.size = Size
msg.jsp.sort = 排序
msg.jsp.source = Source
msg.jsp.sourcedata = Source data
msg.jsp.sourcedate = Publication date
msg.jsp.sourcetype = Type of the document
msg.jsp.spanish = 西班牙
msg.jsp.startcontineo = Start contineo
msg.jsp.startdoc = Starting document
msg.jsp.subject = 主题
msg.jsp.subprotocol = Subprotocol
msg.jsp.system = 系统
msg.jsp.text = 文本
msg.jsp.textfile = 文本文件
msg.jsp.textual = textual
msg.jsp.timestamp = 时间
msg.jsp.title = 题目
msg.jsp.translations = Translations
msg.jsp.translator = Translator
msg.jsp.type = Menutype
msg.jsp.unlock = 解锁
msg.jsp.uploadfolder = 导入文件夹
msg.jsp.userdata = 用户数据
msg.jsp.userinfo = 用户信息
msg.jsp.validityperiod = Validity period (in days)
msg.jsp.version = 版本
msg.jsp.versioncomment = 版本注释
msg.jsp.versiondata = 版本数据
msg.jsp.versiondate = 版本数据
msg.jsp.versiondesc = 版本描述
msg.jsp.versioninfo = 版本信息
msg.jsp.versions = 版本
msg.jsp.view = View
msg.jsp.welcome = 欢迎
msg.jsp.welcome.head = 欢迎使用本系统.
msg.jsp.welcome.text = 请插入你的用户名和密码
msg.jsp.wordcount = 单词数量
msg.jsp.writeright = 写权限
msg.jsp.xmlfile = XML 文件
msg.jsp.zipalllevel = Export all level as zip
msg.jsp.ziponelevel = 以zip格式的文件导出
msg.question.deletedoc = Do you really want to delete the item?
msg.question.deletegroup = Do you really want to delete the group?
msg.question.deletemess = Do you really want to delete the message?
msg.question.deleteuser = Do you really want to delete the user?
search = 查询
upload.progress = 上传过程
w3c.xhtml.text = Valid Xhtml 1.0 Strict
webservice.heading = REST Web Service Interface
webservice.short = Web Service
# -- welcome --
welcome.title = 文档管理系统