Dojo 的css 2.0 lite 选择器源代码

Dojo 包含两个选择器 lite.js 和 acme.js,  lite只是一个基础的选择器,包含id, className, tagName,  以及css2.0的属性选择器, 文件库相对于acme.js来说小很多,常用的选择方法都已经覆盖, 而acme.js 比较全面,支持全部的css3.0的要求, 但文件很大

Dojo中还支持 sizzle,可以通过 selectorEngine 来自定义选择器, 关于选择器的使用可以参考

以下是对 lite.js 源码注释

        拥有 querySelectorAll的浏览器
                     正则表达式判断出 #id, .class, input等,不是 css格式的选择符
                        分别调用 getElementById, getElementsByClassName, getElementsByTagName
                            对于没有getElementsByClassName的浏览器IE8, 则调用querySelectorAll
                     没有符合正则表达式, css 的选择器字符串 "div#id .a"
                        直接调用 querySelectorAll 函数
        没有 querySelectorAll的浏览器 IE6, IE7
                    如果查询字符串中包含逗号分隔 "div, input"
                        调用combine方法, 分隔成单独的查询字符串, 在执行以下的步骤

                    正则表达式会匹配 div#clock .aa i[id='test'],div,clock,.aa i[id='test'],,,
                        先查找 #clock元素,然后设用 .aa i[id='test'], #clock, 变为 .aa i[id='test'],,,,.aa ,i,[id='test']
                    正则表达式匹配 .aa i[id='test']
                        先在root里找getElementsByTagName('i'), 构建新的selector, .aa [id='test']
                            调用 jsMatchesSelector, 先匹配getElementsByTagName中的元素 其属性是否为[id='test'], 然后他的父元素是否有 .aa类

        构造 match 类方法
        调整 querySelectorAll 方法

define(["../has", "../_base/kernel"], function(has, dojo){
"use strict";

var testDiv = document.createElement("div");
var matchesSelector = testDiv.matches || testDiv.webkitMatchesSelector || testDiv.mozMatchesSelector || testDiv.msMatchesSelector || testDiv.oMatchesSelector;  //IE9以下才支持,testDiv.matches('div') 如果每个元素跟css选择器相同,返回ture, 否则返回false
var querySelectorAll = testDiv.querySelectorAll;
var unionSplit = /([^\s,](?:"(?:\\.|[^"])+"|'(?:\\.|[^'])+'|[^,])*)/g;
has.add("dom-matches-selector", !!matchesSelector);
has.add("dom-qsa", !!querySelectorAll); 

// this is a simple query engine. It has handles basic selectors, and for simple
// common selectors is extremely fast
var liteEngine = function(selector, root){
	// summary:
	//		A small lightweight query selector engine that implements CSS2.1 selectors
	//		minus pseudo-classes and the sibling combinator, plus CSS3 attribute selectors
    // 当 query('div, p") 以及 IE7及以下,才调用combine方法
	if(combine && selector.indexOf(',') > -1){
		return combine(selector, root);
	// use the root's ownerDocument if provided, otherwise try to use dojo.doc. Note 
	// that we don't use dojo/_base/window's doc to reduce dependencies, and 
	// fallback to plain document if dojo.doc hasn't been defined (by dojo/_base/window).
	// presumably we will have a better way to do this in 2.0
        如果浏览器提供了node.ownerDocument属性(IE6.0引进,其它未知), doc为拥有这个元素的document对像.
	var doc = root ? root.ownerDocument || root : dojo.doc || document,
            针对现在浏览器:可以匹配div#id, div.class, input, 但对于 span i等, match 返回空

            返回["", "div", "id"]
            返回["div.class", "div", undefined", ".", "class", undefined]
            返回 [".red", undefined, undefined, ".", "red", undefined]
            query("div#id .red") 查找div#id 的 .red子元素
                querySelectorAl ? null :  div#clock1 .red,div,clock1,.red,,,
            数组的格式是 ['匹配到的字符串', 'div', 'id', '.', 'className', 'element']

		match = (querySelectorAll ? 
			/^([\w]*)#([\w\-]+$)|^(\.)([\w\-\*]+$)|^(\w+$)/ : // 简单的查询, div#id, class, 元素input
                每一个匹配部分, 都会用于查询的手动过滤
                ^([\w]*)#([\w\-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$  用于匹配 "div#id .red" 或者 "div#id input"
                (?:^|(>|.+\s+))([\w\-\*]+)(\S*$)    div > ipnut > a:visit  result: ["div > ipnut > a:visited", undefined, undefined, undefined, "div > ipnut > ", "a", ":visited"]
                ['匹配到的字符串', 'div', 'id', '.class elementName', 'div>input>' ,'a', ":visited']
			/^([\w]*)#([\w\-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$|(?:^|(>|.+\s+))([\w\-\*]+)(\S*$)/) // this one matches parts of the query that we can use to speed up manual filtering
	root = root || doc;


		// fast path regardless of whether or not querySelectorAll exists

			// an #id
			// use dojo.byId if available as it fixes the id retrieval in IE, note that we can't use the dojo namespace in 2.0, but if there is a conditional module use, we will use that
            // IE 的getElementById bug是, name 和 id不分
			var found = dojo.byId ? dojo.byId(match[2], doc) : doc.getElementById(match[2]);
			if(!found || (match[1] && match[1] != found.tagName.toLowerCase())){
				// if there is a tag qualifer and it doesn't match, no matches
				return [];
			if(root != doc){
				// there is a root element, make sure we are a child of it 如果指定了root, 那么确保root是这个元素的父元素
				var parent = found;
				while(parent != root){
					parent = parent.parentNode;
						return [];

            // 对于没有querySelectAll的浏览器, “div#id .red”, 现在只是找到了div#id元素, 还需要在次查找.red元素, 并在找查.red元素时,设置root为div#id;
			return match[3] ?
					liteEngine(match[3], found) 
					: [found];

		if(match[3] && root.getElementsByClassName){
			// a .class   IE8, IE7 不支持

			return root.getElementsByClassName(match[4]);
		var found;

			// a tag   现代化浏览器,直接根据tagName查找,并返回
			found = root.getElementsByTagName(match[5]);

            // IE7及以下的浏览器,选查找到元素,并构造新的选择器字符串
             #clock\'1 .aa i[id='test'],,,,#clock\'1 .aa ,i,[id='test']
             #clock\'1 .aa [id='test']

			if(match[4] || match[6]){
				selector = (match[4] || "") + match[6];

				// that was the entirety of the query, return results
				return found;


		// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
		// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
		// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
		// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements 不支持在<object> 标签调用querySelectorAll  <object width="400" height="400" data="helloworld.swf"></object>

		if (root.nodeType === 1 && root.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object"){
			return useRoot(root, selector, root.querySelectorAll);
			// we can use the native qSA
            // 应用于document
            // IE8 不能应用此方法 object elements
			return root.querySelectorAll(selector);
	}else if(!found){  // 对于没有querySelectorAll的浏览器
		// search all children and then filter

		found = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
	// now we filter the nodes that were found using the matchesSelector
	var results = [];
	for(var i = 0, l = found.length; i < l; i++){
		var node = found[i];
		if(node.nodeType == 1 && jsMatchesSelector(node, selector, root)){
			// keep the nodes that match the selector
	return results;
var useRoot = function(context, query, method){

	// this function creates a temporary id so we can do rooted qSA queries, this is taken from sizzle
	var oldContext = context,
		old = context.getAttribute("id"),
		nid = old || "__dojo__",
		hasParent = context.parentNode,
		relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test(query);  // query('+input', #form1); 相对于context的元素

		 prev + next, 返回找到的next元素,next是prev的后一个兄弟元素, prev ~ siblings, 返回prev之后的兄弟元素
		  label + input 返回 第一个input
		  label ~ input 返回 两个input, span不返回


	if(relativeHierarchySelector && !hasParent){
        //这个表达式应该没有用,因为传递给useRoot不可能为Document对像,只可能是Element, 而Element对像都是有parentNode
		return [];
		context.setAttribute("id", nid);
		nid = nid.replace(/'/g, "\\$&"); // $&引用与 regexp 相匹配的子串, $` '左侧的文本 $' '右侧的文本
	if(relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent){
		context = context.parentNode;
    //对query中的每个元素定义id, query('+ span, ~span", context);
	var selectors = query.match(unionSplit);
	for(var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++){
		selectors[i] = "[id='" + nid + "'] " + selectors[i];
     <div id="tes't"><span><i></i></span></div>
     那么: query('span i', document.getElementById("test'1")) 会返回 [id='tes\'t'] span i

     在div.parentNode上调用 querySelectorAll("[id='tes\'t'] span i") 查找对应的元素
     如果你在元素上直接调用 div.querySelectorAll('body div span i") 这个也是会返回 i 元素,因为querySelectorAll是从整个文档查询 div span i, 然后在过滤出 div#test't内的 span i.
     useRoot 会让 div.querySelectAll("body div span i") 返回 [], 相等于查询 [id='tes\'t'] body div span i
	query = selectors.join(",");

		return, query);

	var jsMatchesSelector = (function(){
		// a JS implementation of CSS selector matching, first we start with the various handlers
		var caseFix = testDiv.tagName == "div" ? "toLowerCase" : "toUpperCase";  //xml 或者 xhtml 会保留原始的大小写, 而html中,都是大小的

		var selectorTypes = {
			"": function(tagName){
				tagName = tagName[caseFix]();
				return function(node){
					return node.tagName == tagName;
			".": function(className){
				var classNameSpaced = ' ' + className + ' ';  //如果要查询,.aa, 而有一个元素的类名是 aaSuffix, 对过添加左右空格,就能排除这种情况
				return function(node){
					return node.className.indexOf(className) > -1 && (' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(classNameSpaced) > -1;
			"#": function(id){
				return function(node){
					return == id;
		var attrComparators = {
			"^=": function(attrValue, value){
				return attrValue.indexOf(value) == 0;
			"*=": function(attrValue, value){
				return attrValue.indexOf(value) > -1;
			"$=": function(attrValue, value){
				return attrValue.substring(attrValue.length - value.length, attrValue.length) == value;
			"~=": function(attrValue, value){
				return (' ' + attrValue + ' ').indexOf(' ' + value + ' ') > -1;
			"|=": function(attrValue, value){
				return (attrValue + '-').indexOf(value + '-') == 0;
			"=": function(attrValue, value){
				return attrValue == value;
			"": function(attrValue, value){
				return true;
		function attr(name, value, type){
			var firstChar = value.charAt(0);
			if(firstChar == '"' || firstChar == "'"){
				// it is quoted, remove the quotes
				value = value.slice(1, -1);
			value = value.replace(/\\/g,'');
			var comparator = attrComparators[type || ""];
			return function(node){
				var attrValue = node.getAttribute(name);
				return attrValue && comparator(attrValue, value);
		function ancestor(matcher){
			return function(node, root){
				while((node = node.parentNode) != root){
					if(matcher(node, root)){
						return true;
		function parent(matcher){
			return function(node, root){
				node = node.parentNode;
				return matcher ? 
					node != root && matcher(node, root)
					: node == root;
		var cache = {};
		function and(matcher, next){

			return matcher ?
				function(node, root){

					return next(node) && matcher(node, root);
				: next;
		return function(node, selector, root){
			// this returns true or false based on if the node matches the selector (optionally within the given root)
			var matcher = cache[selector]; // check to see if we have created a matcher function for the given selector

				// create a matcher function for the given selector
				// parse the selectors
                    1. 检测字符串中的 >或者空格,并记录到 &1
                    2. 检测字符串中是否有 #或者. ,并记录到 &2, 并记录它们后面的字符 &3 (转义字符,eg. id="first.last", 查找时#first\\.last" , 其它可包含的字符为 [\w-]
                    3. 检测字符串中是否有 [], 并记录  attrName 到 &4, attrType(*=, |=, =, ^=)到&5, 对于 attrValue有三种类型 "aa", aa, aa ([^\]]) 检测非"]" 结束的字符
                    e.g: query("#clock\\'1 .aa i[id='test']")
                    match: #clock\'1 .aa i[id='test'],,,,#clock\'1 .aa ,i,[id='test']
                    selector: #clock\'1 .aa [id='test']
                    执行 selector.replace
                    1st matcher = function(node){
                             return == id;
                    matcher = ancestor(matcher) // 返回一个函数 function(node, root){}, 返回的这个函数会调用 1st中的函数

                    matcher = function(className){
                 var classNameSpaced = ' ' + className + ' ';  //如果要查询,.aa, 而有一个元素的类名是 aaSuffix, 对过添加左右空格,就能排除这种情况
                 return function(node){
                 return node.className.indexOf(className) > -1 && (' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(classNameSpaced) > -1;
                 }  && matcher(node, root) // 调用第二步的matcher
                    4st 同2st
                    5st matcher = attr() && matcher (4st)

                    6 当调用 matcher时, 先调用执行 attr() -> matcher (4st) ->  matcher(3st) -> matcher(2st) -> matcher(1st)

				if(selector.replace(/(?:\s*([> ])\s*)|(#|\.)?((?:\\.|[\w-])+)|\[\s*([\w-]+)\s*(.?=)?\s*("(?:\\.|[^"])+"|'(?:\\.|[^'])+'|(?:\\.|[^\]])*)\s*\]/g, function(t, combinator, type, value, attrName, attrType, attrValue){


						matcher = and(matcher, selectorTypes[type || ""](value.replace(/\\/g, '')));
					else if(combinator){
						matcher = (combinator == " " ? ancestor : parent)(matcher);
					else if(attrName){
						matcher = and(matcher, attr(attrName, attrValue, attrType));
					return "";
					throw new Error("Syntax error in query");
					return true;

				cache[selector] = matcher;
			// now run the matcher function on the node

			return matcher(node, root);
    lite 支持的css2 选择器用法


	var combine = function(selector, root){
		// combined queries
        //var unionSplit = /([^\s,](?:"(?:\\.|[^"])+"|'(?:\\.|[^'])+'|[^,])*)/g;
            1. "div, a" 或才 " div, a",   [^\s,]以非空格,逗号开头, |[^,]* 当遇到逗号时,停止这次匹配
            2. \\.|[^"] 用来匹配转义后的字符,如"aaa\\"bbbbccc" , 我要匹配整个字任串时,如果只用[^"]只能匹配到"aaa\\" , 为了提升正则表达式的效率,可以改成以下方式
                "(?: [^"\\]|\\.)+" 因为 正常字符的出现,要比转义出现的概率大, 所以把 [^"\]提前
            3. /([^\s,]([^,])*)/g  但是必须要考虑双引号或者单引号之间有的逗号
            4. 如果遇到双引号,就应当一次性的读取“”之间的内容, 内容的形式为 [^"] 和 \\. 转义字符, querySelectAll(".class:test") //错误
                query("div, a");
                query("div[id='my\\:name']")  <div id="my:name"></div>
                query("[data-name='hello, world']")
		var selectors = selector.match(unionSplit);
		var indexed = [];

		// add all results and keep unique ones, this only runs in IE, so we take advantage 
		// of known IE features, particularly sourceIndex which is unique and allows us to 
		// order the results

		for(var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++){
			selector = new String(selectors[i].replace(/\s*$/,''));

			selector.indexOf = escape; // keep it from recursively entering combine
			var results = liteEngine(selector, root);
			for(var j = 0, l = results.length; j < l; j++){
				var node = results[j];
				indexed[node.sourceIndex] = node;

		// now convert from a sparse array to a dense array 将一个稀疏数组变为稠密数组
		var totalResults = [];
		for(i in indexed){

		return totalResults;

liteEngine.match = matchesSelector ? function(node, selector, root){
	if(root && root.nodeType != 9){
		// doesn't support three args, use rooted id trick
		return useRoot(root, selector, function(query){
			return, query);
	// we have a native matchesSelector, use that
	return, selector);
} : jsMatchesSelector; // otherwise use the JS matches impl

return liteEngine;





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