
1. 在视图类里面创建以下变量
class MyView
    ArcBallT    m_ArcBall;        // 轨迹球, 记录轨迹的变化
    Matrix4fT    *m_pTransform;
    Matrix3fT    *m_pLastRot;
    Matrix3fT    *m_pThisRot;

    CPoint m_ptLast; // 记住鼠标上次鼠标的位置

    // 初始化
    // 轨迹球初始化
    Matrix4fT Transform = {
        1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f
    m_pTransform = new Matrix4fT(Transform);

    Matrix3fT LastRot = {
        1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f
    m_pLastRot = new Matrix3fT(LastRot);

    Matrix3fT ThisRot = {
        1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,
        0.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f
    m_pThisRot = new Matrix3fT(ThisRot);

MyView::Init()  // 在窗口初始化时把窗口的大小传递给轨迹球
    CRect rectSize;
    double dbViewWidth = (VIEW_SIZE / 2) / 0.95;
    int cx = rectSize.Width();
    int cy = rectSize.Height();
    // 设置轨迹球
    m_ArcBall.setBounds((GLfloat)cx, (GLfloat)cy);



    glTranslatef(m_glMove[0], m_glMove[1], 0.0);
    gluLookAt(m_lookPos[0], m_lookPos[1], m_lookPos[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, m_upPos[0], m_upPos[1], m_upPos[2]);
    glMultMatrixf(m_pTransform->M); // 使用轨迹球的旋转矩阵

    glScaled(m_glScale, m_glScale, m_glScale);
    //glTranslatef(-dtCenter.x, -dtCenter.y, -dtCenter.z);



MyView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlag, CPoint point)
    // 鼠标按下时
    m_bCaptrue = TRUE;
    m_ptLast = point;

    if (0 == m_i3dTool) // 旋转
        *m_pLastRot = *m_pThisRot;
        Point2fT    MousePt;
        MousePt.s.X = point.x;
        MousePt.s.Y = point.y;;    // 记录按下的位置

    CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);

MyView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlag, CPoint point)
    // 鼠标拖拽
    if (m_bCaptrue)
        if (0 == m_i3dTool) // 旋转
            Point2fT    MousePt;
            MousePt.s.X = m_ptLast.x;
            MousePt.s.Y = m_ptLast.y;
            Quat4fT     ThisQuat;

            m_ArcBall.drag(&MousePt, &ThisQuat);
            Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(m_pThisRot, &ThisQuat);
            Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(m_pThisRot, m_pLastRot);
            Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(m_pTransform, m_pThisRot); // 计算旋转量

            m_ptLast = point;
    CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

/** KempoApi: The Turloc Toolkit *****************************/
/** *    *                                                  **/
/** **  **  Filename: ArcBall.h                             **/
/**   **    Version:  Common                                **/
/**   **                                                    **/
/**                                                         **/
/**  Arcball class for mouse manipulation.                  **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                              (C) 1999-2003 **/
/**   History:                                              **/
/**   08/17/2003 - (TJG) - Creation                         **/
/**   09/23/2003 - (TJG) - Bug fix and optimization         **/
/**   09/25/2003 - (TJG) - Version for NeHe Basecode users  **/
/**                                                         **/

#ifndef _ArcBall_h
#define _ArcBall_h

// 8<--Snip here if you have your own math types/funcs-->8 

//Only support assertions in debug builds
#ifdef _DEBUG
# include "assert.h"
# define assert(x) { }

//Math types derived from the KempoApi tMath library
    typedef union Tuple2f_t
            GLfloat X, Y;
        } s;

        GLfloat T[2];
    } Tuple2fT;      //A generic 2-element tuple that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y coordinates. 

    typedef union Tuple3f_t
            GLfloat X, Y, Z;
        } s;

        GLfloat T[3];
    } Tuple3fT;      //A generic 3-element tuple that is represented by single precision-floating point x,y,z coordinates. 

    typedef union Tuple4f_t
            GLfloat X, Y, Z, W;
        } s;

        GLfloat T[4];
    } Tuple4fT;      //A 4-element tuple represented by single-precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates. 

    typedef union Matrix3f_t
                //column major
                union { GLfloat M00; GLfloat XX; GLfloat SX; };  //XAxis.X and Scale X
                union { GLfloat M10; GLfloat XY;             };  //XAxis.Y
                union { GLfloat M20; GLfloat XZ;             };  //XAxis.Z
                union { GLfloat M01; GLfloat YX;             };  //YAxis.X
                union { GLfloat M11; GLfloat YY; GLfloat SY; };  //YAxis.Y and Scale Y
                union { GLfloat M21; GLfloat YZ;             };  //YAxis.Z
                union { GLfloat M02; GLfloat ZX;             };  //ZAxis.X
                union { GLfloat M12; GLfloat ZY;             };  //ZAxis.Y
                union { GLfloat M22; GLfloat ZZ; GLfloat SZ; };  //ZAxis.Z and Scale Z
            } s;
            GLfloat M[9];
    } Matrix3fT;     //A single precision floating point 3 by 3 matrix. 

    typedef union Matrix4f_t
                //column major
                union { GLfloat M00; GLfloat XX; GLfloat SX; };  //XAxis.X and Scale X
                union { GLfloat M10; GLfloat XY;             };  //XAxis.Y
                union { GLfloat M20; GLfloat XZ;             };  //XAxis.Z
                union { GLfloat M30; GLfloat XW;             };  //XAxis.W
                union { GLfloat M01; GLfloat YX;             };  //YAxis.X
                union { GLfloat M11; GLfloat YY; GLfloat SY; };  //YAxis.Y and Scale Y
                union { GLfloat M21; GLfloat YZ;             };  //YAxis.Z
                union { GLfloat M31; GLfloat YW;             };  //YAxis.W
                union { GLfloat M02; GLfloat ZX;             };  //ZAxis.X
                union { GLfloat M12; GLfloat ZY;             };  //ZAxis.Y
                union { GLfloat M22; GLfloat ZZ; GLfloat SZ; };  //ZAxis.Z and Scale Z
                union { GLfloat M32; GLfloat ZW;             };  //ZAxis.W
                union { GLfloat M03; GLfloat TX;             };  //Trans.X
                union { GLfloat M13; GLfloat TY;             };  //Trans.Y
                union { GLfloat M23; GLfloat TZ;             };  //Trans.Z
                union { GLfloat M33; GLfloat TW; GLfloat SW; };  //Trans.W and Scale W
            } s;
            GLfloat M[16];
    } Matrix4fT;     //A single precision floating point 4 by 4 matrix. 

//"Inherited" types
#define Point2fT    Tuple2fT   //A 2 element point that is represented by single precision floating point x,y coordinates. 

#define Quat4fT     Tuple4fT   //A 4 element unit quaternion represented by single precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates. 

#define Vector2fT   Tuple2fT   //A 2-element vector that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y coordinates. 
#define Vector3fT   Tuple3fT   //A 3-element vector that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y,z coordinates. 

//Custom math, or speed overrides
#define FuncSqrt    sqrtf

//utility macros
//assuming IEEE-754(GLfloat), which i believe has max precision of 7 bits
# define Epsilon 1.0e-5

//Math functions

     * Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
     * @param t1  the other tuple
    static void Point2fAdd(Point2fT* NewObj, const Tuple2fT* t1)
        assert(NewObj && t1);

        NewObj->s.X += t1->s.X;
        NewObj->s.Y += t1->s.Y;

      * Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of itself and tuple t1 (this = this - t1).
      * @param t1 the other tuple
    static void Point2fSub(Point2fT* NewObj, const Tuple2fT* t1)
        assert(NewObj && t1);

        NewObj->s.X -= t1->s.X;
        NewObj->s.Y -= t1->s.Y;

      * Sets this vector to be the vector cross product of vectors v1 and v2.
      * @param v1 the first vector
      * @param v2 the second vector
    static void Vector3fCross(Vector3fT* NewObj, const Vector3fT* v1, const Vector3fT* v2)
        Vector3fT Result; //safe not to initialize

        assert(NewObj && v1 && v2);

        // store on stack once for aliasing-safty
        // i.e. safe when a.cross(a, b)

        Result.s.X = (v1->s.Y * v2->s.Z) - (v1->s.Z * v2->s.Y);
        Result.s.Y = (v1->s.Z * v2->s.X) - (v1->s.X * v2->s.Z);
        Result.s.Z = (v1->s.X * v2->s.Y) - (v1->s.Y * v2->s.X);

        //copy result back
        *NewObj = Result;

      * Computes the dot product of the this vector and vector v1.
      * @param  v1 the other vector
    static GLfloat Vector3fDot(const Vector3fT* NewObj, const Vector3fT* v1) 
        assert(NewObj && v1);

        return  (NewObj->s.X * v1->s.X) +
                (NewObj->s.Y * v1->s.Y) +
                (NewObj->s.Z * v1->s.Z);

      * Returns the squared length of this vector.
      * @return the squared length of this vector
    static GLfloat Vector3fLengthSquared(const Vector3fT* NewObj)

        return  (NewObj->s.X * NewObj->s.X) +
                (NewObj->s.Y * NewObj->s.Y) +
                (NewObj->s.Z * NewObj->s.Z);

      * Returns the length of this vector.
      * @return the length of this vector
    static GLfloat Vector3fLength(const Vector3fT* NewObj)

        return FuncSqrt(Vector3fLengthSquared(NewObj));

    static void Matrix3fSetZero(Matrix3fT* NewObj)
        NewObj->s.M00 = NewObj->s.M01 = NewObj->s.M02 = 
        NewObj->s.M10 = NewObj->s.M11 = NewObj->s.M12 = 
        NewObj->s.M20 = NewObj->s.M21 = NewObj->s.M22 = 0.0f;

     * Sets this Matrix3 to identity.
    static void Matrix3fSetIdentity(Matrix3fT* NewObj)

        //then set diagonal as 1
        NewObj->s.M00 = 
        NewObj->s.M11 = 
        NewObj->s.M22 = 1.0f;

      * Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the
      * quaternion argument. 
      * @param q1 the quaternion to be converted 
    //$hack this can be optimized some(if s == 0)
    static void Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(Matrix3fT* NewObj, const Quat4fT* q1)
        GLfloat n, s;
        GLfloat xs, ys, zs;
        GLfloat wx, wy, wz;
        GLfloat xx, xy, xz;
        GLfloat yy, yz, zz;

        assert(NewObj && q1);

        n = (q1->s.X * q1->s.X) + (q1->s.Y * q1->s.Y) + (q1->s.Z * q1->s.Z) + (q1->s.W * q1->s.W);
        s = (n > 0.0f) ? (2.0f / n) : 0.0f;

        xs = q1->s.X * s;  ys = q1->s.Y * s;  zs = q1->s.Z * s;
        wx = q1->s.W * xs; wy = q1->s.W * ys; wz = q1->s.W * zs;
        xx = q1->s.X * xs; xy = q1->s.X * ys; xz = q1->s.X * zs;
        yy = q1->s.Y * ys; yz = q1->s.Y * zs; zz = q1->s.Z * zs;

        NewObj->s.XX = 1.0f - (yy + zz); NewObj->s.YX =         xy - wz;  NewObj->s.ZX =         xz + wy;
        NewObj->s.XY =         xy + wz;  NewObj->s.YY = 1.0f - (xx + zz); NewObj->s.ZY =         yz - wx;
        NewObj->s.XZ =         xz - wy;  NewObj->s.YZ =         yz + wx;  NewObj->s.ZZ = 1.0f - (xx + yy);

     * Sets the value of this matrix to the result of multiplying itself
     * with matrix m1. 
     * @param m1 the other matrix 
    static void Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(Matrix3fT* NewObj, const Matrix3fT* m1)
        Matrix3fT Result; //safe not to initialize

        assert(NewObj && m1);

        // alias-safe way.
        Result.s.M00 = (NewObj->s.M00 * m1->s.M00) + (NewObj->s.M01 * m1->s.M10) + (NewObj->s.M02 * m1->s.M20);
        Result.s.M01 = (NewObj->s.M00 * m1->s.M01) + (NewObj->s.M01 * m1->s.M11) + (NewObj->s.M02 * m1->s.M21);
        Result.s.M02 = (NewObj->s.M00 * m1->s.M02) + (NewObj->s.M01 * m1->s.M12) + (NewObj->s.M02 * m1->s.M22);

        Result.s.M10 = (NewObj->s.M10 * m1->s.M00) + (NewObj->s.M11 * m1->s.M10) + (NewObj->s.M12 * m1->s.M20);
        Result.s.M11 = (NewObj->s.M10 * m1->s.M01) + (NewObj->s.M11 * m1->s.M11) + (NewObj->s.M12 * m1->s.M21);
        Result.s.M12 = (NewObj->s.M10 * m1->s.M02) + (NewObj->s.M11 * m1->s.M12) + (NewObj->s.M12 * m1->s.M22);

        Result.s.M20 = (NewObj->s.M20 * m1->s.M00) + (NewObj->s.M21 * m1->s.M10) + (NewObj->s.M22 * m1->s.M20);
        Result.s.M21 = (NewObj->s.M20 * m1->s.M01) + (NewObj->s.M21 * m1->s.M11) + (NewObj->s.M22 * m1->s.M21);
        Result.s.M22 = (NewObj->s.M20 * m1->s.M02) + (NewObj->s.M21 * m1->s.M12) + (NewObj->s.M22 * m1->s.M22);

        //copy result back to this
        *NewObj = Result;

    static void Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix4f(Matrix4fT* NewObj, const Matrix4fT* m1)
        assert(NewObj && m1);

        NewObj->s.XX = m1->s.XX; NewObj->s.YX = m1->s.YX; NewObj->s.ZX = m1->s.ZX;
        NewObj->s.XY = m1->s.XY; NewObj->s.YY = m1->s.YY; NewObj->s.ZY = m1->s.ZY;
        NewObj->s.XZ = m1->s.XZ; NewObj->s.YZ = m1->s.YZ; NewObj->s.ZZ = m1->s.ZZ;

      * Performs SVD on this matrix and gets scale and rotation.
      * Rotation is placed into rot3, and rot4.
      * @param rot3 the rotation factor(Matrix3d). if null, ignored
      * @param rot4 the rotation factor(Matrix4) only upper 3x3 elements are changed. if null, ignored
      * @return scale factor
    static GLfloat Matrix4fSVD(const Matrix4fT* NewObj, Matrix3fT* rot3, Matrix4fT* rot4)
        GLfloat s, n;


        // this is a simple svd.
        // Not complete but fast and reasonable.
        // See comment in Matrix3d.

        s = FuncSqrt(
                ( (NewObj->s.XX * NewObj->s.XX) + (NewObj->s.XY * NewObj->s.XY) + (NewObj->s.XZ * NewObj->s.XZ) + 
                  (NewObj->s.YX * NewObj->s.YX) + (NewObj->s.YY * NewObj->s.YY) + (NewObj->s.YZ * NewObj->s.YZ) +
                  (NewObj->s.ZX * NewObj->s.ZX) + (NewObj->s.ZY * NewObj->s.ZY) + (NewObj->s.ZZ * NewObj->s.ZZ) ) / 3.0f );

        if (rot3)   //if pointer not null
            rot3->s.XX = NewObj->s.XX; rot3->s.XY = NewObj->s.XY; rot3->s.XZ = NewObj->s.XZ;
            rot3->s.YX = NewObj->s.YX; rot3->s.YY = NewObj->s.YY; rot3->s.YZ = NewObj->s.YZ;
            rot3->s.ZX = NewObj->s.ZX; rot3->s.ZY = NewObj->s.ZY; rot3->s.ZZ = NewObj->s.ZZ;

            // zero-div may occur.

            n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.XX * NewObj->s.XX) +
                                      (NewObj->s.XY * NewObj->s.XY) +
                                      (NewObj->s.XZ * NewObj->s.XZ) );
            rot3->s.XX *= n;
            rot3->s.XY *= n;
            rot3->s.XZ *= n;

            n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.YX * NewObj->s.YX) +
                                      (NewObj->s.YY * NewObj->s.YY) +
                                      (NewObj->s.YZ * NewObj->s.YZ) );
            rot3->s.YX *= n;
            rot3->s.YY *= n;
            rot3->s.YZ *= n;

            n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.ZX * NewObj->s.ZX) +
                                      (NewObj->s.ZY * NewObj->s.ZY) +
                                      (NewObj->s.ZZ * NewObj->s.ZZ) );
            rot3->s.ZX *= n;
            rot3->s.ZY *= n;
            rot3->s.ZZ *= n;

        if (rot4)   //if pointer not null
            if (rot4 != NewObj)
                Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix4f(rot4, NewObj);  // private method

            // zero-div may occur.

            n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.XX * NewObj->s.XX) +
                                      (NewObj->s.XY * NewObj->s.XY) +
                                      (NewObj->s.XZ * NewObj->s.XZ) );
            rot4->s.XX *= n;
            rot4->s.XY *= n;
            rot4->s.XZ *= n;

            n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.YX * NewObj->s.YX) +
                                      (NewObj->s.YY * NewObj->s.YY) +
                                      (NewObj->s.YZ * NewObj->s.YZ) );
            rot4->s.YX *= n;
            rot4->s.YY *= n;
            rot4->s.YZ *= n;

            n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.ZX * NewObj->s.ZX) +
                                      (NewObj->s.ZY * NewObj->s.ZY) +
                                      (NewObj->s.ZZ * NewObj->s.ZZ) );
            rot4->s.ZX *= n;
            rot4->s.ZY *= n;
            rot4->s.ZZ *= n;

        return s;

	static void Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3f(Matrix4fT* NewObj, const Matrix3fT* m1)
        assert(NewObj && m1);
        NewObj->s.XX = m1->s.XX; NewObj->s.YX = m1->s.YX; NewObj->s.ZX = m1->s.ZX;
        NewObj->s.XY = m1->s.XY; NewObj->s.YY = m1->s.YY; NewObj->s.ZY = m1->s.ZY;
        NewObj->s.XZ = m1->s.XZ; NewObj->s.YZ = m1->s.YZ; NewObj->s.ZZ = m1->s.ZZ;
	static void Matrix4fMulRotationScale(Matrix4fT* NewObj, GLfloat scale)
        NewObj->s.XX *= scale; NewObj->s.YX *= scale; NewObj->s.ZX *= scale;
        NewObj->s.XY *= scale; NewObj->s.YY *= scale; NewObj->s.ZY *= scale;
        NewObj->s.XZ *= scale; NewObj->s.YZ *= scale; NewObj->s.ZZ *= scale;

      * Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix
      * values in the T precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of
      * this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed
      * on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this
      * object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation
      * components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational
      * components.
      * @param m1 T precision 3x3 matrix
    static void Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(Matrix4fT* NewObj, const Matrix3fT* m1)
        GLfloat scale;

        assert(NewObj && m1);

        scale = Matrix4fSVD(NewObj, NULL, NULL);

        Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3f(NewObj, m1);
        Matrix4fMulRotationScale(NewObj, scale);

// 8<--Snip here if you have your own math types/funcs-->8 

    typedef class ArcBall_t
            void _mapToSphere(const Point2fT* NewPt, Vector3fT* NewVec) const;

			ArcBall_t(GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight);
            ~ArcBall_t() { /* nothing to do */ };

            //Set new bounds
            void    setBounds(GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight)
                assert((NewWidth > 1.0f) && (NewHeight > 1.0f));

                //Set adjustment factor for width/height
                this->AdjustWidth  = 1.0f / ((NewWidth  - 1.0f) * 0.5f);
                this->AdjustHeight = 1.0f / ((NewHeight - 1.0f) * 0.5f);

            //Mouse down
            void    click(const Point2fT* NewPt);

            //Mouse drag, calculate rotation
            void    drag(const Point2fT* NewPt, Quat4fT* NewRot);

            Vector3fT   StVec;          //Saved click vector
            Vector3fT   EnVec;          //Saved drag vector
            GLfloat     AdjustWidth;    //Mouse bounds width
            GLfloat     AdjustHeight;   //Mouse bounds height

    } ArcBallT;


/** KempoApi: The Turloc Toolkit *****************************/
/** *    *                                                  **/
/** **  **  Filename: ArcBall.cpp                           **/
/**   **    Version:  Common                                **/
/**   **                                                    **/
/**                                                         **/
/**  Arcball class for mouse manipulation.                  **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                                                         **/
/**                              (C) 1999-2003 **/
/**   History:                                              **/
/**   08/17/2003 - (TJG) - Creation                         **/
/**   09/23/2003 - (TJG) - Bug fix and optimization         **/
/**   09/25/2003 - (TJG) - Version for NeHe Basecode users  **/
/**                                                         **/

// #include <gl\gl.h>												// Header File For The OpenGL32 Library
// #include <gl\glu.h>												// Header File For The GLu32 Library
// #include <gl\glaux.h>											// Header File For The GLaux Library
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "math.h"                                               // Needed for sqrtf
#include "ArcBall.h"                                            // ArcBall header

//Arcball sphere constants:
//Diameter is       2.0f
//Radius is         1.0f
//Radius squared is 1.0f

void ArcBall_t::_mapToSphere(const Point2fT* NewPt, Vector3fT* NewVec) const
    Point2fT TempPt;
    GLfloat length;

    //Copy paramter into temp point
    TempPt = *NewPt;

    //Adjust point coords and scale down to range of [-1 ... 1]
    TempPt.s.X  =        (TempPt.s.X * this->AdjustWidth)  - 1.0f;
    TempPt.s.Y  = 1.0f - (TempPt.s.Y * this->AdjustHeight);

    //Compute the square of the length of the vector to the point from the center
    length      = (TempPt.s.X * TempPt.s.X) + (TempPt.s.Y * TempPt.s.Y);

    //If the point is mapped outside of the sphere... (length > radius squared)
    if (length > 1.0f)
         GLfloat norm;

        //Compute a normalizing factor (radius / sqrt(length))
        norm    = 1.0f / FuncSqrt(length);

        //Return the "normalized" vector, a point on the sphere
        NewVec->s.X = TempPt.s.X * norm;
        NewVec->s.Y = TempPt.s.Y * norm;
        NewVec->s.Z = 0.0f;
    else    //Else it's on the inside
        //Return a vector to a point mapped inside the sphere sqrt(radius squared - length)
        NewVec->s.X = TempPt.s.X;
        NewVec->s.Y = TempPt.s.Y;
        NewVec->s.Z = FuncSqrt(1.0f - length);

ArcBall_t::ArcBall_t(GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight)
    //Clear initial values
    this->StVec.s.X     =
    this->StVec.s.Y     = 
    this->StVec.s.Z     = 

    this->EnVec.s.X     =
    this->EnVec.s.Y     = 
    this->EnVec.s.Z     = 0.0f;

    //Set initial bounds
    this->setBounds(NewWidth, NewHeight);

    //Clear initial values
    this->StVec.s.X     =
		this->StVec.s.Y     = 
		this->StVec.s.Z     = 
		this->EnVec.s.X     =
		this->EnVec.s.Y     = 
		this->EnVec.s.Z     = 0.0f;
    //Set initial bounds
    this->setBounds(640, 480);

//Mouse down
void	ArcBall_t::click(const Point2fT* NewPt)
    //Map the point to the sphere
    this->_mapToSphere(NewPt, &this->StVec);

//Mouse drag, calculate rotation
void	ArcBall_t::drag(const Point2fT* NewPt, Quat4fT* NewRot)
    //Map the point to the sphere
    this->_mapToSphere(NewPt, &this->EnVec);

    //Return the quaternion equivalent to the rotation
    if (NewRot)
        Vector3fT  Perp;

        //Compute the vector perpendicular to the begin and end vectors
        Vector3fCross(&Perp, &this->StVec, &this->EnVec);

        //Compute the length of the perpendicular vector
        if (Vector3fLength(&Perp) > Epsilon)    //if its non-zero
            //We're ok, so return the perpendicular vector as the transform after all
            NewRot->s.X = Perp.s.X;
            NewRot->s.Y = Perp.s.Y;
            NewRot->s.Z = Perp.s.Z;
            //In the quaternion values, w is cosine (theta / 2), where theta is rotation angle
            NewRot->s.W= Vector3fDot(&this->StVec, &this->EnVec);
        else                                    //if its zero
            //The begin and end vectors coincide, so return an identity transform
            NewRot->s.X = 
            NewRot->s.Y = 
            NewRot->s.Z = 
            NewRot->s.W = 0.0f;

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### 回答1: OpenGL是一个图形库,轨迹球是一种常见的交互技术,用于实现对物体的旋转操作。而鼠标是常见的输入设备,可以用来控制轨迹球的旋转。 要实现鼠标旋转功能,我们可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 首先,我们需要获取鼠标的输入。在OpenGL中,可以使用操作系统提供的API来获取鼠标坐标和鼠标按钮事件。 2. 接下来,我们需要将鼠标坐标转换为OpenGL坐标。鼠标的坐标范围是屏幕上的像素坐标,而OpenGL使用的是归一化坐标系。我们可以使用视口变换函数来进行转换。 3. 然后,我们需要将鼠标的移动量转换为物体的旋转量。可以根据鼠标在屏幕上的移动距离来计算旋转矩阵。一种常见的方法是使用四元数来表示旋转。 4. 最后,我们需要将旋转矩阵应用到物体上,在渲染时实现旋转效果。可以将旋转矩阵与物体的模型矩阵相乘,得到最终的变换矩阵。 使用轨迹球实现鼠标旋转功能可以提供良好的用户交互体验。它可以通过鼠标在屏幕上的移动来实现物体的旋转,而且操作简单直观。通过使用OpenGL轨迹球技术,我们可以轻松实现鼠标旋转功能,为用户提供更加灵活和自由的操作方式。 ### 回答2: OpenGL轨迹球是一种常用的技术,可以实现通过鼠标控制物体的旋转。具体实现步骤如下: 1. 初始化:创建OpenGL窗口,并将透视视图设置为合适的视角。 2. 定义视图变量:使用四元数来记录物体的旋转状态。初始状态下,视图变量为单位四元数。 3. 鼠标操作:根据鼠标的移动来计算旋转的角度。通过获取当前鼠标位置与上一帧鼠标位置的差值,可以计算出鼠标在屏幕上的平移方向。 4. 将鼠标平移方向转换为旋转方向:将鼠标在屏幕上的平移向量转换为场景中的旋转向量。可以通过将鼠标平移向量与视图矩阵的逆矩阵相乘来实现。 5. 计算旋转角度:使用三角函数,通过计算旋转向量的长度来获取旋转角度。 6. 更新视图变量:根据旋转角度和旋转向量,更新视图变量。可以将旋转向量乘以旋转角度,并与当前视图变量相乘。 7. 绘制场景:根据更新后的视图变量进行场景渲染,将旋转效果显示出来。 8. 循环操作:通过循环将上述步骤持续执行,实现实时的鼠标旋转效果。 通过以上步骤,可以实现用OpenGL轨迹球来实现鼠标旋转效果。该实现可以使用户更加直观地进行物体的旋转操作,提高交互体验。 ### 回答3: OpenGL 轨迹球实现鼠标旋转是一种常见的交互技术,在3D视图中允许用户通过鼠标拖动来旋转模型或场景。 首先,需要获取鼠标移动事件并将其转换为旋转角度。一种常见的方法是通过记录鼠标在屏幕上的位置差异来计算旋转角度的增量。例如,当鼠标向右移动时,模型应该顺时针旋转。因此,可以使用鼠标水平移动的数量来计算旋转角度的增量。 然后,需要将旋转角度应用于模型或场景。在OpenGL中,可以使用旋转矩阵来实现这一点。最简单的方法是通过glRotate函数来应用旋转矩阵。该函数接受旋转角度和旋转轴作为参数,并将其应用于当前模型视图矩阵中。例如,可以使用glRotatef函数来实现简单的旋转。 最后,需要在主循环中重绘场景以显示旋转效果。当鼠标移动时,需要重新计算旋转角度并重新绘制场景。通过将新的旋转角度应用于模型视图矩阵,然后重绘场景,可以实现平滑的旋转动画。 综上所述,使用OpenGL轨迹球实现鼠标旋转涉及获取鼠标移动事件,计算旋转角度,应用旋转角度到模型视图矩阵,以及重绘场景。这一技术可以增强用户交互性,并且在很多3D应用程序中得到广泛应用。


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