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原创 C# Url编码解码

C# Url编码解码

2011-04-04 16:36:00 2445





★ 第一讲 Java语言概述 ◇课前索引 ◇1.1 java语言的发展史 ◇1.2 java的工作原理 ◇1.3 一切都是对象 ◇1.4 构建java程序 ◇1.5 java程序规范 ◇1.6 建立java开发环境 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第二讲 Java语言基础知识 ◇课前索引 ◇2.1 简单数据类型 ◇2.2 运算符和表达式 ◇2.3 控制语句 ◇2.4 数组 ◇2.5 字符串的处理 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第三讲 Java语言中的面向对象特性 ◇课前索引 ◇3.1 面向对象技术基础 ◇3.2 Java语言的面向对象特性 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第四讲 Java的例外处理和I/O流 ◇课前索引 ◇4.1 什么是例外 ◇4.2 例外的处理 ◇4.3 自定义例外类的使用 ◇4.4 I/O 流概述 ◇4.5 文件处理 ◇4.6 过滤流 ◇4.7 字符流的处理 ◇4.8 对象的串行化 ◇4.9 其它常用的流 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第五讲 AWT图形用户界面设计 ◇课前索引 ◇5.1 用AWT生成图形化用户界面 ◇5.2 AWT事件处理模型 ◇5.3 AWT组件库 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第六讲 Java的线程和Java Applet ◇课前索引 ◇6.1 线程简介 ◇6.2 多线程的互斥与同步 ◇6.3 Java Applet ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第七讲 Swing用户界面设计 ◇课前索引 ◇7.1 Swing简介 ◇7.2 Swing组件和容器 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第八讲 Java网络编程 ◇课前索引 ◇8.1 网络编程基本概念,TCP/IP协议简介 ◇8.2 基于URL的高层次Java网络编程 ◇8.3 基于Socket的低层次Java网络编程 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第九讲 JavaBean和RMI ◇课前索引 ◇9.1 JavaBean的基本概念 ◇9.2 JavaBean开发简介 ◇9.3 RMI的基本概念和编程简介 ◇9.4 EJB简介 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题 ★ 第十讲 JSP与Servlet ◇课前索引 ◇10.1 Servlet的概念、配置与运行 ◇10.2 Servlet的应用实例 ◇10.3 JSP简介 ◇10.4 JSP和Servlet的结合使用 ◇本讲小结 ◇课后习题


Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008

本书代码下载地址: http://apress.com/book/downloadfile/3764 Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 LINQ is the project name for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that provide a generic approach to querying data from different data sources. LINQ will premier in Visual Studio 2008, and will become the next must–have skill for .NET developers. For more information about LINQ, you can check out the author’s portal at www.linqdev.com. Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is all about code. Literally, this book starts with code and ends with code. In most books, the author shows the simplest example demonstrating how to use a method, but they so rarely show how to use the more complex prototypes. Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is different. Demonstrating the overwhelming majority of LINQ operators and protoypes, it is a veritable treasury of LINQ examples. Rather than obscure the relevant LINQ principles in code examples by focusing on a demonstration application you have no interest in writing, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 cuts right to the chase of each LINQ operator, method, or class. However, where complexity is necessary to truly demonstrate an issue, the examples are right there in the thick of it. For example, code samples demonstrating how to handle concurrency conflicts actually create concurrency conflicts so you can step through the code and see them unfold. Most books tell you about the simple stuff, while few books warn you of the pitfalls. Where Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 returns your investment is in the hours, and sometimes days, spent by the author determining why something may not work as expected. Sometimes this results in an innocent looking paragraph that may take you a minute to read and understand, but took days to research and explain. Face it, most technical books while informative, are dull. LINQ need not be dull. Written with a sense of humor, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 will attempt to entertain you on your journey through the wonderland of LINQ and C# 2008. What you’ll learn How to leverage all the new LINQ relevant C# 2008 language features including extension methods, lambda expressions, anonymous data types, and partial methods. How to use LINQ to Objects to query in–memory data collections such as arrays, ArrayLists, and Lists to retrieve the data you want. Why some queries are deferred, how a deferred query can bite you, and how you can make deferred queries work for you. How to use LINQ to XML to revolutionize your creation, manipulation, and searching of XML data. How to query DataSets with LINQ to DataSet so you can co–exist with legacy code and use LINQ to query databases other than SQL Server. How to query Databases with LINQ to SQL, write your own entity classes, and understand how to handle concurrency conflicts. Who is this book for? This book is written for the proficient C# developer, but you do not need to be up on all the latest C# features to understand the material. When you finish this book, you will be up on all the latest C# features.


Pro HTML5 Programming

本书代码下载地址:http://apress.com/book/downloadfile/4635 Pro HTML5 Programming: Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development HTML5 is here, and with it, web applications take on a power, ease, scalability, and responsiveness like never before. In this book, developers will learn how to use the latest cutting-edge HTML5 web technology—available in the most recent versions of modern browsers—to build web applications with unparalleled functionality, speed, and responsiveness. Explains how you can create real-time HTML5 applications that tap the full potential of modern browsers Provides practical, real-world examples of HTML5 features in action Shows which HTML5 features are supported in current browsers Covers all the new HTML5 APIs to get you up to speed quickly with HTML5 What you’ll learn How the HTML5 specification has evolved How to develop cutting-edge web applications using new HTML5 features like WebSockets, Geolocation, Web Storage, Canvas, and Audio and Video. Which features are available in browsers today Who is this book for? This book is for web designers and developers who want to use the latest cutting-edge technology available in current browsers; developers who want to create dynamic, HTML5 web applications; and developers who want to know which HTML5 features are supported in current browsers. Author Information Peter Lubbers Peter Lubbers is the Director of Documentation and Training at Kaazing Corporation and the co-founder of the San Francisco HTML5 User Group. Peter also teaches HTML5 training courses all over the world. Prior to joining Kaazing, Peter worked as an information architect at Oracle, where he wrote many books, including the award-winning Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide. At Oracle, Peter also developed documentation automation solutions and two of his inventions are patented. A native of the Netherlands, Peter served as a Special Forces commando in the Royal Dutch Green Berets. Peter lives on the edge of the Tahoe National Forest and in his spare time, he loves to run ultra marathons in the Sierra Nevada foothills and around Lake Tahoe (preferably in one go!). Brian Albers Brian Albers is the VP of development at Kaazing. Brian has over 13 years of experience in the field of User Interface technologies. Prior to joining Kaazing, Brian worked as Senior Development Manager at Oracle, where he led the planning and designing of the next generation of Oracle's UI technology—an effort publicly known as ADF Faces. During his 10 year tenure at Oracle, Brian worked primarily on mixing cutting-edge technology with large enterprise demands (internationalization, accessibility, scalability). He proposed the open source donation of ADF Faces, which ultimately became the Apache MyFaces Trinidad project. Brian also led a cross-team effort to develop a DHTML rich client and a mobile client presentation layer for Oracle's Project Fusion. Brian received a BS degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas, Austin, and a BA degree in Plan II Honors from the University of Texas, Austin. Frank Salim Frank Salim is a polyglot programmer with a keen interest in making life easier for his fellow coders. Frank leads WebSocket development at Kaazing. He is an open source advocate and a committer in several open source projects.



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