

装了platform   builder之后,到这里去找:  




1.你首先找到coredll.dll   然后找到dumpbin.exe   这两个文件一般安装了EVC或者其他工具后都有,搜索一下就行了。

2.把coredll.dll   复制到   dumpbin.exe   所在的文件夹下(可能还需要将mspdb80.dll也拷贝到此)

3.在命令行下进入dumpbin.exe   所在文件夹。

4.输入  dumpbin  /EXPORTS  coredll.dll > coredlldef.txt。这时,coredlldef.txt里面就是你想要的内容,如下:




Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file coredll.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for COREDLL.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    496FF18B time date stamp Fri Jan 16 10:31:39 2009
        0.00 version
           2 ordinal base
        2054 number of functions
        1799 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

       1572    0 00007B28 ??0exception@std@@QAA@ABV01@@Z
       1571    1 00007ADC ??0exception@std@@QAA@PBD@Z
       1570    2 00007AC0 ??0exception@std@@QAA@XZ
       1568    3 00007D48 ??0type_info@@AAA@ABV0@@Z
       1574    4 00007B8C ??1exception@std@@UAA@XZ
       1562    5 00007C54 ??1type_info@@UAA@XZ
       1095    6 00007D60 ??2@YAPAXI@Z
       1646    7 00007D78 ??2@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z
       1094    8 00007DB0 ??3@YAXPAX@Z
       1662    9 00007DC0 ??3@YAXPAXABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z
       1573    A 00007C0C ??4exception@std@@QAAAAV01@ABV01@@Z
       1569    B 00007D5C ??4type_info@@AAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z
       1563    C 00007CBC ??8type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z
       1564    D 00007CE8 ??9type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z
       1579    E 00001030 ??_7exception@std@@6B@
       1580    F 00001050 ??_7type_info@@6B@
       1576   10 00007DD8 ??_L@YAXPAXIHP6AX0@Z1@Z
       1578   11 00007F1C ??_M@YAXPAXIHP6AX0@Z@Z
       1577   12 00007FC8 ??_N@YAXPAXIHP6AX0@Z1@Z
       1456   13 00008070 ??_U@YAPAXI@Z
       1661   14 00008080 ??_U@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z
       1457   15 00008090 ??_V@YAXPAX@Z
       1663   16 000080A0 ??_V@YAXPAXABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z
       1660   17 0000FF70 ?_Nomemory@std@@YAXXZ
       1658   18 000105F4 ?_Xlen@std@@YAXXZ
       1659   19 00010230 ?_Xran@std@@YAXXZ
       1555   1A 000108CC ?__set_inconsistency@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z
       1558   1B 00010998 ?_inconsistency@@YAXXZ
       1618   1C 000109D4 ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ
       1649   1D 00010A44 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ
       1650   1E 000109BC ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z
       1648   1F 00010A20 ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z
       1565   20 00007D14 ?before@type_info@@QBAHABV1@@Z
       1566   21 00010A54 ?name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ
       1647   22 000013A4 ?nothrow@std@@3Unothrow_t@1@B
       1567   23 00007D40 ?raw_name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ
       1619   24 00010AFC ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z
       1552   25 0001089C ?set_terminate@std@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z
       1553   26 000108B4 ?set_unexpected@std@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z
       1556   27 000108EC ?terminate@std@@YAXXZ
       1967   28 00010E30 ?uncaught_exception@std@@YA_NXZ
       1557   29 00010970 ?unexpected@std@@YAXXZ
       1575   2A 00007BB4 ?what@exception@std@@UBAPBDXZ
        655   2B 000119A4 AFS_CloseAllFileHandles
        644   2C 0001185C AFS_CreateDirectoryW
        648   2D 000118CC AFS_CreateFileW
        649   2E 00011918 AFS_DeleteFileW
       1685   2F 00011A10 AFS_FindFirstChangeNotificationW
        651   30 00011950 AFS_FindFirstFileW
       1966   31 00011A3C AFS_FsIoControlW
        656   32 000119C0 AFS_GetDiskFreeSpace
        646   33 00011894 AFS_GetFileAttributesW
        650   34 00011934 AFS_MoveFileW
        657   35 000119F4 AFS_NotifyMountedFS
        654   36 00011988 AFS_PrestoChangoFileName
        652   37 0001196C AFS_RegisterFileSystemFunction
        645   38 00011878 AFS_RemoveDirectoryW
        647   39 000118B0 AFS_SetFileAttributesW
        643   3A 00011840 AFS_Unmount
       1791   3B 000126C0 A_SHAFinal
       1789   3C 00011A80 A_SHAInit
       1790   3D 000125C8 A_SHAUpdate
       1540   3E 000131C8 AccessibilitySoundSentryEvent
       1179   3F 000168CC ActivateDevice
       1494   40 00016928 ActivateDeviceEx
       1766   41 00013F54 ActivateKeyboardLayout
        558   42 00018F24 AddEventAccess
        893   43 0000E7DC AddFontResourceW
        578   44 000196C8 AddTrackedItem
        887   45 00012B68 AdjustWindowRectEx
       1687   46 0001C0A8 AdvertiseInterface
       1453   47 000131A8 AllKeys
       1486   48 00017B20 AllocPhysMem
        842   49 00012BD8 AppendMenuW
        157   4A 0001C908 AttachDebugger
       1955   4B 0001C964 AttachHdstub
       1956   4C 0001C9C0 AttachOsAxsT0
       1982   4D 0001CA1C AttachOsAxsT1
        376   4E 0001DE20 AudioUpdateFromRegistry
       1972   4F 0001DF40 BackupEventLogW
        297   50 0001E34C BatteryDrvrGetLevels
        298   51 0001E3E0 BatteryDrvrSupportsChangeNotification
        713   52 0001E28C BatteryGetLifeTimeInfo
        714   53 0001E46C BatteryNotifyOfTimeChange
       1157   54 00012F28 BeginDeferWindowPos
        260   55 00014A44 BeginPaint
        593   56 00019BE0 BinaryCompress
        594   57 00019C3C BinaryDecompress
        903   58 0000E8C8 BitBlt
        275   59 00012D28 BringWindowToTop
       1765   5A 00019658 CacheRangeFlush
        577   5B 000196AC CacheSync
       1204   5C 00013140 CallNextHookEx
        285   5D 00015B14 CallWindowProcW
       1960   5E 0001DBC4 CaptureDumpFileOnDevice
        340   5F 0001FD68 CeChangeDatabaseLCID
        328   60 0001FE4C CeClearReplChangeBitsEx
        474   61 0002009C CeClearUserNotification
        315   62 00020708 CeCreateDatabase
       1190   63 0002064C CeCreateDatabaseEx
       1468   64 0001F324 CeCreateDatabaseEx2
        318   65 00020964 CeDeleteDatabase
       1193   66 0001F50C CeDeleteDatabaseEx
        320   67 0001F664 CeDeleteRecord
       1165   68 0001FAA8 CeEnumDBVolumes
        479   69 00020348 CeEventHasOccurred
       1952   6A 000210AC CeFindCloseRegChange
        313   6B 000205FC CeFindFirstDatabase
       1196   6C 0001F1FC CeFindFirstDatabaseEx
       1950   6D 00021074 CeFindFirstRegChange
        314   6E 00020624 CeFindNextDatabase
       1189   6F 0001F2CC CeFindNextDatabaseEx
       1951   70 00021090 CeFindNextRegChange
       1217   71 0001FC74 CeFlushDBVol
       1226   72 0002098C CeFreeNotification
       1965   73 00021498 CeFsIoControlW
       1601   74 00021058 CeGenRandom
       1395   75 0001A478 CeGetCallerTrust
       1957   76 0001CD00 CeGetCanonicalPathNameW
       1357   77 0001A41C CeGetCurrentTrust
       1473   78 0001F1A4 CeGetDBInformationByHandle
       1798   79 00021464 CeGetFileNotificationInfo
       1823   7A 00020504 CeGetNotificationThreadId
       1443   7B 0001B610 CeGetRandomSeed
        326   7C 0001FE14 CeGetReplChangeBitsEx
        324   7D 0001FDDC CeGetReplChangeMask
        329   7E 0001FE68 CeGetReplOtherBitsEx
        622   7F 000174F8 CeGetThreadPriority
       1245   80 00017530 CeGetThreadQuantum
       1354   81 00020468 CeGetUserNotification
       1353   82 000203D4 CeGetUserNotificationHandles
        478   83 000202BC CeGetUserNotificationPreferences
       1978   84 000214DC CeGetVolumeInfo
        477   85 00020238 CeHandleAppNotifications
       1836   86 00021CD4 CeHeapCreate
       1451   87 000239B4 CeLogData
       1681   88 00023AEC CeLogGetZones
       1467   89 00023B70 CeLogReSync
       1452   8A 00023A74 CeLogSetZones
       1446   8B 00017568 CeMapArgumentArray
         53   8C 00019054 CeModuleJit
       1164   8D 0001FB90 CeMountDBVol
        312   8E 0001BC58 CeOidGetInfo
       1195   8F 0001BAE4 CeOidGetInfoEx
       1472   90 0001FD04 CeOidGetInfoEx2
        317   91 000208E8 CeOpenDatabase
       1192   92 0002089C CeOpenDatabaseEx
       1469   93 0001F3E8 CeOpenDatabaseEx2
        321   94 0001F8C0 CeReadRecordProps
       1194   95 0001F6BC CeReadRecordPropsEx
        331   96 0001BC78 CeRegisterFileSystemNotification
        332   97 0001FDC0 CeRegisterReplNotification
        894   98 0000FD3C CeRemoveFontResource
       1425   99 00016960 CeResyncFilesys
        476   9A 000201AC CeRunAppAtEvent
        475   9B 00020120 CeRunAppAtTime
        319   9C 0001F7E0 CeSeekDatabase
       1470   9D 0001F570 CeSeekDatabaseEx
        316   9E 0002087C CeSetDatabaseInfo
       1191   9F 000207B8 CeSetDatabaseInfoEx
       1471   A0 0001F384 CeSetDatabaseInfoEx2
       1455   A1 000175C4 CeSetExtendedPdata
       1688   A2 0001CAF0 CeSetPowerOnEvent
       1775   A3 0001B154 CeSetProcessVersion
        327   A4 0001FE30 CeSetReplChangeBitsEx
        325   A5 0001FDF8 CeSetReplChangeMask
        330   A6 0001FE84 CeSetReplOtherBitsEx
        621   A7 00017514 CeSetThreadPriority
       1244   A8 0001754C CeSetThreadQuantum
        473   A9 0001FF0C CeSetUserNotification
       1352   AA 0001FFFC CeSetUserNotificationEx
       1197   AB 0001FC1C CeUnmountDBVol
       1812   AC 00017A0C CeVirtualSharedAlloc
        322   AD 0001F9D8 CeWriteRecordProps
       1781   AE 0001D47C CeZeroPointer
       1611   AF 000130B0 ChangeDisplaySettingsEx
        222   B0 0002797C CharLowerBuffW
        221   B1 000278D4 CharLowerW
        226   B2 00027BB4 CharNextW
        225   B3 00027BA4 CharPrevW
        223   B4 000279C0 CharUpperBuffW
        224   B5 00027928 CharUpperW
        848   B6 00012E48 CheckMenuItem
        849   B7 00012E68 CheckMenuRadioItem
        182   B8 0002B250 CheckPassword
        684   B9 000138B4 CheckRadioButton
        253   BA 000129C0 ChildWindowFromPoint
        107   BB 0002B324 ClearCommBreak
        108   BC 0002B364 ClearCommError
       1818   BD 0001DEEC ClearEventLogW
        254   BE 0001487C ClientToScreen
        731   BF 00013518 ClipCursor
        242   C0 0001BD84 CloseAllFileHandles
        669   C1 00013B14 CloseClipboard
       1971   C2 0001DF24 CloseEventLog
        553   C3 000170E0 CloseHandle
       1533   C4 0002B910 CloseMsgQueue
        589   C5 00019A70 CloseProcOE
       1240   C6 0001DA3C ComThreadBaseFunc
        968   C7 0000E918 CombineRgn
         54   C8 00022AA4 CompactAllHeaps
         18   C9 0002B9C4 CompareFileTime
        198   CA 0002A4A8 CompareStringW
        633   CB 0001ABA4 ConnectDebugger
       1953   CC 0001AC00 ConnectHdstub
       1954   CD 0001AC5C ConnectOsAxsT0
       1983   CE 0001ACB8 ConnectOsAxsT1
        504   CF 0001AFF0 ContinueDebugEvent
        210   D0 0002DE1C ConvertDefaultLocale
       1480   D1 000302E4 ConvertThreadToFiber
       1958   D2 0001CEA0 CopyFileExW
        164   D3 0001B878 CopyFileW
         96   D4 00030780 CopyRect
        674   D5 00013BA4 CountClipboardFormats
        636   D6 0001AD8C CreateAPIHandle
        559   D7 00018F40 CreateAPISet
         92   D8 00030CA4 CreateAcceleratorTableW
        901   D9 0000E938 CreateBitmap
        946   DA 0000FB70 CreateBitmapFromPointer
        658   DB 00013714 CreateCaret
        902   DC 0000E968 CreateCompatibleBitmap
        910   DD 0000E9A8 CreateCompatibleDC
        616   DE 0001A57C CreateCrit
        909   DF 0000FA60 CreateDCW
        929   E0 0000E9C8 CreateDIBPatternBrushPt
         90   E1 00030D88 CreateDIBSection
        245   E2 00016BFC CreateDeviceHandle
        688   E3 00031044 CreateDialogIndirectParamW
        160   E4 0001B824 CreateDirectoryW
       1976   E5 0003125C CreateEnrollmentConfigDialog
        495   E6 000171A4 CreateEventW
       1483   E7 000305E0 CreateFiber
        552   E8 000189D8 CreateFileForMapping
       1167   E9 000189D8 CreateFileForMappingW
        548   EA 0001895C CreateFileMappingW
        168   EB 000211E0 CreateFileW
        895   EC 0000E9E8 CreateFontIndirectW
        723   ED 00013E54 CreateIconIndirect
       1466   EE 0001833C CreateLocaleView
        851   EF 000139EC CreateMenu
       1529   F0 0002B85C CreateMsgQueue
        555   F1 00018E50 CreateMutexW
        947   F2 0000F920 CreatePalette
        925   F3 0000FB50 CreatePatternBrush
        926   F4 0000FA40 CreatePen
        930   F5 0000EA28 CreatePenIndirect
        852   F6 00012B88 CreatePopupMenu
        493   F7 0001B2D0 CreateProcessW
        980   F8 0000FA80 CreateRectRgn
        969   F9 0000EA08 CreateRectRgnIndirect
       1238   FA 00018EAC CreateSemaphoreW
        931   FB 0000EA48 CreateSolidBrush
       1539   FC 00018D18 CreateStaticMapping
        492   FD 0001B3C4 CreateThread
        246   FE 00012804 CreateWindowExW
       1881   FF 00031644 CredDelete
       1882  100 00031374 CredFree
       1879  101 000314E0 CredRead
       1880  102 000316F0 CredUpdate
       1878  103 000313F0 CredWrite
        126  104 00032CE0 CryptAcquireContextW
        154  105 00031848 CryptContextAddRef
        137  106 00034644 CryptCreateHash
        136  107 000344B4 CryptDecrypt
        129  108 0003378C CryptDeriveKey
        140  109 00034C30 CryptDestroyHash
        130  10A 000339C8 CryptDestroyKey
        156  10B 000347F4 CryptDuplicateHash
        155  10C 000335F8 CryptDuplicateKey
        135  10D 0003431C CryptEncrypt
        152  10E 00031B60 CryptEnumProviderTypesW
        153  10F 00031DC4 CryptEnumProvidersW
        133  110 00033F1C CryptExportKey
        128  111 000334C4 CryptGenKey
        143  112 00033D50 CryptGenRandom
        151  113 000358BC CryptGetDefaultProviderW
        146  114 000351DC CryptGetHashParam
        132  115 00033C48 CryptGetKeyParam
        148  116 0003500C CryptGetProvParam
        144  117 00033DFC CryptGetUserKey
        139  118 000349A0 CryptHashData
        138  119 00034ACC CryptHashSessionKey
        134  11A 000340B0 CryptImportKey
       1599  11B 00020EB4 CryptProtectData
        127  11C 000318F0 CryptReleaseContext
        147  11D 000350C8 CryptSetHashParam
        131  11E 00033B34 CryptSetKeyParam
        149  11F 00031A14 CryptSetProvParam
        150  120 00035484 CryptSetProviderExW
        145  121 000352E4 CryptSetProviderW
        141  122 00034E44 CryptSignHashW
       1600  123 00020F64 CryptUnprotectData
        142  124 00034FDC CryptVerifySignatureW
        233  125 0002D958 DBCanonicalize
       1669  126 00035B80 DDKReg_GetIsrInfo
       1670  127 00035D04 DDKReg_GetPciInfo
       1668  128 000361C0 DDKReg_GetWindowInfo
       1837  129 0003733C DPA_Create
       1842  12A 00036998 DPA_Destroy
       1843  12B 00036D60 DPA_DestroyCallback
       1844  12C 00036D00 DPA_EnumCallback
       1845  12D 000369F0 DPA_GetPtr
       1847  12E 00036A78 DPA_Grow
       1848  12F 00036B78 DPA_InsertPtr
       1850  130 00036B18 DPA_SetPtr
       1851  131 000373D4 DPA_Sort
       1853  132 000366D8 DSA_Clone
       1852  133 00036330 DSA_Create
       1854  134 00036760 DSA_DeleteA

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  • 0
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  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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