Linux 红黑树内核源码剖析
1. 数据结构红黑树
2. 红黑树
2.1 红黑树的概念
2.2 红黑树的性质
- 每个结点的颜色不是红色就是黑色。
- 根结点是黑色的。
- 如果一个结点是红色的,那么它的两个孩子结点是黑色的。
- 对于每个结点,从该结点到其所有后代的叶子结点的路径上,均包含相同数目的黑色结点。
- 每个叶子结点都是黑色的**(指的是空结点)**。
3. Linux内核红黑树的设计
3.1 结构介绍
#define RB_RED 0
#define RB_BLACK 1
struct rb_node {
unsigned long __rb_parent_color; // 最后一位保存颜色信息,其余位表示父结点的地址
struct rb_node *rb_right; // 右儿子
struct rb_node *rb_left; // 左儿子
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long)))); // 保证按照4字节或者8字节对齐
// 根结点
struct rb_root {
struct rb_node *rb_node;
3.2 宏介绍
#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t)&((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
* container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
* @ptr: the pointer to the member.
* @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
* @member: the name of the member within the struct.
// 通过某个成员获取type结构体的指针
// 这里的思想与Linux内核中链表设计思想相符合,是为了设计让红黑树可以应用在任何结构体中
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \
(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
// 清除末尾的颜色信息,拿到父结点的rb_node*结点
#define rb_parent(r) ((struct rb_node *)((r)->__rb_parent_color & ~3))
// 创建一个空的ROOT结点
#define RB_ROOT (struct rb_root) { NULL, }
// 当一个结点为空时,父结点保存的是自身的地址
/* 'empty' nodes are nodes that are known not to be inserted in an rbtree */
#define RB_EMPTY_NODE(node) \
((node)->__rb_parent_color == (unsigned long)(node))
#define RB_CLEAR_NODE(node) \
((node)->__rb_parent_color = (unsigned long)(node))
// rb_black 低位为1,rb_red 低位为0
#define __rb_color(pc) ((pc) & 1)
#define __rb_is_black(pc) __rb_color(pc)
#define __rb_is_red(pc) (!__rb_color(pc))
// 获取结点的颜色
#define rb_color(rb) __rb_color((rb)->__rb_parent_color)
// 判断结点的颜色是否是红色
#define rb_is_red(rb) __rb_is_red((rb)->__rb_parent_color)
// 判断结点的颜色是否是黑色
#define rb_is_black(rb) __rb_is_black((rb)->__rb_parent_color)
// 设置结点为黑色
static inline void rb_set_black(struct rb_node *rb)
rb->__rb_parent_color |= RB_BLACK;
// 获取结点的父结点
static inline struct rb_node *rb_red_parent(struct rb_node *red)
return (struct rb_node *)red->__rb_parent_color;
// 设置结点的父结点
static inline void rb_set_parent(struct rb_node *rb, struct rb_node *p)
rb->__rb_parent_color = rb_color(rb) | (unsigned long)p;
// 设置父结点+自身颜色信息
static inline void rb_set_parent_color(struct rb_node *rb,
struct rb_node *p, int color)
rb->__rb_parent_color = (unsigned long)p | color;
3.3 插入结点
- U结点不存在,那么n一定是新插入的结点,n和P为红色,不满足性质③。
- U结点存在且为黑色,那么n结点在修改之前一定是黑色的。如果不是黑色的,就不满足性质④。
static __always_inline void
__rb_insert(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root,
void (*augment_rotate)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new))
struct rb_node *parent = rb_red_parent(node), *gparent, *tmp;
while (true) {
* Loop invariant: node is red
* If there is a black parent, we are done.
* Otherwise, take some corrective action as we don't
* want a red root or two consecutive red nodes.
// 如果parent为空,表示当前的结点为根结点,根结点为黑色
// 如果父结点为黑色,直接返回
if (!parent) {
rb_set_parent_color(node, NULL, RB_BLACK);
} else if (rb_is_black(parent))
// 拿到祖先结点
gparent = rb_red_parent(parent);
tmp = gparent->rb_right;
if (parent != tmp) { /* parent == gparent->rb_left */
if (tmp && rb_is_red(tmp)) {
* Case 1 - color flips
* G g
* / \ / \
* p u --> P U
* / /
* n n
* However, since g's parent might be red, and
* 4) does not allow this, we need to recurse
* at g.
rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
rb_set_parent_color(parent, gparent, RB_BLACK);
node = gparent;
parent = rb_parent(node);
rb_set_parent_color(node, parent, RB_RED);
tmp = parent->rb_right;
if (node == tmp) {
* Case 2 - left rotate at parent
* G G
* / \ / \
* p U --> n U
* \ /
* n p
* This still leaves us in violation of 4), the
* continuation into Case 3 will fix that.
parent->rb_right = tmp = node->rb_left;
node->rb_left = parent;
if (tmp)
rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent,
rb_set_parent_color(parent, node, RB_RED);
augment_rotate(parent, node);
parent = node;
tmp = node->rb_right;
* Case 3 - right rotate at gparent
* G P
* / \ / \
* p U --> n g
* / \
* n U
gparent->rb_left = tmp; /* == parent->rb_right */
parent->rb_right = gparent;
if (tmp)
rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
__rb_rotate_set_parents(gparent, parent, root, RB_RED);
augment_rotate(gparent, parent);
} else {
tmp = gparent->rb_left;
if (tmp && rb_is_red(tmp)) {
/* Case 1 - color flips */
rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
rb_set_parent_color(parent, gparent, RB_BLACK);
node = gparent;
parent = rb_parent(node);
rb_set_parent_color(node, parent, RB_RED);
tmp = parent->rb_left;
if (node == tmp) {
/* Case 2 - right rotate at parent */
parent->rb_left = tmp = node->rb_right;
node->rb_right = parent;
if (tmp)
rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent,
rb_set_parent_color(parent, node, RB_RED);
augment_rotate(parent, node);
parent = node;
tmp = node->rb_left;
/* Case 3 - left rotate at gparent */
gparent->rb_right = tmp; /* == parent->rb_left */
parent->rb_left = gparent;
if (tmp)
rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
__rb_rotate_set_parents(gparent, parent, root, RB_RED);
augment_rotate(gparent, parent);
static inline void
__rb_rotate_set_parents(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new,
struct rb_root *root, int color)
struct rb_node *parent = rb_parent(old);
new->__rb_parent_color = old->__rb_parent_color;
rb_set_parent_color(old, new, color);
__rb_change_child(old, new, parent, root);
// dummy_rotate默认操作,实际内容为空
void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
__rb_insert(node, root, dummy_rotate);
3.4 删除结点
- 《算法导论》或者《STL源码剖析》。
- bilibili 红黑树-删除
- 没有孩子的红色节点,直接删除。
- 只有左孩子/右孩子,用孩子节点直接替代且变为黑色。这里为什么是只有左孩子和右孩子,而不是树的情况呢。因为我们要删除的节点G只能是黑色,而它的孩子节点P必然是红色,那P的孩子节点n无论是红色或者黑色均会违反性质,所以是不可能有孩子节点的。如果要删除的节点只有左边或者右边,那么只可能是节点而不是子树。那为什么删除的节点不可能是红色且只存在左孩子和右孩子的情况呢?是因为一旦它的孩子无论是黑色还是红色都会违反红黑树的性质。
- 没有孩子的黑色节点,我们会将当前要删除的节点先变成双黑节点。之后再分类将其变回单黑节点。
- 兄弟节点为黑色。
- 兄弟节点至少有一个红色的孩子节点。根据类型细分为(LL,RR,LR,RL)型,根据这些类型进行变色+旋转。具体情况可以在这里查看不同类型的细分讨论。
- 兄弟节点都是黑色的节点,将兄弟节点变成红色节点,并且让当前双黑节点变成其父节点是双黑节点。但是如果其分节点为红色的情况下,只需要变成单黑即可。然后将要删除的节点删掉之后,但是我们发现这里的双黑节点只是进行了转移,而并非真正的删除。那么我们以新的双黑节点来讨论是满足哪种情况。
- 兄弟节点为红色,只需要将
s->color = !s->color; p->color = !p->color;
- 兄弟节点为黑色。
- 左右孩子都有,会先通过直接前驱或者直接后继的替换,然后将问题转移到被替换的结点。
- LL型。这里的LL型指的是双黑节点的兄弟节点满足它是它的父节点的左子树和它的左孩子为红色节点。这里同样包含左右孩子都存在,且是红色的节点。那么我们先采取变色操作,
r->color = s->color; s->color = p->color
- RR型。这里的操作与LL型类似。变色操作采取相同的策略,然后对p节点进行左旋操作
- LR型。这里指的是双黑节点的兄弟节点s满足它的是父节点的左孩子和它的右孩子为红色节点。之后采取变色操作,先将
r->color = p->color; p->color = RB_BLACK;
,然后对left_rotate(s); right_rotate(p);
- RL型。这里指的是双黑节点的兄弟节点s满足它的是父节点的右孩子和它的左孩子为红色节点。变色操作与LR型一致,然后对
right_rotate(s); left_rotate(p);
* Inline version for rb_erase() use - we want to be able to inline
* and eliminate the dummy_rotate callback there
static __always_inline void
____rb_erase_color(struct rb_node *parent, struct rb_root *root,
void (*augment_rotate)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new))
struct rb_node *node = NULL, *sibling, *tmp1, *tmp2;
while (true) {
* Loop invariants:
* - node is black (or NULL on first iteration)
* - node is not the root (parent is not NULL)
* - All leaf paths going through parent and node have a
* black node count that is 1 lower than other leaf paths.
sibling = parent->rb_right;
if (node != sibling) { /* node == parent->rb_left */
if (rb_is_red(sibling)) {
* Case 1 - left rotate at parent
* P S
* / \ / \
* N s --> p Sr
* / \ / \
* Sl Sr N Sl
parent->rb_right = tmp1 = sibling->rb_left;
sibling->rb_left = parent;
rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, parent, RB_BLACK);
__rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
augment_rotate(parent, sibling);
sibling = tmp1;
tmp1 = sibling->rb_right;
if (!tmp1 || rb_is_black(tmp1)) {
tmp2 = sibling->rb_left;
if (!tmp2 || rb_is_black(tmp2)) {
* Case 2 - sibling color flip
* (p could be either color here)
* (p) (p)
* / \ / \
* N S --> N s
* / \ / \
* Sl Sr Sl Sr
* This leaves us violating 5) which
* can be fixed by flipping p to black
* if it was red, or by recursing at p.
* p is red when coming from Case 1.
rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent,
if (rb_is_red(parent))
else {
node = parent;
parent = rb_parent(node);
if (parent)
* Case 3 - right rotate at sibling
* (p could be either color here)
* (p) (p)
* / \ / \
* N S --> N Sl
* / \ \
* sl Sr s
* \
* Sr
sibling->rb_left = tmp1 = tmp2->rb_right;
tmp2->rb_right = sibling;
parent->rb_right = tmp2;
if (tmp1)
rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling,
augment_rotate(sibling, tmp2);
tmp1 = sibling;
sibling = tmp2;
* Case 4 - left rotate at parent + color flips
* (p and sl could be either color here.
* After rotation, p becomes black, s acquires
* p's color, and sl keeps its color)
* (p) (s)
* / \ / \
* N S --> P Sr
* / \ / \
* (sl) sr N (sl)
parent->rb_right = tmp2 = sibling->rb_left;
sibling->rb_left = parent;
rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
if (tmp2)
rb_set_parent(tmp2, parent);
__rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
augment_rotate(parent, sibling);
} else {
sibling = parent->rb_left;
if (rb_is_red(sibling)) {
/* Case 1 - right rotate at parent */
parent->rb_left = tmp1 = sibling->rb_right;
sibling->rb_right = parent;
rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, parent, RB_BLACK);
__rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
augment_rotate(parent, sibling);
sibling = tmp1;
tmp1 = sibling->rb_left;
if (!tmp1 || rb_is_black(tmp1)) {
tmp2 = sibling->rb_right;
if (!tmp2 || rb_is_black(tmp2)) {
/* Case 2 - sibling color flip */
rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent,
if (rb_is_red(parent))
else {
node = parent;
parent = rb_parent(node);
if (parent)
/* Case 3 - right rotate at sibling */
sibling->rb_right = tmp1 = tmp2->rb_left;
tmp2->rb_left = sibling;
parent->rb_left = tmp2;
if (tmp1)
rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling,
augment_rotate(sibling, tmp2);
tmp1 = sibling;
sibling = tmp2;
/* Case 4 - left rotate at parent + color flips */
parent->rb_left = tmp2 = sibling->rb_right;
sibling->rb_right = parent;
rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
if (tmp2)
rb_set_parent(tmp2, parent);
__rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
augment_rotate(parent, sibling);
/* Non-inline version for rb_erase_augmented() use */
void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_node *parent, struct rb_root *root,
void (*augment_rotate)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new))
____rb_erase_color(parent, root, augment_rotate);
3.5 遍历红黑树
// 返回红黑树排序后第一个节点,也就是最小的值的节点
struct rb_node *rb_first(struct rb_root *tree);
// 返回红黑树排序后最后一个节点,也就是最大的值的节点
struct rb_node *rb_last(struct rb_root *tree);
// 返回当前节点的下一个节点(后继)。
struct rb_node *rb_next(struct rb_node *node);
// 返回当前节点的前一个节点(前驱)。
struct rb_node *rb_prev(struct rb_node *node);
* 具体代码分析
* 红黑树本质上是一种二叉搜索树,而二叉搜索树每个子树满足左 < 根 < 右
// 最左子树的根节点为最小的值的节点
struct rb_node *rb_first(const struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *n;
n = root->rb_node;
if (!n)
return NULL;
while (n->rb_left)
n = n->rb_left;
return n;
// 最右子树的根节点为最大的值的节点
struct rb_node *rb_last(const struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *n;
n = root->rb_node;
if (!n)
return NULL;
while (n->rb_right)
n = n->rb_right;
return n;
struct rb_node *rb_next(const struct rb_node *node)
struct rb_node *parent;
// 判断当前节点是不是空节点
if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(node))
return NULL;
// 如果当前节点的右节点存在,我们会获取它的最左子树的根节点
if (node->rb_right) {
node = node->rb_right;
while (node->rb_left)
return (struct rb_node *)node;
// 如果不存在当前节点的右节点,先考虑当前的父节点,如果当前节点为父节点的右孩子的,则继续往下寻找
while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_right)
node = parent;
return parent;
struct rb_node *rb_prev(const struct rb_node *node)
struct rb_node *parent;
if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(node))
return NULL;
// 如果当前节点的左节点存在,我们会获取它的最右子树的根节点
if (node->rb_left) {
node = node->rb_left;
while (node->rb_right)
return (struct rb_node *)node;
// 如果不存在当前节点的左节点,先考虑当前的父节点,如果当前节点为父节点的左孩子的,则继续往下寻找
while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_left)
node = parent;
return parent;
4. 案例演示
// 创建一个包含红黑树节点的结构体
struct test_node {
struct rb_node rb;
int key;
int val;
int augmented;
#define NODES 10000
static struct rb_root root = RB_ROOT;
static struct test_node nodes[NODES];
// 插入结点
static void insert(struct test_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node **new = &(root->rb_node), *parent = NULL;
int key = node->key;
// 根据二叉搜索树的性质找到要插入的位置
while(*new) {
parent = *new;
// rb_entry是获取parent结点所在的test_node结构体的数据
if (key < rb_entry(parent, struct test_node, rb)->key)
new = &parent->rb_left;
new = &parent->rb_right;
// 把parent设置为node的父节点,并且让new指向&node->rb
rb_link_node(&node->rb, parent, new);
// 将该节点插入
rb_insert_color(&node->rb, root);
// 删除节点
void erase(struct test_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
rb_erase(&node->rb, root);
static int black_path_count(struct rb_node *rb) {
int count;
for (count = 0; rb; rb = rb_parent(rb))
count += !rb_is_red(rb);
return count;
// 检查红黑树的有效性
static void check(int nr_nodes)
struct rb_node *rb;
int count = 0, blacks = 0;
int prev_key = 0;
for (rb = rb_first(&root); rb; rb=rb_next(rb)) {
struct test_node *node = rb_entry(rb, struct test_node, rb);
// 节点是否按照升序排序
if (node->key < prev_key)
printf("[WARN] node->key(%d) < prev_key(%d)\n", node->key, prev_key);
// 没有两个连续的红色节点
if (rb_is_red(rb) && (!rb_parent(rb) || rb_is_red(rb_parent(rb))))
printf("[WARN] two red nodes\n");
// 根节点到所有叶子节点的路径中,黑色节点的数量是一致的。
if (!count)
blacks = black_path_count(rb);
else if ((!rb->rb_left || !rb->rb_right) && (blacks != black_path_count(rb)))
printf("[WARN] black count wrongs\n");
prev_key = node->key;
// 打印红黑树的节点
void print_rbtree(struct rb_root *tree)
struct rb_node *node;
for (node = rb_first(tree); node; node = rb_next(node))
printf("%d ", rb_entry(node, struct test_node, rb)->key);
// 搜索红黑树是否有节点的值为num
int search_rbtree(struct rb_root *tree, int num){
struct rb_node *node;
for (node = rb_first(tree); node; node = rb_next(node)) {
if (num == rb_entry(node, struct test_node, rb)->key)
return true;
return false;
static void safe_flush()
char c;
while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, j;
int num;
for (i = 0; i < NODES; i++) {
nodes[i].key = i;
nodes[i].val = i;
/* insert */
for(j = 0; j < NODES; j++) {
insert(nodes + j, &root);
/* check */
/* print_rbtree(&root); */
while(1) {
num = -2;
printf("Please input the num which you want to search in rbtree.\n");
printf("The input num should be 0 <= input num < 10000\n");
printf("Input -1 to exit\n");
printf(">>> ");
scanf("%d", &num);
if (num == -1)
goto exit;
if (num < 0 || num > 10000) {
printf("WARNNING: Invalild input number!\n");
if (search_rbtree(&root, num))
printf("RESULT: Found %d in the rbtree\n", num);
printf("RESULT: Not Found %d in the rbtree\n", num);
/* erase */
for(j = 0; j < NODES; j++) {
erase(nodes + j, &root);
return 0;
5. 拓展