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原创 Debug**struct as local variable
struct client* func() { struct client c; c.name = "Kevin"; c.number = 1234; return &c}When define struct as local variable without using malloc(), the struct will bedestroyed as the f
2014-03-20 20:05:34 435
转载 Java Reflection
本文由 ImportNew - 薄荷脑 翻译自 Programcreek1. 什么是反射?“反射(Reflection)能够让运行于JVM中的程序检测和修改运行时的行为。”这个概念常常会和内省(Introspection)混淆,以下是这两个术语在Wikipedia中的解释:内省用于在运行时检测某个对象的类型和其包含的属性;反射用于在运行时检测和修改某
2014-02-22 14:34:26 613
转载 Java Object Initialization
public class InitializeDemo { private static int k = 1; private static InitializeDemo t1 = new InitializeDemo("t1"); private static InitializeDemo t2 = new InitializeDemo("t2"); private static int
2014-02-22 13:44:16 532
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹