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原创 GNSS-跟踪理论
学习文章 Generalized Theory of Code Tracking with an Early-Late Discriminator Part I: Lower Bound and Coherent Processing
2019-10-28 15:48:54 770 2
原创 C++智能指针(Smart Pointer) 和原生指针(Raw Pinter)
2019-09-19 14:26:48 1302
原创 note-4-9
检测信噪比X信号传输特征X系统基本特点RF link budget报头检测10 MHz 采样功率一致性测试DF认证DF为X消息中数据域的前五比特此处进行DF认证本质上还是对X消息的可靠性进行进一步的确认困难两个X信号重叠检测AC模式信号纠错CRC 循环冗余校验X Enhanced Reception Techniques检测信噪比根据不同信噪比采用不同策略 分析信噪比对同
2015-04-09 10:06:18 449
翻译 reduction
there is no way to map high-dimensional data into low dimensions and preserve all the structure. So, an approach must make trade-offs, sacrificing one property to preserve another. PCA tries to preserv
2015-04-08 17:37:06 382
visual studio 2010 c# Web数据库项目开发(附录资源)
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