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原创 linux学习笔记——显示文件

showfile 471less是一个分页程序,使用less的基本语法如下:less [-cCEFmMsX] [+command] [-x tab] [file...]其中command是less自动执行的一条命令,tab是希望使用的制表间距,file是文件名称less来自于一个笑话,那就是"less is more"-c(clear,清除)选项:从顶端向下显示每一屏数

2012-08-18 12:44:54 679

原创 linux学习笔记——filesystem

filesystem 569文件是任意源,有有一个名称,可以从中读取数据;或者是任意目标,有一个名称,可以向其中写入数据。术语“文件”不仅指磁盘文件,还可以指任意的物理设备unix文件有三类:普通文件、目录文件、伪文件在伪文件中,有三种最为常见:特殊文件、命名管道、proc文件普通文件或者常规文件是大多数人在使用单词“文件”时所指的文件。普通文件包含数据,位于某种类型的存储

2012-08-18 12:43:43 952

原创 linux学习笔记——正则表达式

re-usage ——447正则表达式,通常写作regex或者re,是一种指定字符串模式的简洁方式。使用语法:元字符(基本匹配) 含义 ----------------------------------------------------------------. 除新行字符外,匹配任意的单个字符^ 锚:匹配行的开头$ 锚:匹配行的末尾

2012-08-18 12:41:13 510 1

原创 linux学习笔记——pipe

pipe 307标准输入默认是键盘,标准输出默认是屏幕如果希望将命令的输出写入到文件中,可以在命令的后面键入>字符,后面跟着文件名称即可,例如:sort>names,这将新建names或者清空names的已有数据如果希望将数据添加到已有数据的后面,可以用>>,也就是sort>>names当将标准输出发送给文件时,称为重定向标准输出如果不希望>命令替换已有文件,可以设置shell

2012-08-18 12:40:09 432

原创 linux学习笔记——shell

shell(bash) 212一般可以将shell理解为一个命令处理器:一个读取并解释所输入命令的程序。其次,shell还支持一些shell脚本。使用的shell类型,可以查看环境变量echo $SHELL系统可用的shell路径存储在 /etc/shells改变登录shell可以使用chsh(change shell)命令,语法为:chsh [-s shell] [u

2012-08-18 12:38:59 506

原创 linux学习笔记——过滤器

filters 333过滤器就是任何能够从标准输入读取文本数据并向标准输出写入文本数据(每次一行)的程序。通常大多数过滤器能够出色完成一件任务。catcat代表catenate,来自拉丁语,意思是chain,可能这是最简单的过滤器,它从标准输入读取数据,并将数据不加修改的写入到标准输出,数据可以来源于标准输入或者一个或多个文件,语法为:cat [-bns] [file...

2012-08-18 12:36:08 757

原创 linux学习笔记——vi

vi 505vi的诞生经历了ed、en、ex等,最初的作者是Joy,C-shell、BSD的作者,SUN公司的创始人之一,现在最通用的是vim,ex是面向行的编辑器,vi是面向屏幕的编辑器,visual editor在使用vi时,存放数据的存储区域称为编辑缓冲区,editing buffer,你处理的内容是副本vi有两种模式,命令模式和输入模式,在命令模式中,所键入的键

2012-08-15 22:22:53 903 1

转载 如何在CentOS6设置多媒体

CentOS 为采用不同格式压缩的音效档提供基本的支持,包括 .wav 及 .ogg 文件。当中所提供的 alsa-utils 及 sox 音效播放器是为文字界面(命令行界面)的环境而设;xmms 则可以轻松地用 SRPM 重建。这个受欢迎且功能齐备的 xmms 的播放器很可能是由於所谓的 Fraunhofer 限制及满足非免费的专利条件而被上游删去。对於那些不受以上司法权所管辖的用户

2012-08-15 22:01:10 766




Java Platform Standard Edition 7 Documentation

JDK 7 is a superset of JRE 7, and contains everything that is in JRE 7, plus tools such as the compilers and debuggers necessary for developing applets and applications. JRE 7 provides the libraries, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and other components to run applets and applications written in the Java programming language.


The Linux System Administrator's Guide

This is the third book in the main LDP series, and assumes knowledge of everything in the Installation and Users' Guides. It will cover all of the aspects of keeping the system running, handling user accounts, backups, configuration of the system, installing and upgrading software, and more. Whereas some of this information is in the Installation Guide (just to get the system off the ground) this book should be much more complete.


Linux Network Administrators Guide

This document is designed to be a resource for those Linux users wishing to seek clarification on Linux/UNIX/POSIX related terms and jargon. At approximately 24000 definitions and two thousand pages it is one of the largest Linux related dictionaries currently available. Due to the rapid rate at which new terms are being created it has been decided that this will be an active project. We welcome input into the content of this document. At this moment in time half yearly updates are being envisaged.


Linux on the Road

Though there are laptop, notebook, PDA and mobile phone related HOWTOs available already, this guide contains a concise survey of documents related to mobile computer devices. Also Linux features, such as installation methods for laptops, notebooks and PDAs as well as configurations for different (network) environments are described. Although there are some caveats, Linux is a better choice for mobile computer devices than most other operating systems. Because it supports numerous installation methods, works in many heterogenoues environments and needs smaller resources.


Guide to Managing Media and Public Relations in the Linux Community

This guide provides useful information on how to generate positive public relations and news media coverage for Linux.


Linux Filesystem Hierarchy

This document outlines the set of requirements and guidelines for file and directory placement under the Linux operating system according to those of the FSSTND v2.3 final (January 29, 2004) and also its actual implementation on an arbitrary system. It is meant to be accessible to all members of the Linux community, be distribution independent and is intended discuss the impact of the FSSTND and how it has managed to increase the efficiency of support interoperability of applications, system administration tools, development tools, and scripts as well as greater uniformity of documentation for these systems.



Bash guide for beginners, txt


Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.mobi

This document is both a tutorial and a reference on shell scripting with Bash. It assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction. The exercises and heavily-commented examples invite active reader participation. Still, it is a work in progress. The intention is to add much supplementary material in future updates to this document, as it evolves into a comprehensive book that matches or surpasses any of the shell scripting manuals in print.mobi format


Mobipocket Creator v4.2 build 41




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