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原创 linux 终端控制输出
Bash Prompt HOWTO: Prev Chapter 6. ANSI Escape Sequences: Colours and Cursor Movement Next6.2. Cursor Movement ANSI escape sequences allow you to move the cursor around the screen at will. T...
2018-08-13 14:51:53 1395
原创 Julia分形算法VC++实现
void DrawJulia(float cx,float cy){ initgraph(640,480); //setorigin(getwidth() / 2, getheight() / 2); float zx,zy; for (int i = -320;i<320;i++){ for (int j = -240;j<240;j++){ zx = i/320.0;
2017-02-23 14:43:40 2006 4
原创 用vc++实现IFS分形算法画一棵树
void IFS(){ double a[][8]={ 0,0.195,-0.488 ,0.344 ,0.433 ,0.4431 ,0.2452 ,0.25 ,\ 0,0.462 ,0.414 ,-0.252 ,0.361 ,0.2511 ,0.5692 ,0.25,\ 0,-0.058 ,-0.07 ,0.453 ,-0.111 ,0.5976 ,0.0969 ,0.25 ,\
2017-02-23 14:30:12 2848 2
原创 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __atoi64
2017-02-20 16:29:17 748
原创 驱动开发实现修改导入表注入dll
2016-12-21 08:33:21 3384
转载 vim窗口的一些命令
You can open vim with the names of the two files. :buffers will list the buffers:files will list the filesYou can also split the window into two and start another buffer. :split:next file2
2016-08-14 16:43:15 334
原创 测试winddk中的minifitler-scanner
编译过程就不用说了,进入目录直接输入bld。把scanner.sys 和 sanner.inf放在一起,右键scanner.inf选择安装。安装完成后并没有运行,还需要一条命令:net start scanner。卸载方法:先停止服务:net stop scanner然后输入下面的命令:RUNDLL32.EXE SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallH
2016-08-13 18:34:43 391
转载 驱动开发用到的派遣函数序号(wdm.h)
//// Define the major function codes for IRPs.//#define IRP_MJ_CREATE 0x00#define IRP_MJ_CREATE_NAMED_PIPE 0x01#define IRP_MJ_CLOSE 0x02#def
2016-08-07 17:22:57 729 1
原创 从RtlInitUnicodeString函数汇编代码理解UnicodeString结构
RtlInitUnicodeString 函数的原型是:VOID WINAPI RtlInitUnicodeString( _Inout_ PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, _In_opt_ PCWSTR SourceString);UnicodeString结构体:typedef struct _LSA_UNICO
2016-08-04 23:02:18 1776
转载 如何查看backtrack的版本
root@bt:# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTSRelease: 10.04Codename: lucid
2013-08-11 13:01:18 922
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹