
 摘自 http://blog.csdn.net/nenith1981/archive/2007/09/17/1787692.aspxnenith1981的专栏 ,谢谢啦。。。

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;

namespace PCDvrMonitor



 public enum VideoRGBYUVFormat:uint
  vfGeneric                = 0xffffffff,
  vfNone                   = 0x80000000,
  vfRGB8A_233              = 0x00000001,
  vfRGB8R_332              = 0x00000002,
  vfRGB15Alpha             = 0x00000004,
  vfRGB16                  = 0x00000008,
  vfRGB24                  = 0x00000010,
  vfRGB24Alpha             = 0x00000020,
  vfYUV420Planar           = 0x00000040,
  vfYUV422Planar           = 0x00000080,
  vfYUV411Planar           = 0x00000100,
  vfYUV420Interspersed     = 0x00000200,
  vfYUV422Interspersed     = 0x00000400,
  vfYUV411Interspersed     = 0x00000800,
  vfYUV422Sequence         = 0x00001000,   /* U0, Y0, V0, Y1:  For VO overlay */
  vfYUV422SequenceAlpha    = 0x00002000,  
  /* U0, Y0, V0, Y1:  For VO overlay, with low bit for alpha blending */
  vfMono                   = 0x00004000,  /* 8 bit monochrome */

  vfYUV444Planar           = 0x00008000,

  vfDTVCMPlanar            = 0x00010000,
  vfDTVCMSequence          = 0x00020000,

  vfYInterleavedUV420      = 0x00040000,  /* YUV420 output by TM2 mpeg2 */

  vfYUV422PlanarAlpha4     = 0x00080000

 }                    /* can be OR'ed */

 public struct DISPLAY_PARA
  public int bToScreen;
  public int bToVideoOut;
  public int nLeft;
  public int nTop;
  public int nWidth;
  public int nHeight;
  public VideoRGBYUVFormat format;

 public struct CLIENT_VIDEOINFO
  public  byte   m_bRemoteChannel;
  public  byte   m_bSendMode;
  public  byte  m_nImgFormat;  // =0 main channel ; = 1 sub channel
  public string m_sIPAddress;
  public string m_sUserName;
  public string m_sUserPassword;
  public bool    m_bUserCheck;
  public System.IntPtr   m_hShowVideo;

 public struct CLIENT_CARDINFO
  public byte    m_bRemoteChannel;
  public byte    m_bSendMode;
  public byte    m_bRight;
  public string    m_sIPAddress;
  public string    m_sUserName;
  public string    m_sUserPassword;
  public bool    m_bUserCheck;
  public DISPLAY_PARA displaypara;

 /// <summary>
 /// 读实时数据回调
 /// </summary>
 public delegate void ReadDataCallBack(UInt32 nPort,[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pPacketBuffer,UInt32 nPacketSize);

 /// <summary>
 /// 捕图回调
 /// </summary>
 public delegate void CapPicFun(int StockHandle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray,SizeConst=152064)] byte[] pBuf,int nSize,int nWidth,int nHeight,int nStamp,int nType,int nReceaved);

    /// <summary>
    /// 画
    /// </summary>
 public delegate void DrawFun(int StockHandle,System.Drawing.Graphics  hDc,int nUser);

 /// <summary>
 /// 加密
 /// </summary>
 public delegate void DecryptFun (int nFrameType,[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pEncryptData,int nEncryptDataSize,[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[,]  ppDecryptData, out int  pDecryptDataSize,int nReserved);


 /// <summary>
 /// PcHikClient 的摘要说明。
 /// </summary>
 public class PcHikClient
  public PcHikClient()


  public static readonly uint WM_USER                        = 0x0400;
     public static readonly int  RECDATAERR= 0 ;
  public static readonly int  PLAYERR= 1;
  public static readonly int REFUSED =2;
  public static readonly int VERSIONERR =3;
  public static readonly int PLAYERBUSY =4;
  public static readonly int GETSTRING =10;

  public static readonly int SUPPORT_DDRAW = 1 ;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_BLT      =   2 ;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_BLTFOURCC=   4 ;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_BLTSHRINKX=  8 ;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_BLTSHRINKY=  16;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_BLTSTRETCHX= 32;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_BLTSTRETCHY= 64;
  public static readonly int SUPPORT_CPU        = 128;

  public static readonly int T_UYVY  =1;
  public static readonly int T_YV12  =3;
  public static readonly int T_RGB32  =7;

  public static extern int  MP4_ClientStart(ref CLIENT_VIDEOINFO pClientinfo,ReadDataCallBack x);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientStop(int StockHandle);

  public static extern int  MP4_ClientGetState(int StockHandle);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientStopCapture(int StockHandle);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientStartCapture(int StockHandle);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientStartCaptureFile(int StockHandle, string FileName);

  public static extern UInt16 MP4_ClientGetServerChanNum(string m_sIPAddress);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientCommandtoServer(string m_lAddrIP, string m_sCommand,System.UInt16  m_wLen);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientCommandtoServer_Handle(int StockHandle,out string m_sCommand,System.UInt16 m_wLen);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientStartup(uint nMessage,System.IntPtr  hWnd);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientCleanup();

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientShut(string m_lAddrIP,char cChannel);

  public static extern void MP4_ClientReadLastMessage( string m_sIP,out string m_sCommand, out System.UInt16 m_wLen);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientAudioVolume(System.UInt16  wVolume);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientAudioStart(int StockHandle);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientAudioStop();

  public static extern int  MP4_ClientIsSupport();

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientSetBufferNum(int StockHandle,System.Int16  wBufNum);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientSetNetPort(System.UInt16  dServerPort,UInt16 dClientPort);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientSetTTL( char cTTLVal);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientSetPlayDelay(int StockHandle,UInt16 DelayLen);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetWait(UInt32 dEachWaitTime,UInt32 dTrynum);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetShowMode(UInt32 dShowType,System.Drawing.Color  colorKey);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetQuality(int StockHandle,UInt16 wPicQuality);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetCapPicCallBack(int StockHandle,CapPicFun x);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSavePicFile( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pBuf,int nSize,int nWidth,int nHeight,int nType,  string sFileName);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientThrowBFrame(int StockHandle,UInt32 dNum);

  public static extern uint  MP4_ClientGetFrameNum(int StockHandle);

  public static extern uint  MP4_ClientGetSdkVersion();

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientCastGroup(int StockHandle,out string sIP,UInt16 wPort);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientAudioMode(UInt16 wMode);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientAudioStartShare(int StockHandle);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientAudioStopShare(int StockHandle);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientRigisterDrawFun(int StockHandle,DrawFun x,int nUser);

  //decode card
  public static extern int    MP4_ClientInitDevice_Card(out int pDeviceTotal);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientInitDDraw_Card(System.IntPtr  hParent,System.Drawing.Color  colorKey);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientReleaseDevice_Card();

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientReleaseDDraw_Card();

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientStart_Card(ref CLIENT_CARDINFO pClientinfo,int nChannelNum,ReadDataCallBack x);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientResetPara_Card(int StockHandle,out DISPLAY_PARA pPara);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientAudioStop_Card(int StockHandle);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientAudioStart_Card(int StockHandle,bool bAudioPreview);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientAudioVolume_Card(int StockHandle,uint nVolume);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientRefreshSurface_Card();

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientClearSurface_Card();

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientRestoreSurface_Card();

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientGetSerialNo_Card(int nChannelNum,out uint pDeviceSerialNo);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientCapPicFile_Card(int StockHandle,out string  sFileName);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientSetDspErrMsg_Card(uint nMessage,System.UIntPtr  hWnd);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientResetDSP_Card(int nChannelNum);

  public static extern int    MP4_ClientGetDevice_Card(int nChannelNum,object phChannel);

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientSetDecryptCallback(  DecryptFun x );

  public static extern bool MP4_ClientCleanBuffer(int nPort,int nCleanType);

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="strFirstMRIP"></param>
  /// <param name="strSecondMRIP"></param>
  /// <param name="wFirstMRPort"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetMR(String strFirstMRIP,String strSecondMRIP,UInt16 wFirstMRPort);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetDisplayType(int StockHandle,int nType);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientSetVideoPara(int StockHandle,UInt32 nRegionNum, int nBrightness, int nContrast, int nSaturation, int nHue);

  public static extern bool  MP4_ClientGetVideoPara(int StockHandle,UInt32 nRegionNum, out int pBrightness, out int pContrast, out int pSaturation, out int pHue);

  public static extern int  MP4_ClientStart_Other(CLIENT_CARDINFO pClientinfo,ReadDataCallBack x);

  public static extern int  MP4_ClientStart_Card_Other(ref CLIENT_CARDINFO pClientinfo,int nChannelNum,ReadDataCallBack x);



评论 2




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