转发:Using HQL (Hibernate Query language) http://www.castleproject.org/activerecord/documentation/v1rc1/usersguide/hql.html

SimpleQuery and ScalarQuery

SimpleQuery and ScalarQuery can be used in cases where the query would be a direct HQL query call.

Here are some examples:

public class Blog : ActiveRecordBase<Blog>

    // Static method from Blog class, retrieves all Post instances
    // from the blog of the specified author. Uses positional parameters.
    public static Post[] GetPostsFromAuthor( String author )
       SimpleQuery<Post> q = new SimpleQuery<Post>(@"
         from Post p 
         where p.Blog.Author = ?
       ", author);
       return q.Execute();

    // Static method from Blog class, retrieves the ID of all Post instances
    // in a specified date interval. Uses named parameters.
    public static int[] GetPostIdsFromInterval( DateTime start, DateTime end )
       // the second parameter specifies the AR type used for determining the database connection
       SimpleQuery<int> q = new SimpleQuery<int>(typeof(Post), @"
          select p.ID from Post p 
          where p.Date between :start and :end
q.SetParameter("start", start);
q.SetParameter("end", end);
       return q.Execute();

    // Instance method from Blog, gets the last post date.
    public DateTime LastPostDate()
       ScalarQuery<DateTime> q = new ScalarQuery<DateTime>(typeof(Post), @"
          select max(p.Date) 
          from Post p 
          where p.Blog = ?
       ", this);
       return q.Execute();

Custom Query

If your want:

  • encapsulation of your business rules within a query object;
  • custom, advanced parameter handling;
  • conditional queries (i.e., building the HQL and parameters manually);
  • direct use of NHibernate's Criteria; or
  • direct access to NHibernate's ISession or IQuery objects


Then you can write a custom ActiveRecord query.

You just need to inherit from ActiveRecordBaseQuery (or implement the IActiveRecordQuery interface).

For example:

public class MyCustomQuery : ActiveRecordBaseQuery
   private String authorName = null;
   private int maxResults = 2;

   public MyCustomQuery() : base(typeof(Blog)) 

   public MyCustomQuery(string authorName) : base(typeof(Blog)) 
      this.AuthorName = authorName;
     public int MaxResults { get { return this.maxResults; } set { this.maxResults = value; } }
     public String AuthorName { get { return this.authorName; } set { this.authorName = value; } }

   protected override void CreateQuery(ISession session)
      String hql = "from Blog b";

      if (this.AuthorName != null)
        hql += " where b.Author like :author";

      IQuery q = session.CreateQuery(hql);

      if (AuthorName != null)
        q.SetString("authorName", this.AuthorName);


      return q;

   protected override object InternalExecute(ISession session)
      IQuery q = CreateQuery(session);
      return SupportingUtils.BuildArray(typeof(Blog), q.List(), null, false);

The usage:

public class Blog : ActiveRecordBase

   public Blog[] GetThreeBlogsFromAuthor( String authorName )
      QueryWithNamedParameters q = new QueryWithNamedParameters();
      q.AuthorName = authorName;
      q.MaxResults = 3;
      return (Blog[]) ExecuteQuery(q);

Execute Callback

The third way to write custom queries is to use the ActiveRecordBase.Execute method, which basically does the same as the Custom Query approach, but without the need to write any additional classes.

public class Blog : ActiveRecordBase<Blog>

   public static Post[] GetPostsFromAuthor( String author )
      return (Post[]) Execute(
         delegate(ISession session, object instance)
            // create the query...
            IQuery query = session.CreateQuery( "from Post p where p.Blog.Author = :author" );

            // set the parameters...
            query.SetString( "author", (String) instance);

            // fetch the results...
            IList results = query.List();

            // OPTIONAL: convert the results to an array or
            // something meaningful, instead of returning the IList
            Post[] posts = new Post[results.Count];
            results.CopyTo(posts, 0);

            // return
            return posts;
        }, author);




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