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原创 Base64 Supermarket - 暈
When there are too many standards, there is no standard. ---Not by G. C. Patton五花八門 亂奇八糟 你/妳如不頭暈 1) 不干你/妳的事 2) 你/妳必是天才This is worse than in a supermarket, in supermarket, they at least shelf ever
2007-08-23 01:40:00 1549
原创 gdbm - VC build with VC6: a native port
Build GDBM version 1.8.3. 10/15/2002 with VC6 + PSDK 2003, in Project -> Settings -> Link -> input, use ignore LIBCD.LIB or LIBCxxx.lib depending on debug or release and single thread or multithread.
2007-08-23 00:13:00 865
原创 Java 5 Annotating an annotation
Continue the series about Java 5 Annotation ... (will be in Chinese later on when I have time)Annotating an annotation:package java.lang.annotation;public enum ElementType{ TYPE, // Cla
2007-08-14 01:35:00 744
转载 Linux/xNIX dirent in VC
First 包含 .h 檔:#include 定義:struct _finddata_t ff; long hFind; hFind = _findfirst(searchPath, &ff); //searchPath 是全路徑 if(!hFind) //如 hFind = 0, 則沒找到 exit(0);//or return or dod whatever do{
2007-08-11 10:34:00 721
原创 Java 5 Annotation
@Interface is similar to Interface just it is used as templates for documentation, as a standard; especially useful for team development. However, its pain on the butt - making the coding so difficul
2007-08-11 05:26:00 879
原创 VC C/C++ Vc6 build solutions
For VC6 build, LNK2005 error - move PSDK libs down to the end in Tools -> Options -> Directories -> libs, especially for uuid.libFor strcore.cpp memory leakage error - ignore it, since it wont happe
2007-08-11 05:22:00 817
原创 ASN.1 - dumper
Build dumpasn1.cpp today. The difference between this and Gutmans dumpasn1.c is that dumpasn1.cpp packed the configuration file into resources for both exe and dll. This will be upgraded again with G
2007-08-11 05:17:00 1094
Successfully build uuid-1.6.0 on XP today. Its not easy. Have to use Interix and hack the Configure. Create VS2005 and VC6 projects, deal with PSDKs incompatibility problems with VC6, GCCs special
2007-08-11 05:07:00 753
转载 jnlp(Java网络加载协议)原来很简单
jnlp(Java网络加载协议)原来很简单 - zmxj发表于 2005年02月22日 17:27:00 Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP,java网络加载协议)。jnlp是什么?是java提供的一种让你可以通过浏览器直接执行java应用程序的途径,它使你可以直接通过一个网页上的url连接打开一个java应用程序.好处就不用说了,如果你的java应
2007-08-11 04:59:00 1051
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