Java Web!服务与SOA

Service-Oriented Architecture with Java Web Services

Service-Oriented Architecture with Java Web Services



Modern enterprise Java applications need to support the principles of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The foundation of most SOA applications is Web Services. So, if you are an enterprise Java developer, you probably want to master the Web Services standards included with Java EE 5 and Java SE 6. These standards include JAX-WS (formerly JAX-RPC) [JSR 224], JAXB [JSR 222], Web Services Metadata (WS-Metadata) [JSR 181],SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) [JSR 67], and Web Services for Java EE (WSEE)1 [JSR 109]. I call these standards, taken together, Java Web Services (JWS).

SOA applications are constructed from loosely coupled Web services. Therefore, naturally, as enterprise Java developers, we turn to JWS tools for creating SOA applications. Furthermore, the leading enterprise Java vendors hold out JWS technologies as the development platform of choice for SOA applications.

So, the JWS standards are very important. They are the foundation for SOA development with enterprise Java. And loosely coupled SOA applications are critical to corporate competitiveness because they enable business processes to be flexible and they adapt to rapidly changing global markets.

Unfortunately, if you are like me, you may have found the Java Web Services learning curve a little steep. It seems that lots of powerful and complex machinery is required just to deploy a Java class as a Web service or create a simple client to consume such services. Sure, you can get the simple “Hello World” application from the Java EE 5 tutorial to work. However, when you need to deploy your purchase ordering system, things suddenly seem to get much more complicated. Either the WSDL you start with gets compiled into myriad bizarre classes that have to be manually wrapped and mapped into your real purchasing system, or, if you start from your Java classes, the WSDL that gets produced doesn’t turn out the way you need it to. If you have been frustrated by problems like these, I sympathize with you. So have I, and that is what motivated me to write this book.






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