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原创 [Eclipse]Eclipse中自定义Servlet模板

[Eclipse]Eclipse中自定义Servlet模板文章目录[Eclipse]Eclipse中自定义Servlet模板1. Servlet模板路径2. 生成源码并编译下面我们就开始完成Servlet模板自定义的任务:Eclipse新建Servlet时,以软件默认模板生成的Servlet会有很多内容,其中有一些是没有必要的文档注释,这些多余的内容看起来会让人不舒服。网上有很多文章介绍的...

2020-04-04 22:40:44 524


aspose-cells-20.5.jar 去除保存文件时插入的Evaluation Warning表



azw3格式电子书-英文,有目录 关于Excel VBA编程的书籍 What is in this book? You have taken the right step by purchasing this book. We can help you reduce the learning curve so that you can write your own VBA macros and put an end to the burden of generating reports manually. Reducing the learning curve This Introduction provides a case study about the power of macros. Chapter 1, ″Unleashing the power of Excel with VBA,˝ introduces the tools and confirms what you probably already know: The macro recorder does not work reliably. Chapter 2, ″This sounds like BASIC, so why doesn′t it look familiar?˝ helps you understand the crazy syntax of VBA. Chapter 3, ″Referring to ranges,˝ cracks the code on how to work efficiently with ranges and cells. Chapter 4, ″Looping and flow control,˝ covers the power of looping using VBA. The case study in this chapter demonstrates creating a program to produce a department report and then wrapping that report routine in a loop to produce 46 reports. Chapter 5, ″R1C1-style formulas,˝ covers, obviously, R1C1-style formulas. Chapter 6, ″Creating and manipulating names in VBA,˝ covers names. Chapter 7, ″Event programming,˝ includes some great tricks that use event programming. Chapters 8, ″Arrays,˝ and 9, ″Creating classes and collections,˝ cover arrays, classes, and collections. Chapter 10, ″Userforms: An introduction,˝ introduces custom dialog boxes that you can use to collect information from a human using Excel.



pdf和epub两种格式,下载自FoxEbook.net 英文前言 Scientific and numerical computing is a booming field in research, engineering, and analytics. The revolution in the computer industry over the last several decades has provided new and powerful tools for computational practitioners. This has enabled computational undertakings of previously unprecedented scale and complexity. Entire fields and industries have sprung up as a result. This development is still ongoing, and it is creating new opportunities as hardware, software, and algorithms keep improving. Ultimately the enabling technology for this movement is the powerful computing hardware that has been developed in recent decades. However, for a computational practitioner, the software environment used for computational work is as important as, if not more important than, the hardware on which the computations are carried out. This book is about one popular and fast-growing environment for numerical computing: the Python programming language and its vibrant ecosystem of libraries and extensions for computational work. Computing is an interdisciplinary activity that requires experience and expertise in both theoretical and practical subjects: a firm understanding of mathematics and scientific thinking is a fundamental requirement for effective computational work. Equally important is solid training in computer programming and computer science. The role of this book is to bridge these two subjects by introducing how scientific computing can be done using the Python programming language and the computing environment that has appeared around this language. In this book the reader is assumed to have some previous training in mathematics and numerical methods and basic knowledge about Python programming. The focus of the book is to give a practical introduction to computational problem-solving with Python. Brief introductions to the theory of the covered topics are given in each chapter, to introduce notation and remind readers of the


Arduino by Example

Chapter 1, Getting Started with Arduino, introduces the reader to the Arduino platform, beginning with acquiring the necessary components and installing the software to write your frst program and see the magic begin. Chapter 2, Digital Ruler, brings in commonly used Arduino-friendly components such as an ultrasound sensor and a small programmable LCD panel, and puts them together to create a digital ruler, which is capable of measuring distances using the sensor and displaying them in real time on the LCD screen. Chapter 3, Converting Finger Gestures to Text, makes use of a relatively new line of sensors such as a fully functional touch sensor. The basic algorithms are taught that allow the Arduino to translate fnger gestures into corresponding characters that are then displayed graphically using a commonly used software called Processing. Chapter 4, Burglar Alarm – Part 1, introduces the reader to using PIR sensors or motion sensors, implementing a remote camera with Arduino, and linking the Arduino to a smart phone. Additionally, the reader will learn about Python and how it interfaces with Arduino. Chapter 5, Burglar Alarm – Part 2, combines the elements learned in the preceding project with a project that uses a sensor to detect motion at an entry point, which triggers a security camera to take the intruder's photo via Bluetooth and sends that image to your smart phone. Chapter 6, Home Automation – Part 1, follows the sophisticated security system's path. This chapter involves connecting the Arduino to the Wi-Fi network using an electro-magnetic switch called a relay to control an electric appliance and communicating to it using Telnet. Chapter 7, Home Automation – Part 2, uses the Arduino to create a simple home automation system operating within the bounds of the Wi-Fi that would allow the user to control an appliance using a computer, smart phone, and their voice. Chapter 8, Robot Dog – Part 1, revolves around building a four-legged robot dog from scratch. This part teaches you about the Arduino MEGA board, servos, and stand-alone power requirements for the board. Chapter 9, Robot Dog – Part 2, involves using household items to build the chassis of the dog and then completing the circuit using the Arduino MEGA board and a lot of servos. This is where the bulk of the actual construction of the robot dog lies. Chapter 10, Robot Dog – Part 3, acts as the icing on the cake. The reader will fnally fnish building the robot and will learn to calibrate and teach (program) the robot to stand, walk, and play. Also, fnally, speech recognition will be implemented so that the dog can actually listen to the user.


Data Science with Java Practical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

Data Science with Java Practical Methods for Scientists and Engineers








Office Web Components 11

以下内容从原文随机摘录,并转为纯文本,不代表完整内容,仅供参考。 一个功能强大的图表组件,可以在ASP、VB、.Net等编程环境下使用。 OWC11在Office2003中有提供,如果你还没有安装Office2003,请下载该组件,然后注册owc11.dll,注册方法:regsvr32 保存路径\owc11.dll,即可使用。 以下提供一个ASP+OWC11制作统计图的简单示例 具体方法可以参考官方帮助:http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;zh-cn;244049#top <%@ language="vbscript"%> <html> <head> <title>ASP+OWC11制作统计图示例</title> </head> <body> <% Dim oChart, c, Categories(5), Vals(5), i, sCaption 'Generate random categories and values for the chart 'These values can come from some existing data source for i = 1 to 5 Categories(i) = "示例" & CStr(i) Vals(i) = 5 * Rnd(100) next 'Create a Chart Object Set oChart = CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace") Set c = oChart.Constants 'Set the different parameters for the ChartSpace oChart.Border.Color = c.chColorNone 'Get Organization number and use it to set the Caption sCaption = "ASP+OWC11制作统计图示例" 'Add a chart and set parameters for the chart oChart.Charts.Add oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypeColumnClustered oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Caption = sCaption oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, Categories oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, Vals oChart.Charts(0).HasLegend = True oChart.Charts(0).HasTitle = True 'Get a temporary filename to save chart in that file sFname = session.SessionID & ".gif" 'Export the chart to the temporary file oChart.ExportPicture server.MapPath(sFname), "gif", 600, 512 'Create a link to the generated file Response.Write "<img src='" & sFname & "'>" %> </body> </html>



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