
Android学习笔记 3:AndroidManifest.xml - application 翻译中 


    <application android:allowClearUserData=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:allowTaskReparenting=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:debuggable=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:description="string resource" 
                 android:enabled=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:hasCode=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:icon="drawable resource" 
                 android:label="string resource" 
                 android:persistent=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:theme="resource or theme" > 
        . . . 

contained in:隶属于: 

can contain:可以包含: 

description: 说明: 
    The declaration of the application. This element contains subelements that declare each of the application's components and has attributes that can affect all the components. Many of these attributes (such as icon, label, permission, process, taskAffinity, and allowTaskReparenting) set default values for corresponding attributes of the component elements. Others (such as debuggable, enabled, description, and allowClearUserData) set values for the application as a whole and cannot be overridden by the components. 
    应用程序的声明。本元素包含子元素,即每个应用程序组件的声明,而且应用程序的属性能够影响所有组件。许多这样的属性(比如图标,标签,许可,进程,taskAffinity,和allowTaskReparenting) 设置默认值给组件元素的对应属性。其他的(比如debuggable,enabled,description 和allowClearUserData)设置全局值给应用程序,并不会被组件覆盖。 

attributes 属性: 

        Whether or not users are given the option to remove user data — "true" if they are, and "false" if not. If the value is "true", as it is by default, the application manager includes an option that allows users to clear the data. 
        用户是否被给予移除用户数据的选择 — "true"表示有,"false"表示没有。如果值是"true",也是默认值,应用程序管理器包含一个选择允许用户清除数据。 

        Whether or not activities that the application defines can move from the task that started them to the task they have an affinity for when that task is next brought to the front — "true" if they can move, and "false" if they must remain with the task where they started. The default value is "false". 
        应用程序里定义的activity是否,在与它有affinity的task被带到前台时能够从启动时的task移动过去 — "true" 表示可以,"false"表示它必须留在启动它们的task里。默认值是"false"。 

        The <activity> element has its own allowTaskReparenting attribute that can override the value set here. See that attribute for more information. 
        Whether or not the application can be debugged, even when running on a device in user mode — "true" if it can be, and "false" if not. The default value is "false". 
        应用程序是否可以被调试,即使在它运行在一个用户模式的设备上 — "true"表示可以,"false"表示不可以。默认值为"false"。 

        User-readable text about the application, longer and more descriptive than the application label. The value must be set as a reference to a string resource. Unlike the label, it cannot be a raw string. There is no default value. 

        Whether or not the Android system can instantiate components of the application — "true" if it can, and "false" if not. If the value is "true", each component's enabled attribute determines whether that component is enabled or not. If the value is "false", it overrides the component-specific values; all components are disabled. 
        Android系统是否能够实例化该应用程序的组件 — "true"表示可以,"false" 表示不可以。如果值是"true",每个组件的enabled属性决定那个组件是否可以被 enabled。如果值是"false",它覆盖组件指定的值;所有组件都是disabled。 

        The default value is "true". 
        Whether or not the application contains any code — "true" if it does, and "false" if not. When the value is "false", the system does not try to load any application code when launching components. The default value is "true". 
        应用程序是否含有任何code — "true"表示有,"false"表示没有。当值是"false",当载入组件时,系统不会试图载入任何应用程序code。默认值是"true"。 

        An application would not have any code of its own only if it's using nothing but built-in component classes, such as an activity that uses the AliasActivity class, a rare occurrence. 
        An icon for the application as whole, and the default icon for each of the application's components. See the individual icon attributes for <activity>, <activity-alias>, <service>, <receiver>, and <provider> elements. 

        This attribute must be set as a reference to a drawable resource containing the image definition. There is no default icon. 
        A user-readable label for the application as a whole, and a default label for each of the application's components. See the individual label attributes for <activity>, <activity-alias>, <service>, <receiver>, and <provider> elements. 

        The label should be set as a reference to a string resource, so that it can be localized like other strings in the user interface. However, as a convenience while you're developing the application, it can also be set as a raw string. 
        The fully qualified name of an Activity subclass that the system can launch to let users manage the memory occupied by the application on the device. The activity should also be declared with an <activity> element. 

        The fully qualified name of an Application subclass implemented for the application. When the application process is started, this class is instantiated before any of the application's components. 

        The subclass is optional; most applications won't need one. In the absence of a subclass, Android uses an instance of the base Application class. 
        The name of a permission that clients must have in order to interact with the application. This attribute is a convenient way to set a permission that applies to all of the application's components. It can be overwritten by setting the permission attributes of individual components. 

        For more information on permissions, see the Permissions section in the introduction and another document, Security and Permissions. 
        关于许可的更多信息,参照导言的Permissions章节以及另外的文档Security and Permissions。 
        Whether or not the application should remain running at all times — "true" if it should, and "false" if not. The default value is "false". Applications should not normally set this flag; persistence mode is intended only for certain system applications. 
        该应用程序是否应该在任何时候都保持运行状态 — "true"表示应该,"false"表示不是,默认值是"false"。应用程序通常不应该设置本标识;持续模式仅仅应该设置给某些系统应用程序才是有意义的。 

        The name of a process where all components of the application should run. Each component can override this 
        default by setting its own process attribute. 

        By default, Android creates a process for an application when the first of its components needs to run. All components then run in that process. The name of the default process matches the package name set by the <manifest> element. 
        默认的,当应用程序的第一个组件需要运行的时候Android生成一个进程。所有的组件都将运行在该进程里。默认进程名与 <manifest>元素里设置的包名相匹配。 

        By setting this attribute to a process name that's shared with another application, you can arrange for components of both applications to run in the same process — but only if the two applications also share a user ID and be signed with the same certificate. 
        通过设置本属性为一个与其他应用程序共享的进程名,你可以两个应用程序的组件运行在相同的进程里 — 但是仅仅在两个应用程序也共享一个用户ID和被赋予了相同的证书的时候。 

        If the name assigned to this attribute begins with a colon (':'), a new process, private to the application, is created when it's needed. If the process name begins with a lowercase character, a global process of that name is created. A global process can be shared with other applications, reducing resource usage. 
        An affinity name that applies to all activities within the application, except for those that set a different affinity with their own taskAffinity attributes. See that attribute for more information. 

        By default, all activities within an application share the same affinity. The name of that affinity is the same as the package name set by the <manifest> element. 
        A reference to a style resource defining a default theme for all activities in the application. Individual activities can override the default by setting their own theme attributes; see that attribute for more information. 

introduced in:介绍: 
    API Level 1 

see also: 
    <provider> Android学习笔记 3:AndroidManifest.xml - application 翻译中 


    <application android:allowClearUserData=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:allowTaskReparenting=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:debuggable=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:description="string resource" 
                 android:enabled=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:hasCode=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:icon="drawable resource" 
                 android:label="string resource" 
                 android:persistent=["true" | "false"] 
                 android:theme="resource or theme" > 
        . . . 

contained in:隶属于: 

can contain:可以包含: 

description: 说明: 
    The declaration of the application. This element contains subelements that declare each of the application's components and has attributes that can affect all the components. Many of these attributes (such as icon, label, permission, process, taskAffinity, and allowTaskReparenting) set default values for corresponding attributes of the component elements. Others (such as debuggable, enabled, description, and allowClearUserData) set values for the application as a whole and cannot be overridden by the components. 
    应用程序的声明。本元素包含子元素,即每个应用程序组件的声明,而且应用程序的属性能够影响所有组件。许多这样的属性(比如图标,标签,许可,进程,taskAffinity,和allowTaskReparenting) 设置默认值给组件元素的对应属性。其他的(比如debuggable,enabled,description 和allowClearUserData)设置全局值给应用程序,并不会被组件覆盖。 

attributes 属性: 

        Whether or not users are given the option to remove user data — "true" if they are, and "false" if not. If the value is "true", as it is by default, the application manager includes an option that allows users to clear the data. 
        用户是否被给予移除用户数据的选择 — "true"表示有,"false"表示没有。如果值是"true",也是默认值,应用程序管理器包含一个选择允许用户清除数据。 

        Whether or not activities that the application defines can move from the task that started them to the task they have an affinity for when that task is next brought to the front — "true" if they can move, and "false" if they must remain with the task where they started. The default value is "false". 
        应用程序里定义的activity是否,在与它有affinity的task被带到前台时能够从启动时的task移动过去 — "true" 表示可以,"false"表示它必须留在启动它们的task里。默认值是"false"。 

        The <activity> element has its own allowTaskReparenting attribute that can override the value set here. See that attribute for more information. 
        Whether or not the application can be debugged, even when running on a device in user mode — "true" if it can be, and "false" if not. The default value is "false". 
        应用程序是否可以被调试,即使在它运行在一个用户模式的设备上 — "true"表示可以,"false"表示不可以。默认值为"false"。 

        User-readable text about the application, longer and more descriptive than the application label. The value must be set as a reference to a string resource. Unlike the label, it cannot be a raw string. There is no default value. 

        Whether or not the Android system can instantiate components of the application — "true" if it can, and "false" if not. If the value is "true", each component's enabled attribute determines whether that component is enabled or not. If the value is "false", it overrides the component-specific values; all components are disabled. 
        Android系统是否能够实例化该应用程序的组件 — "true"表示可以,"false" 表示不可以。如果值是"true",每个组件的enabled属性决定那个组件是否可以被 enabled。如果值是"false",它覆盖组件指定的值;所有组件都是disabled。 

        The default value is "true". 
        Whether or not the application contains any code — "true" if it does, and "false" if not. When the value is "false", the system does not try to load any application code when launching components. The default value is "true". 
        应用程序是否含有任何code — "true"表示有,"false"表示没有。当值是"false",当载入组件时,系统不会试图载入任何应用程序code。默认值是"true"。 

        An application would not have any code of its own only if it's using nothing but built-in component classes, such as an activity that uses the AliasActivity class, a rare occurrence. 
        An icon for the application as whole, and the default icon for each of the application's components. See the individual icon attributes for <activity>, <activity-alias>, <service>, <receiver>, and <provider> elements. 

        This attribute must be set as a reference to a drawable resource containing the image definition. There is no default icon. 
        A user-readable label for the application as a whole, and a default label for each of the application's components. See the individual label attributes for <activity>, <activity-alias>, <service>, <receiver>, and <provider> elements. 

        The label should be set as a reference to a string resource, so that it can be localized like other strings in the user interface. However, as a convenience while you're developing the application, it can also be set as a raw string. 
        The fully qualified name of an Activity subclass that the system can launch to let users manage the memory occupied by the application on the device. The activity should also be declared with an <activity> element. 

        The fully qualified name of an Application subclass implemented for the application. When the application process is started, this class is instantiated before any of the application's components. 

        The subclass is optional; most applications won't need one. In the absence of a subclass, Android uses an instance of the base Application class. 
        The name of a permission that clients must have in order to interact with the application. This attribute is a convenient way to set a permission that applies to all of the application's components. It can be overwritten by setting the permission attributes of individual components. 

        For more information on permissions, see the Permissions section in the introduction and another document, Security and Permissions. 
        关于许可的更多信息,参照导言的Permissions章节以及另外的文档Security and Permissions。 
        Whether or not the application should remain running at all times — "true" if it should, and "false" if not. The default value is "false". Applications should not normally set this flag; persistence mode is intended only for certain system applications. 
        该应用程序是否应该在任何时候都保持运行状态 — "true"表示应该,"false"表示不是,默认值是"false"。应用程序通常不应该设置本标识;持续模式仅仅应该设置给某些系统应用程序才是有意义的。 

        The name of a process where all components of the application should run. Each component can override this 
        default by setting its own process attribute. 

        By default, Android creates a process for an application when the first of its components needs to run. All components then run in that process. The name of the default process matches the package name set by the <manifest> element. 
        默认的,当应用程序的第一个组件需要运行的时候Android生成一个进程。所有的组件都将运行在该进程里。默认进程名与 <manifest>元素里设置的包名相匹配。 

        By setting this attribute to a process name that's shared with another application, you can arrange for components of both applications to run in the same process — but only if the two applications also share a user ID and be signed with the same certificate. 
        通过设置本属性为一个与其他应用程序共享的进程名,你可以两个应用程序的组件运行在相同的进程里 — 但是仅仅在两个应用程序也共享一个用户ID和被赋予了相同的证书的时候。 

        If the name assigned to this attribute begins with a colon (':'), a new process, private to the application, is created when it's needed. If the process name begins with a lowercase character, a global process of that name is created. A global process can be shared with other applications, reducing resource usage. 
        An affinity name that applies to all activities within the application, except for those that set a different affinity with their own taskAffinity attributes. See that attribute for more information. 

        By default, all activities within an application share the same affinity. The name of that affinity is the same as the package name set by the <manifest> element. 
        A reference to a style resource defining a default theme for all activities in the application. Individual activities can override the default by setting their own theme attributes; see that attribute for more information. 

introduced in:介绍: 
    API Level 1 

see also: 




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