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原创 Telnet to your Android device

Telnet to your Android deviceAlternatively to adb you can also use telnet to connect to the device. This allows you to simulate certain things, e.g. incoming call, change the network connectivity, set

2017-08-28 16:39:29 534

原创 AAPT Command

AAPT is Android Asset Packaging Tool

2017-08-28 15:01:22 762

原创 ADB Shell Monkey Command

Monkey CommandsAdb shell monkey –p <package_name>usage: monkey [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE] ...] [-c MAIN_CATEGORY [-c MAIN_CATEGORY] ...] [--ignore-crashes] [-

2017-08-28 14:56:18 551

原创 ADB Shell Command

ADB shell commands notes

2017-08-28 14:54:34 1267

原创 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器

List Connected Devices adb devices C:\Users\yanpingc>adb devices List of devices attached 04157df4654e6308 deviceC:\Users\yanpingc>adb -s 04157df4654e6308 shell shell@zeroltechn:/ $ Specif

2017-08-28 14:42:27 282

原创 Python+Robot+Appium for Robot Sample

Use python, robot framework and appium for robot to create mobile automation test cases. It is quick and easy to create test cases.

2016-11-16 11:00:38 1176

原创 自动化测试框架

我从开发转到测试之后,大部分时间是在做自动化测试,我蛮喜欢自动化测试的,在工作中慢慢接触到自动化测试框架。1. 开始写自动化测试的时候用的是Junit+DBUnit做数据库的自动化测试,Junit+Selenium做Web的自动化测试,那个时候没有使用到自动化测试框架。 2. 在之前的公司接触到了自动化测试框架,刚开始是公司的自动化测试架构师自己开发的测试框架,使用Python+Djian

2016-11-15 16:38:21 531

原创 Monkey Script Sample - Execute Monkey and Record Log and Screen

Here is an example to do monkey test and record log and device screen.SET REPEAT_TIMES=10SET ADB_PREFIX=adb SET APP_NAME=HelloWorld SET APK_PKG_NAME=com.example.cherry.text SET APK_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH=c

2016-11-14 10:52:24 447

原创 Mobile Automation Testing URL Notes

Mobile Automation Testing URL NotesSpeeding up Test Execution with Appiumhttps://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/speeding-test-execution-appium Use SeleniumGrid can start multiple Appium server wit

2016-11-14 10:30:03 525

原创 手机App自动化测试

手机App自动化测试之前从未接触过手机测试,从去年开始做手机测试。喜欢写代码喜欢做自动化测试的我,一边学习做手机手工测试,一边了解如何做手机的自动化测试。Monkey testMonkeyRunnerAppiumAppium+Robot FrameworkRobotiumPerformance Testing

2016-11-14 10:27:32 1139

原创 平平淡淡才是真 安安乐乐才是福

最近在当读上读一本书,叫做《淡定,内心强大的力量》,觉得很多东西说的蛮好。而且这个正是自己需要提高的地方,随着年龄的增长,自己应该在这个方面越来越好。写下自己的一些真实的想法,激励自己鼓励自己。         自己开不开心决定于你自己,你才是你生活的主角,不要因为别人的一句话一个态度受影响。         做真实的自己,清楚什么是自己擅长的,什么是自己不擅长的,有些时候是需要勇气去放弃

2016-05-23 16:04:16 2326

原创 推荐视频教学好网站

1. 极客学院 http://www.jikexueyuan.com/2. 云课堂 http://study.163.com/3. Udemy,英文的,很多东西,有很多免费的,我蛮喜欢的。https://www.udemy.com/

2016-02-18 14:36:27 718

转载 刘媛媛《请不以结婚为目的的恋爱吧》


2015-09-30 11:01:18 907

原创 View Robot Debug Log via Jenkins URL

Sample url to view debug.log in run time: http://:8080/job/ABC/ws//outputs/debug.logManage Jenkins > Config System: Workspace Root DirectoryJenkins Job ConfigurationAdvanced Project Options >

2015-09-24 16:06:40 616

转载 Android学习笔记

这个是我在学习Android中遇到一些好的文章和链接,供大家参考。五步搞定Android开发环境部署——非常详细的Android开发环境搭建教程http://www.cnblogs.com/zoupeiyang/p/4034517.htmlAndroid tools downloadhttp://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#

2015-08-12 15:56:10 448

原创 Create Vlan for Interface for Ubuntu and Fedore

Create vlan interface for Ubuntu and Fedore.

2015-06-17 14:45:58 622

原创 Radius Sever - Dynamic Vlan and Rate Limit Configuration

Radius: freeradius, software version: 1.1.7: OS: Fedore 8.Configuration file location: /etc/raddb.Configuration file list:radiusd.conf, eap.conf, users./ect/raddb/users# user for 802.1x

2015-06-16 19:51:25 908

原创 Telnet/SSH to Fedore Server Very Slow

Telnet slow response in FC8:In my environment FC8 is in LAN, there is some setting of WAN in resolv.conf.Update:Original:search www.comp.com#nameserver 172.18.100.

2015-06-16 19:02:04 528

转载 Robot Framework Advanced Guider from twiki.cern.ch

In case somebody can't access the page, copy the advanced guider to here. This page is great and very useful.https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/RobotFrameworkAdvancedGuideIntroductionWhy

2015-05-21 15:16:38 2914

原创 生活工作中的一些领悟


2015-05-20 15:57:18 542

原创 Robot: Control Suite Level in Report

There is one option in pybot command cancontrol how many suite level will be displayed in the report html file.--suitestatlevel level  How manylevels to show in `Statistics by Suite`

2015-05-19 14:10:32 611

原创 Robot: Set Log Level

Set Log LevelAvailable log levelsMessages in logfiles can have different log levels. Some of the messages are written byRobot Framework itself, but also executed keywords canloginformation u

2015-05-19 14:02:44 1359

原创 Robot: Include and Exclude Tags

Include and Exclude Tags in Command LineTags PatternsMost tag related options accept arguments as tag patterns. They have allthe same characteristics as simple patterns, but they also support AND,

2015-05-19 14:02:05 985

原创 Robot: Duplicate Keywords in Library and Resource Keywords

Duplicate Keywords in Library and Resource KeywordsSometimes, we will meet duplicate keywords in different library orresource keywords. There are two ways we can use it.Add Library Name beforeKeyw

2015-05-19 14:01:17 759

原创 Robot: Tuple Operation

Return Tuple VariablesIf the keywords return tuple, add = in the last variables. Here is an example.${value 1}    ${value 2}=    Get Addresses[Return]    ${value 1}    ${value 2}

2015-05-19 14:00:49 559

原创 Robot: Run Multiple Keywords

Run Multiple Keywords in Suite and Test Setup and Teardownhttp://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/BuiltIn.html?r=2.8.4#Run%20KeywordsNotes: Run Keywords only run keywords without ret

2015-05-19 13:57:58 1658

原创 Robot: Set Global/Suite/Test Variable

Set Global/Suite/Test VariableSet Global Variablename, *valuesMakes a variable available globally in all tests and suites.Variables set with this keyword are globally available

2015-05-19 13:57:47 7119

原创 Debug Skills

Reference Linksrobotframework-debuglibrary 0.3https://pypi.python.org/pypi/robotframework-debuglibraryDownloads ↓RobotFramework debug library and an interactive shellIntroductionRo

2015-05-19 13:55:00 453

原创 Test library scope

Test library scope Libraries implemented as classes can have an internal state, which can be altered by keywords and with arguments to the constructor of the library. Because the state can affect how

2015-05-19 11:20:02 635

原创 Robot Framework Get Library Instance

In robot framework, there are two ways you can control keywords in a library, one is hybrid keywords and another is dynamic keywords. Hybrid Keywordshttp://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/usergui

2015-05-18 19:47:58 1599

原创 Hybrid Keywords Sample

In robot framework, there are two ways you can control keywords in a library, one is hybrid keywords and another is dynamic keywords.Hybrid Keywordshttp://robotframework.googlecode.com/h

2015-05-18 18:49:25 395

原创 Robot RIDE and Eclipse Plugin

Robotframework RIDEInstall instructionNeed python 2.6 and latest.https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/wiki/Installation-InstructionsDownload URLhttps://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/wiki/

2015-05-18 18:28:12 2695

原创 Robot Framework Reference Links

Reference Linkshttp://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/userguide/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html?r=2.8.4http://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/http://robotframework.googlecod

2015-05-18 18:25:39 731

原创 为自己写博客

曾听一个朋友说:你写博客的目的是什么。我开始建立自己的博客,是希望自己在网络中有一席之地。有那么一片领域是我自己的。可以写自己在工作生活中的感受与经验。因为网络传播的速度之快,所以可以让很多人从中得益。到现在为止,建立了几个博客,渐渐变得慵懒了。不知道该更新哪个博客,有时看到文章的点击率比较低,也就会没有信心。 可现在想来,博客应该是为你自己而写,只是同时可以与人沟通思想。不要太在意点击率

2008-06-06 14:49:00 476

原创 从程序员到测试工程师

2007年4月4日99年毕业之后,当了2年光荣的人民教师之后,来到了深圳. 从VB到Java, 到CFL, XSL的编写,对于喜欢编程的我,觉得还是很有趣.但有个不太好的结果,很多东西都用过,了解一点,HTML, Javascript, ASP, JSP, VBScript, XSL, XML, VXML,WML, AI, Photoshop, DreamWeaver, Flash等等,

2007-04-04 18:01:00 781

原创 给予也是一种幸福


2007-04-04 17:44:00 947

原创 2006-08 贵州5日之行

 我是个喜欢山,喜欢海的人,喜欢爬山的过程,是战胜自己的过程;喜欢看海,听海的声音。借公司5天年假,加上周末,7天时间去贵州一游。  贵阳市确实是个比较小的城市,打的只要在市内,一般都是10元(10元起价)就够了,还有一个不成文的规定就是如果表现是12元以下,都只需10元。  贵阳的天气很凉爽,但却几乎天天都在下雨。我到贵阳的7天,只有半天没有下雨。  第一天去逛逛了逛贵阳的店铺,贵阳的天桥商店算

2007-04-04 17:42:00 1178

原创 美女似茶说 女人30绿茶香

来源: 国际在线 (12/02 11:09)        女人如茶。茶以形状取悦茶人,女为悦己者容。茶色以润、匀、净为佳,女以肤若凝脂为美。茶香或清隽或淡远或香艳,女人或温婉或热情或聪慧或优雅。   20岁的女人,浑身都散发着迷人的香气,好比花茶,忽近忽远,充满无限可能和遐想。40岁的女人,经历生活的洗礼,浓郁、润滑犹如一杯红茶,内涵深重,愈陈愈香,值得细细品味。  30岁的女人,从青涩走向成熟

2005-12-05 09:11:00 1770

原创 放开自己 轻松生活

我从小是个比较乖的孩子, 听父母的话, 好好学习. 父母对我也很好. 但随着年龄的成长发现很多时候, 自己放不开,因为太乖,一直以来不敢做什么出格的事, 没有创意. 出来工作之后,对父母家人的要求一般都是有求必应, 没有得罪人,但是却给自己加重了负担.出来几年自己都没有多少积蓄, 而有时自己想做自己的事情, 需要家里人出钱的时候才发现, 人有时都是自私的. 现在想来很多时候, 应该放开自己,应该多

2005-10-24 15:20:00 951

原创 项目总结- Summary of project

Summary of Documentation in CertificationIn certification project, the task of our team is mainly installing Portal7.1 on a new environment with AIX5.3 and WebSphere 6.0, testing this software and fix

2005-10-24 15:02:00 1063





第1章 Eclipse中CVS的使用 5.1 CVS简介 5.2 CVS服务器端的安装与配置 5.3 CVS客户端的配置 5.4 文件提交与更新的方法 5.5 在CVS上为软件打包一个版本 5.6 将项目替换成CVS上的其他版本 5.7 修改旧版本的BUG 5.8 本 章 小 结



AIX入门与提高 IBM Certification Study Guide - pSeries AIX System Administration Figures . . . . xiii Tables . . . . xvii Preface . . . . xix The team that wrote this redbook. . . . . xxi Special notice xxi IBM trademarks . . . . . . . xxii Comments welcome. . . . xxii Chapter 1. Certification overview . . . 1 1.1 pSeries AIX System Administration (Test 191) . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.1 Recommended prerequisites . 2 1.1.2 Registration for the certification exam. . . . . 2 1.1.3 Certification exam objectives . 2 1.2 Certification education courses 6 1.3 Education on CD-ROM: IBM AIX Essentials . 9 Chapter 2. System startup problem handling. . . 11 2.1 Key commands used throughout the chapter . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2 Boot process . . . 12 2.3 Power on sequence, LEDs, and audio signals . . . . . . . . 14 2.4 Useful commands. . . . . . . . . . 14 2.4.1 Using the alog command . . . 14 2.4.2 Using the cfgmgr command . 18 2.4.3 Using the last command . . . . 20 2.4.4 Using the bootlist command . 22 2.4.5 Using the uptime command . 23 2.4.6 Using the mpcfg command . . 24 2.4.7 Using the shutdown command . . . . . . . . . 26 2.5 Troubleshooting boot problems . . . . . . . . . 28 2.5.1 Accessing a system that will not boot . . . . 28 2.5.2 Problems with installation media. . . . . . . . 32 2.5.3 Common boot time LED error codes and recovery actions . . . . . . . 33 2.6 Quiz 36 2.6.1 Answers . . . . . . 37 2.7 Exercises . . . . . . 37 Chapter 3. Hardware assistance . . . 39



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