commons-logging 原理浅析


Apache Commons Logging,又叫做JakartaCommons Logging (JCL),他提供的是一个日志(Log)接口(interface),同时兼顾轻量级和不依赖于具体的日志实现工具。它提供给中间件/日志工具开发者一个简单的日志操作抽象,允许程序开发人员使用不同的具体日志实现工具。用户被假定已熟悉某种日志实现工具的更高级别的细节。JCL提供的接口,对其它一些日志工具,包括Log4J, Avalon LogKit, and JDK等,进行了简单的包装,此接口更接近于Log4JLogKit的实现.

以上是官方文档翻译,直白的说,Apache Commons Logging只是一个接口层,该接口为用户提供统一的日志API,不在乎日志框架具体实现。Apache Commons Logging会自动发现当前应用依赖的日志框架实现,按照用户配置或者默认顺序决定应该使用的日志框架。这样当以后升级或者更换日志组件时候,只需要改变日志组件依赖的jar包即可,就不用在应用代码内一行一行的改了。

ps: sfl4j, logback, log4j都是出自Ceki Gülcü大神之手,大神也是闲啊。



import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.Test;

public class HelloWorldTest {

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(HelloWorldTest.class);

    public void test() {






Sep 23, 2017 6:51:16 PM com.chengmaoning.jroad.HelloWorldTest test
INFO: info...
Sep 23, 2017 6:51:16 PM com.chengmaoning.jroad.HelloWorldTest test
WARNING: warn...
Sep 23, 2017 6:51:16 PM com.chengmaoning.jroad.HelloWorldTest test
SEVERE: error...

如果加入Log4j的依赖(为求简单,仍使用Log4j 1):


        <!-- log end -->


log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.chengmaoning.jroad.HelloWorldTest).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.




当前的Java 日志框架(抽象层如,JCL,SLF4J及具体实现如,Log4j,Logback)都基于相同的设计,即从一个LogFactory中取得一个命名的Log(Logger)实例,然后使用这个Log(Logger)实例打印debug、info、warn、error等不同级别的日志。Logging框架由以下三个核心组件组成:




下面我们跟踪private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(HelloWorldTest.class);

LogFactory是个抽象类,是JCL的核心。如果开发者要扩展LogFactory以支持其他Logging组件,或者修改Logging组件的发现顺序,可以自己继承实现。JCL提供了默认的实现LogFactoryImpl, 一般来说无需自己实现。

 public static Log getLog(Class clazz) throws LogConfigurationException {
        return getFactory().getInstance(clazz);
    public Log getInstance(String name) throws LogConfigurationException {
        Log instance = (Log) instances.get(name);
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = newInstance(name);
            instances.put(name, instance);
        return instance;

LogFactory 缓存已存在的Loggerinstances里以提高性能。

     * The {@link org.apache.commons.logging.Log} instances that have
     * already been created, keyed by logger name.
    protected Hashtable instances = new Hashtable();

如果名为nameLogger 不存在,就会创建newInstance(name)


首先 我们看LoggerFactory实例 是如何获取到的。

     * Construct (if necessary) and return a <code>LogFactory</code>
     * instance, using the following ordered lookup procedure to determine
     * the name of the implementation class to be loaded.
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>The <code>org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory</code> system
     *     property.</li>
     * <li>The JDK 1.3 Service Discovery mechanism</li>
     * <li>Use the properties file <code></code>
     *     file, if found in the class path of this class.  The configuration
     *     file is in standard <code>java.util.Properties</code> format and
     *     contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class
     *     with the key being the system property defined above.</li>
     * <li>Fall back to a default implementation class
     *     (<code>org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl</code>).</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * <em>NOTE</em> - If the properties file method of identifying the
     * <code>LogFactory</code> implementation class is utilized, all of the
     * properties defined in this file will be set as configuration attributes
     * on the corresponding <code>LogFactory</code> instance.
     * <p>
     * <em>NOTE</em> - In a multi-threaded environment it is possible
     * that two different instances will be returned for the same
     * classloader environment.
     * @throws LogConfigurationException if the implementation class is not
     *  available or cannot be instantiated.
    public static LogFactory getFactory() throws LogConfigurationException {



  • factories 缓存中查询当前ClassLoader 对应的 LoggerFactory是否已经存在。
// Identify the class loader we will be using
        ClassLoader contextClassLoader = getContextClassLoaderInternal();

        if (contextClassLoader == null) {
            // This is an odd enough situation to report about. This
            // output will be a nuisance on JDK1.1, as the system
            // classloader is null in that environment.
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Context classloader is null.");

        // Return any previously registered factory for this class loader
        LogFactory factory = getCachedFactory(contextClassLoader);
        if (factory != null) {
            return factory;
  • 根据系统变量的配置决定具体的LoggerFactory 子类。
// First, try a global system property
        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
            logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Looking for system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
                          "] to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");

        try {
            String factoryClass = getSystemProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY, null);
            if (factoryClass != null) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Creating an instance of LogFactory class '" + factoryClass +
                                  "' as specified by system property " + FACTORY_PROPERTY);
                factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);
            } else {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY + "] defined.");
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an" +
                              " instance of the custom factory class" + ": [" + trim(e.getMessage()) +
                              "]. Trying alternative implementations...");
            // ignore
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // This is not consistent with the behaviour when a bad LogFactory class is
            // specified in a services file.
            // One possible exception that can occur here is a ClassCastException when
            // the specified class wasn't castable to this LogFactory type.
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] An exception occurred while trying to create an" +
                              " instance of the custom factory class" + ": [" +
                              trim(e.getMessage()) +
                              "] as specified by a system property.");
            throw e;
  • 尝试JDK1.3的类发现机制。
    查找META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory" 配置文件,该文件只有一行,即为具体要实现的子类全限定类名。
try {
                final InputStream is = getResourceAsStream(contextClassLoader, SERVICE_ID);

                if( is != null ) {
                    // This code is needed by EBCDIC and other strange systems.
                    // It's a fix for bugs reported in xerces
                    BufferedReader rd;
                    try {
                        rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));
                    } catch ( e) {
                        rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

                    String factoryClassName = rd.readLine();

                    if (factoryClassName != null && ! "".equals(factoryClassName)) {
                        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                            logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP]  Creating an instance of LogFactory class " +
                                          factoryClassName +
                                          " as specified by file '" + SERVICE_ID +
                                          "' which was present in the path of the context classloader.");
                        factory = newFactory(factoryClassName, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader );
                } else {
                    // is == null
                    if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                        logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No resource file with name '" + SERVICE_ID + "' found.");
  • 根据 的决定。
// Third try looking into the properties file read earlier (if found)

        if (factory == null) {
            if (props != null) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                        "[LOOKUP] Looking in properties file for entry with key '" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
                        "' to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
                String factoryClass = props.getProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY);
                if (factoryClass != null) {
                    if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                            "[LOOKUP] Properties file specifies LogFactory subclass '" + factoryClass + "'");
                    factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);

                    // TODO: think about whether we need to handle exceptions from newFactory
                } else {
                    if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                        logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file has no entry specifying LogFactory subclass.");
            } else {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No properties file available to determine" + " LogFactory subclass from..");
  • 使用默认实现org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl
// Fourth, try the fallback implementation class
        if (factory == null) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    "[LOOKUP] Loading the default LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_DEFAULT +
                    "' via the same classloader that loaded this LogFactory" +
                    " class (ie not looking in the context classloader).");
            // Note: unlike the above code which can try to load custom LogFactory
            // implementations via the TCCL, we don't try to load the default LogFactory
            // implementation via the context classloader because:
            // * that can cause problems (see comments in newFactory method)
            // * no-one should be customising the code of the default class
            // Yes, we do give up the ability for the child to ship a newer
            // version of the LogFactoryImpl class and have it used dynamically
            // by an old LogFactory class in the parent, but that isn't
            // necessarily a good idea anyway.
            factory = newFactory(FACTORY_DEFAULT, thisClassLoader, contextClassLoader);


LogFactoryImpl获取Log 实例


Concrete subclass of LogFactory that implements the following algorithm to dynamically select a logging implementation class to instantiate a wrapper for:

  • Use a factory configuration attribute named org.apache.commons.logging.Log to identify the requested implementation class.

  • Use the org.apache.commons.logging.Log system property to identify the requested implementation class.

  • If Log4J is available, return an instance of org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger.

  • If JDK 1.4 or later is available, return an instance of org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger.

  • Otherwise, return an instance of org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog.

This factory will remember previously created Log instances
for the same name, and will return them on repeated requests to the
getInstance() method.

  1. 查看factory属性配置和系统变量是否指定Log子类。
     * Checks system properties and the attribute map for
     * a Log implementation specified by the user under the
     * property names {@link #LOG_PROPERTY} or {@link #LOG_PROPERTY_OLD}.
     * @return classname specified by the user, or <code>null</code>
    private String findUserSpecifiedLogClassName() {
        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
            logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from attribute '" + LOG_PROPERTY + "'");
        String specifiedClass = (String) getAttribute(LOG_PROPERTY);

        if (specifiedClass == null) { // @deprecated
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from attribute '" +
                              LOG_PROPERTY_OLD + "'");
            specifiedClass = (String) getAttribute(LOG_PROPERTY_OLD);

        if (specifiedClass == null) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from system property '" +
                          LOG_PROPERTY + "'");
            try {
                specifiedClass = getSystemProperty(LOG_PROPERTY, null);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("No access allowed to system property '" +
                        LOG_PROPERTY + "' - " + e.getMessage());

        if (specifiedClass == null) { // @deprecated
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from system property '" +
                          LOG_PROPERTY_OLD + "'");
            try {
                specifiedClass = getSystemProperty(LOG_PROPERTY_OLD, null);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("No access allowed to system property '" +
                        LOG_PROPERTY_OLD + "' - " + e.getMessage());

        // Remove any whitespace; it's never valid in a classname so its
        // presence just means a user mistake. As we know what they meant,
        // we may as well strip the spaces.
        if (specifiedClass != null) {
            specifiedClass = specifiedClass.trim();

        return specifiedClass;
  1. classpath中按顺序发现,找到第一个Log实现即返回。
 // No user specified log; try to discover what's on the classpath
        // Note that we deliberately loop here over classesToDiscover and
        // expect method createLogFromClass to loop over the possible source
        // classloaders. The effect is:
        //   for each discoverable log adapter
        //      for each possible classloader
        //          see if it works
        // It appears reasonable at first glance to do the opposite:
        //   for each possible classloader
        //     for each discoverable log adapter
        //        see if it works
        // The latter certainly has advantages for user-installable logging
        // libraries such as log4j; in a webapp for example this code should
        // first check whether the user has provided any of the possible
        // logging libraries before looking in the parent classloader.
        // Unfortunately, however, Jdk14Logger will always work in jvm>=1.4,
        // and SimpleLog will always work in any JVM. So the loop would never
        // ever look for logging libraries in the parent classpath. Yet many
        // users would expect that putting log4j there would cause it to be
        // detected (and this is the historical JCL behaviour). So we go with
        // the first approach. A user that has bundled a specific logging lib
        // in a webapp should use a file or a
        // service file in META-INF to force use of that logging lib anyway,
        // rather than relying on discovery.

        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                "No user-specified Log implementation; performing discovery" +
                " using the standard supported logging implementations...");
        for(int i=0; i<classesToDiscover.length && result == null; ++i) {
            result = createLogFromClass(classesToDiscover[i], logCategory, true);

        if (result == null) {
            throw new LogConfigurationException
                        ("No suitable Log implementation");

        return result;


       * The names of classes that will be tried (in order) as logging
       * adapters. Each class is expected to implement the Log interface,
       * and to throw NoClassDefFound or ExceptionInInitializerError when
       * loaded if the underlying logging library is not available. Any
       * other error indicates that the underlying logging library is available
       * but broken/unusable for some reason.
      private static final String[] classesToDiscover = {


    try {
                    c = Class.forName(logAdapterClassName, true, currentCL);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException originalClassNotFoundException) {
                    // The current classloader was unable to find the log adapter
                    // in this or any ancestor classloader. There's no point in
                    // trying higher up in the hierarchy in this case..
                    String msg = originalClassNotFoundException.getMessage();
                    logDiagnostic("The log adapter '" + logAdapterClassName + "' is not available via classloader " +
                                  objectId(currentCL) + ": " + msg.trim());
                    try {
                        // Try the class classloader.
                        // This may work in cases where the TCCL
                        // does not contain the code executed or JCL.
                        // This behaviour indicates that the application
                        // classloading strategy is not consistent with the
                        // Java 1.2 classloading guidelines but JCL can
                        // and so should handle this case.
                        c = Class.forName(logAdapterClassName);
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException secondaryClassNotFoundException) {
                        // no point continuing: this adapter isn't available
                        msg = secondaryClassNotFoundException.getMessage();
                        logDiagnostic("The log adapter '" + logAdapterClassName +
                                      "' is not available via the LogFactoryImpl class classloader: " + msg.trim());

                constructor = c.getConstructor(logConstructorSignature);
                Object o = constructor.newInstance(params);

                // Note that we do this test after trying to create an instance
                // [rather than testing Log.class.isAssignableFrom(c)] so that
                // we don't complain about Log hierarchy problems when the
                // adapter couldn't be instantiated anyway.
                if (o instanceof Log) {
                    logAdapterClass = c;
                    logAdapter = (Log) o;


JCL的Logger 和底层Logging组件怎么交流?

很简单,Logger 只是个代理,对Logger 的请求会被转发给具体的Logging框架。以Log4JLogger 为例:

public class Log4JLogger implements Log, Serializable {

    /** Serializable version identifier. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5160705895411730424L;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes

    /** The fully qualified name of the Log4JLogger class. */
    private static final String FQCN = Log4JLogger.class.getName();

    /** Log to this logger */
    private transient volatile Logger logger = null;

    /** Logger name */
    private final String name;

    private static final Priority traceLevel;



    public void debug(Object message, Throwable t) {
        getLogger().log(FQCN, Level.DEBUG, message, t);

     * Logs a message with <code>org.apache.log4j.Priority.INFO</code>.
     * @param message to log
     * @see org.apache.commons.logging.Log#info(Object)
    public void info(Object message) {
        getLogger().log(FQCN, Level.INFO, message, null);

以上就分析完了,大家可以debug模式下跟下代码就明白Commons Logging是如何工作的了,与SLF4J类似都是日志抽象层,为开发者提供统一的日志API。


  1. Apache Commons Logging源码
"Unresolved dependency: 'commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:unknown'" 这个错误通常发生在Maven或Gradle构建工具中,表示项目依赖于`commons-logging`库的一个未知版本。这个错误可能是由于以下几个原因: 1. **依赖声明缺失**:检查你的项目的pom.xml(Maven)或build.gradle(Gradle)文件,确认`commons-logging`模块是否已经添加到dependencies块,并且版本信息已正确指定。 ```xml <!-- Maven 示例 --> <dependency> <groupId>commons-logging</groupId> <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> <!-- 替换为你需要的实际版本 --> </dependency> // Gradle 示例 implementation 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.2' // 同样替换为实际版本 ``` 2. **网络连接问题**:确保你的网络连接正常,因为某些时候仓库可能无法访问。尝试清理本地的maven或gradle缓存,然后重新同步依赖。 ```bash # Maven 清理 mvn clean mvn install # Gradle 清理 ./gradlew clean --refresh-dependencies ``` 3. **更新仓库列表**:如果你的POM.xml或build.gradle里指定了特定的仓库URL,确认这个仓库包含了你需要的版本。如果不确定,可以尝试将本地仓库设置为中央仓库或其他公共仓库。 4. **使用替代包**:有时,项目可能会推荐使用其他库来替代`commons-logging`,如`log4j`或`slf4j`等。查看文档看是否有替代方案。 5. **检查版本冲突**:如果有多个依赖有对`commons-logging`的不同版本引用,确保它们不会互相冲突。你可以使用插件如Maven Dependency Analyzer或Gradle的Dependency Graph查看潜在冲突。 如果以上步骤都不能解决问题,检查错误日志的详细信息,或者尝试在开发者社区寻求帮助。
评论 1




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