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转载 工具 –代码风格工具 – Resharper 和StyleCop 选项

Tools – Code style tools – Resharper and StyleCop Options Topic: Tools – Code style tools – Resharper and StyleCop Options 标题: 工具 –代码风格工具 – ...

2013-08-28 15:48:00 434

转载 Tools - cannot change Platform to AnyCPU

Tools – Change VS Platform Topic: Tools – Change VS Platform 标题: Tools – Change VS Platform In the configuration Manager, you can add a n...

2013-07-26 18:24:00 174

转载 Scala - scala examples : Scala spreasheet

In this post, we will check an example that create a SCells Spreadsheet. So we first check on the visual framework. The Visual framework ...

2013-07-07 11:02:00 154

转载 Scala - GUI programming

GUI Programmming Now, we will come to Scala applications that use a graphic user interface (GUI)The application we'll developer are based on S...

2013-07-07 11:01:00 134

转载 Scala - Combinator Parsing

Background Occasionally, you may need to process a small, special-purpose language. Essentially, you have only a few choices, One choice is to...

2013-07-07 11:00:00 669

转载 Scala - Actors and Concurrency

Sometimes it helps in designing a program to specify a program to specify that things happen independently, in parallel, concurrently. Scala aug...

2013-07-07 10:59:00 251

转载 Scala - Combining Scala and Java

Scala code is highly compatible with Java, most of time you can combine the languages worrying very much. The chapter will describe two aspects of...

2013-07-07 10:58:00 85

转载 Scala - Object Equality

Here we will discuss how to create and define some object equality design principle. java equality is == : natual equality for valu...

2013-07-07 10:57:00 78

转载 Scala - Modular programming using Objects

Up to now, all the pages has discuseed programming in the small, and from this page, we will discuss program in the larger. Programming in the...

2013-07-07 10:56:00 114

转载 Scala - Working with XML

XMl is a platform independent data representation technology. XML is a form of semi-structured data, it is more structured than plain strings...

2013-07-07 10:55:00 97

转载 Scala - Annotations

This chapter we will introduce the annotations, annotations are structured added to program source code. Like comments , they can be sprinkled thr...

2013-07-07 10:53:00 132

转载 Scala - Extractors

By now you have probably grown accustomized to the concise way data can be decomopsed and anaylzed using pattern matching. You might wish to b...

2013-07-07 10:46:00 114

转载 Scala - The Architecture of Scala Collection

In this post, we will examine the architecture of the scala collection after we have introduced the API of the scala collection. Buillder ...

2013-07-07 10:45:00 115

转载 Scala - The Scala Collectoins API

In this post, we are going to examine the Scala collection API, that API shows you some baisc usage of the Scala collection API, and it will also ...

2013-07-07 10:43:00 162

转载 scala - For Expressions Revisited

First we will introduce the For expressions, and we will show that for expression is actually is translated to the higher-order functions, they ar...

2013-07-07 10:42:00 114

转载 Scala - implementing List

we will introduce the following topic based on the Implementing lists. they are List class principles. List constructions. ...

2013-07-03 22:40:00 99

转载 wpf - Styles to override in DataGrid

DataGrid has four Styles that you can overide, they are DataGridTextColumn.ElementStyle DataGridTextColumn.EditElementStyle DataG...

2013-06-27 10:19:00 69

转载 Understanding Lifetime Managers

The Unity container manages the creation and resolution of objects based on a lifetime you specify when you register the type of an existing objec...

2013-06-25 18:29:00 72

转载 C# - Container, Services and unity

A note of word on the container and Services. the UnityContainer is a general Dependency Injection containers, often referred to as just "cont...

2013-06-25 16:24:00 267

转载 wpf - AvalonDock study

AvalonDock is a opensouced Dock Manager libraries under CodePlex project. The current version of AvalonDock is on the version 2.0; and the ...

2013-06-25 14:21:00 157

转载 wpf tutorial - DataGrid Grouping

DataGrid is the Microsoft provided Control , where it support the basic operatoins that you can expected from a DataGrid, such as Groupi...

2013-06-25 11:00:00 103

转载 wpf - xmlnsdefinition and xmlprefix attribute a...

You can define the Xaml ns (namespace) and the CLR namespace, here is an example of the XmlnsDefinition attribute used in the AssemblyInfo.cs file...

2013-06-24 17:12:00 441

转载 c# - FunctionPointer/IntPtr and delegate conver...

While with some occasions, you have to translate some c# construct to that equivalent of native representation. this is common, an example of such...

2013-06-24 10:41:00 490

转载 Scala - Implicit Conversions and Parameters

Implicit conversion is the scala ways to allow you to extend libraries code or in another word, code written by others. Similar construct in othe...

2013-06-22 16:55:00 277

转载 Scala - Type Parameterization

Type parameters allow you to write generic classes and traits. (not just clases, but also trait) we will see the following three aspects three. ...

2013-06-22 16:54:00 117

转载 Scala - Abstract Member

A member of a class or trait is abstrat if the member does not have a complete definition in the class. Scala goes beyond the abstract member ide...

2013-06-22 16:54:00 171

转载 Scala - Stateful objects

You can observe the principle difference between a purely functional object and a stateful one even without looking object's implementation. ...

2013-06-22 16:52:00 111

转载 Wpf - Reset style in certain part of the visual...

in such case, you can define leverage the override system that is effective in WPF system. an simple example is shown in the referenced page - ...

2013-06-11 17:36:00 73

转载 WPF - exampe of GridView to Display a Tabular Data

WPF - Example on DataGrid to display a Tabular data. Where we have Display the Tabular data with DtaGrid, however, the WPF system has offered us so...

2013-06-11 10:34:00 56

转载 WPF - exampe of DataGrid to display a Tabular Data

We often has something to display, where we can use some 3rd party libraries for the display while we can as well do the display with some native ...

2013-06-11 09:59:00 63

转载 c# - the calling thread must be STA, because ma...

"the calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this" STA thread? how comes other Wpf application does not have such an is...

2013-06-07 17:19:00 676

转载 c# - PInvoke marshal and FunctionPtr

one typical such case is the WNDCLASS, which is something like this in C++ typedef struct tagWNDCLASS { UINT style; WNDPROC lpfn...

2013-06-06 18:30:00 99

转载 c# - struct default member visibility


2013-06-06 16:33:00 156

转载 C# - Attribute Object initializer with keyword ...

Sometimes you need to create an attribute, and the attribute may have a constructor parameter, and you want as well to set optional argument (such...

2013-06-06 16:16:00 63

转载 c# - P/Invoke Erorr - The modifier 'extern' is ...

The problem is that I directly add the DllImport under the namespace root, in order to use the P/Invoke you will need to enclose them in a c...

2013-06-06 16:02:00 51

转载 tools - scalatests run from command line and sc...

suppose that we have the following code // file:// scalatest_funsuite.scala// package: // assertionAndUnitTesting.testing.scalat...

2013-06-05 08:10:00 67

转载 c# - Imitate/Simulate Dictionary Interface to h...

As we have discussed that in the previous post - composite from two classes,we have examine the ways that to compose characteristic from two clas...

2013-05-31 18:35:00 75

转载 c# - Composite from two base classses

we have a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class which has many operations that we want to have immediately, and we can aso create a Singleton bas...

2013-05-31 18:32:00 69

转载 C# - test and cast with reference type or value...

also, the special case of 0 is considered. [Test] public void TestConvertNullToString() { var a = ((string) nu...

2013-05-30 17:10:00 48

转载 c# - Check if a type is serialzable

In WCF, primitives type are serialzable, and some commonly used types are also serialzable, but some types are not serialzable , and when this typ...

2013-05-30 16:52:00 80



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