
Some Famous Android Developers Information, Welcome to commit.

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中国部分 Android 开发者

Google Android Android Developers Blog
JakeWharton, Android-ViewPagerIndicator, Nine Old Androids, butterknife
Square, fest-android, android-times-square, picasso, dagger, spoon
Chris Banes, PhotoView, Android-BitmapCache, Android-PullToRefresh
Jeremy Feinstein, JazzyViewPager
Sergey Tarasevich
Koushik Dutta, AndroidAsync, UrlImageViewHelper
Simon Vig, MessageBar
Cyril Mottier, Polaris
Emil Sjolander, sprinkles, android-FlipView
James Smith
Manuel Peinado FadingActionBar, GlassActionBar, RefreshActionItem, QuickReturnHeader
greenrobot, EventBus
Jeff Gilfelt, android-viewbadger, android-actionbarstylegenerator, android-sqlite-asset-helper
Roman Nurik, Android-SwipeToDismiss
Flavien Laurent, datetimepicker, discrollview
Gabriele Mariotti, colorpickercollection
sephiroth74, HorizontalVariableListView, AndroidWheel, purePDF
Romain Guy
Kevin Sawicki
Christopher Jenkins, ParallaxScrollView
Javier Pardo, FlabbyListView, GoogleProgressBar, FadingActionBar
Chet Haase framework UI team
Matthias Käppler
Daniel Lew Tips
Code Zen Android
Styling AndroidGoogle Plus techical guide to to improving the UI and UX Android apps