Tour the Linux generic SCSI driver

Tour the Linux generic SCSI driver

The SCSI client/server model

During the communication between a host and storage, a host generally acts as a SCSI initiator. In computer storage, the SCSI initiator is the endpoint that initiates a SCSI session, meaning it sends a SCSI command. The storage often acts as a SCSI target that receives and processes SCSI commands. The SCSI target waits for the initiator's commands and then provides required input/output data transfers.

The target usually provides the initiators one or more logical unit numbers (LUN). In computer storage, a LUN is simply the number assigned to a logical unit. A logical unit is a SCSI protocol entity, the only one that may be addressed by the actual I/O operations. Each SCSI target provides one or more logical units; it does not perform I/O as itself, but on behalf of a specific logical unit.

In a storage area, a LUN often represents a SCSI disk on which a host can perform a read and write operation. Figure 1 shows how the SCSI client/server model works.

Figure 1. The SCSI client/server model
The SCSI client/server model

The initiator first sends commands to the target, which decodes the command and then may request data from the initiator or send data to the initiator. After that, the target sends the status to the initiator. If the status is bad, then the initiator sends a request sense command to the target. The target returns the sense data to indicate what went wrong.

Now let's focus on storage-related SCSI commands.

Storage-related SCSI commands

Storage-related SCSI commands are defined mainly in the SCSI Architecture Model (SAM), SCSI Primary Commands (SPC), and SCSI Block Commands (SBC):

  • SAM defines the SCSI systems model, the functional partitioning of the SCSI standard set, and the requirements applicable to all SCSI implementations and implementation standards.
  • SPC defines behaviors that are common to all SCSI device models.
  • SBC defines the command set extensions to facilitate operation of SCSI direct-access block devices.

Each SCSI command is described by a Command Descriptor Block (CDB), which defines the operations to be performed by the SCSI device. The SCSI commands involve data commands that are used for transferring data from or to SCSI devices and non-data commands that request or set the configure parameters of a SCSI device. In Table 1, you can see the most commonly used commands.

Table 1. Most commonly used SCSI commands

InquiryRequests general information of the target device
Test/Unit/ReadyChecks whether the target device is ready for the transfer operation
READTransfers data from the SCSI target device
WRITETransfers data to the SCSI target device
Request SenseRequests the sense data of the last command
Read CapacityRequests the storage capacity information

All SCSI commands should begin with an operation code as the first byte. This indicates what operation it represents. All SCSI commands should also contain a control byte. This is typically the last byte of the command, used for vendor-specific information and other uses.

Now on to the generic SCSI driver.

The Linux generic SCSI driver

SCSI devices under Linux are often named to help the user identify the device. For example, the first SCSI CD-ROM is /dev/scd0. SCSI disks are labeled /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc. Once device initialization is complete, the Linux SCSI disk driver interfaces (sd) send only SCSI READ and WRITE commands.

These SCSI devices may also have generic names or interfaces, such as /dev/sg0, /dev/sg1 or /dev/sga, /dev/sgb, etc. With these generic driver interfaces, you can directly send SCSI commands to SCSI devices, bypassing a file system that is normally created on a SCSI disk and mounted under a directory. In Figure 2, you can see how different applications communicate with SCSI devices.

Figure 2. The myriad ways of communicating with a SCSI device
The myriad ways of communicating with a SCSI device

With a Linux generic driver interface, you can build applications that can send more kinds of SCSI commands to SCSI devices. In other words, you have a choice. To determine which SCSI device stands for which sg interface, you can use the sg_map command to list the maps:

First, make sure the sg driver is loaded:

[root@taomaoy ~]# lsmod | grep sg
sg 31028 0


If grep doesn't display anything about the sg driver, manually load it like so:

[root@taomaoy ~]# modprobe sg 


Then, use sg_map to list the maps:

[root@taomaoy ~]# sg_map -i
/dev/sg0 /dev/sda ATA ST3160812AS 3.AA
/dev/sg1 /dev/scd0 HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4244N 1.02


With Red Hat or Fedora, sg3_utils should be installed. Let's take a look at how to performa a typical SCSI system call command.

The typical SCSI generic driver commands

SCSI generic driver supports many typical system calls for character device, such as open(), close(), read(), write, poll(), ioctl(). The procedure for sending SCSI commands to a specific SCSI device is also very simple:

  1. Open the SCSI generic device file (such as sg1) to get the file descriptor of SCSI device.
  2. Prepare the SCSI command.
  3. Set related memory buffers.
  4. Call the ioctl() function to execute the SCSI command.
  5. Close the device file.

A typical ioctl() function could be written like this: ioctl(fd,SG_IO,p_io_hdr);.

The ioctl() function here requires three parameters:

  1. fd is the file descriptor of the device file. After the device file is successfully opened by calling open(), this parameter could be acquired.
  2. SG_IO indicates that an sg_io_hdr object is handed as the third parameter of the ioctl() function and will return when the SCSI command is finished.
  3. The p_io_hdr is a pointer to the sg_io_hdr object, which contains the SCSI command and other settings.

The most important data structure for the SCSI generic driver is struct sg_io_hdr, which is defined in scsi/sg.h and contains information on how to use the SCSI command. Listing 1 shows the definition of the structure.

Listing 1. Definition of struct sg_io_hdr

typedef struct sg_io_hdr
int interface_id; /* [i] 'S' (required) */
int dxfer_direction; /* [i] */
unsigned char cmd_len; /* [i] */
unsigned char mx_sb_len; /* [i] */
unsigned short iovec_count; /* [i] */
unsigned int dxfer_len; /* [i] */
void * dxferp; /* [i], [*io] */
unsigned char * cmdp; /* [i], [*i] */
unsigned char * sbp; /* [i], [*o] */
unsigned int timeout; /* [i] unit: millisecs */
unsigned int flags; /* [i] */
int pack_id; /* [i->o] */
void * usr_ptr; /* [i->o] */
unsigned char status; /* [o] */
unsigned char masked_status; /* [o] */
unsigned char msg_status; /* [o] */
unsigned char sb_len_wr; /* [o] */
unsigned short host_status; /* [o] */
unsigned short driver_status; /* [o] */
int resid; /* [o] */
unsigned int duration; /* [o] */
unsigned int info; /* [o] */
} sg_io_hdr_t; /* 64 bytes long (on i386) */


Not all the fields in this structure are required, so only those that are commonly used are introduced here:

  • interface_id: Should always be S.
  • dxfer_direction: Used for data transfer direction; could be one of the following values:
    • SG_DXFER_NONE: No data transfer is needed. Example: a SCSI Test Unit Ready command.
    • SG_DXFER_TO_DEV: Data is transferred to device. A SCSI WRITE command.
    • SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV: Data is transferred from device. A SCSI READ command.
    • SG_DXFER_TO_FROM_DEV: Data is transferred both ways.
    • SG_DXFER_UNKNOWN: The data transfer direction is unknown.
  • cmd_len: The length in bytes of cmdp that points to the SCSI command.
  • mx_sb_len: The maximum size that can be written back to the sbp when a sense_buffer is output.
  • dxfer_len: The length of the user memory for data transfer.
  • dxferp: A pointer to user memory of at least dxfer_len bytes in length for data transfer.
  • cmdp: A pointer to the SCSI command to be executed.
  • sbp: A pointer to the sense buffer.
  • timeout: Used to timeout the given command.
  • status: SCSI status byte as defined by the SCSI standard.

In summary, when data is about to be transferred using this method, cmdp must point to SCSI CDB whose length is stored in cmd_len; sbp points to a user memory whose maximum length is mx_sb_len. In case an error occurs, the sense data would be written back to this place. dxferp points to a memory; the data would be transferred from or to the SCSI device depending on the dxfer_direction.

Finally, let's look at an inquiry command and how it would execute using the generic driver.

Example: Executing an inquiry command

An inquiry command is the most common SCSI command that all SCSI devices implement. This command is used to request the basic information of the SCSI device and is often used as a ping operation to test to see if the SCSI device is online. Table 2 shows how the SCSI standard is defined.

Table 2. The inquiry command format definition

bit 7bit 6bit 5bit 4bit 3bit 2bit 1bit 0
byte 0Operation code = 12h
byte 1LUNReservedEVPD
byte 2Page code
byte 3Reserved
byte 4Allocation length
byte 5Control

If the EVPD parameter bit (for enable vital product data) is zero and the Page Code parameter byte is zero, then the target will return the standard inquiry data. If the EVPD parameter is one, then the target will return vendor-specific data according to the page code fields.

Listing 2 shows the source code clips of using the SCSI generic API. Let's first look at the examples of setting sg_io_hdr.

Listing 2. Setting sg_io_hdr

struct  sg_io_hdr * init_io_hdr() {
struct sg_io_hdr * p_scsi_hdr = (struct sg_io_hdr *)malloc(sizeof(struct sg_io_hdr));
memset(p_scsi_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct sg_io_hdr));
if (p_scsi_hdr) {
p_scsi_hdr->interface_id = 'S'; /* this is the only choice we have! */
/* this would put the LUN to 2nd byte of cdb*/
p_scsi_hdr->flags = SG_FLAG_LUN_INHIBIT;
return p_scsi_hdr;

void destroy_io_hdr(struct sg_io_hdr * p_hdr) {
if (p_hdr) {

void set_xfer_data(struct sg_io_hdr * p_hdr, void * data, unsigned int length) {
if (p_hdr) {
p_hdr->dxferp = data;
p_hdr->dxfer_len = length;

void set_sense_data(struct sg_io_hdr * p_hdr, unsigned char * data,
unsigned int length) {
if (p_hdr) {
p_hdr->sbp = data;
p_hdr->mx_sb_len = length;


These functions are used for setting the sg_io_hdr object. Some of the fields point to user space memory; when the execution is finished, inquiry output data from the SCSI command is copied into the memory where dxferp points to. If there is an error and the sense data is required, the sense data would be copied to where sbp points to. The example for sending an inquiry command to a SCSI target is shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Sending an inquiry command to a SCSI target

int execute_Inquiry(int fd, int page_code, int evpd, struct sg_io_hdr * p_hdr) {
unsigned char cdb[6];
/* set the cdb format */
cdb[0] = 0x12; /*This is for Inquery*/
cdb[1] = evpd & 1;
cdb[2] = page_code & 0xff;
cdb[3] = 0;
cdb[4] = 0xff;
cdb[5] = 0; /*For control filed, just use 0 */

p_hdr->dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV;
p_hdr->cmdp = cdb;
p_hdr->cmd_len = 6;

int ret = ioctl(fd, SG_IO, p_hdr);
if (ret<0) {
printf("Sending SCSI Command failed.\n");
return p_hdr->status;


So the function first prepares the CDB according to the inquiry standard format and then calls the ioctl() function, handing file descriptor SG_IO, and the sg_io_hdr object; the return status is stored in the status field of the sg_io_hdr object.

Now let's see how the application program uses this function to execute the inquiry command (Listing 4):

Listing 4. Application program executes the inquiry command

unsigned char sense_buffer[SENSE_LEN];
unsigned char data_buffer[BLOCK_LEN*256];
void test_execute_Inquiry(char * path, int evpd, int page_code) {
struct sg_io_hdr * p_hdr = init_io_hdr();
set_xfer_data(p_hdr, data_buffer, BLOCK_LEN*256);
set_sense_data(p_hdr, sense_buffer, SENSE_LEN);
int status = 0;
int fd = open(path, O_RDWR);
if (fd>0) {
status = execute_Inquiry(fd, page_code, evpd, p_hdr);
printf("the return status is %d\n", status);
if (status!=0) {
} else{
} else {
printf("failed to open sg file %s\n", path);


The process of sending the SCSI command here is quite simple. First the user space data buffer and sense buffer should be allocated and made to point to the sg_io_hdr object. Then, open the device driver and get the file descriptor. With these parameters, the SCSI command could be sent to the target device. The output from the SCSI target would then be copied to the user space buffers when the command is finished.

Listing 5. Using parameters to send SCSI command to target device

void show_vendor(struct sg_io_hdr * hdr) {
unsigned char * buffer = hdr->dxferp;
int i;
printf("vendor id:");
for (i=8; i<16; ++i) {

void show_product(struct sg_io_hdr * hdr) {
unsigned char * buffer = hdr->dxferp;
int i;
printf("product id:");
for (i=16; i<32; ++i) {

void show_product_rev(struct sg_io_hdr * hdr) {
unsigned char * buffer = hdr->dxferp;
int i;
printf("product ver:");
for (i=32; i<36; ++i) {
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
test_execute_Inquiry(argv[1], 0, 0);


The standard response of the SCSI Inquiry Command (Page Code and EVPD fields are all set to 0) is complicated. According to the standard, vendor ID extends from the 8th to the 15th byte, product ID from the 16th to the 31st byte, and product version from the 32nd to the 35th byte. This information could be retrieved to check whether the command has been successfully executed.

After building this simple example, run it on /dev/sg0, which is normally the local hard disk. You should get the following:

[root@taomaoy scsi_test]# ./scsi_test /dev/sg0
the return status is 0
vendor id:ATA
product id:ST3160812AS
product ver:3.AA


The result is the same as the sg_map tool reports.


Linux provides a generic driver for SCSI devices and an application programming interface so you can build applications to send SCSI commands directly to SCSI devices. You can manually make SCSI commands and set other related parameters in an sg_io_hdr object, then call ioctl() to execute their SCSI commands and get output from the same sg_io_hdr object.


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