地址: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=137839
Initial CDT/RSE Integration plugin
IMPORTANT NOTE: The testing on windows is still ongoing for this. This plugin
was developed on Linux.
The attached plugin (org.eclipse.rse.remotecdt) builds on top of CDT and
integrates with RSE to introduce a "Remote C++ Application" launch
configuration (see screenshot1 attached). This launch configuration shows RSE
connections of type "Ssh/Gdbserver" in a pulldown. The "Ssh/Gdbserver"
connection type is introduced to RSE with this plugin (screenshot2). The host
details from that selected connection are used to establish an ssh/scp
connection to the target. For a debug configuration, the binary is downloaded
to the remote (using scp), gdbserver is automatically started on the remote
(using ssh) and a gdb debug connection is establised. For a run configuration,
the binary is downloaded to the remote (using scp) and then it is invoked
(using ssh.)
The extent of the current RSE integration with this launch configuration is the
pulldown of connections. An important thing to note is that ssh and scp are
invoked directly by the plugin, without going through RSE. These are prime
candidates for further integration. Also an RSE file service could be used in
the future to select where the remote download should take place.
System Prerequisites
Local Host
A. ssh, scp, gdb are on the path.
B. ssh and scp are setup to connect to the desired remote without prompting.
Remote Host
A. gdbserver is on the path.
B. port 2345 is available to use. gdbserver will use this port.
Installation of Necessary Eclipse Components
1. Install Eclipse Platform M6.
2. Install CDT Runtime compatible with Eclipse M6.
From: http://cdt.eclipse.org/builds/3.1.0/index.html
I used the following build: I200604141755
3. Install RSE. This is the procedure I followed.
A. Checkout RSE from the repository using anonymous username.
B. Import the plugin directory and build all the RSE plugins.
4. Import the Remote CDT plugin attached to this bugzilla and build that as
A "Remote C++ Application" launch configuration will be available. After
building a binary which will run on your remote, try using this configuration
to run or debug it.