epoll baidu



摘要 纠错编辑摘要

Epoll是Linux内核为处理大批量句柄而作了改进的poll。要使用epoll只需要这三个系统调用:epoll_create(2), epoll_ctl(2), epoll_wait(2)。它是在2.5.44内核中被引进的(epoll(4) is a new API introduced in Linux kernel 2.5.44),在2.6内核中得到广泛应用,例如LightHttpd。

epollResults for dphttpd SMP

Epoll是Linux内核为处理大批量句柄而作了改进的poll。要使用epoll只需要这三个系统调用:epoll_create(2), epoll_ctl(2), epoll_wait(2)。它是在2.5.44内核中被引进的(epoll(4) is a new API introduced in Linux kernel 2.5.44),在2.6内核中得到广泛应用,例如LightHttpd

epoll epoll的优点

  • 支持一个进程打开大数目的socket描述符(FD)

select 最不能忍受的是一个进程所打开的FD是有一定限制的,由FD_SETSIZE设置,默认值是2048。对于那些需要支持的上万连接数目的IM服务器来说显然太少了。这时候你一是可以选择修改这个宏然后重新编译内核,不过资料也同时指出这样会带来网络效率的下降,二是可以选择多进程的解决方案(传统的Apache方案),不过虽然linux上面创建进程的代价比较小,但仍旧是不可忽视的,加上进程间数据同步远比不上线程间同步的高效,所以也不是一种完美的方案。不过 epoll则没有这个限制,它所支持的FD上限是最大可以打开文件的数目,这个数字一般远大于2048,举个例子,在1GB内存的机器上大约是10万左右,具体数目可以cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max察看,一般来说这个数目和系统内存关系很大。

  • IO效率不随FD数目增加而线性下降

传统的select/poll另一个致命弱点就是当你拥有一个很大的socket集合,不过由于网络延时,任一时间只有部分的socket是"活跃"的,但是select/poll每次调用都会线性扫描全部的集合,导致效率呈现线性下降。但是epoll不存在这个问题,它只会对"活跃"的socket进行操作---这是因为在内核实现中epoll是根据每个fd上面的callback函数实现的。那么,只有"活跃"的socket才会主动的去调用 callback函数,其他idle状态socket则不会,在这点上,epoll实现了一个"伪"AIO,因为这时候推动力在os内核。在一些 benchmark中,如果所有的socket基本上都是活跃的---比如一个高速LAN环境,epoll并不比select/poll有什么效率,相反,如果过多使用epoll_ctl,效率相比还有稍微的下降。但是一旦使用idle connections模拟WAN环境,epoll的效率就远在select/poll之上了。

  • 使用mmap加速内核与用户空间的消息传递。

这点实际上涉及到epoll的具体实现了。无论是select,poll还是epoll都需要内核把FD消息通知给用户空间,如何避免不必要的内存拷贝就很重要,在这点上,epoll是通过内核于用户空间mmap同一块内存实现的。而如果你想我一样从2.5内核就关注epoll的话,一定不会忘记手工 mmap这一步的。

  • 内核微调

这一点其实不算epoll的优点了,而是整个linux平台的优点。也许你可以怀疑linux平台,但是你无法回避linux平台赋予你微调内核的能力。比如,内核TCP/IP协议栈使用内存池管理sk_buff结构,那么可以在运行时期动态调整这个内存pool(skb_head_pool)的大小--- 通过echo XXXX>/proc/sys/net/core/hot_list_length完成。再比如listen函数的第2个参数(TCP完成3次握手的数据包队列长度),也可以根据你平台内存大小动态调整。更甚至在一个数据包面数目巨大但同时每个数据包本身大小却很小的特殊系统上尝试最新的NAPI网卡驱动架构。


epoll epoll的使用



LT(level triggered)是缺省的工作方式,并且同时支持block和no-block socket.在这种做法中,内核告诉你一个文件描述符是否就绪了,然后你可以对这个就绪的fd进行IO操作。如果你不作任何操作,内核还是会继续通知你的,所以,这种模式编程出错误可能性要小一点。传统的select/poll都是这种模型的代表.

ET (edge-triggered)是高速工作方式,只支持no-block socket。在这种模式下,当描述符从未就绪变为就绪时,内核通过epoll告诉你。然后它会假设你知道文件描述符已经就绪,并且不会再为那个文件描述符发送更多的就绪通知,直到你做了某些操作导致那个文件描述符不再为就绪状态了(比如,你在发送,接收或者接收请求,或者发送接收的数据少于一定量时导致了一个EWOULDBLOCK 错误)。但是请注意,如果一直不对这个fd作IO操作(从而导致它再次变成未就绪),内核不会发送更多的通知(only once),不过在TCP协议中,ET模式的加速效用仍需要更多的benchmark确认。

epoll只有epoll_create,epoll_ctl,epoll_wait 3个系统调用,





Improving (network) I/O performance ...

07-01-2001 - Initial draft - Davide Libenzi <davidel@xmailserver.org>
10-30-2002 - The epoll patch merged inside the Linux Kernel. Please refer to this version since this is the one that will become the standard and that will be supported - Davide Libenzi <davidel@xmailserver.org>


The reason for the current work is to analyze different methods for efficent delivery of network events from kernel mode to user mode. Five methods are examined, poll() that has been chosen as the better old-style method, standard /dev/poll interface, standard RT signals, RT signals with one-sig-per-fd patch and a new /dev/epoll that uses a quite different notification method. This work is composed by :

1) the new /dev/epoll kernel patch
2) the /dev/poll patch from Provos-Lever modified to work with 2.4.6
3) the HTTP server
4) the deadconn(tm) tool to create "dead" connections

As a measurement tool httperf has been chosen coz, even if not perfect, it offers a quite sufficent number of loading options.

The new /dev/epoll kernel patch

The patch is quite simple and it adds notification callbacks to the 'struct file' data structure :

******* include/linux/fs.h

struct file {
        /* file callback list */
        rwlock_t f_cblock;
        struct list_head f_cblist;

****** include/linux/fcblist.h

/* file callback notification events */
#define ION_IN          1
#define ION_OUT         2
#define ION_HUP         3
#define ION_ERR         4

#define FCB_LOCAL_SIZE  4

#define fcblist_read_lock(fp, fl)              read_lock_irqsave(&(fp)->f_cblock, fl)
#define fcblist_read_unlock(fp, fl)            read_unlock_irqrestore(&(fp)->f_cblock, fl)
#define fcblist_write_lock(fp, fl)             write_lock_irqsave(&(fp)->f_cblock, fl)
#define fcblist_write_unlock(fp, fl)           write_unlock_irqrestore(&(fp)->f_cblock, fl)

struct fcb_struct {
        struct list_head lnk;
        void (*cbproc)(struct file *, void *, unsigned long *, long *);
        void *data;
        unsigned long local[FCB_LOCAL_SIZE];

extern long ion_band_table[];
extern long poll_band_table[];

static inline void file_notify_init(struct file *filep)

void file_notify_event(struct file *filep, long *event);

int file_notify_addcb(struct file *filep,
  void (*cbproc)(struct file *, void *, unsigned long *, long *), void *data);

int file_notify_delcb(struct file *filep,
  void (*cbproc)(struct file *, void *, unsigned long *, long *));

void file_notify_cleanup(struct file *filep);

The meaning of this callback list is to give lower IO layers the ability to notify upper layers that will register their "interests" to the file structure. In fs/file_table.c initialization and cleanup code has been added while in fs/fcblist.c the callback list handling code has been fit :

****** fs/file_table.c

struct file * get_empty_filp(void)

int init_private_file(struct file *filp, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)

void fput(struct file * file)

****** fs/fcblist.c

void file_notify_event(struct file *filep, long *event)
        unsigned long flags;
        struct list_head *lnk;

        fcblist_read_lock(filep, flags);
        list_for_each(lnk, &filep->f_cblist) {
                struct fcb_struct *fcbp = list_entry(lnk, struct fcb_struct, lnk);

                fcbp->cbproc(filep, fcbp->data, fcbp->local, event);
        fcblist_read_unlock(filep, flags);

int file_notify_addcb(struct file *filep,
                void (*cbproc)(struct file *, void *, unsigned long *, long *), void *data)
        unsigned long flags;
        struct fcb_struct *fcbp;

        if (!(fcbp = (struct fcb_struct *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct fcb_struct), GFP_KERNEL)))
                return -ENOMEM;
        memset(fcbp, 0, sizeof(struct fcb_struct));
        fcbp->cbproc = cbproc;
        fcbp->data = data;
        fcblist_write_lock(filep, flags);
        list_add_tail(&fcbp->lnk, &filep->f_cblist);
        fcblist_write_unlock(filep, flags);
        return 0;

int file_notify_delcb(struct file *filep,
                void (*cbproc)(struct file *, void *, unsigned long *, long *))
        unsigned long flags;
        struct list_head *lnk;

        fcblist_write_lock(filep, flags);
        list_for_each(lnk, &filep->f_cblist) {
                struct fcb_struct *fcbp = list_entry(lnk, struct fcb_struct, lnk);

                if (fcbp->cbproc == cbproc) {
                        fcblist_write_unlock(filep, flags);
                        return 0;
        fcblist_write_unlock(filep, flags);
        return -ENOENT;

void file_notify_cleanup(struct file *filep)
        unsigned long flags;
        struct list_head *lnk;

        fcblist_write_lock(filep, flags);
        while ((lnk = list_first(&filep->f_cblist))) {
                struct fcb_struct *fcbp = list_entry(lnk, struct fcb_struct, lnk);

                fcblist_write_unlock(filep, flags);
                fcblist_write_lock(filep, flags);
        fcblist_write_unlock(filep, flags);

The callbacks will receive a 'long *' whose first element is one of the ION_* events while the nexts could store additional params whose meaning will vary depending on the first one. This interface is a draft and I used it only to verify if the transport method is efficent "enough" to work on. At the current stage notifications has been plugged only inside the socket files by adding :

****** include/net/sock.h

static inline void sk_wake_async(struct sock *sk, int how, int band)
        if (sk->socket) {
                if (sk->socket->file) {
                        long event[] = { ion_band_table[band - POLL_IN], poll_band_table[band - POLL_IN], -1 };

                        file_notify_event(sk->socket->file, event);
                if (sk->socket->fasync_list)
                        sock_wake_async(sk->socket, how, band);

The files  fs/pipe.c  and  include/linux/pipe_fs_i.h  has been also modified to extend /dev/epoll to pipes ( pipe() ).
The /dev/epoll implementation resides in two new files driver/char/eventpoll.c and the include/linux/eventpoll.h include file.
The interface of the new /dev/epoll is quite different from the previous one coz it works only by mmapping the device file descriptor while the copy-data-to-user-space has been discarded for efficiency reasons. By avoiding unnecessary copies of data through a common set of shared pages the new /dev/epoll achieves more efficency due 1) less CPU cycles needed to copy the data 2) a lower memory footprint with all the advantages on modern cached memory architectures.
The /dev/epoll implementation uses the new file callback notification machanism to register its callbacks that will store events inside the event buffer. The initialization sequence is :

        if ((kdpfd = open("/dev/epoll", O_RDWR)) == -1) {

        if (ioctl(kdpfd, EP_ALLOC, maxfds))

        if ((map = (char *) mmap(NULL, EP_MAP_SIZE(maxfds), PROT_READ,
                        MAP_PRIVATE, kdpfd, 0)) == (char *) -1)


where  maxfds  is the maximum number of file descriptors that it's supposed to stock inside the polling device. Files are added to the interest set by :

        struct pollfd pfd;

        pfd.fd = fd;
        pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLOUT | POLLERR | POLLHUP;
        pfd.revents = 0;
        if (write(kdpfd, &pfd, sizeof(pfd)) != sizeof(pfd)) {

and removed with :

        struct pollfd pfd;

        pfd.fd = fd;
        pfd.events = POLLREMOVE;
        pfd.revents = 0;
        if (write(kdpfd, &pfd, sizeof(pfd)) != sizeof(pfd)) {

The core dispatching code looks like :

        struct pollfd *pfds;
        struct evpoll evp;

        for (;;) {
                evp.ep_timeout = STD_SCHED_TIMEOUT;
                evp.ep_resoff = 0;

                nfds = ioctl(kdpfd, EP_POLL, &evp);
                pfds = (struct pollfd *) (map + evp.ep_resoff);
                for (ii = 0; ii < nfds; ii++, pfds++) {

Basically the driver allocates two sets of pages that it uses as a double buffer to store files events. The field  ep_resoff  will tell where, inside the map, the result set resides so, while working on one set, the kernel can use the other one to store incoming events. There is no copy to userspace issues, events coming from the same file are collapsed into a single slot and the EP_POLL function will never do a linear scan of the interest set to perform a file->f_ops->poll(). To use the /dev/epoll interface You've to mknod such name with major=10 and minor=124 :

# mknod /dev/epoll c 10 124

You can download the patch here :


The /dev/poll patch from Provos-Lever

There's very few things to say about this, only that a virt_to_page() bug has been fixed to make the patch work. I fixed also a problem the patch has when it tries to resize the hash table by calling kmalloc() for a big chunk of memory that can't be satisfied. Now vmalloc() is used for hash table allocation. I modified a patch for 2.4.3 that I found at the CITI web site and this should be the port to 2.4.x of the original ( 2.2.x ) one used by Provos-Lever. You can download the patch here :


The RT signals one-sig-per-fd patch

This patch coded by Vitaly Luban implement RT signals collapsing and try to avoid SIGIO delivery that happens when the RT signals queue become full. You can download the patch here :


The HTTP server

The HTTP server is very simple(tm) and is based on event polling + coroutines that make the server quite efficent. The coroutine library implementation used inside the server has been taken from :


It's very small, simple and fast. The default stack size used by the server is 8192 and this, when trying to charge a lot of connections, may result in memory waste and vm trashing. A stack size of 4096 should be sufficent with this ( empty ) HTTP server implementation. Another issue is about the allocation method used by the coro library that uses mmap() for stack allocation. This, when the rate of accept()/close() become high may result in performance loss. I changed the library ( just one file coro.c ) to use malloc()/free() instead of mmap()/munmap(). Again, it's very simple ( the server ) and always emits the same HTTP response whose size can be programmed by a command line parameter. Other two command line options enable You to set the listening port and the fd set size. You can download the server here :


Old version:


The deadconn(tm) tool

If the server is simple this is even simpler and its purpose is to create "dead" connections to the server to simulate a realistic load where a bunch of slow links are connected. You can download  deadconn  here :


The test

The test machine is a PIII 600MHz, 128 Mb RAM, eepro100 network card connected to a 100Mbps fast ethernet switch. The kernel is 2.4.6 over a RH 6.2 and the coroutine library version is 1.1.0-pre2. I used a dual PIII 1GHz, 256 Mb RAM and dual eepro100 as httperf machine, while a dual PIII 900 MHz, 256 Mb RAM and dual eepro100 has been used as deadconn(tm) machine. Since httperf when used with an high number of num-conns goes very quickly to fill the fds space ( modified to 8000 ) I used this command line :

--think-timeout 5 --timeout 5 --num-calls 2500 --num-conns 100 --hog --rate 100

This basically allocates 100 connections that will load the server under different values of dead connections. The other parameter I varied is the response size from 128, 512 and 1024. Another test, that has more respect of the nature of the internet sessions, is to have a burst of connections that are opened, make two HTTP requests and than are closed. This test is implemented with httperf by calling :

--think-timeout 5 --timeout 5 --num-calls 2 --num-conns 27000 --hog --rate 5000

Each of these numbers is the average of three runs. You can download  httperf  here :


The test show that the /dev/epoll is about 10-12% faster than the RT signals one-sig implementation and that either /dev/epoll and both RT signals implementation keeps flat over dead connections load. The RT-one-sig implementation is slight faster than the simple RT signal, but here only a couple of SIGIO occurred during the test.


Both the 512 and 1024 Content-Length test show that /dev/epoll, RT signals and RT one-sig behave almost is the same way ( the graph overlap ). This is due the ethernet saturation ( 100Mbps ) occurred during these tests.

This test shows that /dev/epoll, RT signals and RT one-sig implementation had a quite flat behaviour over dead connections load with /dev/epoll about 15% faster than RT one-sig and RT one-sig about 10-15% faster than the simple RT signals.

The system call interface ( aka sys_epoll )

The need of a system call interface to the event retrival device driven the implementation of sys_epoll, that offsers the same level of scalability through a simpler interface for the developer. The new system call interface introduces three new system calls that maps to the corresponding user space calls :

int epoll_create(int maxfds);
int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, unsigned int events);
int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct pollfd *events, int maxevents, int timeout);

These functions are described in their manual pages :

epoll        : PSTXTMAN
epoll_create : PS TXTMAN
epoll_ctl    : PSTXT MAN
epoll_wait   : PSTXT MAN

Patches that implement the system call interface are available here. A library to access the new ( 2.5.45 ) epoll is available here :


A simple pipe-based epoll performace tester :


User space libraries that supports epoll :



During the epoll test I quickly made a patch for thttpd :



These numbers show that the new /dev/epoll ( and sys_epoll ) improve the efficency of the server from a response rate point of view and from a CPU utilization point of view ( better value of CPU/load factor ). The response rate of the new /dev/epoll in completely independent from the number of connections while the standard poll() and the old /dev/poll seems to suffer the load. The standard deviation is also very low compared to poll() and old /dev/poll and this let me think that 1) there's more power to be extracted 2) the method has a predictable response over high loads. Both the RT signals and RT one-sig implementations behave pretty flat over dead connections load with the one-sig version that is about 10-12% faster than the simple RT signals version. RT singnals implementations ( even if the one-sig less ) seems to suffer the burst test that simulates the real internet load where a huge number of connections are alive. This because of the limit of the RT signals queue that, even with the one-sig patch applied, is going to become full during the test.


[1] The epoll scalability page at lse.

[2] David Weekly - /dev/epoll Page


[1] W. Richard Stevens - "UNIX Network Programming, Volume I: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI, 2nd edition"
        Prentice Hall, 1998.

[2] W. Richard Stevens - "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols"
        Addison Wesley professional computing series, 1994.

[3] G. Banga and J. C. Mogul - "Scalable Kernel Performance for Internet Servers Under Realistic Load"
        Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 1998.

[4] G. Banga. P. Druschel. J. C. Mogul - "Better Operating System Features for Faster Network Servers"
        SIGMETRICS Workshop on Internet Server Performance, June 1998.

[5] G. Banga and P. Druschel - "Measuring the Capacity of a Web Server"
        Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, December 1997.

[6] Niels Provos and Charles Lever - "Scalable Network I/O in Linux"

[7] Dan Kegel - "The C10K problem"

[8] Richard Gooch - "IO Event Handling Under Linux"

[9] Abhishek Chandra and David Mosberger - "Scalability of Linux Event-Dispatch Mechanisms"

[10] Niels Provos and Charles Lever - "Analyzing the Overload Behaviour of a Simple Web Server"

[11] D. Mosberger and T. Jin - "httperf -- A Tool for Measuring Web Server Performance"
        SIGMETRICS Workshop on Internet Server Performance, June 1998.

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