package com.api; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public interface IRedisService { void delete(String... var1); boolean set(String var1, String var2); boolean set(String var1, String var2, long var3); boolean set(String var1, Object var2); boolean set(String var1, Object var2, long var3); boolean hSet(String var1, String var2, Object var3); String get(String var1); Set<String> getKeys(String var1); <T> T get(String var1, Class<T> var2); <T> T hGet(String var1, String var2, Class<T> var3); <T> boolean setList(String var1, List<T> var2); <T> List<T> getList(String var1, Class<T> var2); <T> Map<String, T> getMap(String var1, Class<T> var2); Map<String, String> getMap(String var1); void hDelete(String var1, String var2); boolean exist(String var1); long llen(String var1); long lpush(String var1, Object var2); long lpush(String var1, Object var2, long var3); String lpop(String var1); <T> T lpop(String var1, Class<T> var2); long rpush(String var1, Object var2); long rpush(String var1, Object var2, long var3); String rpop(String var1); <T> T rpop(String var1, Class<T> var2); List<String> lrange(String var1, long var2, long var4); <T> List<T> lrange(String var1, long var2, long var4, Class<T> var6); void ldel(String var1, int var2); long getExpireTime(String var1); }
import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder; import com.common.util.GSONFloatAdapter; import com.api.IRedisService; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.StringRedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.RedisSerializer; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.util.Assert; @Component public class RedisServiceImpl implements IRedisService { private Gson gson; @Resource private RedisTemplate<String, ?> redisTemplate; @Resource private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate; public RedisServiceImpl() { this.gson = (new GsonBuilder()).disableHtmlEscaping().registerTypeAdapter(Float.TYPE, new GSONFloatAdapter()).registerTypeAdapter(Float.class, new GSONFloatAdapter()).create(); } public void delete(String... keys) { if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) { this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); List<byte[]> lst = new ArrayList(); String[] var5 = keys; int var6 = keys.length; for(int var7 = 0; var7 < var6; ++var7) { String key = var5[var7]; lst.add(serializer.serialize(key)); } byte[][] bkeys = new byte[lst.size()][]; lst.toArray(bkeys); connection.del(bkeys); return null; }); } } public boolean set(String key, String value) { boolean result = (Boolean)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); connection.set(serializer.serialize(key), serializer.serialize(value)); return true; }); return result; } public boolean set(String key, String value, long expireTime) { boolean result = (Boolean)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); connection.set(serializer.serialize(key), serializer.serialize(value)); connection.expire(serializer.serialize(key), expireTime); return true; }); return result; } public boolean set(String key, Object value) { if (value != null) { String str = this.gson.toJson(value); return this.set(key, str); } else { return false; } } public boolean set(String key, Object value, long expireTime) { if (value != null) { String str = this.gson.toJson(value); return this.set(key, str, expireTime); } else { return false; } } public boolean hSet(String key, String field, Object value) { boolean result = (Boolean)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { if (value == null) { return false; } else { String str; if (value.getClass() == String.class) { str = (String)value; } else { str = this.gson.toJson(value); } RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); connection.hSet(serializer.serialize(key), serializer.serialize(field), serializer.serialize(str)); return true; } }); return result; } public String get(String key) { String result = (String)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); byte[] value = connection.get(serializer.serialize(key)); return (String)serializer.deserialize(value); }); return result; } public Set<String> getKeys(String keyLike) { return this.stringRedisTemplate.keys(keyLike); } public <T> T get(String key, Class<T> clz) { String json = this.get(key); return StringUtils.isNotBlank(json) ? this.gson.fromJson(json, clz) : null; } public <T> T hGet(String key, String field, Class<T> clz) { String result = (String)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); byte[] value = connection.hGet(serializer.serialize(key), serializer.serialize(field)); return (String)serializer.deserialize(value); }); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result)) { return clz == String.class ? result : this.gson.fromJson(result, clz); } else { return null; } } public <T> boolean setList(String key, List<T> list) { return this.set(key, (Object)list); } public <T> List<T> getList(String key, Class<T> clz) { String json = this.get(key); if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(json)) { return null; } else { List datalist = (List)this.gson.fromJson(json, List.class); List<T> list = new ArrayList(); Iterator var6 = datalist.iterator(); while(var6.hasNext()) { Object data = var6.next(); String str = this.gson.toJson(data); T t = this.gson.fromJson(str, clz); list.add(t); } return list; } } public <T> Map<String, T> getMap(String key, Class<T> clz) { Map<String, T> resultMap = this.hGetAll(key, clz); return resultMap == null ? null : resultMap; } public Map<String, String> getMap(String key) { Map<String, String> resultMap = this.hGetAll(key, (Class)null); return resultMap == null ? null : resultMap; } private <T> Map hGetAll(String key, Class<T> clz) { Map<byte[], byte[]> map = (Map)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); Map<byte[], byte[]> mapByte = connection.hGetAll(serializer.serialize(key)); return mapByte; }); if (null == map) { return null; } else { Map resultMap = new HashMap(map.size()); Iterator<Entry<byte[], byte[]>> iterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); String mapKey = ""; String mapValue = ""; Entry entry; if (null != clz) { while(iterator.hasNext()) { entry = (Entry)iterator.next(); mapKey = new String((byte[])entry.getKey()); mapValue = new String((byte[])entry.getValue()); resultMap.put(mapKey, this.gson.fromJson(mapValue, clz)); } } else { while(iterator.hasNext()) { entry = (Entry)iterator.next(); mapKey = new String((byte[])entry.getKey()); mapValue = new String((byte[])entry.getValue()); resultMap.put(mapKey, mapValue); } } return resultMap; } } public void hDelete(String key, String field) { this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); connection.hDel(serializer.serialize(key), new byte[][]{serializer.serialize(field)}); return null; }); } public boolean exist(String key) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); boolean result = (Boolean)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); return connection.exists(serializer.serialize(key)); }); return result; } public long llen(String key) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); long result = (Long)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); return connection.lLen(serializer.serialize(key)); }); return result; } public long lpush(String key, Object value) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); Assert.notNull(value, "value can not be null!"); String str = this.gson.toJson(value); return (Long)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); return connection.lPush(serializer.serialize(key), new byte[][]{serializer.serialize(str)}); }); } public long lpush(String key, Object value, long expireTime) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); Assert.notNull(value, "value can not be null!"); String str = this.gson.toJson(value); return (Long)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); long push = connection.lPush(serializer.serialize(key), new byte[][]{serializer.serialize(str)}); connection.expire(serializer.serialize(key), expireTime); return push; }); } public String lpop(String key) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); return (String)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); byte[] value = connection.lPop(serializer.serialize(key)); return (String)serializer.deserialize(value); }); } public <T> T lpop(String key, Class<T> clz) { String json = this.lpop(key); return StringUtils.isNotBlank(json) ? this.gson.fromJson(json, clz) : null; } public long rpush(String key, Object value) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); Assert.notNull(value, "value can not be null!"); String str = this.gson.toJson(value); return (Long)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); return connection.rPush(serializer.serialize(key), new byte[][]{serializer.serialize(str)}); }); } public long rpush(String key, Object value, long expireTime) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); Assert.notNull(value, "value can not be null!"); String str = this.gson.toJson(value); return (Long)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); long push = connection.rPush(serializer.serialize(key), new byte[][]{serializer.serialize(str)}); connection.expire(serializer.serialize(key), expireTime); return push; }); } public String rpop(String key) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); return (String)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); byte[] value = connection.rPop(serializer.serialize(key)); return (String)serializer.deserialize(value); }); } public <T> T rpop(String key, Class<T> clz) { String json = this.rpop(key); return StringUtils.isNotBlank(json) ? this.gson.fromJson(json, clz) : null; } public List<String> lrange(String key, long start, long end) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); return (List)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); List<byte[]> bytes = connection.lRange(serializer.serialize(key), start, end); List<String> resultList = new ArrayList(bytes.size()); bytes.forEach((b) -> { resultList.add(new String(b)); }); return resultList; }); } public <T> List<T> lrange(String key, long start, long end, Class<T> clz) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); Assert.notNull(clz, "clz can not be null!"); return (List)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); List<byte[]> bytes = connection.lRange(serializer.serialize(key), start, end); List<T> resultList = new ArrayList(bytes.size()); bytes.forEach((b) -> { resultList.add(this.gson.fromJson(new String(b), clz)); }); return resultList; }); } public void ldel(String key, int pace) { Assert.notNull(key, "key can not be null!"); Assert.isTrue(pace > 0, "pace must greater than zero!"); this.redisTemplate.executePipelined((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); long size = this.llen(key); if (size <= 0L) { return null; } else { byte[] deleteFlag = serializer.serialize("delete"); for(int i = 1; (long)i < size; i += pace + 1) { connection.lSet(serializer.serialize(key), (long)i, deleteFlag); } connection.lRem(serializer.serialize(key), size, deleteFlag); return null; } }); } public long getExpireTime(String key) { return (Long)this.redisTemplate.execute((connection) -> { RedisSerializer<String> serializer = this.redisTemplate.getStringSerializer(); return connection.pTtl(serializer.serialize(key), TimeUnit.SECONDS); }); } }
package com.common.util; import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializationContext; import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonParseException; import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive; import com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext; import com.google.gson.JsonSerializer; import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException; import java.lang.reflect.Type; public class GSONFloatAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Float>, JsonDeserializer<Float> { public GSONFloatAdapter() { } public Float deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { if (!"".equals(json.getAsString()) && !"null".equals(json.getAsString())) { try { return json.getAsFloat(); } catch (NumberFormatException var5) { throw new JsonSyntaxException(var5); } } else { return 0.0F; } } public JsonElement serialize(Float src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { return new JsonPrimitive(src); } }