转载-Administrator Guide for Domino Server maintenance


Administrator Guide for Domino Server maintenance

 White paper
The purpose of this document is to describe when to use the Lotus Domino utilities (Updall, Compact, Fixup) and to explain how to use them for normal and abnormal maintenance.

Table of Contents
I. The utilities: Updall, Compact, Fixup
  • A. Updall
    B. Compact
    C. Fixup
II. Best utilities for weekly maintenance
III. Best utilities for recovery

I. The utilities: Updall, Compact, Fixup

A. Updall
Updall is similar to Update but it does not run continually or work from a queue. Instead, you run Updall as needed. You can specify options when you run Updall but without them, Updall updates any view indexes or full-text search indexes on the server that need updating. To save disk space, Updall also purges deletion stubs from databases and discards view indexes for views that are unused for 45 days, unless there are different criteria specified for discarding view indexes. Use the notes.ini file setting, Default_Index_Lifetime_Days, to change when Updall discards unused view indexes.

Like Update, Updall rebuilds all corrupt view indexes and full-text-search indexes that it encounters.

By default, Updall is included in the notes.ini setting, ServerTasksAt2, so it runs daily at 2 AM. Running Updall daily helps save disk space by purging deletion stubs and discarding unused view indexes. It also ensures that all full-text-search indexes set for daily updates are updated.

Updall: Basic options

  • Option in Task - Start tool

    Command line option


    Index all databases

    Index only this database or folder


    "Only this database" updates only the specified database. To update a database in the Domino Data folder, enter the file name, xxxx.nsf. To update databases in a folder within the Data folder, specify the database path relative to the data folder, for example, doc/readme.nsf. "Index all databases" (or no database path) updates all databases on the server.

    Update this view only

    database -T viewtitle

    Updates a specific view in a database. Use with -R to solve corruption problems.
Updall - Update options

  • Option in Task - Start tool

    Command line option


    Update: All built views


    Updates built views and does not update full-text indexes.

    Update: Full text indexes


    Updates full-text indexes and does not update views.

    Update: Full text indexes; Only those with frequency set to Immediate


    Updates full-text indexes assigned "Immediate" as an update frequency.

    Update: Full text indexes; Only those with frequency set to Immediate or Hourly


    Updates full-text indexes assigned "Immediate" or "Hourly" as an update frequency.

    Update: Full text indexes; Only those with frequency set to Immediate, Hourly or Daily


    Updates full-text indexes assigned "Immediate," "Hourly," or "Daily" as an update frequency.
Updall - Rebuild options

  • Option in Task - Start tool

    Command line option


    Rebuild: Full text indexes only


    Rebuilds full-text indexes and does not rebuild views. Use to rebuild full-text indexes that are corrupted.

    Rebuild: All used views


    Rebuilds all used views. Using this option is resource-intensive, so use it as a last resort to solve corruption problems with a specific database.

    Rebuild: Full-text indexes and additionally: All unused views

    database -C

    Rebuilds unused views and a full-text index in a database. Requires you to specify a database.
Updall - Search Site options

Option in Task - Start tool

Command line option


Update database configurations: Incremental


Rebuilds full-text indexes and does not rebuild views. Use to rebuild full-text indexes that are corrupted.

Update database configurations: Incremental


Does a full update of search-site database configurations for search site databases.

B. Compact
When documents and attachments are deleted from a database, Domino tries to reuse the unused space instead of immediately reducing the file size. Sometimes Domino cannot reuse the space because of fragmentation until you compact the database.

There are three styles of compacting:
- In-place compacting with space recovery
- In-place compacting with space recovery and reduction in file size
- Copy-style compacting

In-place compacting with space recovery only
This style of compacting recovers unused space in a database but does not reduce the size of the database on disk. Databases retain the same database instance IDs (DBIIDs), so the relationship between the compacted databases and the transaction log remains intact. Users and servers can continue to access and edit databases during compacting. This style of compacting is useful for databases that you expect to stay the same size or to grow in size.

When you run Compact without specifying options, Domino uses this style of compacting on all databases enabled for transaction logging. Domino also uses this style of compacting when you use the -b option (case sensitive) when compacting any database.

Tip: Use this compacting method most frequently since it is the fastest and causes the least system impact.

In-place compacting with space recovery and reduction in file size
This style of compacting reduces the file size of databases as well as recovers unused space in databases. This style of compacting is somewhat slower than in-place compacting with space recovery only and assigns new DBIIDs to databases. If you use it on logged databases with a certified backup utility, perform full backups of the databases shortly after compacting is complete. This style of compacting allows users and servers to continue to access and edit databases during compacting.

When you run Compact without specifying options, Domino uses this style of compacting on databases that are not enabled for transaction logging. Domino also uses this style of compacting when you use the -B option. To optimize disk space, it is recommended that you run Compact, using the -B option on all databases once a week or once a month.

Copy-style compacting
Copy-style compacting creates copies of databases and then deletes the original databases after compacting completes, so extra disk space is required to make the database copies. This style of compacting essentially creates a new database with a new database ID. If you use copy-style compacting on logged databases (using the -c option), compacting assigns new DBIIDs, so when using a certified backup utility, perform full backups of databases shortly after compacting completes. When you use copy-style compacting, users and servers cannot edit databases during compacting and they can only read databases if the -L option is used.

Domino uses copy-style compacting by default when you use an option with Compact to enable a database property that requires a structural change to a database, or when you run Compact on a database that has a structural change pending that was initiated from the Database Properties box. Enabling or disabling the database properties, "Document table bitmap optimization" and "Don't support specialized response hierarchy," require structural database changes.

When to compact databases
It is recommended that you compact databases weekly or monthly, using the -B option to recover disk space. If you use a certified backup utility, remember to run it after compacting is complete.

Compact - Basics

  • Option

    Command line equivalent


    Compact only this database or folder. To specify databases to compact using the Files tab, select the databases in the files pane.

    database path
    Specify any additional options after the database path.

    To compact a database in the Domino Data folder, enter the file name, such as sales.nsf. To compact databases in a folder within the Data folder, specify the database path relative to the data folder, i.e., to compact all databases in the folder, Data/Sales, specify Sales.
    If you choose "Compact all databases" or don't specify a database path), Compact compacts all databases in the Data folder and folders within the Data folder.
Compact - Options


Command line equivalent


Compact database only if unused space is greater than x percent

-S percent

Compacts all databases with a specified percent of unused space. For example, if you specify 10, databases with 10% or more recorded unused space are compacted. Note that the unused space calculation is not always a reliable measure of unused space.

Discard any built view indexes


Discards built view indexes. Use this option to compact databases just before you store them on tape. Does copy-style compacting.

Keep or revert database to previous format


Compacts databases without converting to the current release file format of the server that stores the databases or reverts databases to the previous release file format. For example, on Domino 6 servers, this option compacts Domino 5 databases without converting them to the Domino 6 file format and converts Domino 6 databases to the Domino 5 file format. This option uses copy-style compacting.
Compact - Style

  • Option

    Command line equivalent


    In-place (recommended)


    Uses in-place compacting and recovers unused space without reducing file size unless there's a pending structural change to a database, in which case copy-style compacting occurs. Recommended method of compacting.

    In-place with file size reduction


    Uses in-place compacting, recovers unused space and reduces file size unless there's a pending structural change in which case copy-style compacting occurs. If you use transaction logging, do full database backups after compacting completes.



    Uses copy-style compacting. Use this option to solve database corruption problems.

    Copy-style: Allow access while compacting


    Enables users to continue to access databases during compacting. If a user edits a database during compacting, compacting is canceled. Useful only when copy-style compacting is done.

    Copy-style: Ignore errors and proceed


    Enables compacting to continue even if it encounters errors such as document corruption. Only used for copy-style compacting.

Compact - Advanced
Note that advanced Compact options are not available through the Compact tool on the Files tab of Domino Administrator.

line equivalent
Document table bitmap optimization: Off
Disables "Document table bitmap optimization" database property. Does copy-style compacting.
Document table bitmap optimization: On
Enables "Document table bitmap optimization" database property. Does copy-style compacting.
Don't support specialized response hierarchy: Off
Disables "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" database property; in other words, support specialized response hierarchy. Does copy-style compacting.
Don't support specialized response hierarchy: On
Enables "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" database property; in other words, do not support specialized response hierarchy. Does copy-style compacting.
Enable transaction logging: Off
Disables transaction logging.
Enable transaction logging: On
Enables transaction logging.
Don't maintain unread marks: Off
Disables "Don't maintain unread marks" database property; in other words, maintain unread marks.
Don't maintain unread marks: On
Enables "Don't maintain unread marks" database property; in other words, do not maintain unread marks.
NOTE: Select "Set advanced properties" before you enable or disable any of the above properties.

C. Fixup
  • When you restart a server, the server quickly searches for any unlogged databases that were modified but improperly closed because of a server failure, power failure, hardware failure, and so on. A few minutes after server startup is complete, the Fixup task then runs on these databases to attempt to fix any inconsistencies that resulted from partially written operations caused by a failure. When users attempt to access one of these databases and Fixup has not yet run on the database, the users see the message "This database cannot be opened because a consistency check of it is in progress." A similar Fixup process occurs when you restart a Lotus Notes client.

    Multiple Fixup tasks run simultaneously at server startup to reduce the time required to fix databases. The number of Fixup tasks that Domino runs by default at startup is equal to twice the number of processors available on the server. Although this default behavior should be adequate in most circumstances, you can edit the NOTES.INI file to include the Fixup_Tasks setting. The actual number of tasks run is the smaller of the configured number of tasks that can run and the number of databases that require fixing. For example, if you set Fixup_Tasks to 4, but only one database requires fixing, then only one Fixup task runs.

    Keep in mind that, after you set up transaction logging, Fixup is not needed or used to bring databases back to a consistent state.

    Fixup- Options

    Fixup options in Fixup tool and Task - Start tool
    Command line equivalent
    • Fixup all databases
      Fixup only this database or folder
    "Fixup only this database or folder" runs Fixup only on a specifid database or all databases in a specified folder. To run Fixup on a database in the Domino data folder, enter the file name, for example SALES.NSF. To run Fixup on a database or databases in folders within the data folder, enter the path relative to the data folder. For example, to run Fixup on all databases in the DATA/SALES folder, specify SALES.

    "Fixup all databases" or no command line database path runs Fixup on all databases on the server.

    Note To specify databases or folders to run on using the Fixup tool, select the database(s) or folder(s).

    Report all processed databases to log file
    Reports to the log file every database that Fixup opens and checks for corruption. Without this argument, Fixup logs only actual problems encountered.
    Scan only since last fixup
    When you run Fixup on a specific database, Fixup checks only documents modified since Fixup last ran. Without this option, Fixup checks all documents.
    Scan all documents
    When you run Fixup on all databases, Fixup checks all documents in the databases. Without this option, Fixup checks only documents modified since it last ran.

    Note To specify this option using the Fixup tool, deselect "Scan only since last fixup."

    Perform quick fixup
    Checks documents more quickly but less thoroughly. Without this option, Fixup checks documents thoroughly.
    Exclude views (faster)
    Prevents Fixup from running on views. This option reduces the time it takes Fixup to run. Use if view corruption isn't a problem.
    Don't purge corrupted documents
    Prevents Fixup from purging corrupted documents so that the next time Fixup runs or the next time a user opens the database, Fixup must check the database again. Use this option to salvage data in documents if the corruption is minor or if there are no replicas of the database.
    Optimize user unread lists
    Reverts ID tables in a database to the previous release format. Don't select this option unless Customer Support recommends doing so.
    Fixup transaction-logged databases
    Runs on databases that are enabled for transaction logging. Without this option, Fixup generally doesn't run on logged databases.

    If you are using a certified backup utility, it's important that you schedule a full backup of the database as soon after Fixup finishes as possible.

    Fixup open databases
    If you run Fixup on open databases, Fixup takes the databases offline to perform the fixup.

    This is the default if you run Fixup and specify a database name. Without this option, when you do not specify database names, Fixup does not run on open databases.

    Don't fixup open databases
    Applies only to running Fixup on a single database. When a database isn't taken offline and is in use, then Fixup is not run.

    This is the default when Fixup is run on multiple databases.

    Verify only
    Verifies the integrity of the database and reports errors. Does not modify the database (for example, does not purge corrupted documents).
    Fixup subdirectories
    Runs Fixup on databases in subfolders (subdirectories).
    Don't fixup subdirectories
    Does not run Fixup on databases in subfolders (subdirectories).
II. Best utilities for weekly maintenance
  • If you are not running transactional logs, run the following for weekly maintenance, preferably on the weekend when your server is not under a great work load:
    • Compact –B –s 10

    If you are running transactional logs, run the following for weekly maintenance:
    • Compact –b –s 10

    The above command compacts any database with more than 10% of white space. The "-b" and "-B" means an in-place compaction. The "–b" is used with transaction logs so that no new dbIIDs are assigned to the databases.

    There is no need to run Fixup or Updall as part of a weekly maintenance schedule. Fixup should be run only if corruption is suspected of a database and Updall is run every night by default. Updall only needs to run with switches if view corruption is suspected.

III. Best utilities for recovery
When databases should be repaired, used the steps below for recovery. This section also contains instructions for running Domino maintenance utilities from the command line on the various operating system platforms.


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