MGMT3004 (Entrepreneurship) Assessment 2 Brief Semester 1 2024R

Java Python MGMT3004 (Entrepreneurship)

Assessment 2 Brief Semester 1 2024

Assessment 2: Entrepreneur Interview Analysis [30%]

Unit Learning Outcomes:

Critically analyze the attributes and achievements of an entrepreneur (ULO2);

Analyze how entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, how they network and how they create wealth within the real world (ULO3).

Explain how entrepreneurs sustain business growth (ULO4).


The purpose of this assessment is to develop your critical and analytical skills in relation to the study of entrepreneurship-in-action. As your exposure to key

concepts and ideas in the field of entrepreneurship studies increases, making sense of the (sometimes competing) theories, methods and practices becomes  harder. This task is designed to get you to think about how the lived experience of being an entrepreneur can be understood through the vast literature. There are two parts to the assignment as described below.

Assignment Task

Thisassignmenttaskhas two distinctphases:

Phase 1: Conduct an interview with an entrepreneur.

Working in small groups (of 2-3 people) assigned to you by your tutor in-class, your task is to interview an entrepreneur who is (preferably) currently running a business to understand their journey to-date in venture creation.

You may not select a neighborhood local business such as single-owner operated deli’s, restaurants, grocery store or café . If you select a retail entrepreneur, you must interview one who has a chain of stores (at least more than two). A franchisee (e.g., takeaway food, lawn services, printing shops are often franchisee operations) is not an appropriate choice for interview as they are not the original owner, and the business model is rarely a deviation from the parent company’s intentions. Some points to note:

•    You may need 1-11/2 hours for the interview – using the questions from

page 64 of the unit textbook (Frederick, et al, 2019) as a guide. A downloadable pdf of the questions is available on the Blackboard site (under Assessment 2 tab). Try and limit your questions to about 10. Beyond that, the interview will get too long.

•    Send an email of the questions to the entrepreneur well before the interview so that they have enough time to prepare.

•    It is also a good idea&n MGMT3004 (Entrepreneurship) Assessment 2 Brief Semester 1 2024R bsp;to ask them more open-ended questions at the beginning or end of the interview to build some empathy and connection with your entrepreneur.

•   You need to record the interview with your smartphone so that you can transcribe the interview to be attached to the final report.

•   When interviewing, always be on the lookout for the ‘magic’ 30 seconds – the things people say in the final moments of your encounter with them. There are often comments that people make as they show you the door that reveal some interesting insights into their persona, thinking or values - keep the recording running until then!

Phase 2: Analyze and create a timeline (using PowerPoint).

Working from the single interview you have made as a group; you will continue to work as a group to analyze the interview. You need to create a timeline of the entrepreneur’s journey. This analysis should consider the chronological sequence of events that tell the story of the entrepreneur in relation to the ideas, concepts, theories, and practices that we have explored in-class and online.

Like Assessment 1, you have been given a template to use for the assignment. Some points to note:

-    You need to first create a timeline as described above using PowerPoint. A zip file of some sample timeline templates is available for download on the Blackboard site. You can pick up any template from this or use your own. The choice is yours. Make sure you change the template to suit this assignment.

-    You can use only 2 slides to represent your timeline.

-    Just to remind you once more – you are creating the timeline of the

entrepreneurial journey, connected to the concepts we explore in-class. So, make sure that the concepts taught in class are linked to the entrepreneur’s journey.

-    A template for the assignment submission (word format) is available for

download. Download this template and follow the instructions on it to finalize your assignment (you need to copy and paste the PowerPoint slides from your timeline on to this template). You only need to submit this document for your    assignment submission (on Turnitin). You will need to add your references on   to this document, along with a copy of the interview transcript.

-    Only one person needs to submit the final version. Please make sure that the title page has the names and student IDs of all group members         

PWR_MGMT_1 (Power Management 1) 和 PWR_MGMT_2 (Power Management 2) 寄存器是MPU-6500传感器中的重要电源管理单元,它们负责设备的睡眠管理和唤醒策略。设置唤醒状态通常涉及到以下几个部分: 1. **PWR_MGMT_1**: - **WAKE_UP**: 设置为1可以使设备从睡眠模式唤醒到活动模式。通常配合外部中断或者延时计时器来触发唤醒。 - **STBY_XYZ_GYRO**: 如果置位,表示在加速度计和陀螺仪都处于低功耗模式下,当有活动检测到时会自动唤醒。 - **STBY_XYZ_ACCEL**: 类似地,对加速度计也起作用。 2. **PWR_MGMT_2**: - **LEEP**: 当设置为1时,设备进入更深的睡眠模式,此时可能会断开I2C或SPI连接,消耗更少电能。 - **H_RESET**: 这个位对应于硬件复位,如果需要强制设备恢复出厂默认设置,可以将该位设置为1并保持一段时间。 为了设置唤醒状态,首先你需要确认设备当前的工作模式,比如是否允许外部中断唤醒。然后,在适当的时间,比如在程序的主循环中,你可以改变这些寄存器的值来启动或停止唤醒机制。例如,如果你想让设备在检测到特定运动后醒来,可以在中断服务函数里设置WAKE_UP位。 这里是一个简化的示例伪代码: ```python # 假设已经初始化了I2C通信 set_power_management(PWR_MGMT_1, WAKE_UP=1) time.sleep(1) # 等待1秒让系统准备好 # 外部中断检测到运动 if motion_detected: set_power_management(PWR_MGMT_1, STBY_XYZ_GYRO=0) # 唤醒加速度计和陀螺仪 ``` 请注意,具体的实现依赖于你的硬件平台和库函数,上述代码仅作参考。在实际项目中,你需要查阅相关的文档和API来了解正确的操作步骤。




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