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转载 vi字符处理
:%s/$releasever/7/ge 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/ansenchina/blog/3032100
2019-04-03 20:47:00 238
转载 金蝶K3--单据开发
select * from ictranstype where fname like '%物料%'select * from ictemplate where fid='1'select * from ictemplateentry where fid='1' ...
2019-04-03 19:45:00 605
转载 有网络,但是没有wget命令,yum又需要注册,需要换源
1. 下载wegt.rpm到U盘(fat32),然后插到redhat服务器 # cd /mnt# mkdir udata# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/udata# cd /mnt/udata# ll# rpm -ivh wget.rpm# umoun...
2019-04-03 19:07:00 1104
转载 金蝶K3--生产领料单--更新销售订单编号
if object_id(N'tempdb.dbo.#my_select_log') is not null begin drop table #my_select_log endgo --更新生产领料单行上的销售订单编号和销售订单行号declare @fentryselfb0450 ...
2019-03-30 00:37:00 2036
转载 SQLServer--基本命令--添加修改注释
--为字段添加注释 --格式如右:execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description','字段备注信息','user','dbo','table','字段所属的表名','column','添加注释的字段名';execute sp_addexte...
2019-03-29 22:01:00 1785
转载 金蝶K3--采购管理--审核采购单价库
declare @fsupid int,@fitemid int,@funitid int,@fprice decimal(18,10),@fptype int,@fentryid int,@icount intset @icount = 1declare my_select curs...
2019-03-29 12:09:00 460
转载 SQLServer--基本命令
create database if not exists 库名drop database if exists 库名create table 表名(字段,属性,关键字primary key)alter table 表名 add 字段 属性alter table 表名 modif...
2019-03-27 09:41:00 465
转载 金蝶K3--采购发票--同步发票不含税单价到采购入库单价
declare @fitemid int,@finterid int,@fprice decimal(18,10),@fdate datetime,@count intdeclare my_cursor cursor for select distinct fitemid fro...
2019-03-23 00:03:00 1400
转载 金蝶K3--MRP计划单--清单
select top 1000 a.*,d.*from icmrpresult aleft outer join t_icitem e on a.fitemid=e.fitemidleft outer join seorderentry b on a.forgsaleinterid...
2019-03-20 00:19:00 728
转载 金蝶K3--委外加工订单--触发器--更新预测单号
create trigger icsubcontract_cust on icsubcontractfor insert,updateas --if exists(select 1 from sys.triggers where object_name(parent_id)='ic...
2019-03-19 20:11:00 935
转载 金蝶K3--委外加工订单--列表
select d.fsourcebillno as 销售订单,f.fnumber as 成本对象,f.fmodel as 成本对象规格,c.fname as 供应商,convert(varchar(10),a.fdate,120) as 订单日期,case when a.fstatus=0 t...
2019-03-19 19:42:00 1960
转载 金蝶K3--BOM表--展开
declare @strbomsinterid nvarchar(1000)declare @sbominterid nvarchar(20)declare @ipos intdeclare @iorderrule intdeclare @dbitemtime datetime...
2019-03-17 17:24:00 1459
转载 金蝶K3--BOM表--自定义格式导入
use hrhost -->aiserp2019.dbo.go--truncate table aiserp2019.dbo.icbom--truncate table aiserp2019.dbo.icbomchild--update aiserp2019.dbo...
2019-03-17 16:00:00 1769
转载 金蝶K3--单据物料内码表
select * from icmaxnum where ftablename='icbom'select * from t_billcoderule where fbilltypeid=50select * from icbillno where fbillid=50select...
2019-03-16 17:24:00 715
转载 金蝶K3--基本命令
1. 禁用所有用户 update t_user set fforbidden=1 where fssousername is not null 转载于:https://my.osc...
2019-03-16 13:52:00 619
转载 金蝶K3--采购订单--价格控制
create trigger poorder_cust --控制采购订单的价格必须大于0 on poorder --if (object_id('poorder_cust','tr') is not null) drop trigger poorder_custfor insert...
2019-03-15 22:15:00 1626
转载 金蝶K3--采购委外单价
select case when a.fused=1 then '审核' else '未审' end as 审核,c.fname as 供应商,b.fnumber as 物料代码,b.fname as 物料名称,b.fmodel as 规格型号,case when a.fptype=1 the...
2019-03-14 22:29:00 366
转载 金蝶K3--采购订单--跟进表
select f11.fnumber as 客户代码,d.fsourcebillno as 销售订单,convert(varchar(10),f.fdate,120) as 客户交期,a.fbillno as 采购单号,convert(varchar(10),a.fdate,120) as 订...
2019-03-14 18:16:00 1729
转载 金蝶K3--产品入库--更新销售订单/预测单编号
create trigger icstockbill_cust on icstockbillfor updateif exists(select 1 from inserted)begin declare @ftrantype int select @ftrantype...
2019-03-13 13:48:00 1356
转载 SQLServer--trigger--判断数据操作类型
--插入if exists(select 1 from inserted) and not exists(select 1 form deleted)--更新if exists(select 1 from inserted) and exists(select 1 form d...
2019-03-13 10:17:00 531
转载 金蝶K3--采购单价---导入
use aiserp2019goif exists(select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where name like '#poorder_price_insert%')begin --先删除已经存在的缓存表 drop table #poorder...
2019-03-12 08:06:00 1499
转载 金蝶K3--固定资产模块--数据库操作
--固定资产模块select * from t_FACardselect * from t_FABalCardselect * from t_FACardItemselect * from t_FABalCardItemselect * from t_FACardItem...
2019-03-11 23:21:00 1402
转载 netstat命令
# 显示所有tcp端口 -ant# 显示所有udp端口 -anu# 显示所有处于监听的tcp端口 -tnl# 显示所有处于监听状态的udp端口 -unl# 显示路由表 –rn# 显示 PID 和进程名称 netstat -p ...
2019-03-10 21:26:00 59
转载 CentOS Linux 7 (Core)安装Release 8.8.11开源版
[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmcontrol -vRelease 8.8.11_GA_3737.RHEL7_64_20181207111719 RHEL7_64 FOSS edition. [root@mail ~]# hostnamectl Static hostnam...
2019-03-10 09:25:00 754
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹