

[root@compute home]# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      531G   48G  478G  10% /
tmpfs                  16G   88K   16G   1% /dev/shm
                      485M   38M  422M   9% /boot

umount /home/

[root@compute home]# vgs
  VG         #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree  
  vg_compute   1   3   0 wz--n- 556.44g 712.00m

 e2fsck -f /dev/vg_compute/lv_home

resize2fs /dev/vg_compute/lv_home 1024M
lvreduce -L 1024M /dev/vg_compute/lv_home

lvextend -L + 489G /dev/vg_compute/lv_root
 resize2fs /dev/vg_compute/lv_root

mount /home

mkdir /home/shome
chown shome:shome /home/shome
二、将 /etc/skel 目录里所有的文件(隐藏文件) 复制到 用户的默认目录里即可解决问题.
cp /etc/skel/.bash* /home/shome/




将 /etc/skel 目录里所有的文件(隐藏文件) 复制到 用户的默认目录里即可解决问题.




一 pvs,lvs vgs 使用
--1.1 显示物理卷(pv)信息

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# pvs
  PV         VG         Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sda2  vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--  14.51g    0 
  /dev/sdb   vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--   4.00g 2.81g

--1.2 显示逻辑卷组(vg)信息                                 

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# vgs
  VG         #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  vg_redhat6   2   3   0 wz--n- 18.50g 2.81g  



 [root@redhat6 lvm]# lvs

  LV           VG         Attr   LSize   Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  lv_pgdata_01 vg_redhat6 -wi-ao 700.00m                                      
  lv_root      vg_redhat6 -wi-ao  13.10g                                      
  lv_swap      vg_redhat6 -wi-ao   1.91g       
        备注:前面的 pvs,lvs,vgs 命令简单显示 LVM 对像信息,都是默认的输出。


二 格式化控制
--2.1 显示额外信息

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# pvs -v
    Scanning for physical volume names
  PV         VG         Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree DevSize PV UUID                               
  /dev/sda2  vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--  14.51g    0   14.51g dpTW84-DHRy-PIA9-u1tY-YUH4-XQKw-8Hy2Zm
  /dev/sdb   vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--   4.00g 2.81g   4.00g YKIQwX-zc6H-TZ65-P3qr-sRfk-LX0p-T18vdG

[root@redhat6 lvm]# vgs -v
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "vg_redhat6"
  VG         Attr   Ext   #PV #LV #SN VSize  VFree VG UUID                               
  vg_redhat6 wz--n- 4.00m   2   3   0 18.50g 2.81g E6cA2U-TL1x-ScCV-UnGU-3Kq4-1u6V-WUb5L4

      备注:增加 -v 参数,会显示LVM 对像的额外信息,例如 UUID字段。
--2.2 pvs 默认输出

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# pvs
  PV         VG         Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sda2  vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--  14.51g    0 
  /dev/sdb   vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--   4.00g 2.81g

--2.3 只显示 pv_name,dev_size 字段

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# pvs -o pv_name,dev_size
  PV         DevSize

  /dev/sda2   14.51g
  /dev/sdb     4.00g   

     备注:增加 -o 参数,指定需要输出的字段。
--2.4 在pvs 默认输出上,增加字段

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# pvs
  PV         VG         Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/sda2  vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--  14.51g    0 
  /dev/sdb   vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--   4.00g 2.81g

[root@redhat6 lvm]# pvs -o +pv_uuid
  PV         VG         Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree PV UUID                               
  /dev/sda2  vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--  14.51g    0  dpTW84-DHRy-PIA9-u1tY-YUH4-XQKw-8Hy2Zm
  /dev/sdb   vg_redhat6 lvm2 a--   4.00g 2.81g YKIQwX-zc6H-TZ65-P3qr-sRfk-LX0p-T18vdG 

     备注:如果想在默认输出的前提下增加字段,可以使用 -o + 字段名。

--2.5 vgs 显示卷组成员

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# vgs
  VG         #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  vg_redhat6   2   3   0 wz--n- 18.50g 2.81g
[root@redhat6 lvm]# vgs -o +lv_name
  VG         #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree LV          
  vg_redhat6   2   3   0 wz--n- 18.50g 2.81g lv_root     
  vg_redhat6   2   3   0 wz--n- 18.50g 2.81g lv_swap     
  vg_redhat6   2   3   0 wz--n- 18.50g 2.81g lv_pgdata_01       


三 字段排序  
--3.1 根据 lv_size 字段排序

 [root@redhat6 lvm]# lvs
  LV           VG         Attr   LSize   Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  lv_pgdata_01 vg_redhat6 -wi-ao 700.00m                                      
  lv_root      vg_redhat6 -wi-ao  13.10g                                      

  lv_swap      vg_redhat6 -wi-ao   1.91g                                     

[root@redhat6 lvm]# lvs -O lv_size
  LV           VG         Attr   LSize   Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  lv_pgdata_01 vg_redhat6 -wi-ao 700.00m                                      
  lv_swap      vg_redhat6 -wi-ao   1.91g                                      
  lv_root      vg_redhat6 -wi-ao  13.10g  

     备注:如果想根据输出字段排序,可以使用 -O 字段名 选项。
四附 lvs,vgs,pvs 字段
--4.1 lvs 字段
    lv_all               - All fields in this section.
    lv_uuid              - Unique identifier.
    lv_name              - Name.  LVs created for internal use are enclosed in brackets.
    lv_path              - Full pathname for LV.
    lv_attr              - Various attributes - see man page.
    lv_major             - Persistent major number or -1 if not persistent.
    lv_minor             - Persistent minor number or -1 if not persistent.
    lv_read_ahead        - Read ahead setting in current units.
    lv_kernel_major      - Currently assigned major number or -1 if LV is not active.
    lv_kernel_minor      - Currently assigned minor number or -1 if LV is not active.
    lv_kernel_read_ahead - Currently-in-use read ahead setting in current units.
    lv_size              - Size of LV in current units.
    seg_count            - Number of segments in LV.
    origin               - For snapshots, the origin device of this LV.
    origin_size          - For snapshots, the size of the origin device of this LV.
    snap_percent         - For snapshots, the percentage full if LV is active.
    copy_percent         - For mirrors and pvmove, current percentage in-sync.
    move_pv              - For pvmove, Source PV of temporary LV created by pvmove.
    convert_lv           - For lvconvert, Name of temporary LV created by lvconvert.
    lv_tags              - Tags, if any.
    mirror_log           - For mirrors, the LV holding the synchronisation log.
    modules              - Kernel device-mapper modules required for this LV.
--4.2 pvs 字段
    pv_all               - All fields in this section.
    pe_start             - Offset to the start of data on the underlying device.
    pv_size              - Size of PV in current units.
    pv_free              - Total amount of unallocated space in current units.
    pv_used              - Total amount of allocated space in current units.
    pv_attr              - Various attributes - see man page.
    pv_pe_count          - Total number of Physical Extents.
    pv_pe_alloc_count    - Total number of allocated Physical Extents.
    pv_tags              - Tags, if any.
    pv_mda_count         - Number of metadata areas on this device.
    pv_mda_used_count    - Number of metadata areas in use on this device.
--4.3 vgs 字段
    vg_all               - All fields in this section.
    vg_fmt               - Type of metadata.
    vg_uuid              - Unique identifier.
    vg_name              - Name.
    vg_attr              - Various attributes - see man page.
    vg_size              - Total size of VG in current units.
    vg_free              - Total amount of free space in current units.
    vg_sysid             - System ID indicating when and where it was created.
    vg_extent_size       - Size of Physical Extents in current units.
    vg_extent_count      - Total number of Physical Extents.
    vg_free_count        - Total number of unallocated Physical Extents.
    max_lv               - Maximum number of LVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.
    max_pv               - Maximum number of PVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.
    pv_count             - Number of PVs.
    lv_count             - Number of LVs.
    snap_count           - Number of snapshots.
    vg_seqno             - Revision number of internal metadata.  Incremented whenever it changes.
    vg_tags              - Tags, if any.
    vg_mda_count         - Number of metadata areas on this VG.
    vg_mda_used_count    - Number of metadata areas in use on this VG.
    vg_mda_free          - Free metadata area space for this VG in current units.
    vg_mda_size          - Size of smallest metadata area for this VG in current units.
    vg_mda_copies        - Target number of in use metadata areas in the VG. 






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