
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// scalastyle:off println
// scalastyle:off jobcontext
package org.apache.spark.examples

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.SortedMap

import org.apache.cassandra.db.IColumn
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.ColumnFamilyOutputFormat
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.ConfigHelper
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.ColumnFamilyInputFormat
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift._
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}

 * This example demonstrates using Spark with Cassandra with the New Hadoop API and Cassandra
 * support for Hadoop.
 * To run this example, run this file with the following command params -
 * <cassandra_node> <cassandra_port>
 * So if you want to run this on localhost this will be,
 * localhost 9160
 * The example makes some assumptions:
 * 1. You have already created a keyspace called casDemo and it has a column family named Words
 * 2. There are column family has a column named "para" which has test content.
 * You can create the content by running the following script at the bottom of this file with
 * cassandra-cli.
object CassandraTest {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("casDemo")
    // Get a SparkContext
    val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)

    // Build the job configuration with ConfigHelper provided by Cassandra
    val job = new Job()

    val host: String = args(1)
    val port: String = args(2)

    ConfigHelper.setInputInitialAddress(job.getConfiguration(), host)
    ConfigHelper.setInputRpcPort(job.getConfiguration(), port)
    ConfigHelper.setOutputInitialAddress(job.getConfiguration(), host)
    ConfigHelper.setOutputRpcPort(job.getConfiguration(), port)
    ConfigHelper.setInputColumnFamily(job.getConfiguration(), "casDemo", "Words")
    ConfigHelper.setOutputColumnFamily(job.getConfiguration(), "casDemo", "WordCount")

    val predicate = new SlicePredicate()
    val sliceRange = new SliceRange()
    ConfigHelper.setInputSlicePredicate(job.getConfiguration(), predicate)

    ConfigHelper.setInputPartitioner(job.getConfiguration(), "Murmur3Partitioner")
    ConfigHelper.setOutputPartitioner(job.getConfiguration(), "Murmur3Partitioner")

    // Make a new Hadoop RDD
    val casRdd = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(
      classOf[SortedMap[ByteBuffer, IColumn]])

    // Let us first get all the paragraphs from the retrieved rows
    val paraRdd = {
      case (key, value) => {

    // Lets get the word count in paras
    val counts = paraRdd.flatMap(p => p.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)

    counts.collect().foreach {
      case (word, count) => println(word + ":" + count)
    } {
      case (word, count) => {
        val colWord = new org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column()

        val colCount = new org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column()

        val outputkey = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(word + "-COUNT-" + System.currentTimeMillis)

        val mutations = Arrays.asList(new Mutation(), new Mutation())
        mutations.get(0).setColumn_or_supercolumn(new ColumnOrSuperColumn())
        mutations.get(1).setColumn_or_supercolumn(new ColumnOrSuperColumn())
        (outputkey, mutations)
    }.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile("casDemo", classOf[ByteBuffer], classOf[List[Mutation]],
      classOf[ColumnFamilyOutputFormat], job.getConfiguration)

// scalastyle:on println
// scalastyle:on jobcontext

create keyspace casDemo;
use casDemo;

create column family WordCount with comparator = UTF8Type;
update column family WordCount with column_metadata =
  [{column_name: word, validation_class: UTF8Type},
    {column_name: wcount, validation_class: LongType}];

create column family Words with comparator = UTF8Type;
update column family Words with column_metadata =
  [{column_name: book, validation_class: UTF8Type},
    {column_name: para, validation_class: UTF8Type}];

assume Words keys as utf8;

set Words['3musk001']['book'] = 'The Three Musketeers';
set Words['3musk001']['para'] = 'On the first Monday of the month of April, 1625, the market
  town of Meung, in which the author of ROMANCE OF THE ROSE was born, appeared to
 be in as perfect a state of revolution as if the Huguenots had just made
 a second La Rochelle of it. Many citizens, seeing the women flying
 toward the High Street, leaving their children crying at the open doors,
 hastened to don the cuirass, and supporting their somewhat uncertain
 courage with a musket or a partisan, directed their steps toward the
 hostelry of the Jolly Miller, before which was gathered, increasing
 every minute, a compact group, vociferous and full of curiosity.';

set Words['3musk002']['book'] = 'The Three Musketeers';
set Words['3musk002']['para'] = 'In those times panics were common, and few days passed without
  some city or other registering in its archives an event of this kind. There were
  nobles, who made war against each other; there was the king, who made
  war against the cardinal; there was Spain, which made war against the
  king. Then, in addition to these concealed or public, secret or open
  wars, there were robbers, mendicants, Huguenots, wolves, and scoundrels,
  who made war upon everybody. The citizens always took up arms readily
  against thieves, wolves or scoundrels, often against nobles or
  Huguenots, sometimes against the king, but never against cardinal or
  Spain. It resulted, then, from this habit that on the said first Monday
  of April, 1625, the citizens, on hearing the clamor, and seeing neither
  the red-and-yellow standard nor the livery of the Duc de Richelieu,
  rushed toward the hostel of the Jolly Miller. When arrived there, the
  cause of the hubbub was apparent to all';

set Words['3musk003']['book'] = 'The Three Musketeers';
set Words['3musk003']['para'] = 'You ought, I say, then, to husband the means you have, however
  large the sum may be; but you ought also to endeavor to perfect yourself in
  the exercises becoming a gentleman. I will write a letter today to the
  Director of the Royal Academy, and tomorrow he will admit you without
  any expense to yourself. Do not refuse this little service. Our
  best-born and richest gentlemen sometimes solicit it without being able
  to obtain it. You will learn horsemanship, swordsmanship in all its
  branches, and dancing. You will make some desirable acquaintances; and
  from time to time you can call upon me, just to tell me how you are
  getting on, and to say whether I can be of further service to you.';

set Words['thelostworld001']['book'] = 'The Lost World';
set Words['thelostworld001']['para'] = 'She sat with that proud, delicate profile of hers outlined
  against the red curtain.  How beautiful she was!  And yet how aloof!  We had been
  friends, quite good friends; but never could I get beyond the same
  comradeship which I might have established with one of my
  fellow-reporters upon the Gazette,--perfectly frank, perfectly kindly,
  and perfectly unsexual.  My instincts are all against a woman being too
  frank and at her ease with me.  It is no compliment to a man.  Where
  the real sex feeling begins, timidity and distrust are its companions,
  heritage from old wicked days when love and violence went often hand in
  hand.  The bent head, the averted eye, the faltering voice, the wincing
  figure--these, and not the unshrinking gaze and frank reply, are the
  true signals of passion.  Even in my short life I had learned as much
  as that--or had inherited it in that race memory which we call instinct.';

set Words['thelostworld002']['book'] = 'The Lost World';
set Words['thelostworld002']['para'] = 'I always liked McArdle, the crabbed, old, round-backed,
  red-headed news editor, and I rather hoped that he liked me.  Of course, Beaumont was
  the real boss; but he lived in the rarefied atmosphere of some Olympian
  height from which he could distinguish nothing smaller than an
  international crisis or a split in the Cabinet.  Sometimes we saw him
  passing in lonely majesty to his inner sanctum, with his eyes staring
  vaguely and his mind hovering over the Balkans or the Persian Gulf.  He
  was above and beyond us.  But McArdle was his first lieutenant, and it
  was he that we knew.  The old man nodded as I entered the room, and he
  pushed his spectacles far up on his bald forehead.';






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