7.1. Rationale for and Introduction to Packet Filtering

7.1. Rationale for and Introduction to Packet Filtering

Packet filtering refers to the technique of conditionally allowing or denying packets entering or exiting a network or host based on the characteristics of that packet. There are two fundamental types of packet filters. A static packet filter is a set of rules against which every packet is checked, and allowed or denied. A dynamic packet filter keeps track of the connections currently passing the firewall. This is usually described as a stateful or dynamic packet filtering engine. Netfilter provides the capability for linux (2.4+) to operate as a stateful packet filtering device.

For a brief digression, consider the term stateful packet inspection. This term has been used in two distinctly different meanings. At least one commercial security company differentiates between stateful packet filtering and stateful packet inspection [34]. Supposedly, a stateful packet inspection engine is able to examine the contents of a packet and make a limited guess as to the legitimacy of the application layer content. While I would call this an application layer proxy, I do not use the product. For the purposes of this documentation, the terms stateful packet inspection and stateful packet filtering are synonomous.

Packet filtering, the network layer portion of a firewall solution, is one part of a good security stance. As the embodiment and manifestation of an organizational security policy for network layer traffic, the packet filter restricts traffic flows between networks and hosts. There is tremendous value from a security perspective in enforcing these traffic flows, instead of allowing arbitrary traffic flow.

The use of packet filtering to enforce these traffic flows is not restricted to routers and firewalls alone. Standalone servers and workstations can use these same tools to protect themselves. There are a couple of common approaches to packet filtering. Generally, network security professionals subscribe to the notion that the filtering policy should deny or drop all traffic and selectively allow desired traffic. An alternate, more open, policy suggests allowing everything, selectively blocking undesirable traffic.

The languages used in most packet filtering tools for describing IP packets allow for a great deal of specifity when identifying traffic. This specifity enables an administrator a great deal of flexibility for protecting resources and limiting traffic flows.

7.1.1. History of Linux Packet Filter Support

Packet filtering under linux has a long history, punctuated by major alterations in the packet filtering systems included in the kernel. In the mid- and late-1990s, ipfwadm exposed the three packet filtering chains of kernel 2.0 to the user: in, forward, and out. Individual entries added to these chains would be traversed in order in each ruleset. The first matching rule in each chain would be used, and every packet passing through a router would traverse these three chains.

With the advent of linux 2.2, users could create their own chains and chain structures. The kernel architecture was different from that of the earlier kernel, but from the user's perspective, the manner in which the rules were written was only slightly different. Rule chains, traversed rather like subroutines and manipulated with ipchains, could be arbitrarily complex and nested. The built-in packet filtering chains had names: input, output and forward. The first matching rule in any chain called from one of the built-in chains would be used. Every packet passing through a router would traverse (at least) the three built-in rule chains. There is backward compatible support for ipfwadm syntax via a wrapper shell script which converts the command to an ipchains syntax.

In kernel 2.4, the netfilter architecture which provides functionality other than packet filtering, allows users to create the arbitrary chains and chain structures similar to those supported by linux 2.2. The built in chains are INPUT, FORWARD, and OUTPUT. A major difference in the use of chains was introduced in linux 2.4; packets passing through a router will traverse the FORWARD chain only. User-defined iptables chains resemble branches rather than subroutines. Under linux 2.4, ipchains compatibility is maintained with a kernel module. For ipfwadm compatibility, the kernel module and the aforementioned wrapper shell script function adequately.

The packet filtering support under linux has grown increasingly complex and mature with successive kernels and development efforts on the user space tools. The netfilter architecture of linux 2.4 represented a tremendous step forward in the packet filtering capabilities of linux with support for stateful packet filtering.

[34] See the following PDF from NetMaster Digital Security. Although I may disagree with their use of terms, I can appreciate their clear attempt to explain their use of these two terms.

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