
rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CADMINI%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml">




我们写了一个类XmlSerializerUtil来完成序列化和反序列化的任务,它有两个公开的方法public static Document serializeObject(Object source)
public static Object deserializeObject(Document source)

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import java.io.IOException;


import junit.framework.TestCase;


import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;

import org.jdom.Document;

import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;

import org.jdom.output.Format;

import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;


public class XmlSerializerUtilTest extends TestCase {


       public XmlSerializerUtilTest(String name) {




       private final String fileName="serializedObject.xml";


       public void testMain() throws Exception {



         * serialize a object


        HelloWorld1 hello1 = new HelloWorld1();

        System.out.println("object id (before serialization):/r/n"+hello1);

        Document document1 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(hello1);




         * deserialize a object


 HelloWorld1 hello2 =
 (HelloWorld1) XmlSerializerUtil.deserializeObject(document1);

        System.out.println("object id (after serialization and deserialization):/r/n"+hello2);

        Document document2 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(hello2);






        * 首先将HelloWorld1对象序列化到一个xml文件中去,他能够序列化数据到primitive类型.



       public void testSerialization2XmlFile() throws Exception {



         * serialize a object


        HelloWorld1 hello1 = new HelloWorld1();

        Document document1 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(hello1);

        createFile(document1, fileName);



         * put data to a object  from xml file


        Document doc = loadFile(fileName);

        Object object = XmlSerializerUtil.deserializeObject(doc);

        HelloWorld1 hello2 = (HelloWorld1) object;



         * serialize a object again.


        Document document2 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(hello2);





        * 在运行完成testSerialization2XmlFile,会得到一个serializedObject.xml文件,修改这个文件中的

        * HelloWorld1 改成HelloWorld2.

        * 然后再运行下面这个方法,可以看到HelloWord1中的数据到HelloWorld2中去了.


       public void testDeserialization2Object() throws Exception {



         * put data to a object  from xml file


        Document doc = loadFile(fileName);

        Object object = XmlSerializerUtil.deserializeObject(doc);

        HelloWorld2 hello2 = (HelloWorld2) object;



         * serialize a object again.


        Document document2 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(hello2);




       public void testSerializeAntProject() throws Exception {


         * serialize a object


        Project project1 = new Project();

        System.out.println("object id (before serialization):"+project1);

        Document document1 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(project1);




         * deserialize a object


        Project project2 = (Project)  XmlSerializerUtil.deserializeObject(document1);

        System.out.println("object id (after serialization and deserialization):"+project2);

        Document document2 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(project2);




    private void createFile(Document doc, String fileName) {

        XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(); // 生成xml的输出流

        Format format = xmlOut.getFormat(); // 输出流格式化

        format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // 设置字符集

        format.setExpandEmptyElements(true); //是否填充



        xmlOut.setFormat(format); // 把格式化的流给输出流

        try {

            // 生成xml的文件,文件名为用户输入的文件

            xmlOut.output(doc, new FileOutputStream(fileName));

            System.out.println("create a file called " + fileName);

        } catch (IOException ex) {

            System.out.println("the cause of file creation failure is " + ex.getMessage());




    private Document loadFile(String fileName) {

        Document doc = null;

        FileInputStream fi = null; // 文件输入流

        File file = new File(fileName);

        try {

            if (!file.isFile()) { // 文件打开失败

                System.out.println("fails to open a file called " + fileName);

            } else {

                fi = new FileInputStream(file); // 建立打开流

                SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder();

                doc = sb.build(fi); // 把文件流给build


        } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.println("fails to open a file called " + fileName + ",the cause is "+ e.getMessage());

        } finally {

            try {


            } catch (Exception e) {




        return doc;



    private void printDocument(Document doc){

           XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(); // 生成xml的输出流

        Format format = xmlOut.getFormat(); // 输出流格式化

        format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // 设置字符集

        format.setExpandEmptyElements(true); //是否填充



        xmlOut.setFormat(format); // 把格式化的流给输出流

        try {

            //print Document in normal text format.

            xmlOut.output(doc, System.out);


        } catch (IOException ex) {

            System.out.println("the cause of file creation failure is " + ex.getMessage());






HelloWorld1 hello1 = new HelloWorld1();

Document document1 = XmlSerializerUtil.serializeObject(hello1);

createFile(document1, fileName);



Document doc = loadFile(fileName);

Object object = XmlSerializerUtil.deserializeObject(doc);

HelloWorld1 hello2 = (HelloWorld1) object;



import java.io.Serializable;

public class HelloWorld1


    private String m_sName="20000";

    public String getName()


        return m_sName;



    public void setName(String name){





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <object class="HelloWorld1" id="0">

       <field name="m_sName" declaringclass=" HelloWorld1">




    <object class="java.lang.String" id="1">

       <field name="value" declaringclass="java.lang.String">



       <field name="offset" declaringclass="java.lang.String">



       <field name="count" declaringclass="java.lang.String">



       <field name="hash" declaringclass="java.lang.String">




    <object class="[C" id="2" length="5">










import java.lang.reflect.Array;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.IdentityHashMap;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.Vector;


import org.jdom.Document;

import org.jdom.Element;



public class XmlSerializerUtil



    //start extract serializeObject


    public static Document serializeObject(Object source)

        throws Exception


        return serializeHelper(source, new Document(new Element("serialized")),

            new IdentityHashMap());




    private static Document serializeHelper(Object source,Document target,Map table)

        throws Exception


        String id = Integer.toString(table.size()); //#1

        table.put(source, id); //#1

        Class sourceclass = source.getClass(); //#1


        Element oElt = new Element("object"); //#2

        oElt.setAttribute("class", sourceclass.getName()); //#2

        oElt.setAttribute("id", id); //#2

        target.getRootElement().addContent(oElt); //#2


        if (!sourceclass.isArray()) { //#3

            Field[] fields = Mopex.getInstanceVariables(sourceclass); //#4

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { //#4


                if (!Modifier.isPublic(fields[i].getModifiers())) //#5

                    fields[i].setAccessible(true); //#5


                Element fElt = new Element("field"); //#6

                fElt.setAttribute("name", fields[i].getName()); //#6

                Class declClass = fields[i].getDeclaringClass(); //#6

                fElt.setAttribute("declaringclass", //#6

                    declClass.getName()); //#6


                Class fieldtype = fields[i].getType(); //#6

                Object child = fields[i].get(source); //#6


                if (Modifier.isTransient(fields[i].getModifiers())) { //#6

                    child = null; //#6

                } //#6

                fElt.addContent(serializeVariable(fieldtype, child, //#6

                    target, table)); //#6


                oElt.addContent(fElt); //#6



        else {

            Class componentType = sourceclass.getComponentType(); //#7


            int length = Array.getLength(source); //#7

            oElt.setAttribute("length", Integer.toString(length)); //#7


            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { //#7

                oElt.addContent(serializeVariable(componentType, //#7

                    Array.get(source, i),//#7

                    target, //#7

                    table)); //#7

            } //#7


        return target;




    //stop extract serializeObject


    //start extract serializeVariable


    private static Element serializeVariable(Class fieldtype,

        Object child,

        Document target,

        Map table)

        throws Exception


        if (child == null) {

            return new Element("null");


        else if (!fieldtype.isPrimitive()) {

            Element reference = new Element("reference");

            if (table.containsKey(child)) {



            else {


                serializeHelper(child, target, table);


            return reference;


        else {

            Element value = new Element("value");


            return value;





    //stop extract serializeVariable


    //start extract deserializeObject


    public static Object deserializeObject(Document source)

        throws Exception


        List objList = source.getRootElement().getChildren();


        Map table = new HashMap();


        createInstances(table, objList);


        assignFieldValues(table, objList);


        return table.get("0");




    //stop extract deserializeObject


    //start extract createInstances


    private static void createInstances(Map table,

        List objList)

        throws Exception


        for (int i = 0; i < objList.size(); i++) {

            Element oElt = (Element) objList.get(i);

            Class cls = Class.forName(oElt.getAttributeValue("class"));

            Object instance = null;

            if (!cls.isArray()) {

                Constructor c = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(null);

                if (!Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers())) {



                instance = c.newInstance(null);


            else {

                instance = Array.newInstance(cls.getComponentType(), Integer



            table.put(oElt.getAttributeValue("id"), instance);





    //stop extract createInstances


    //start extract assignFieldValues


    private static void assignFieldValues(Map table,

        List objList)

        throws Exception


        for (int i = 0; i < objList.size(); i++) {

            Element oElt = (Element) objList.get(i);

            Object instance = table.get(oElt.getAttributeValue("id"));

            List fElts = oElt.getChildren();

            if (!instance.getClass().isArray()) {

                for (int j = 0; j < fElts.size(); j++) {

                    Element fElt = (Element) fElts.get(j);

                    String className = fElt.getAttributeValue("declaringclass");

                    Class fieldDC = Class.forName(className);

                    String fieldName = fElt.getAttributeValue("name");

                    Field f = fieldDC.getDeclaredField(fieldName);

                    if (!Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) {




                    Element vElt = (Element) fElt.getChildren().get(0);

                    f.set(instance, deserializeValue(vElt, f.getType(), table));



            else {

                Class comptype = instance.getClass().getComponentType();

                for (int j = 0; j < fElts.size(); j++) {

                    Array.set(instance, j, deserializeValue((Element) fElts.get(j),

                        comptype, table));







    //stop extract assignFieldValues


    //start extract deserializeValue


    private static Object deserializeValue(Element vElt,

        Class fieldType,

        Map table)

        throws ClassNotFoundException


        String valtype = vElt.getName();

        if (valtype.equals("null")) {

            return null;


        else if (valtype.equals("reference")) {

            return table.get(vElt.getText());


        else {

            if (fieldType.equals(boolean.class)) {

                if (vElt.getText().equals("true")) {

                    return Boolean.TRUE;


                else {

                    return Boolean.FALSE;



            else if (fieldType.equals(byte.class)) {

                return Byte.valueOf(vElt.getText());


            else if (fieldType.equals(short.class)) {

                return Short.valueOf(vElt.getText());


            else if (fieldType.equals(int.class)) {

                return Integer.valueOf(vElt.getText());


            else if (fieldType.equals(long.class)) {

                return Long.valueOf(vElt.getText());


            else if (fieldType.equals(float.class)) {

                return Float.valueOf(vElt.getText());


            else if (fieldType.equals(double.class)) {

                return Double.valueOf(vElt.getText());


            else if (fieldType.equals(char.class)) {

                return new Character(vElt.getText().charAt(0));


            else {

                return vElt.getText();




    //stop extract deserializeValue





abstract class Mopex




     * Returns a syntactically correct name for a class object. If the class

     * object represents an array, the proper number of square bracket pairs are

     * appended to the component type.


     * @return java.lang.String

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract classNameToString

    public static String getTypeName(Class cls)


        if (!cls.isArray()) {

            return cls.getName();


        else {

            return getTypeName(cls.getComponentType()) + "[]";





    //stop extract classNameToString



     * Returns an array of the superclasses of cls.


     * @return java.lang.Class[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getSuperclasses

    public static Class[] getSuperclasses(Class cls)


        int i = 0;

        for (Class x = cls.getSuperclass(); x != null; x = x.getSuperclass())


        Class[] result = new Class[i];

        i = 0;

        for (Class x = cls.getSuperclass(); x != null; x = x.getSuperclass())

            result[i++] = x;

        return result;




    //stop extract getSuperclasses



     * Returns an array of the instance variablies of the the specified class.

     * An instance variable is defined to be a non-static field that is declared

     * by the class or inherited.


     * @return java.lang.Field[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getInstanceVariables

    public static Field[] getInstanceVariables(Class cls)


        List accum = new LinkedList();

        while (cls != null) {

            Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields();

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

                if (!Modifier.isStatic(fields[i].getModifiers())) {




            cls = cls.getSuperclass();


        Field[] retvalue = new Field[accum.size()];

        return (Field[]) accum.toArray(retvalue);




    //stop extract getInstanceVariables



     * Returns an array of fields that are the declared instance variables of

     * cls. An instance variable is a field that is not static.


     * @return java.lang.reflect.Field[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getDeclaredIVS

    public static Field[] getDeclaredIVs(Class cls)


        Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields();

        // Count the IVs

        int numberOfIVs = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

            if (!Modifier.isStatic(fields[i].getModifiers()))



        Field[] declaredIVs = new Field[numberOfIVs];

        // Populate declaredIVs

        int j = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

            if (!Modifier.isStatic(fields[i].getModifiers()))

                declaredIVs[j++] = fields[i];


        return declaredIVs;




    //stop extract getDeclaredIVS



     * Return an array of the supported instance variables of this class. A

     * supported instance variable is not static and is either declared or

     * inherited from a superclass.


     * @return java.lang.reflect.Field[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getSupportedIVS

    public static Field[] getSupportedIVs(Class cls)


        if (cls == null) {

            return new Field[0];


        else {

            Field[] inheritedIVs = getSupportedIVs(cls.getSuperclass());

            Field[] declaredIVs = getDeclaredIVs(cls);

            Field[] supportedIVs = new Field[declaredIVs.length + inheritedIVs.length];

            for (int i = 0; i < declaredIVs.length; i++) {

                supportedIVs[i] = declaredIVs[i];


            for (int i = 0; i < inheritedIVs.length; i++) {

                supportedIVs[i + declaredIVs.length] = inheritedIVs[i];


            return supportedIVs;





    //stop extract getSupportedIVS



     * Returns an array of the methods that are not static.


     * @return java.lang.reflect.Method[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getInstanceMethods

    public static Method[] getInstanceMethods(Class cls)


        List instanceMethods = new ArrayList();

        for (Class c = cls; c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) {

            Method[] methods = c.getDeclaredMethods();

            for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)

                if (!Modifier.isStatic(methods[i].getModifiers()))



        Method[] ims = new Method[instanceMethods.size()];

        for (int j = 0; j < instanceMethods.size(); j++)

            ims[j] = (Method) instanceMethods.get(j);

        return ims;




    //stop extract getInstanceMethods



     * Returns an array of methods to which instances of this class respond.


     * @return java.lang.reflect.Method[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getSupportedMethods

    public static Method[] getSupportedMethods(Class cls)


        return getSupportedMethods(cls, null);




    //stop extract getSupportedMethods



     * This method retrieves the modifiers of a Method without the unwanted

     * modifiers specified in the second parameter. Because this method uses

     * bitwise operations, multiple unwanted modifiers may be specified by

     * bitwise or.


     * @return int

     * @param m

     *            java.lang.Method

     * @param unwantedModifiers

     *            int


    //start extract getModifiersWithout

    public static int getModifiersWithout(Method m,

        int unwantedModifiers)


        int mods = m.getModifiers();

        return (mods ^ unwantedModifiers) & mods;




    //stop extract getModifiersWithout



     * Returns a Method that has the signature specified by the calling

     * parameters.


     * @return Method

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class

     * @param name

     *            String

     * @param paramTypes

     *            java.lang.Class[]


    //start extract getSupportedMethod

    public static Method getSupportedMethod(Class cls,

        String name,

        Class[] paramTypes)

        throws NoSuchMethodException


        if (cls == null) {

            throw new NoSuchMethodException();


        try {

            return cls.getDeclaredMethod(name, paramTypes);

        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {

            return getSupportedMethod(cls.getSuperclass(), name, paramTypes);





    //stop extract getSupportedMethod


     * Returns a Method array of the methods to which instances of the specified

     * respond except for those methods defined in the class specifed by limit

     * or any of its superclasses. Note that limit is usually used to eliminate

     * them methods defined by java.lang.Object.


     * @return Method[]

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class

     * @param limit

     *            java.lang.Class


    //start extract getSupportedMethods

    public static Method[] getSupportedMethods(Class cls,

        Class limit)


        Vector supportedMethods = new Vector();

        for (Class c = cls; c != limit; c = c.getSuperclass()) {

            Method[] methods = c.getDeclaredMethods();

            for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {

                boolean found = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < supportedMethods.size(); j++)

                    if (equalSignatures(methods[i], (Method) supportedMethods

                        .elementAt(j))) {

                        found = true;



                if (!found)




        Method[] mArray = new Method[supportedMethods.size()];

        for (int k = 0; k < mArray.length; k++)

            mArray[k] = (Method) supportedMethods.elementAt(k);

        return mArray;



    //stop extract getSupportedMethods



     * This field is initialized with a method object for the equalSignatures

     * method. This is an optimization in that selectMethods can use this field

     * instead of calling getMethod each time it is called.



    //start extract equalSignaturesMethod

    static private Method equalSignaturesMethod;


    static {

        Class[] fpl = { Method.class, Method.class };

        try {

            equalSignaturesMethod = Mopex.class.getMethod("equalSignatures", fpl);

        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

            throw new RuntimeException(e);





    //stop extract equalSignaturesMethod


     * Determines if the signatures of two method objects are equal. In Java, a

     * signature comprises the method name and the array of of formal parameter

     * types. For two signatures to be equal, the method names must be the same

     * and the formal parameters must be of the same type (in the same order).


     * @return boolean

     * @param m1

     *            java.lang.Method

     * @param m2

     *            java.lang.Method


    //start extract equalSignatures

    public static boolean equalSignatures(Method m1,

        Method m2)


        if (!m1.getName().equals(m2.getName()))

            return false;

        if (!Arrays.equals(m1.getParameterTypes(), m2.getParameterTypes()))

            return false;

        return true;




    //stop extract equalSignatures



     * Return a string that represents the signature of the specified method.


     * @return String

     * @param m

     *            java.lang.Method


    //start extract signatureToString

    public static String signatureToString(Method m)


        return m.getName() + "(" + formalParametersToString(m.getParameterTypes()) + ")";




    //stop extract signatureToString


     * Returns a string that can be used as a formal parameter list for a method

     * that has the parameter types of the specified array.


     * @return String

     * @param pts

     *            java.lang.Class[]


    //start extract formalParametersToString

    public static String formalParametersToString(Class[] pts)


        String result = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) {

            result += getTypeName(pts[i]) + " p" + i;

            if (i < pts.length - 1)

                result += ",";


        return result;




    //stop extract formalParametersToString


     * Returns a string that is an actual parameter list that matches the formal

     * parameter list produced by formalParametersToString.


     * @return String

     * @param pts

     *            java.lang.Class[]


    //start extract actualParametersToString

    public static String actualParametersToString(Class[] pts)


        String result = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) {

            result += "p" + i;

            if (i < pts.length - 1)

                result += ",";


        return result;




    //stop extract actualParametersToString



     * Returns a String that represents the header for a constructor.


     * @return String

     * @param c

     *            java.lang.Constructor


    //start extract constructorHeaderToString

    public static String headerToString(Constructor c)


        String mods = Modifier.toString(c.getModifiers());

        if (mods.length() == 0)

            return headerSuffixToString(c);


            return mods + " " + headerSuffixToString(c);




    //stop extract constructorHeaderToString


     * Returns a String that represents the header suffix for a constructor. The

     * term "header suffix" is not a standard Java term. We use it to mean the

     * Java header without the modifiers.


     * @return String

     * @param c

     *            java.lang.Constructor


    //start extract constructorHeaderToString

    public static String headerSuffixToString(Constructor c)


        String header = signatureToString(c);

        Class[] eTypes = c.getExceptionTypes();

        if (eTypes.length != 0)

            header += " throws " + classArrayToString(eTypes);

        return header;




    //stop extract constructorHeaderToString


     * Returns a String that represents the signature for a constructor.


     * @return String

     * @param c

     *            java.lang.Constructor


    //start extract constructorHeaderToString

    public static String signatureToString(Constructor c)


        return c.getName() + "(" + formalParametersToString(c.getParameterTypes()) + ")";




    //stop extract constructorHeaderToString



     * Returns a String that represents the header of a method.


     * @return String

     * @param m

     *            java.lang.Method


    //start extract headerToString

    public static String headerToString(Method m)


        String mods = Modifier.toString(m.getModifiers());

        if (mods.length() == 0)

            return headerSuffixToString(m);


            return mods + " " + headerSuffixToString(m);




    //stop extract headerToString


     * Returns a String that represents the suffix of the header of a method.

     * The suffix of a header is not a standard Java term. We use the term to

     * mean the Java header without the method modifiers.


     * @return String

     * @param m

     *            java.lang.Method


    //start extract headerToString

    public static String headerSuffixToString(Method m)


        String header = getTypeName(m.getReturnType()) + " " + signatureToString(m);

        Class[] eTypes = m.getExceptionTypes();

        if (eTypes.length != 0) {

            header += " throws " + classArrayToString(eTypes);


        return header;




    //stop extract headerToString


     * Returns a String that is a comma separated list of the typenames of the

     * classes in the array pts.


     * @return String

     * @param pts

     *            java.lang.Class[]


    //start extract classArrayToString

    public static String classArrayToString(Class[] pts)


        String result = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) {

            result += getTypeName(pts[i]);

            if (i < pts.length - 1)

                result += ",";


        return result;




    //stop extract classArrayToString



     * Turns true if and only if the header suffixes of the two specified

     * methods are equal. The header suffix is defined to be the signature, the

     * return type, and the exception types.


     * @return boolean

     * @param m1

     *            java.lang.Method

     * @param m2

     *            java.lang.Method


    public static boolean equalsHeaderSuffixes(Method m1,

        Method m2)


        if (m1.getReturnType() != m2.getReturnType())

            return false;

        if (!Arrays.equals(m1.getExceptionTypes(), m2.getExceptionTypes()))

            return false;

        return equalSignatures(m1, m2);





     * Creates constructor with the signature of c and a new name. It adds some

     * code after generating a super statement to call c. This method is used

     * when generating a subclass of class that declared c.


     * @return String

     * @param c

     *            java.lang.Constructor

     * @param name

     *            String

     * @param code

     *            String


    //start extract createRenamedConstructor

    public static String createRenamedConstructor(Constructor c,

        String name,

        String code)


        Class[] pta = c.getParameterTypes();

        String fpl = formalParametersToString(pta);

        String apl = actualParametersToString(pta);

        Class[] eTypes = c.getExceptionTypes();

        String result = name + "(" + fpl + ")/n";

        if (eTypes.length != 0)

            result += "    throws " + classArrayToString(eTypes) + "/n";

        result += "{/n    super(" + apl + ");/n" + code + "}/n";

        return result;




    //stop extract createRenamedConstructor



     * Returns a String that is formatted as a Java method declaration having

     * the same header as the specified method but with the code parameter

     * substituted for the method body.


     * @return String

     * @param m

     *            java.lang.Method

     * @param code

     *            String


    //start extract createReplacementMethod

    public static String createReplacementMethod(Method m,

        String code)


        Class[] pta = m.getParameterTypes();

        String fpl = formalParametersToString(pta);

        Class[] eTypes = m.getExceptionTypes();

        String result = m.getName() + "(" + fpl + ")/n";

        if (eTypes.length != 0)

            result += "    throws " + classArrayToString(eTypes) + "/n";

        result += "{/n" + code + "}/n";

        return result;




    //stop extract createReplacementMethod



     * Returns a string for a cooperative override of the method m. That is, The

     * string has the same return type and signature as m but the body has a

     * super call that is sandwiched between the strings code1 and code2.


     * @return String

     * @param m

     *            java.lang.Method

     * @param code1

     *            String

     * @param code2

     *            String


    //start extract createCooperativeWrapper

    public static String createCooperativeWrapper(Method m,

        String code1,

        String code2)


        Class[] pta = m.getParameterTypes();

        Class retType = m.getReturnType();

        String fpl = formalParametersToString(pta);

        String apl = actualParametersToString(pta);

        Class[] eTypes = m.getExceptionTypes();

        String result = retType.getName() + " " + m.getName() + "(" + fpl + ")/n";

        if (eTypes.length != 0)

            result += "    throws " + classArrayToString(eTypes) + "/n";

        result += "{/n" + code1 + "    ";

        if (retType != void.class)

            result += retType.getName() + " cooperativeReturnValue = ";

        result += "super." + m.getName() + "(" + apl + ");/n";

        result += code2;

        if (retType != void.class)

            result += "    return cooperativeReturnValue;/n";

        result += "}/n";

        return result;





     * Returns the method object for the unique method named mName. If no such

     * method exists, a null is returned. If there is more than one such method,

     * a runtime exception is thrown.


     * @return Method

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class

     * @param mName

     *            String


    public static Method getUniquelyNamedMethod(Class cls,

        String mName)


        Method result = null;

        Method[] mArray = cls.getDeclaredMethods();

        for (int i = 0; i < mArray.length; i++)

            if (mName.equals(mArray[i].getName())) {

                if (result == null)

                    result = mArray[i];


                    throw new RuntimeException("name is not unique");


        return result;





     * Finds the first (from the bottom of the inheritance hierarchy) field with

     * the specified name. Note that Class.getField returns only public fields.


     * @return Field

     * @param cls

     *            java.lang.Class

     * @param name

     *            String


    //start extract findField

    public static Field findField(Class cls,

        String name)

        throws NoSuchFieldException


        if (cls != null) {

            try {

                return cls.getDeclaredField(name);

            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {

                return findField(cls.getSuperclass(), name);



        else {

            throw new NoSuchFieldException();










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