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转载 Maven国内镜像列表

阿里云:https://maven.aliyun.com/mvn/search apache snapshots proxy SNAPSHOT https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/apache-...

2019-05-01 06:42:00 749

转载 程序切换橫屏的方法

Activity.getRequestedOrientation()可以获得当前屏幕状态 0为竖屏 1为橫屏 Activity.setRequestedOrientation(int requestedOrientation )可以改变屏幕状态 例如在你的Activity里某个事...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 117

转载 blackberry eJDE eclipse plugin update site

http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/elinac/blog/698049...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 91

转载 Google Bookmarks API Guide

Many Web 2.0 applications are built on top of a Web API. This technology allows for rich and versatile communication between browser and web site o...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 262

转载 PHP学习资源网站

http://www.phpcommunity.org/ PHPCommunity.org is a gathering place for the PHP community. It is a community site for people to get together and ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 92

转载 UUID.java-J2ME 中javax.bluetooth里的UUID生成类

/* * * * Portions Copyright 2000-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * DO NOT ALTER ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 128

转载 A Practical Tutorial Of Zend Framework(二)

Zend_Controller Using the controller is pretty intuitive. In fact, I'm writing this tutorial without the luxury of documentation! Note: Documen...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 134

转载 A Practical Tutorial Of Zend Framework(五)

Interacting with the Database Because the database components of the Zend Framework are still relatively unstable, and because I want this demo to ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 95

转载 opensourcetemplates.org开源模板?

Open Source Templates 主要是为支持非赢利性机构创建的. 你管理一个非赢利性机构并想要缩减你的网站开发成本,那么你算是找对地方了。我们提供了大量的供个人或非 赢利性开发使用的易于修改和添加内容的网站模板。 我们将提供大量的教程。这些教程专注于帮...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 115

转载 img动态大小

<imgstyle="width:expression(this.parentElement.width);height:expression(this.parentElement.height);"> img{width:exp...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 115

转载 A Practical Tutorial Of Zend Framework(一)

The Zend Framework has been unveiled! Although it is still in the early stages of development, this tutorial highlights some of the best of what's...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 90

转载 Android Animations 3D flip

Android Animations 3D flip Labels: 3D, Android, Animations, Camera, FrameLayout In this post we are going to look at how to ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 113

转载 php 5.2.6释出

修正了超过120个bug,据说性能有很大提升.详见:http://www.php.net/releases/5_2_6.php 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/eli...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 123


Class location The class file is named by my company (Travello) and is placed in the Travello directory beneath the Zend Framework library incl...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 102

转载 50 Coolest Websites(time.com)

How do we select our finalists? We evaluate hundreds of candidates—some suggested by readers, colleagues and friends, others d...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 87

转载 Improve performace: check your loops

Improve performace: check your loops Before I startI’ve always stayed away from writing a performance topic. There seems to be a lot of perfor...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 143

转载 MVC Web Project-eclipse下的struts2插件

MVC Web Project is a generic plugin for eclipse that enables J2ee developers to organize their web project visually using MVC (Model View Controlle...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 67

转载 类似于PB的editmask的可自行设置mask的输入控件

类似于PB的editmask的可自行设置mask的输入控件 input.htm <html><head><title>格式化输入控件 code by meixx</title><style type="text/css">.txt...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 376

转载 COMET - the next stage of AJAX

An old web technology is slowly being resurrected from the depths of history. Browser features that have gone untouched for years are ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 123

转载 http://blog.csdn.net/aogufeixue-iphone开发者


2016-06-20 19:13:00 70

转载 收藏一个sqlfront的SN


2016-06-20 19:13:00 89

转载 JSP输出空白页面

今天早上一个碰一个JSP页面空白的问题,程序没有问题服务器未报错。 在网上搜索了一下,有的说jsp-api包的问题,但是我的项目lib里面并没有jsp-api包。 没办法了只有排除法,最后找到引起的地方了: 原来是头上的<%@ page 里面 contentType属性引起的,去掉...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 219

转载 Google Appengine开发碰到DatastoreNeedIndexException了

更新数据库时出现错误: DatastoreNeedIndexException: no matching index found 网上搜了下有的说是因为数据表正在建索引,等索引建好了就可以.到appengine后台一看,果然那张表的索引状态为Building;可怜的是appengine文档...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 56

转载 A Practical Tutorial Of Zend Framework(三)

Zend_View Zend_View is a class that helps you organize your view logic. It is template-system agnostic, and for the sake of simplicity, I don't us...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 66

转载 网址收藏

http://jtds.sourceforge.net/ jtds1.1http://www.oreillynet.com (Oreilly的网站)http://www.scriptsearch.com/(国外的源码下载站)http://www.bugnet.com/(看名字就知道了)h...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 157

转载 jMaki 1.0发布

https://ajax.dev.java.net/来自官方网站的介绍:jMaki is an Ajax framework that provides a lightweight model for creating JavaScript centric Ajax-enabled web a...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 62

转载 cakephp 终于出1.0啦~

cakephp是一个PHP下MVC的WEB快速开发框架支持php4/php5,类似于ruby on rails. 有丰富的文档,和入门教程. 五一期间终于放了1.0了,而且主页也做了更新了.有兴趣的朋友可以去看看http://cakephp.org/ ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 58

转载 asp删除非空目录的例子

这是个删除非空目录的例子 'test.asp'要执行删除你需要对该目录具有修改权限<%dim fso,tmpfolder,tmpsubfolder,tmpfile,tmpfilesset fso=server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObje...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 54

转载 ExtTLD -Simplifies ExtJS components for jee

Simplifies ExtJS components Enables content assist documentation Validates supported attributes Integrates Java based frameworks http://ww...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 84

转载 PHP不能适应大型应用的理由

  不过, 因为先天的限制, PHP始终未能在大型应用中打开局面, PHP到底哪些方面存在问题呢?   最近, Edwin Martin, 一个有4年PHP开发经验的老手, 写了给出了PHP不适合大型应用的理由, ShiningRay翻译成了中文, 如下:   1. 对递归的不良支持  ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 107

转载 web2.0 opensource projects

Diggclone-开源digg类程序官方:http://www.talkingpixels.org/diggclone/index.php演示:同www.digg.com类似 Aroundme-开源社会化网络程序官方:https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 75

转载 http://www.toplee.com/blog/6间房一个牛人的blog


2016-06-20 19:13:00 64

转载 A Practical Tutorial Of Zend Framework(六)

Putting It All Together To put this all together, create Database.php in the lib directory, and loadClass() will be able to find it. Your index...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 60

转载 J2ME BUG 收集

2009年07月21日 星期二 16:01 ------------------------------------------------ n7610系列 手机屏幕:176*204 大量使用2....

2016-06-20 19:13:00 111

转载 开源的iis urlrewrite:IIRF

Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter http://www.codeplex.com/IIRF codeplex 上的下载页面 下载包里面的readme有比较详细的说明 这里还有中文介绍 ...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 149

转载 Eclipse plugin SWT Win32 Extension

SWT Win32 Extension extends the Eclipse library SWT. It is a software development kit enabling you to work with native code from Java programs with...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 121

转载 如何合理准确的进行网上商业调查


2016-06-20 19:13:00 155

转载 Google Maps API in Java ME

Here is a simple library to query Google Maps with the following features: geocode addresses to their geographic coordinates retrieve stati...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 143

转载 android sdk 9 patches 工具使用方法

左 上边是画patch的 右 下边是画内容区域的 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/elinac/blog/698035...

2016-06-20 19:13:00 144

转载 表单验证 Validator


2016-06-20 19:13:00 212



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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